I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 535: Sang Lao debut

In the Eighth Palace.


"Senior Moonless."

"Senior Wuyue, why have you come out? If you have us watching here, you should go back and heal your injuries first?"

The original red clothing base was already occupied by a crowd of white clothing.

All parties perform their duties, and things are handled in an orderly manner.

But when a middle-aged man in a pale blue robe walked out of the camp, everyone stood up silently.

The white clothes on the side of the guard hurriedly persuaded each other.

Gou Wuyue only waved her hand gently, "It doesn't matter if it hurts, how are you preparing?"

"All the work has been completed, just wait for the people in the white cave space to come out."

The white-clothed guard standing by the side said: "Also, the other injured brothers in Qinglong County have also been treated. Others who died in battle have also been notified, and the family has helped to take care of them."


Gou Wuyue nodded, looking at almost half of the people in the camp, she couldn't help but whispered, "Is there any new information?"


The white clothes guard said: "According to the previous message left by the red clothes, it is not only the storyteller who entered the small world of the white cave."

"Before this, they actually found three people in total, namely, the head of the holy slave, Zenjov, and the storyteller."

"In other words, there are at least three'saint slaves' in the white cave at this time."

Gou Wuyue was startled when she heard it: "Sage slave is the first?"

"Yes." Bai Yi nodded hurriedly.

"He's here too?"


Gou Wuyue suddenly lowered her head, seeming to be thinking about something. After a long time, she raised her head and said, "Where is Xiaoyi?"


The void suddenly flashed, and another white robe appeared.

"Who is the person in charge of the branch of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in Dongtian King City?" Gou Wuyue asked.

"The wild goose by the river." Taste Yi responded.

"Is it a geese by the river? It seems to be a bit impression..." Gou Wuyue frowned.

Taste Yi suddenly said: "The geese by the river, the peak of the throne, has been trying to cut the way before, and it is not known whether it succeeded or not."

"He has something to do with Yu Lingdi, the head of the spiritual radical. It seems that he is a distant relative, the roots of which are Zheng Miaohong, there is absolutely no problem."

Gou Wuyue immediately took out a token and handed it over, "Send my order to transfer all the white and red clothes that can be transferred to and around the Dongtian King City."


Taste the wing for a moment.


Gou Wuyue said: "There are three people who have entered the White Cave from the'Holy Slaves.' You have already said this important message very late."

Tanyi suddenly bowed in panic, "We are afraid to disturb the treatment of senior..."

"I didn't mean to blame you."

Gou Wuyue stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, smiled gently, and continued: "Now the three'sage slaves' have entered the white cave, even the first one is no exception."

"Dare you say that they are outside, people without connectors?"

"This can already be seen from the person who attacked me before. Not only are they outside, they are also very powerful."

"At that time, if I were dragged down again, it would only be you who suffered heavy casualties."


Gou Wuyue looked around and said, "The manpower near the White Cave is currently seriously insufficient and lacks the top combat power."

"You can't hold the banner, you can only call more people over."

"Yes." Guyi nodded in shame.

"Also, has Yu Ling dripped yet?"

"Yes, not yet."

"Tell him not to come here yet."

Gou Wuyue looked into the distance and said, "Let him turn back first, go to Daoqiang first to borrow the'Moque'. If you can't borrow it, let him bring all the six men and horses over!"

"Six people?"

The white clothes adjacent to the side all looked up in horror.

Gou Wuyue smiled lightly: "This battle is very important. It's not as simple as you imagined. It's a good death consciousness."


Everyone drank together.

"and also……"

A look of doubt flashed in Gou Wuyue's eyes, "Has the identity of the last person in Qinglong County been ascertained?"

Taste Yi's body shook, "Yes, not yet..."

"How many did you check?"

"There is not much information available at the moment. After all, when the person appeared, he only used a form of ‘Great Buddha Slash’, which was still used to save people."

"But the aura of swordsmanship leaked from him, as well as the habit of moves, cultivation level, and even appearance characteristics..."

Taste Yi hesitated and raised his eyes, and saw Gou Wuyue's indifferent expression.

"The Eighth Sword Immortal?" Gou Wuyue said.

"Yeah." Guyi responded weakly.

"Xiaoyi, how many years have you been with me?" Gou Wuyue sighed.

Taste the wings and legs are soft.

"Ten, thirteen years?"


"Senior Wuyue, I know it may not be, but inferred from those characteristics..."

