I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 528: Ghost Beast Contract

"Is it true?"

Mu Zixi heard the sound and hurriedly stopped the car.


Damn, this is an educated person hiding in the dark, who can speak early and speak more!

"Be disgusted, passive, +1."

"Being watched, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou's "perception" was wide open, but he didn't find anyone.

He couldn't help being a little flustered.

Is there any special body technique that "perception" can't see?


The voice was faintly familiar, but Xu Xiaoshou couldn't figure out who the person was, so he asked out loud.


With a laugh, a crack in the void tore open, and a woman in a plain gray robe appeared.

Mu Zixi's eyes protruded immediately.

I saw that this woman was looking at a loose gray robe, but because of her hot figure, the tight place was so tight that she almost cracked... She was ready to come out!

Coupled with a big purple chain that was strange and strange, it was **** from all over the body, deeply embedded between the ditch of the robe.

The peaks and ridges are even more eye-catching.


It's hard to imagine Mu Zixi, what on earth did he grow up to be able to look like a figure.

The fire of envy is raging.

"Xu Xiaoshou, who is this woman?" She couldn't help but ask back.

"Questioned, passive value, +1."

"Caramel sugar?"

Xu Xiaoshou looked at this one-sided face and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Are you looking for me?"


Caramel Sugar stepped forward, his eyes falling on Mu Zixi.

But at a glance, it was ignored.

"I asked you specifically."


Xu Xiaoshou raised his brows and relaxed.

He glanced at the woman's back: "What do you want to do, Xin Gu Gu?"

"He didn't come."

Caramel Sugar said: "On the side of the'Four Swords', the action of gathering a large number of spiritual formation masters in red is very effective. The'Thirty-Six Heavens Sealed No Formation' has been cracked for most of the time. , It can truly unblock."

"Xin Gu Gu has gone to complete his mission after meeting with me."

"There are four swords?" Xu Xiaoshou asked.


Caramel Sugar nodded without evasiveness: "His mission is to'have four swords'. Whether he can get it or not is another matter. At the very least, let the white cave be completely messed up, so that we have a chance to escape. go with."


Xu Xiaoshou keenly realized that there was something wrong with Caramel Sugar's words.

"We, escape?"

Caramel Sugar smiled and said, "Don't talk about anything else, tell you about the current situation outside the White Cave."

"Seven Sword Immortal Gou Wuyue with a group of white clothes, has completely blocked any escape space channel in the small world of Baiku."

"Even if it seems to have been hindered to come over halfway, the remaining part of the white clothes is enough to deal with all the smugglers in the small world of the white cave, it is already a ghost."

"The situation is not optimistic, I need your help."

Xu Xiaoshou's face immediately stiffened.

"What are you talking about... Bai Yi? Gou Wuyue?"

"Well, what?"

"Seven Sword Immortal Gou Wuyue?" Xu Xiaoshou's lips turned pale.


Caramel candies a little bit, and said: "It is one of the two masters of the Holy Temple, the sword immortal with the name of ten sects, Gou Wuyue, is there a problem?"

"no problem……"

"No problem!"

Xu Xiaoshou directly scolded his mother.

He felt that his little heart was directly cold at this moment!

What's all this?

I just beat my apprentice a while ago, so soon, the master came?

After playing the small ones, come out the old ones... it's not such a way to play!

Give others some room to grow?

Don't dare to write so well!

This is to torture people to death, right?

Moreover, how did this sword immortal Gou Wuyue learn from the outside world that his apprentice was beaten in the white cave, and he also learned from...

"He came from the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Hall, Zhongyu?" Xu Xiao asked in shock.


An affirmative answer.

"I lost it!"

Xu Xiaoshou vowed that he would not dare to mess with people with background at will.

This guardian doesn't need to be so exaggerated, right?

Transmit directly across the two domains just to...make yourself?

Caramel Candy looked at Xu Xiaoshou's pale complexion and realized that this guy seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Gou Wuyue came from the middle domain to capture the seventh commander of the'Holy Slave', what is one called... the existence of a'storyteller'."

"Have you offended Wuyue Sword Fairy?" The caramel candy raised his eyebrows, feeling completely impossible.


