I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 544: My world, a piece of darkness

"Space, I can't stop it..."

In the red clothes, Xin turned around and said, feeling a bit astringent in his throat.

He is not afraid of the power of these young people.

It was just that these throne-level movements made by this group of grandmaster-level young people were shocked.

This kind of genius who can challenge the ranks, it is good to meet one in the past.

But right now, one after another is stronger than one.

He Yuxing, who can hold the "Four Swords", Gu Qingsan, who can incarnate the Sky Sword, and the swordsman who can cut the world with **** wide out of the sheath...

"This is not right!"

"In other words, is this a higher level? It clearly spans a whole realm to shoot, Grand Master, comparable to the Throne?"

The line of sight settled on the swordsman holding him, and the look in his eyes became even more startled.

This is definitely more than comparable.

With the sword just now, the ordinary throne is not enough to kill, right?

"Ask a few people to strengthen protection, use some energy to stabilize the space of Lijian Grassland, and try not to break it again."

Lan Ling was expressionless.

Knowing that all this is just the beginning, she turned her head and said, "Miss Zhiwen, I may trouble you."

"Fengtian formation should be penetrated? You can use it to temporarily protect this space."

Originally, Ruuoyu knew that she could not be warm, and the responsibility for manipulating the spirit array fell on her.

But now there are substitutes.

Although the girl's cultivation level is not high, she has no less insights into the spiritual formation than her own.

After someone resisted this task, Lan Ling was naturally able to get out.

After all, if you want to manipulate the "Thirty-Six Days without a Array", plus direct the actions of the entire red team...

She can be busy.

But the thinking is definitely not as clear as the single command at this moment.


Yu Zhiwen nodded gently.

She is not good at fighting head-on.

The "Thirty-Six Heavens Sealed No Array" originally belonged to the celestial array. It was a rare experience to have this opportunity to leave the battlefield and to comprehend and debug the large array.

"Remember to call me when you can't support it, don't hurt yourself." Seeing Yu Zhiwen sweating all over, Lan Ling exhorted.



"There are four swords" landed.

The scene was only broken for less than a few breaths.

Gu Qing, who had been transformed into a human form in midair, flew down and pointed at the fierce sword on the ground.

But at this time.

"Swish swish!"

The Quartet shot several figures at the same time.

In the pit in the ground, Xu Xiaoshou stunned the young junior sister who had stood up, staring at the girl's eyes full of excitement.

He looked at Chi Chi, but "there are four swords" several feet away, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Stay for me."

"Master!" Mu Zixi was anxious, "but'there are four swords' right in front of him..."

"To shut up."

How can Xu Xiaoshou not see that "there are four swords" right in front of him?

But the more this time, the more he has to resist the temptation.

Look, who are the people who rushed out this time?

Gu Qingsan, He Yuxing, Unhappy Little Monk, Tearful Double Line...

All of them are young people.

Obviously, the words of the red shirt just hit the heart of these guys.

If there is no greater conflict, in the name of the practitioners of the White Cave, the "Four Swords" will be brought out without any doubt.

Even a storyteller, I am afraid they will not stop this action.

After all, if he succeeds, he doesn't need to go out.

And later, if the red dress breaks promise...

That was ruined.

Things are planned for the worst.

It is a normal result that the red dress destroys promises and the storyteller goes out again.

And if they can keep their promise, won't they make a lot of money?

Xu Xiaoshou can fully empathize with the psychology of these people.

The only thing that made him still act rationally was that the group of people who rushed out had no representatives of ghosts and beasts.

"Perception" turned.

Xin Gu Gu was not far away.

Obviously, if he were to seize the sword, this distance was nothing.

But this guy is the throne.

Once he rushed out, not to mention the identity of the stowaways, there was one of him on the wanted order that had just been spilled.

At that time, it can definitely trigger the craziness of the red clothes.

"Can't move, the'Xuyue Ash Palace' hasn't taken action yet, they must have some confidence."

"Going out at this time is still hitting the gun!"


While thinking, the ground shook suddenly.

The first to jump to the front of "There are Four Swords" was not Gu Qingsan who descended from the sky, but the unhappy little monk who was closest to Fierce Sword on the ground.

"Hehehe, that poor monk is welcome~"

Unhappy smiled at the sky with a smirk, freeing up the right hand of the Buddha's masterpiece and grasping the hilt of the "Four Swords".


The ground shook suddenly, and the black magic energy waved away.

At the same time, the magic pattern crawled along the palm to the entire right arm of the unhappy monk.