Gou Wuyue interrupted: "Characteristics? If the Eighth Sword Immortal has not fallen yet and is reborn this time, do you think he will expose so many obvious characteristics for the Holy Spirit Temple to see?"

"Uh..." Guyi choked.

"He is not the eight masters." Gou Wuyue said confidently.


Within the camp, a sword sound suddenly sounded.

When the sound of the sword sounded, the window sill curtains vibrated, and the sword energy was everywhere.

Everyone was shocked and knew that it was the "Voice of Nu Lan" inside who heard the waves caused by the conversation of outsiders.

After all, the previous generation of sword holders of this sword is the Eighth Sword Immortal!

"But..." Tanyi still hesitated.

"No but."

With a move from Gou Wuyue, the famous sword "Voice of Slaughter" flew over.

He stroked the famous sword with one hand, with a reminiscence in his eyes.

After a long time, let out a laugh.

"Xiaoyi, do you think your judgment is right, or my feeling is wrong?"

"This..." Tingyi raised his eyes cautiously.

Gou Wuyue said helplessly: "You haven't battled with the eight deities, so naturally you don't know that person's arrogance."

"If that day is to be changed, he really came, let alone you, even me, I don't know if there is a possibility of getting here."

He pointed to the ground in the Eighth Palace, his voice was very soft, and his tone was indeed very solemn.

"Eight masters, only fight and never retreat!"

With a bang, Guyi's mind went blank.

Only then did he fully realize that he and others are indeed making inferences based on so-called "facts."

But the person standing in front of him is an existence who has had a tangible experience of fighting with the Eighth Sword Immortal in the battle for ten seats!

This kind of existence, even if he didn't fight with that sloppy man that day.

With just a glance, the identity of the other party can be determined by estimation.

What's the point of waiting for others, no matter how true it is?

"Understood, we are going to overthrow it and start over." Taste Yi bowed.

"No need to start again."

"Jian Nian, Big Buddha Slash, eight fingers, neck scar..."

Gou Wuyue whispered.

In this world, how many can fake the Eighth Sword Immortal to the point of being fake?

He raised his voice and said, "Send someone to'Sanyue Xiancheng' and'Burial Sword Tomb' to see. Which of these two families is not here, just copied it!"


"Voice of Nu Lan" shocked.

Jianming melodiously, shocked the dust.

Everyone felt cold, feeling the extreme killing intent in the air, and couldn't help but lower their heads together.



White cave.

Not far from Jian Grassland.

"Disciple, do you see me like this?"

An old and withered voice appeared in a low voice as if it hadn't been drinking water for ten thousand years.

"Not like."

Mu Zixi frowned, looked at the skinny old man in front of him, and said, "He doesn't know how to say ‘I’, you have to say ‘old man’!"


"He also doesn't say'oh oh', Xu Xiaoshou, can you be a little bit more flaunting, don't you understand?"

Mu Zixi said with air: "Is he as gentle as you?"

Xu Xiao pressed his head on the straw hat and couldn't help but retort: ​​"Oh, now you know I am gentle? Haven't I compared with that old guy before? Do you dare to curse me?"

"Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."


Xu Xiaoshou sprinkled a few more withered grass on his clothes, and said in a heavy voice, "Now, is it like?"

"Look up." Mu Zixi said in a bad mood.

Xu Xiaoshou raised his head.

"Dark circles, can't it be more serious, you are wrong, you only have a year and a half, and there is no effect of more than ten years of dark circles!"

Xu Xiaoshou: "..."

"Yes, can you tell the difference between the dark circles of one and a half years and ten years?"

His mind moved, and his eyes darkened suddenly.

"Yes, it smells like that, don't laugh!" Mu Zixi jumped up and lifted the old man's straw hat.

"Oh, yes, hair."

She seemed to think of something, "Hair is not so dense and sparse. After all, it is a person who often stays up late, so it must be serious!"

Xu Xiaoshou: "..."

In other words, do spiritual refiners also lose their hair?

He continued to fine-tune the details.

to be honest.

If there was no Mu Zixi, he would feel that his current image was already twelve minutes old.

But this Nizi was shocked to find out the lack of eighty-eight points for him.

Sure enough, there are thousands of people, and it turns out that Sang Lao's image is even more unbearable in the eyes of the younger sister!

"Sure?" he asked.

"Stupid, Master, old man, is he someone who can ask these things?"

Mu Zixi grabbed the double ponytails angrily, commenting on his head and saying: "Xu Xiaoshou, you must always remember now that you are pretending to be a master, and there is no problem with your image."