Xu Xiaoshou didn't reply directly, and felt relieved after hearing this.

Saint slave?

That Wuyue Sword Immortal, shouldn't have come to look for himself specially.

But suddenly, the small heart pumped up again with myocardial infarction.


"Holy slave??"

Suddenly, Xu Xiaoshou turned his head to look at his sister.

Mu Zixi's big eyes blinked innocently, and two big mallets appeared again in his hands.

This time, it is solid.

"What kind of image is a storyteller?"

Xu Xiao was asked, and compared his hand with his hand, and said, "Is it so high, with two double pony tails..."


"Be hit, passive value, +2."

Caramel Sugar looked at the brothers and sisters playing tricks with a strange expression.


Xu Xiaoshou felt relieved.

Then he heard the other side continue: "But his appearance is really iconic, if you have seen it, you will definitely not forget it."

"The storyteller usually wears a red dress, but he seems to be another man. He is not too old and looks like he is in his early twenties, but his bone age is definitely more than that."

"It seems to be a bit sissy..."

Caramel Sugar frowned, "I don't know much about the'Holy Slave'. These are all messages from the dark lines outside..."

"Well, Xu Xiaoshou, what's wrong with you?"

Halfway through the conversation, Caramel Candy looked at Xu Xiaoshou, who suddenly collapsed to the ground, with a baffling expression.

This guy seemed to be going through some great horror baptism, his face was as pale as paper, and even a trace of rosy blood was gone.

Looking at it this way, the whole person is simply a corpse that can breathe!

"Scared, passive, +1."

"Fear, passive, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou's feet are soft.

Man in red dress?

Isn't this special lady the same guy I saw during the Great Meltdown explosion?


I just said I met Xu Xiaoshou next to him, there wouldn't be a normal person, right?

This kind of existence that can make Grey Mist people so terrified that they have to join hands with themselves to break through the space of ancient books is really a big figure in the legend!

Saint slave...

Seven handles...

That is, under the masked man?

"Oh my God!"

Xu Xiaoshou's brain went blank.

He is pure fear at the moment.

A piece of clothing directly wets the cold sweat that bursts out instantly.

Except for fear, there are no other emotions.


Fortunately, because I broke up with the night watch, I didn't stay in that place for too long.

If it were the Seventh Commander of the "Holy Slave", the Night Watch and the Grey Mist might be really dangerous!

"That wave, it's just shit, luck?"

"Fortunately, I left first, fortunately..."

After returning to calm down, Xu Xiaoshou wanted to stand up, but found that his legs and feet were a little weak.

He pretended to be indifferent and patted the ground.

"Sit down, why are you stunned?"

"If you have something to do, it's great to sit and talk, it won't hurt to talk while standing!"

Caramel:? ? ?

"Suspected, passive value, +1."

"Xu Xiaoshou, why is your voice trembling?" Mu Zixi was not as polite as Caramel, so he said it directly, squatting down curiously.

Xu Xiaoshou gave the younger sister a hard look.

You will die if you don't speak!

Can't you be a dumb?

"what's happenin?"

Caramel Sugar sat down indifferently, and was very close to Xu Xiaoshou.

"Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."

"Just now, where are you talking about, the amount of information is a bit big, I'm slow." Xu Xiaoshou rubbed his head.


Caramel Sugar smiled and said, "Based on this, I need your help in order to escape the circle of white clothes."

"How can I help?"

Xu Xiaoshou was shocked: "You are sick, that is Seven Sword Immortal! His name is Gou Wuyue! I'm a little guy, what can I do to help you go up as cannon fodder and protect you from leaving?"

He moved away from the caramel sugar side, and suddenly felt a lot of strength in his body, got up, and then grabbed the hand of the little junior sister, with a guarded expression of "a step up to the sky" as he walked away when things were wrong.

Mu Zixi's face flushed, and his hands struggled symbolically.

"Resisted, passive value, +1."

Caramel Candy laughed.

"Hello...you are quite self-aware."

She teased, her expression became serious, and said slowly:

"Your current state is really not very helpful in the general situation."

"However, there is a way to get you and me out of this muddy water!"

"What to do?" Xu Xiaoshou was startled.

"What do you mean?"

