I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 493: Why did it explode?

A land of cold ice.


The earth was shaking.

Everyone knew that this was caused by that giant white skeleton fighting underground.

Although I don't know how much it exists, it can actually contend with the one-hundred-meter giant stepping from the sky.

But right now, facing the strong icy breath.

No one will think of shrinking.

"Has the heaven and earth array broken open? I feel like there is no time. The earthquake is getting bigger and bigger. I guess the battle over there is about to be over."

"If you don't break this big formation, when the giant white skeleton turns around, everyone will die here!"

Before the great array of heaven and earth, everyone was anxious like ants on a hot pot.

But the ice barrier in front of him, under the combined bombardment of more than thirty people, only cracked a few lines, showing no signs of exploding.

"Damn it, how come there are so many worlds in this broken place?"

"It can't be opened at all!"

"Where is Elder Zhao?"

"Lao Zhao and the others, can they find a way to break the formation?"

Someone asked.

He turned his head and looked at the small circle surrounded by several old men alone.

However, seeing the appearance of scratching his head and ears, everyone was disappointed.

Seeing this, it is certainly impossible to break the formation.

"no way……"

Zhao Lao sighed, and said to himself: "The time is too short, Lao Yu can't figure out the way."


Everyone sighed upon hearing the words.

It may be disappointed, but everyone did not show it clearly.

The swearing was also very sensible, and basically did not appear.

After all, the Dao involved in the Great Array of Heaven and Earth is not at the same level as the Spirit Array.

To crack it in just a few quarters of an hour is completely idiotic.

"You want me to say..."

Someone got tired from the explosion, stopped to rub their fists, looked in the other direction, showing envy.

"Let me say, we have made such a big move here, the white skull can't come."

"On the contrary, it just rushes in that direction."

"Does it mean that the treasures there are more precious than those here?"

"That's iron!"

Immediately someone was upset and asked, "But do you dare to go there?"


Followed by the crowd ridiculed.

"The White Skeleton is there, are you rushing to die?"

"Although the treasures are good, they have to be fate."

"Yes, yes, I was the one who followed those two guys just now, there are Level 4 and 5 Throne elixir all over the floor, do you dare to believe it?"

"Fourth or fifth grade?" Someone's eyes suddenly became hot, "Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"of course."

The speaker said a happy one: "The four and five throne levels all over the floor... aphrodisiac elixir, dare you believe it?"

"If it weren't for my concentration, I can't say at this moment..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the man on the other side without leaving a trace.

The other person blushed and lowered his head silently.

Those who have just passed, the yang is prosperous and the yin decays, and they cannot be allocated.

In the end, there were more than this pair of men and men hugging each other.


People who have never been there are surprised, "Really all over the floor?"

"Yes, the aroma of the elixir alone makes people want to stop."

"That's Grade 4, don't you just pull out a few roots before leaving?" Some people didn't believe it.

"Pull?" The person who has been there will laugh, "The white skull is right in front of you, do you dare to move?"

"You haven't been there before, you really have to face it, just your height..."

As he said, he gestured to the height of the nearby people, and mocked: "Even if he jumps up, he can't even knock on its toe cap!"


"Who do you look down on?"

"I'm talking about you, ha..."

"To shut up!"

Seeing that more and more people were about to join the group chat, the leader of the broken formation finally couldn't help but screamed.

"At this time, I don't want to work together to break through the world, what do you want to do?"

"How many mouthfuls of saliva will you consume before you die?"


Everyone was speechless.

But once the enthusiasm for breaking the formation was extinguished, many people also calmed down.

"That who said, the White Skeleton is so terrible, do we really want to continue?"

"In case it kills..."

"Do not!"

"Don't worry about it, just in front of us, can we really break it?"

Everyone looked back after hearing this.

The ice barrier in front of him is also dozens of feet high.

And the result of everyone's combined efforts was only to blast a hole several meters long and wide in it.

Not to mention the thickness of the barrier.

But under this ratio.

Such a pothole is nothing more than a small brick missing from the castle.

"A drop in the bucket, this is..."

This sigh.

Sigh that everyone is powerless.

"Why don't you go?"

Someone suggested to look back.

To be honest, the more they broke the battle, the more panicked they became.


Even though treasures are good, they have to be fate!


At this moment, dozens of voices flew from the horizon.

Everyone looked up, and this was actually a treasure hunting team.

Headed by a fat man in white.

And beside him was a woman in a white dress holding a small copper stove.

"Miss Mo, can this be solved?"

Rong Dahao didn't care about everyone in front of him.

When he heard the movement of the mist, he guessed there was someone inside.

Where people gather, you can tell at a glance.

And now, this group of guys who arrived early were trapped by the second great formation.

There are only two explanations.

