I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 367: Magic Box and Letter

   If there is anything in this world that is happier than using passive value, it is undoubtedly a lick.

   The biggest bag Xu Xiaoshou has licked so far should be Li Qi and Xiao Sixteen.

   The former's spiritual wealth is still lying in the ring.

  The latter is to transform himself into a legendary multi-millionaire.

   The only regret is that the Red Dog was beaten so miserably by the violent giant that day, even the ring was gone.

   Otherwise, that throne-level killer is estimated to be worth ten Xiao Sixteen!

   "One billion..."

   It's no regrets, it's fake!

   Xu Xiaoshou sighed, but he also knew that it would be good to survive.

   Looking at the ancient tower in front of him, Xu Xiaoshou smiled.

   "However, this thing is estimated to be able to top ten red dogs, maybe, more than that!"

   is almost equal to half of the inheritance of Zhang's Mansion. Before last night, Xu Xiaoshou could hardly imagine that he would get it.

   After all, his original intention was to explode.

   And even if the throne fights, the moment he takes out the sword, all he thinks is "I should do something"...

   "Everything is impermanent."

   Xu Xiaoshou sighed, no longer thinking about it, and led Ajie into the fallen broken tower.

  The barrier of Broken Tower is still there, but it has been slain.

   The cut is not as smooth as imagined, but rather hideous, with criss-cross ravines and deep pits.

   Xu Xiaoshou knows this feeling.

   When that uncle's Jian Nian wandered in his body, he felt this way.

   stepped into the ancient pagoda from the cross-section, and inside was a dark breath.


   "All spiritual skills!"

   Xu Xiaoshou's eyes are all shining.

   Today is different, and now in his eyes, spiritual skills are no longer useless.

   It is a spiritual crystal, a wealth, a priceless thing that can be replaced with everything.

   For myself, its existence is of little significance.

   In this world, spiritual skills are the mainstream!

   is only the first floor, and there are rows of jade slips on display.

   The space here is not very large, and there are not many spirit skills, but the quantity is still very impressive for a person.

   Xu Xiaoshou also knew that the broken tower was the upper half of the Zhangfu Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, so the one he came in said it was the first floor, but for the entire Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, it had actually reached the upper middle level.

   The layout of this place is very similar to the first floor of the Lingzang Pavilion of Tiansang Ling Palace, nothing special.

   But the value is completely different.

   Xu Xiaoshou flipped through a book, innate spiritual skills.

   Flip one more book, innate pinnacle!


   "Here, it is estimated that all are innate spiritual skills!"

   Xu Xiaoshou is speechless. With this rough sweep, there are no less than hundreds of innate spiritual skills. This is really a heritage!

   Moved out of this floor, it is estimated that I can open a small spiritual palace.

   "This number, how does it feel more than the spiritual palace..."

   Xu Xiaoshou walked inside, getting more and more frightened as he went.

   The scope of spiritual skills included here is simply mixed!

  Whether it is the right way or the evil way, there are all of them, and the array is dazzling, I am afraid that Lingzang Pavilion can't match it.

   "It's impossible, it's just a Zhang Mansion, how can it be possible to have more things than Tiansang Ling Palace?"

   "Is this the inheritance of how many companies have been robbed, or is it that the spiritual palace is actually hiding the real good things?"

   Xu Xiaoshou pondered, crossed this layer, and walked up.

   Innate spiritual skills, to him, has no attraction at all.

   The second layer is full of jade slips, and the number is less than the first layer. There are probably only dozens of them in sight.

   Xu Xiaoshou was stunned.

   Logically speaking, this sudden decrease in number can only mean that their level has risen sharply.

   "Grandmaster Spirit Skill?"

   Xu Xiao couldn't wait to touch a jade slip, but was blocked by the mask.


   He was taken aback, and with such a hand poking, he directly pierced the barrier.

   "So weak?"

  The barrier is actually not weak anymore, but Xu Xiaoshou's body is indeed a bit abnormal.

   Without thinking, he put something on his forehead, and his heart jumped wildly.

   "I got rich!"

   "There are dozens of these special master's spiritual skills!"

   "I've just been promoted to the master level with my mastery in swordsmanship. If I can practice, wouldn't it be equivalent to having dozens of passive skills?"

   Xu Xiao was coveted, but he also understood that even a genius spiritual refiner could not learn all the spiritual skills in this place.

   Specialization is king!

   put down the jade slip in his hand, Xu Xiaoshou did not verify too much, he looked at the upper level.

   "If there are five floors, excluding the top of the tower, there will be two floors above."

   "This is already the Grandmaster Spirit Skill, and there are such a number..."

   "What will be on top?"

   Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoshou swished and flew away quickly.

   A light door stood in front of him, but the effect of its existence, for Xu Xiaoshou, was almost nothing.

   was just a collision, and Xu Xiao couldn't stand it because of the strength of his "toughness".

   This light gate trembled suddenly and exploded directly after waves of increasingly powerful counter shocks.

   "About Mo has the strength of the pinnacle of a master."

   Xu Xiaoshou calculated the energy of the light gate. He guessed that if the broken tower is intact, the light gate should be the same as the big formation, at the throne level.

   So, if I want to enter, I'm afraid it will take a little trick.

   But at the moment, nothing is left.

   stepped in.

   is very quiet, with only one long table.

   On the long table, there are seven light groups.

   "Niu Bian!"

   Xu Xiaoshou took a cold breath, only to feel dizzy in his head.

   "Seven doors?"

   At this moment, he wants to get his comprehension again, if he can comprehend spiritual skills...

   Throne-level passive skills?

   "That's a little scary!"

   suppressed the horror in his heart, Xu Xiaoshou did not choose to flip them, but went straight to the last layer.

"What could it be?"

   "Above the throne... Cut Dao, too empty?"

   "Or, semi-holy level?"

   Xu Xiaoshou felt a little bit ridiculous. If the Zhang family had such a strong ability, he would probably be split in half on the spot. In any case, he would have to come out and pretend to be the force.

   Stepping into the fourth floor, unexpectedly, this is not a bookshelf, but a black square table and a rocking chair.

   Apparently, someone has lived here.

   "That old man?"

   Xu Xiaoshou thought of Zhang Chongmou, not surprisingly, this should be a trace of the old man's life.

   He was a little disappointed~www.ltnovel.com~ I thought that the highest level would be the top treasure. Unexpectedly, in the end, he only harvested a pile of household garbage.


   Xu Xiaoshou's eyes wandered and suddenly settled on the square table.

   There is a hanging light pen holder, a black inkstone, and a purple box.

   There is a letter under the box.

   "Unfinished letter?"

   Xu Xiaoshou didn't care about this, his eyes were directly attracted by the purple box.

   Along the way, even the throne's spiritual skills have not caused him too much mood swings.

   But that box made "Perception" report a dangerous throb.

   This kind of throbbing is a whim in the past, and every time it occurs, it is not a catastrophe or a catastrophe!

   "This...what did I charge?"

   Xu Xiaoshou has a strange look on her eyes, with the surprise of opening a magic box, but full of worries.

   "Fine, the car gets to the front of the mountain... naturally straight!"

   Now that he has arrived at his Yuan Palace, Xu Xiaoshou definitely cannot help but open it.

   He paced forward, moved the rocking chair, and sat on it, with his hands hanging above the purple magic box.


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