Caramel Sugar patted his **** and stood up, the big purple chain **** on his body rattled, causing Mu Zixi's eyes to lose consciousness.

Xu Xiaoshou frowned.

Can Caramel Sugar come to find himself, and has the power to resist Gou Wuyue directly out of thin air?

Are you kidding me?

Is there such a thing in me?

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, Xu Xiaoshou thought of something and did not say anything, "Then, that broken cat?"

"What a broken cat!"

Caramel Sugar's eyes were stunned, and he furiously said: "That's'Master Greed!"

"Well, God-greedy, Lord God-greedy..."

Xu Xiaoshou repeated two sentences absentmindedly, and said in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Caramel sugar didn't talk too much nonsense, directly in Mu Zixi's wide-open eyes, he put his hand into his chest, and then took out an old animal skin roll that was still warm.

"The contract!" she determined.

Xu Xiaoshou took a step back subconsciously.

"What do you mean?"

"It's all called ‘Contract’, what do you mean?"

Caramel Sugar snorted and walked: "Master Greed has been with you for a while, and I believe that the relationship has also been cultivated. Now this time is the best time to sign the ghost and beast contract."

Ghost beast contract?

Hearing this term, Mu Zixi finally pulled out his soul from the fleshy mind.

"Xu Xiaoshou, this..."

She had just finished listening to Xu Xiaoshou's explanation of the terrible ghost beast body.

Now, once this woman comes over, she must sign a contract with the ghost beast?



Two sentences in unison overlapped.

Xu Xiaoshou and Caramel Sugar looked back at the little girl at the same time.

Mu Zixi's face became stiff, and his backhand clenched his senior, as if afraid of losing his beloved lollipop, he said loudly, "Xu Xiaoshou can't sign a'ghost beast contract' with you!"

Caramel Sugar had red lips in surprise, and he wanted to say something.

Xu Xiaoshou has calmed down.

"My junior sister is right, I cannot sign this contract."

"No sign?"

Caramel Sugar's eyes condensed: "Xu Xiaoshou, what's going on now, do you still think you can mess around with your temper?"

Xu Xiaoshou didn't reply, just shook his head indifferently.

How could he sign the ghost beast contract?

Only after vowing to promise with the Red Night Watch that he would definitely not be a ghost beast host, and would only use the thread of greed to see the truth of the ghost beast world.

And Lu Ke is both in red and in the situation of ghosts and beasts. This is a good time for this inexplicable incident to surface and to get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg.

Under this circumstance, how could Xu Xiaoshou let himself fall into this quagmire that is not yet known whether it is a blessing or a curse?


Fu, it's impossible.

At best, it's just a puddle of muddy water.

"I will pay you back if I am greedy. The contract is impossible."

Xu Xiaoshou pondered for a while, feeling that the situation was a little beyond his own, and he didn't want to wade through this muddy water.

So, he caught a fat white cat from Yuan's mansion, and he passed it.


The little white cat is still that cute and incomprehensible.

Seeing that Xu Xiaoshou was finally willing to get close to him, when he appeared, he licked Xu Xiaoshou's wrist vigorously.



"This is the ghost beast?"

Mu Zixi was startled.

She used to not see the existence of the little white cat.

But after awakening the "God and Demon Pupils", I was able to find such a cute little cat in the Yuanfu space.

But this is a ghost beast?

Shouldn't ghost beasts be the kind of dark behemoths with big mouths in blood basins, angry horns in fangs, and smelly salivation in their mouths?

No matter how bad it is, should it be the kind of weird and unpredictable Gray Mist person who can make people conscious and comatose with one palm?


What bad thoughts can kittens have?

How could it be a ghost beast!

Mu Zixi felt that his worldview had been hit.

So, maybe it was a gadget like this cute and adorable, that scared Xu Xiaoshou, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, to escape from the place of "Daowen Chushi"?

This is too timid, Xu Xiaoshou!

So you are such a timid person?

"Despised, passive value, +1."

"Xu Xiaoshou..."

Caramel Candy looked at the little cat holding on to the young man in front of him, but burst into laughter.

"Xu Xiaoshou, you are too naive!"

"I really thought that the existence of ghosts and beasts was something you could provoke if you wanted to mess with it.