One, either the person who had previously broken the formation was not high enough, or he was only proficient in one-way spiritual formation, and happened to break the pink mist formation.

Second, either, the spiritual formation master is no longer in this team.


Mo Mo nodded lightly, and didn't even have time to think about it.

In her eyes, the power of heaven and earth is nothing to be sealed.

Let alone this kind of common cold power.

"Tack tack."

Everyone landed.

The two teams confronted immediately.

Obviously, the first comers saw so many people who wanted to get a share.

Psychologically, it must be mindful.

And the extension from the mind to the body is nothing more than subconsciously blocking the newcomers.

Even if they can't break this battle, they don't want others to get the treasure.

"What do you mean?"

Rong Dahao chuckled, "Who is the leader, so unruly? You guys can't break the line, we can, but want to stop it?"

"I really can't get in. Everyone left empty-handed. I can't say that the fighting stopped over there. If the running is slow, how many more corpses will be left?"

"What about the brain!"

This smile-like words directly ignited the anger of the first comers.

"Heh, what you said is light, this is a great formation of heaven and earth, we were able to break one before Zhao Lao Zai, you guys..."

The speaker's eyes looked around, and all the people in the eyes were young people.

"Are there any spiritual masters in your group?"

"Is the innate level reached?"

"Dare to talk about breaking the formation?"

This time, the scene was on the verge of confrontation.

"Who are you cursing around!"

"We are..."

Rong Dahao raised a hand, and the people behind him stopped immediately.

In contrast, their team with the real leader is obviously much more disciplined than that group of miscellaneous troops.

"Is there anyone who can talk, come out."

Rong Dahao spoke calmly.

The self-confidence and stability directly suppressed the anger on the other side.

"Pretend to be..."

Someone muttered.

No one answered loudly.

After all, this group of people is made up of several teams.

At this moment, the previous leaders didn't know where to search the white cave.


Old Zhao had to stand up, "Young man, do you really have a way to break the formation?"

"You can ask people to get out of the way."

Rong Dahao smiled coldly: "There is not much time. If you continue to quarrel, everyone will have to return without success. Let me show you Miss Mo."

Mo Mo frowned.

But didn't say much.


Elder Zhao suppressed the tendency of his team to riot again, whispered, and looked at the woman holding the small copper stove.

"Keep away."

There were some sane people behind, and they finally knew how to clear the court.

Afterwards, a small ice cave several feet long and wide appeared in front of Rong Dahao.

"It's been so long, this is it?"

Rong Dahao suddenly smiled.

But he did not show it.

Otherwise, don't say Mo Mo shot.

A chaotic battle among all the people present is bound to be inevitable.

"Miss Mo, please."


Mo Molian moved lightly, came directly to the entrance of the pit, and slowly stretched out her hand.

"and many more."

The gray mister's voice suddenly rang from his mind: "There is a very domineering burning energy, do you perceive it?"


Mo Mo held his breath.


"There is a big formation, in that fighting place!"

"Very unstable..."


The Grey Mist suddenly uttered in surprise, "How come this power is a bit familiar..."

"Any special circumstances?"

Mo Mo couldn't sense the so-called scorching energy of the Gray Mist who was isolated by the great array of heaven and earth, and asked: "Should I break the formation first, so I won't have trouble later?"

"hold on……"

The Grey Mist settled down.

He remembered.

At that time, in the Sky Profound Clan, the worst time he was beaten in his entire life came from that kid, who seemed to have similar power.

But not so violent!

and so……

A coincidence?

That guy shouldn't be able to control this kind of power.

No matter how fast it grows, it won't be so.

Furthermore, it is not always certain whether others come or not!

"Don't break the formation yet."

The Grey Mist hesitated, "It seems to be coming out, that force should be caused by the battle..."


He paused and seemed to be thinking, before he said for a long time: "Wait a moment, I can perceive the aura in this icy enchantment. It is majestic and extreme."

"While the battle over there detonates the scorching energy, you will break the formation again and draw out the extreme coldness inside."

"The combination of the two will surely detonate the audience."

"None of these noisy ants can survive. When the time comes, taking the "Three Days Freeze Tribulation" will save you a lot of trouble."

Mo Mo was startled.


All dead?

She had a glimpse of her, and there were no fewer than forty or fifty people with her own people here.

Just because I want to take the treasures, all have to die?

"It's not necessary."

She shook her head faintly, "If you really want to rob me, they will be sealed off one by one, without hurting the innocent, I can help you get that cold flame."

"You are stupid, you really have to start at that time, and the effort is the second thing. Once the speed slows down, if you come over there, you may not be able to fight."

"Aren't you still here?"


The Grey Mist was exasperated, "This is something that can be solved without me!"

"But I don't like it." Mo Mo chuckled lightly.

The Grey Mist was silent.

