I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 354: Leave me alone, catch the murderer first!

   Everyone underneath heard the words and stood up in shock, one by one, they displayed their spirits and soared into the air.

   "Who will attack the Zhang family?"

   "Zhou's family? Or Chao's family? At this very moment, it is estimated that the only two giants left have the strength and courage!"

   "I guess so, the Su family also had this strength, but unfortunately, they encountered that."

   "Hey, let's not mention that, now we should look for the murderer first, dare to attack like this, or directly attack the eastern court area, I guess it will not be far away."

   Everyone flew in the air and talked about each other, but the orders were quickly communicated, and soon the entire Zhang Mansion began to act.

   Suddenly, an old man touched the messenger Yujian, and stopped the action.

   "Could it be that Xu Xiaoshou came to the door?"

   Everyone was dull after hearing the words, and for a long time, they laughed silently.

   "Seven elders, forget it, it's a mere congenital, now I don't know where to hide, it's you, would you dare to come here?"

   The Seventh Elder retorted: "He can kill the throne, can you?"

   "Haha, kill the throne? Do you really believe it?" Everyone sneered.

   "This is the killer who delayed for too long and was taken down by the people from the City Lord's Mansion. You still don't see the doorway clearly?"

   "Really... served!"

   Seventh elder was silent, he actually didn't believe it, but the meeting brainstorming hadn't stopped yet, and he just mentioned the slight possibility.


   There was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and the Seventh Elder suddenly thought that the East Court area was also protected by formations.

   How could the sneak attacker cross the barrier and attack inside silently?

   After all, his spiritual mind could see that the protective barrier in the East Court area was indeed shattered, but the gap was small.

  Looking at the form of the explosion, it seemed to spread from the inside out.

   Obviously, there are stowaways!

   How did he get in?

   Seventh elder suddenly thought of Zhang Xinxiong's friend who had never waited before!

   "Perhaps, it was a friend of the new bear boy who did it?"

   Everyone stagnated again, and then they doubted: "No, no matter how strong the new bear is, it will only be the power of the master, the inner courtyard of the Tiansang Ling Palace, what other friends can exceed his level?"

   "Furthermore, even if you exceed it, who can do it like this?"

When    said this, everyone nodded. Obviously, this is the correct answer.

   Seventh elders objected.

   "No, Linggong is indeed stronger than the new bear."


   "Xu Xiaoshou!"

   Seventh elders took it for granted: "That guy, I didn't mean that he was on the ring, and he cut his ears quickly... well, cough."

   Everyone was silent, but after a while, they returned to Xu Xiaoshou.

   It was just now that all the possibilities of this guy were ruled out, all this went around...

   "Stop talking about it!"

   Zhang Duoyu suddenly appeared on the heads of everyone, and said sternly: "The Seventh Elder's words have some truth, Zhang Mansion will conduct a thorough investigation to prevent anyone from sneaking in in disguise."

   "Also, transfer everyone up, mainly to search outside!"

   "Dare to explode my Zhang Mansion, today, it is impossible for him to run!"

   The hearts of the people were tight, and they responded quickly.



   Outside the East Court area, around the corner.

  The howling of ghosts and wolves, **** and dogs barking...

   All kinds of voices of all kinds came into Xu Xiaoshou's mind.

   Xu Xiao was shocked.

   "Is this power... so terrible?"

   He had thought about the power of the explosion, but he had never tried Xiantian Pills plus eighteen furnaces, and he was still surprised by this wave of damage.

   "What's so special, the master is strong, if you can't touch it, you have to kneel!"

   As far as I can see, it is a deep pit that looks like a small atomic bomb, its depth and breadth...

   Not to mention Zhang Taiying’s private house, the entire East Court area has no more than even a towering house.

   Under this explosion, all kneel!

   That Lingchi, if he doesn't move away, I am afraid that he hasn't even left half of the fish soup now, and even the fish meat may be directly evaporated.


   The surrounding fire was blazing, Xu Xiaoshou had no time to think about it, he must evacuate immediately.

   There have been countless people flocking to him, and he, a retrograde man, will obviously become everyone's first goal.

   Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoshou immediately rolled around in the soil.

After   , let alone the clothes are black, even the face is completely blurred, completely losing any recognition.

   After doing all this, he stood up with difficulty, weakly shouting: "Help, help!"

   The people who rushed in suddenly discovered that there was another survivor here, and several of them immediately surrounded him.


   When they saw this guy's doorman uniform, they knew it was their own, and immediately asked with concern.

   Xu Xiaoshou suddenly caught the hand of one of them, and said excitedly: "Leave me alone, get the murderer first!"

   "The murderer? Did you see the murderer? Where is it!"

   Several people are excited at the same time. If they can get useful information in the first time, they will be the first hero in this battle!

   "Go there!"

  Xu Xiaoshou followed his finger in a direction, swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty: "You go quickly and call the elder first!"

   "It's a masked man, black clothes and black robe, you can't beat it at all!"

   "Any other information?" Several people were anxious.

   Xu Xiaoshou shook his head, closed his eyes in pain, and closed his six senses, as if unconscious.


   In the next second, he found himself left in place.

   And those guys who got the information rushed in the direction he pointed at the first time.

   Xu Xiaoshou:? ? ?

   These guys are so fierce and not afraid of death, they just rushed up?

   Didn't they doubt their own?

  Also, although I said leave me alone and arrest people first... But you really don't care?

  What's so special, I'm still a wounded!

   Before the corpse had time to run away, a few terrifying auras not far away flew over.

  In this view, there are many big guys, directly over Xu Xiaoshou's head, and rushing to the direction where only a few people were passing on.

   Xu Xiaoshou was taken aback, and immediately lay down more firmly.

   Thirteen masters, one throne!

   Just such a wave of people flew past, and he saw such a number, and almost scared his heartbeat on the spot.

   Fortunately, his disguise is obviously very successful.

   There were similar wounded and corpses not far away. Obviously, under this bombing, all the neighbors under the master were uncomfortable.

   The boss left in the direction he gave, but did not negotiate with him too much.

   Obviously a mere doorman is not enough to have the qualifications to talk to the elders.

   And those guys who got first-hand information~www.ltnovel.com~ also didn't plan to trade their information in the form of second-hand.

   Xu Xiaoshou was left behind.

   Alone, he was very happy.

   "Do you want to hide from the sky?"

   is simpler than expected... dozens of times easier!

   This innate strength is really too easy for people to ignore his existence!

   Soon, Xu Xiaoshou "perceived" that he saw emergency personnel rushing in.

   These people who moved the corpse and resisted the wounded one by one, it is estimated that it will take him away in a moment.

   "Can't lie down anymore, at this time, the big guys should be all scattered, no one will come..."

   Xu Xiaoshou thought, eyes flickering.

   has "perception", plus the systematic "being watched" alert, he can easily spot the prying eyes of others.

   But currently, neither of these have been triggered.

   Explains that I have successfully confused my eyes!

   Xu Xiaoshou turned over, patted the dust on his body and stood up, looking towards the direction when the crowd came, with a sinister smile on his face.

   "Zhang Taiying, hey, see if I won't vacate your house this time!"


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