"Yeah." Xu Xiaoshou nodded blankly.


Caramel candies choked, furiously rolled the animal skins in his hands, and screamed: "Today this contract, you have to sign, if you don't sign, you have to sign!"

"What is'sign and sign'?" Xu Xiaoshou looked confused, "Isn't signing just signing? Where is the saying of'sign and sign'? Your level of education..."

"Xu Xiaoshou!"

Caramel Sugar interrupted Xu Xiaoshou's anger, "Are you gonna try to gag?"


Xu Xiaoshou took Mu Zixi a step back, not believing in the evil way: "Try, you will die?"

"you guess!"

Caramel Sugar's eyes became dangerous, and a strange black mist appeared in his pupils.

"Into Yuan Mansion."

Xu Xiaoshou turned around and ordered.


Mu Zixi didn't say much.

At the critical moment, she would never become the chain that Xu Xiaoshou would fall off.

Falling down in response.

Xu Xiaoshou was moved by Lingnian and wanted to open the Yuan Palace.

However, the Yuan Palace space channel seemed to be completely invalid, and it couldn't be opened!

"Xu Xiaoshou, don't try, this space has already been sealed off by me, and any possibility of escape that you anticipated is impossible." Caramel Candy snorted.

"Damn Xingugu..."

Xu Xiaoshou fell into the bottom with a heart.

This must be Xin Gugu and Caramel Sugar revealing the existence of his Yuan Palace in advance.

Even, it is possible to reveal all of his special skills, and Caramel Sugar may treat himself so carefully.

Otherwise, just rely on one side.

Throne facing the innate ants, it is impossible to prepare so much in advance!


When she was lost, a soft shout sounded behind her.

Xu Xiaoshou glanced back, but saw that the yin and yang fish under Mu Zixi's eyes faded.

At this moment, he felt the space loosened.

When the spiritual mind moved again, the Yuan Palace space channel appeared.

"Xu Xiaoshou, I'll go in first, you guys talk slowly."

Mu Zixi stepped into the space channel without forgetting to turn his head and glared fiercely, threatening: "Don't mess around!"

After speaking, the light flashed, and the whole person disappeared.


Caramel Sugar was shocked.

what's the situation?

She couldn't see Xu Xiaoshou's cultivation level clearly, but Xin Gu Gu's instructions had already been raised twelve minutes in advance.

But his junior...

? ? ?

what's the situation!

The cultivation base of the upper spiritual realm, the space blockade of the throne, can be broken at a glance?

"Xu Xiaoshou, she..."

Caramel Sugar couldn't help being curious, and wanted to ask something, Xu Xiaoshou stopped her.

"Wait, I'm a little flustered, I will call someone first."

Waved his hand.

Then, the void light flashed, and the world suddenly became completely dark.



Two great giants nearly 100 meters tall landed.

One white and one blue.

One left and one right.

Like a close-fitting yin and yang law, it hit directly behind Xu Xiaoshou, and the chamber stood.

Ice blue and white skeleton A Bing is okay.

It is a quiet temperament, and when it is called, it sits quietly.

Then silently felt the freezing power in the master's body, slowly comprehending the profound meaning of ice.

Jin Zhaobai Skeleton Ahuo was completely irritable.

As soon as it appeared, it looked like it was covered with lice, scratching it up and down, and it was almost impossible to come directly to a bonfire savage dance.

After returning to feel the familiar temperature of the small world of the white cave, the excitement and excitement in my heart are completely mixed, and finally curled into a ball, choking in my throat, not vomiting.


There was a deafening roar.

The earth shattered, and ravines crumbled horizontally.

The rubble flies around, and the grass is cut at the waist.

Caramel Sugar didn't have time to react, and was screamed back dozens of feet.

The big purple chain banged wildly, and even the gray robe burst open.

"What the hell!"

She subconsciously set up the Lingyuan shield, and the black mist surged all over her body, before she dared to look in the direction of Xu Xiaoshou.

High in the sky, the ice blue and white skeleton half leaned over, crossing his hands.

And below, a blue hemispherical ice shield covered Xu Xiaoshou's body, blocking this wave of roaring attacks for him.