But this guy had a very iron head, and between grinning and grinning, the golden "willing force" suddenly rushed to his right arm, directly pressing the magic pressure to the elbow.

"Lazi dare?"

The roar that Gu Qingsan snatched from the void made Xu Xiaoshou who was underground fainted.

Where did this guy learn this sentence?


The little monk didn't care about it. With his hissing sound, he pulled out "There are four swords."

Immediately, Gu Qing, who was whistling towards the horizon, cut three times.

"call out!"

In an instant, a magnificent black sword spirit was swung out.

Gu Qing's three faces were green.

He didn't expect that the "Four Swords" he had worked so hard to defeat would eventually be picked up by others.

"Little kid, kill me!"

When he roared and his figure was vacant, Gu Qingsan penetrated the black sword energy, his **** were brought together, and he thrust straight down from the top of the sky.

"It's useless?"

Unhappy to feel the sharp contrast between the powerful force in his hand and Gu Qingsan's unscathed, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

"Go away and go away!"

"Such fierce swords are left to the poor monk alone."

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"

He babbled and carried the black sword that was taller than the human, slashing with affection in all directions.

In an instant, dozens of fierce demon sword auras were scattered from the center point, and some even directly tore the underground, and then slashed across Xu Xiaoshou's head.

"This little thing..."

Xu Xiaoshou was furious.

There is no doubt that such a messy sword technique...

No, the little monk can't be called a swordsmanship at all, just carrying a black sword in chaos.

But I have to say that in this situation, his attack is indeed very effective.

Not everyone is like Gu Qingsan with the "swordsmanship" and the "no swordsmanship".

Facing the oncoming black sword energy, even the tears and the others had no choice but to avoid the edge.

For a time.

The only enemy left unhappy is Gu Qingsan who has fallen from the sky.

"A **** from the sky?"

The little monk knew that the "Four Swords" he issued could not hurt Gu Qing at all.

When he thrust the sword into the ground, pinched his fingers with both fingers, and raised his head in anger.

"Little angry Buddha!"

Jinguang masterpiece.

With an order, the Buddha's light on his body was shining brightly, and a phantom of a three-foot-high Buddha was condensed in an instant.

Xu Xiao was taken aback.

The phantom was not as spectacular as the phantom he had seen that day.

But the power is completely under the control of the unhappy young monk.


The little monk made a two-finger resolution, one for the sky and the other for the ground.

In the explosion, the glaring Buddha phantom exploded the golden light, which directly shattered this space.

"I go!"

Gu Qingsan was taken aback.

He can be transformed into nothingness.

But the space is shattered, and if you have to go down, the current "Zhandao Body" simply cannot hold the space shattering flow.

"Good consciousness!"

Can't help but stand up in the void and exclaimed, Gu Qingsan wanted to do something, when he heard the "Four Swords" on his unhappy side unexpectedly hummed.


The little monk also turned his head and looked.

But I saw He Yuxing, the only one who had come into contact with the "Four Swords". Although he was covered with blood, he was standing ten feet away and began to summon the fierce sword with his sword intent.

"call out!"

Compared with the Buddha's light, which is naturally restrained, "there are four swords", such a fierce thing, immediately responded to the call and went straight to He Yuxing's direction.

"Hey, my sword!"

Unhappiness suddenly became anxious, the Buddha dared not take it away, and stepped out of the shattered space in one step.

"Shit, your sword? What a joke!"

He Yuxing sneered, holding the flying "Four Swords" with one hand.

Compared with the sword repair on the spot, he has an unconcealable advantage, that is, he has touched a fierce sword.

In the case where the roots are of the same origin, the sword intent can be used to slightly bring the "four swords" direction.

"Sorry, this sword is still mine..."

He Yuxing felt a chill in his back before he finished his words.



There was a soft noise behind him.

He looked back in horror, but saw a blind man with an extremely ugly appearance and very vague facial features standing in front of him.

And the slender sword in his hand, at this moment, was in front of his throat.


He Yuxing's pupils shrank and he couldn't believe it.

His spiritual mind swept behind him immediately.

And the position where this guy had appeared at that time had faded into a phantom, gradually disillusioned.



Knowing that I can't swallow saliva at this time.

But he couldn't help his apple rolling, and a thin bloodstain was pulled apart on He Yuxing's neck.

"Sorry, it's not an illusion."

A rustle of tears sounded, "The sword is not yours either."

The right arm moved forward slightly.