This girl is like this, it's not what she wants to kill!

Sometimes he really can't stand it at all.

But parasitic on others, but helpless.


"Don't start yet? Can you do it!"

When the two were talking, everyone around them was waiting impatiently.

This woman walked over and looked like I could melt an iceberg, but it had been so long since I put my hands on it.

Neither breaks the formation.

There is no Lingyuan fluctuation...

"Are you touching ice?"

"What the ink!"

"I really can't figure it out, no one laughs at you, so hurry down, can the big guys work together to break the ice?"

"What's the end, it's really..."

Mo Mo's smile was stagnant, then looked back and glanced at the speaker.

The man suddenly became clever, and his hair exploded.

Suddenly, the voice stopped abruptly.

"Can it work? It's really..."

"Hurry up, okay?"

The person on the other side didn't see it, heard that there was no sound there, and immediately picked up the conversation.

"Let me say, the big guys continue to attack together."

"You newcomers, as long as you know the rules."

"Once the treasure is out, let Zhao Lao, who broke the defense before, have the priority, and distribute the others equally."

"If you encounter a real treasure..."

"Hey, whoever gets it will also take out the same amount of treasures and divide them equally."

"Yes, did you hear that, rules!"


Everyone shouted, and Rong Dahao frowned.

He ignored it, took a few steps forward, and came to Mo Mo's side.

"Miss Mo, is there any new discovery?"


Mo Mo silently retracted his gaze.

As soon as the Lingyuan moved, a grayish-white mist emerged.

In an instant, the ice barrier collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The slight sound of melting ice directly suppressed the noise of the crowd.


Everyone looked in shock at the ice cave that was more than a foot deep inside, and the collective misfire.

"What kind of power is this?"


"Is this the art of spirit formation? Or what..."

The power of the seal once again showed its power, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Mo Mo pressed his hand on the ice barrier, as if he was an okay person, stepping forward step by step.

And wherever it passed, the condensed ice from the heaven and the earth, including the spirit pattern of the Dao, was like paper, completely turned into fly ash and dissipated, and finally dissolved between the heaven and the earth.


Three feet.

Five feet...

"Good guy!"

As they progressed, the eyes of everyone were fiery and surprised.

This ice barrier has such a thickness.

In this way, the small cavity they bombarded earlier was simply a drop in the bucket!

If you break the ice at that speed.

Assuming that the white skeleton on the other side ended the battle and ran over to kill them all, the progress of this ice-breaking may not be half.

The audience is quiet.

The sound of "chichi" advanced.

Everyone looked at Mo Mo alone in silence, and walked straight inside.

Soon, the figure disappeared from sight.

"Keep up and keep up."

Brush it.

Everyone reacted and filed in.

However, the entrance of the cave is so small, how can it accommodate forty or fifty people present?

"Don't squeeze, fuck, my feet?"

"Do you understand the line?"

"The rule of first come, second come, understand, I'll go don't push."

"The latter, go out first, I don't know the danger in front yet..."



The noise really opened Mo Mo's eyes.

She suddenly felt that the Grey Mist's proposal seemed good.

But even if he didn't like it anymore, the air of sealing in his hand never stopped.

Even, she deliberately widened in the direction of the surroundings, so as not to prevent the anxious guys behind from directly fighting.

"and many more."

The voice of the gray mister appeared again.


Mo Mo paused and asked in his heart.


"Wait, don't look up!"

The Grey Mist suddenly panicked.


Mo Mo only heard the words, and subconsciously bowed his head.

As far as I can see, there is also ice above.

But she immediately saw it in Lingnian.

Above the sky, a crack suddenly appeared.

Immediately, a man in a red dress walked out of it.


"what's happenin?"

"Any special circumstances?"

In the ice cave, even if Mo Mo lowered his head subconsciously.

Everyone also noticed something was wrong, and all looked up.


"Is there anything..."

Everyone is puzzled.


"Do not!"

Someone screamed in horror: "Above, in the sky, in the sky! This is... a stealer or a smuggler?"

The storyteller pinched his dress.

He deliberately changed a new set of clothes, wanting to break into the space flow again.

But still miscalculated.

It is not too empty, even the "Nine Deaths and Thunder Tribulation" are all passed.

Without a special magic weapon to protect his body, he was still cut out several times.

Don't wait to put on new clothes.

After seeing the ice below, dozens of people stared at the bottom of their skirts.

At this moment, he too was startled.

In the next second, he immediately recovered.



"A bunch of perverts!"

The storyteller squeezed Lanhua's fingers, leaned over, pinched his jade legs, and immediately covered the red skirt to prevent happy happiness.

He didn't react until he had done this kind of action.

"How can they... see me?"

How could this group of little guys with the highest cultivation level only being the master, more alert than those three red clothes?