On the other hand, the Jhinzhao white skeleton was directly behind the two, dancing with excitement.

"Boom boom boom..."

The earth trembled with its dance steps, and the ground cracked.

But all this in front of him was less than the wave of waves in Caramel Sugar's heart, and it was even more shocking.

"This, this is... what... ghost?"

Xu Xiaoshou let out a deep breath, stepped forward, stepped past the protection of the ice shield, and was about to speak.


Another layer of ice shield appeared, covering it directly in front, blocking him.

Obviously, A Bing felt the strength of his opponent and couldn't bear Xu Xiaoshou to face it alone.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Xu Xiaoshou turned his head and exhorted him, and then he crossed the ice shield again.

After thinking about it, he adjusted his posture, leaned against the ice shield, and raised his head at a 45-degree angle.

At this time, he felt that something was missing in his hand.

Carelessly use the "three days of freezing calamity" to condense a piece of ice smoke.

Baiyan ignites.

Amidst the sound of "pounce", the mist began to evaporate.

Xu Xiaoshou took a deep breath and spit out a cloud of ice mist, which was not salty nor light:


"carry on."

"Just now, what happened?"

Caramel: "..."

She clenched her fists tightly, her fingernails were deeply embedded in the palm of her palm.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoshou's look of beating...

It almost made her feel completely irrational, and then turned into a ghost beast, and gave this guy's white tender face a whip in the form of a ghost beast.

Xin Gu Gu turned into blood and water and couldn't recover the kind of strength!

"Damn it!!!"

"Being glared, passive, +1."

The whole popularity of caramel sugar started to smoke.

Real smoke.

The black one!

She wanted to do it, but she couldn't.

The two things behind Xu Xiaoshou that don't know what the **** are... Throne strength!

Do not!

Peak Throne Strength!

And this is the case of going alone.

If these two big guys join hands, it is estimated that even if you are incarnate as a ghost, it is very likely that you will just become a bigger ball and be kicked wildly by these two guys!

Although I haven't learned the strength of the large white skeleton.

But a woman's sixth sense made Caramel Sugar realize that she couldn't afford it!

What's more, there is Xu Xiaoshou who is staring at him beside him.

A man who is even a little afraid of Xin Gu Gu, who talks about having the power to threaten ghosts and beasts...the innate strong!


"Xu Xiaoshou, what do you mean?"

Caramel Sugar took a deep breath, calmed down his trembling chest, and swallowed.

"nothing much."

Xu Xiaoshou smoked a piece of ice cigarette at the speed of light, then lit three more huge ones, and took a bite between four fingers.


The smoke spit out, drawing a heart in the air.

"Didn't you say that I have to sign the ghost and beast contract today, or even if I don't sign it?"

"Come on, force me."

Xu Xiaoshou said, putting down the big ice garnet in his hand, and his eyes became cold.

"The thing Xu Xiaoshou hates most in my life is passive, but what I like the most is also passive!"

"Come on, force me, how do you want me to sign, give me an explanation."


With the final sound, the earth sank suddenly and collapsed three feet directly below.

The heavy pressure in the air made Ah Huo stunned. He stood upright and put his hands between the fire-breathing legs, like a good baby.

"This momentum..."

Caramel Sugar's pupils shrank, and his heart tightened.

She could fully perceive that this wave of terrifying aura and coercion did not come from the two white skeletons that covered the sky, but Xu Xiaoshou!

This guy, really has the power of a throne, can really threaten ghosts and beasts?

"Surprise, passive value, +1."


Xu Xiaoshou finished smoking three cigars again.

Reminiscent of the scene when Yan Anaconda was born, he was hit all over the floor looking for teeth by the ordinary ghost beast body, and he took a deep breath.

"Is there enough people?"

"Not enough!"

As he said, he put his hand in his arms without hesitation, quickly found a black stone, and then threw it to the ground.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, ~www.ltnovel.com~, a look of fear flashed on the face of the white skull, and he took a few steps directly behind.

"Ma Ma..."

A soft cry echoed the void.

The sound is not loud, but the penetrating power is very strong.

Caramel can feel his heart beating almost stopped.

This little boy who looks pink and tender, harmless to humans and animals...

"On the throne?"

"Feared, passive, +1."


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