"But temperament is the most important thing!"

"Your current temperament is nothing like it. If you meet an acquaintance, you might be caught on the spot."

"Haha." Xu Xiaoshou sneered, "That's because in front of you, I haven't started to pretend."


Mu Zixi jumped up and slammed his senior brother Tian Linggai angrily, and said: "It's not'hehe', it's'hehe', the kind of very cheap and cheap smile, the kind that makes people panic when you hear it... ?"


Xu Xiaoshou was shocked immediately, and pointed to the younger sister: "Laughing? You're done, I'm going to tell the dead old man!"


Mu Zixi was startled, and became angry and said, "Xu Xiaoshou, I am teaching you now, do you want me to teach?"

"Hey, let you go, remember, there is no next time!"

Xu Xiaoshou leaned over, covered her head with a straw hat, and pinched the chin of the little junior sister, with a meaningful smile in her eyes.

Mu Zixi's face flushed, "Yes, that's the smell, you can do it again."

"Hey, let you go..."

Xu Xiaoshou's hand that had just let go, squeezed the younger sister's chin again, "Remember, there is no next time."



"Don't put your hand down, do it again." Mu Zixi's earlobes were red.

"Hey, let you go..."

As Xu Xiaoshou said, she suddenly felt something wrong, and patted the head of the little sister, "Little girl is in the picture, what is in her mind!"


Mu Zixi shrank his head in pain, the flushing was no longer, and his face was pale.

"Xu Xiaoshou, where did you learn your disguise technique? Why didn't I see you use anything to decorate it?" She snorted and asked for a long time.

"If you can still see it, wouldn't I learn this'disguise technique' for nothing?" Xu Xiaoshou sneered.

"Old man!"

"Oh, old man...Isn't this old man's'disguise technique' learned for nothing?"


"Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."

"Xu Xiaoshou, where are we going now?"

As Mu Zixi said, he kindly took one of the old man's arms.

"Hey hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm your master now, don't call my name, lest you show up!"

Xu Xiaoshou hurriedly pulled out his hand, "Also, you and me, the master and apprentice, have such a good relationship?"


Mu Zixi took it for granted: "Xu Xiaoshou, you rarely see the exchanges between me and Master, and you don't even know that our relationship is already very close."

"He often wanders around with me behind his back. You can try it now."

After she said directly forgiving, she was about to jump up.

"I'm so beautiful to you, why did you go for a stroll?"

Xu Xiaoshou immediately kicked over.



Mu Zixi smashed directly onto a wooden stake, patted his **** in pain and got up.

"Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."

"Warning, don't mess around!" Xu Xiaoshou said solemnly.

"Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."

"You too!"

Xu Xiaoshou took the straw hat on his head and said, "Don't lose the chain at the critical moment, you know? If you get a threat again, you will shrink up. You won't have to leave the Yuan Palace in your entire life, understand?"


The straw hat shrank twice, and flew to Xu Xiaoshou's head in horror.

"Let's go."

"Where to go?" Mu Zixi ran over again and took Xu Xiaoshou's arm.

Xu Xiaoshou struggled, and after thinking about it, he left with her.

"Go find'There are Four Swords'."

Originally, his goal was not to "have four swords", but the weird space crack.

But as soon as he left the Yuan Palace, the crack at the end of the white cave map in his mind no longer called.

Xu Xiaoshou felt something was wrong.

He dare not mess around.

It can't be said that the man in red has found it there.

If this is the case, if you are past now, doesn't it mean you are looking for death?

So, the goal shifted.

There are four swords!

Old Sang wrote the letter to himself well.

"There are four swords" that doesn't matter until you get it, at least, it can't fall into the hands of the Holy Temple.

"Close your eyes."

"Huh?" Mu Zixi raised his eyes, wondering what Xu Xiaoshou was talking about.

"Close your eyes~www.ltnovel.com~oh." She closed her eyes at the behest.

Xu Xiaoshou brushed it, and took the straw hat and the little girl into the Yuan Mansion, and then took a step forward.

"Open your eyes."


Mu Zixi opened his eyes, and his pupils shrank in a moment.

I saw this space completely changed its appearance.

From abandoned woods to vast grasslands.

Moreover, in the distance of the weeds in front of him, a group of hurried red clothes are struggling to stick to the formation.

Within the formation, there is a monstrous murderous devilish energy that rages for several miles.

At the center of the sky, there was a black fierce sword floating.

Mu Zixi was lost for a while.

"This is... there are four swords?"

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