As soon as I appeared, all looked over?




The slightly fussy voice of the Grey Mist sounded in Mo Mo's mind.

In an instant, he realized that the plan of "running" was completely unrealistic!

Behind him was full of people.

If this is turning around.

Not to mention running, it's hard to move!

"Push in, push in, go first to the ice!"

At this time, he almost even strangled the girl's heart.

It's all said and done.

Good for you!

Bodhisattva heart, is it feasible now?

Block your own back road directly!

Mo Mo immediately realized something was wrong.

The stowaways are the stowaways, and it is not that they have never seen the throne.

But who is it, so strong that even the Grey Mist can be so flustered?

She immediately increased the Lingyuan output.

A masterful seal of air.

But the thickness of the ice barrier is not at all the strength of her seal, which can be broken all at once.


The storyteller's eyes lit up.

What did he see?

"The power of the seal?"

This little white cave still has a genius who has awakened the power of sealing!

Seeing everyone panicking, it's not between advances and retreats, the girl who is stuffed forward.

He understood instantly.

Not everyone found themselves.

It was this woman who first discovered the fluctuation of the void.

"What are you playing, wait for me!"

As he said, he pinched the corner of his skirt and fell directly from the sky.

"Fuck, this guy is down."

At this moment, everyone panicked.


Above the throne!

This is common sense, and no one here is unaware.

But if it's just that, then forget it.

There are so many people here, even throne-level stowaways may not choose to kill them all for their own whereabouts.

After all, it is easy to provoke red clothes.

The key is.

This stowaway is a bit too scary.

He was obviously a man, but he was wearing a red dress.

Plus that morbid soft voice...

As soon as he fell, the men who couldn't get in at the entrance of the ice cave suddenly became soft.

"I, I..."

"I didn't look for you, get out."

The storyteller's mind is not above this group of ants at all.

"Hey hey."

A dozen people at the entrance of the cave immediately fled like a pardon.

"full speed!"

The Grey Mist became nervous. He looked at Mo Mo's sealing power and suddenly ignored him: "Go, change me!"

Mo Mo's body tightened.

"No, you promised me, without my permission..."


She groaned suddenly and convulsed violently all over.

In the next second, a terrifying gray mist erupted from the body, directly dissolving the ice layer in a radius of tens of meters.

"Don't hurt people..."

There was a trace of clarity in Mo Mo's eyes, and he pleaded.


The Grey Mist took over his body instantly, his brows frowned, after all, he had no choice to seal everyone in this place completely.


The grey mist gathered.

In the next second, he shot forward like a cannonball.

There was excitement in the eyes of the storyteller.


His eyes widened, as if he had seen some funny toy.

"Want to run?"

"Hehe, kid, come here and let me take a look."

He pinched it.

"Bing Dun!"

The whole person suddenly melted into the ice layer, and whizzed away from the heads of everyone at a speed that completely surpassed the gray mist people.

"What the hell……"

Rong Dahao lost his mind and fell to the ground feebly.

He looked at the two who fled and pursued.

Thinking about Mo Mo who was gentle and graceful before, he couldn't turn his mind for a while.

"Ghost...Ghost beast body?"

Rong Dahao was completely lost.

He was so proud that Mo Mo, who was about to take it down, turned out to be a ghost beast?

Is this your outstanding investment vision?

Directly point the soldiers, point them all on the body of a ghost beast?

"Me, I and a ghost beast body, just like that... have gone all the way?"

Associated with this, his whole body was wet with cold sweat.


The crowd screamed.

Most people saw two completely wrong guys sprinting with all their strength and immediately chose to give up the treasure.

Even if you don't know what's going on in the field.

But in this situation...


What is that!

Is life important?

But a very small group of people saw that the two in front completely ignored their ants, and saw that the ice layer was dissolved so much all at once.

Coupled with the forward route of the Grey Mist, a straight road leading to the treasure, just pave the way...


After gritting his teeth, some people finally chose to make money and die for treasures!


Just as the fate was chosen, the ground trembled, and a scorching energy suddenly penetrated.


The surrounding ice layer unexpectedly began to melt water and fell directly drop by drop.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was confused.

In the ice layer, they actually felt a terrifying heat, climbing frantically?

"Okay, it's hot."

"Sick, this is, why is it so hot?"



"You're on fire, fuck, I'm on fire too!"

"Help me~www.ltnovel.com~ Fight the fire!"

"Water, water system, come here!"



The sound of exclamation and panic was mixed.

"this is……"

The storyteller stopped in amazement.

He suddenly lowered his head.

Where Lingnian explored, in the deepest part of the earth, a magnificent and indescribable white magma burst out.

Suddenly, broke ground.

At this time, even the storyteller's scalp numb.

"Fuck, why did it explode?"

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