He Yuxing was dozens of feet away behind him, and the abrupt gravel exploded.

Everyone's eyes were taken away in an instant, thinking that something happened over there again.

But in an instant, everyone noticed something was wrong, and immediately turned to look back.

I saw that after this sound, He Yuxing's whole talent snorted, with a face full of disbelief, his figure was shaken out from behind.

In his throat, there was a terrifying blood hole with blood gurgling.


At this time, the audience was dead silent.

"Phantom Swordsmanship?"

Gu Qing'er looked at the big brother in surprise.

The original body of the blind man, who was so realistic that he had deceived him, turned out to be a phantom condensed by magic swordsmanship?


Gu Qing nodded slightly.

"So strong, now Junior Brother has an opponent."

Gu Qinger was shocked.

As the most difficult swordsmanship among the nine major swordsmanships, his understanding of phantom swordsmanship is nothing but fur.

In the entire sword burial mound, the only one who inherited this sword skill was the big brother in front of him.

And that blind man can do it like this?

"It's not just illusion swordsmanship, his sword..." Gu Qinger hesitated and said, "Pointing?"

Gu Qing nodded silently.

Gu Qing'er was frightened again.

Where is this swordsman from?

Little-known...Sanyuexiancheng, there is such a person?

While still thinking, Gu Qing said:

"It's not just a point..."

"In the Three Thousand Swordsmanship, he has basically accomplished the thoroughness, the restraint, and even the vibration."

"This ancient sword repairer is very strong, even if you change you, it will not necessarily be his opponent."

Gu Qing'er turned pale immediately.

With so many kendos, it is still a pinnacle sword sect.

Which rock came out of this guy?

In this world, is there a place where you can cultivate such a monster-like ancient sword repair?


"My mother!"

Xu Xiaoshou, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked.

This seems to be the first time he has seen the kendo strength that the Shuangxing Tears did not use treasures to confront the enemy?

But this is too strong!

With that sword just now, he hasn't even been able to see how to use it.

Just give it away so easily, people wear it?

Just forget it after wearing it, and there is a hundred steps to wear Yang...No, a few hundred steps to wear Yang?

Looking at the huge boulder that exploded dozens of meters away, I'm afraid that the body of his grand master stepped forward to withstand this sword, and a big hole would be punched out!

"I'm so serious, how can I use this'Four Swords'?"

"It's all monsters!"

"Ma Ma, I want to go home..."


"Is it wrong?"

Tears tilted his head, listening to something.

For a long time, his brows frowned.

He knew that at the critical moment, He Yuxing tilted his head and regained his life from this mortal sword.

However, the suppressing power of Three Thousand Kendo was even more terrifying than the power of pure Heaven.

That guy should completely withdraw from the "four swords" competition arena.


He Yuxing, who slammed on the ground, clutched his throat desperately, unable to say a word.

The spirit element in the body ran wildly, just trying to suppress the injury.

But at the wound, the condensed and compressed terrifying sword intent was simply the most lethal thing he had ever seen, apart from "there are four swords".

Like a tarsal maggot, the sword intent is not only agitated, but also immortal.

He was stuck in the throat pipe like he didn't stop dying, forcing him to think about other things without even having a spare time.



A terrifying sound came out again, and He Yuxing's body trembled, his face pale as paper.

He finally understood.

The Sword Sect that came out of such a small place as himself, no matter how genius, is only relative to the place of a county.

The Hanging Sword just now, the swordsman with **** wide out of its sheath, and the person in front of him...

For the same sword sect, the gap is huge.

He didn't even know what kind of sword skill this sword that penetrated him was, and what kind of sword skill was he talking about?

The difference between cloud and mud, the world is far apart!

No solution.

No solution at all!

He Yuxing's body trembled violently when he heard the "click" sound in his ear.

This sound like a pacing **** of death, step by step towards him, but he... can't do anything!


The voice finally stopped in front of him. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In the blurred vision, the blind man was slowly reaching out his hand, as if he was about to hold it at his throat.

He Yuxing closed his eyes in despair.

Sorry, Blue Fairy, let you down...


A sound of swords rang from his side.

He Yuxing's eyelashes trembled and opened slowly.

During the audience's attention, the two lines of tears "have four swords" in the left hand and "pump the magic scepter" in the right hand, slowly raising his head.

They are looking at me...

Tears double line holding double swords, seeming to be savoring something.

After more than ten years, I finally appeared again in front of the Holy Spirit Temple.

But, my world is already dark...

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