I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 547: The person chosen by fate

"what is this?"

Xu Xiaoshou also looked at Xin Gugu's **** tauren, astonished.

I saw that after blasting away with Bald Xinxin, he didn't even hesitate. During the process of retreating, he exhaled.

Then, he sucked suddenly.


The darkness was directly torn apart.

The ocean of blood that had penetrated from the cracked space was caught by Xin Gugu before he could even go far.

Only less than a breath of time.

The blood that filled the whole piece of Lijian Grassland was all sucked into the body of the tauren.


The majestic surging energy entered the body, and the space was completely unbearable just by the breath radiating from the whole body, and it was about to burst.

And the tauren who had done all this, his body swelled again.

Even cracks began to appear on the powerful body.


Xu Xiaoshou didn't dare to be confident.

How could the power of this sea of ​​blood be sucked into the body in such a short time.

However, such appalling things happened right before our eyes.

One can imagine what terrible power is contained within Xin Gugu's body at this moment.

"Boundary, broken!"

The dark realm opened by the night watch that came in time only lasted for a moment, and it ceased to exist.

Fortunately, Lan Ling had already tightened the space of Lijian Grassland with the Heavenly Sealing Formation at this time.

This is the case, the survivors, one by one, can no longer hide their fear.

"This, this..."

"This is the fight for the'There are Four Swords'?"

"The previous battles of the master-level juniors are really real, are you kidding me!"

"My God, what happened? How did the scene suddenly become like this?"

"How can this sea of ​​blood be swallowed in the blink of an eye?"

"These people, all of them are gathering momentum in the dark! I know, if the sudden sea of ​​blood, if there is no charge, how can it be done all at once..."

"But, why didn't the red shirt notice it?"

No one answered.

The people who have survived the blood sea by various means before, originally wanted to wait and see the battle and be the lucky one in ten thousand.

But when the real throne went to war, they realized that this was simply looking for death.

If it were in the Holy Spirit Continent, the collapse of space would not be so exaggerated.

But in this fragile white cave, as long as the throne takes a bit of seriousness and the space collapses, they will have no way to go back!

"Master, is this the'ghost beast' you call?"

The little monk Bule has been shaken to the edge of Lijian Grassland by the aftermath of the battle.

He looked at the swelling **** tauren and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

I want to purify it.

I am not happy to understand that this kind of power is simply not something I can contend with.

"Right, there are four swords!"

"Where did the'Four Swords' go?"

Two lines of tears fell back from the shattered flow of space.

But the "Four Swords", which was also kicked by the tauren, completely disappeared at this moment.

Although Hongyi is also concerned about "there are four swords".

But at this time, the power of the **** tauren was so great that the red clothes couldn't pay attention to it.

Sure enough, watching the vigil and Hei Ming rushed to the tauren's position, looked around unhappy, and looked for "there are four swords".

I have to say, the younger generation who can still stay above Lijian Grassland at this time.

There is naturally strength.

Intelligence is not weaker than people.

There are many people who have the same idea as unhappiness.

In a certain direction.

Cheng Xingchu was able to survive here by relying on the jade pendants on his body.

At this time, even the slightest desire to fight for the fierce sword in his heart was defeated.

He retreated tremblingly to the edge of the Fengtian Great Array. He wanted to stay away from the center of the battle, but found...

"Can you get in or out of this array?"

Cheng Xingchu almost cried.

He saw the Zhiwen girl in the red crowd, and wanted to go to find help, he didn't want to die.


I can't move my feet!

"Who, who will save me..."

Cheng Xing ran away in tears.

He had never thought, and no one had ever told him that the "Four Swords" competition was so tragic.

Even the throne is not immune to this kind of struggle. What can he do with this cultivation base?

In that sea of ​​blood, even a wave can't come out!


At this moment, the space not far away cracked.

Cheng Xingchu didn't care.

Above this Lijian grassland, the space is broken, that is nothing more than normal.

But suddenly, inside the crack, there was a raging sword intent.

"There are four swords?"

Cheng Xingchu was dull.

There are four swords, have they fallen here?

He stared round his eyes and looked around, only to find that there was no such refugee in this place.

"Just me?"

"Guru." Cheng Xingchu swallowed his saliva, and his heart beat wildly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt power emerging from his body.

"I can do it!"

The blood came out from the pale face, urging the spirit yuan, and Cheng Xingchu flew to the space crack.

The fierce demon sword intent is more clearly visible.

"There are four swords, just inside, not far apart!"

Cheng Xingchu's eyes are hot.

He wanted to reach out and draw his sword inside, but suddenly he woke up.

"Damn, how can my spirit element be able to withstand the power of space cracks?"

Yu Pei's protective power isolated the black hole's suction, almost making Cheng Xingchu lost himself.

After he calmed down, he remembered that he was a sword repairman.

"Sword, use a sword!"

Pulled out an ice blue spirit sword from the ring.

Cheng Xingchu didn't even need to think about anything, just pointed his sword at the crack in space in a provocative manner.


A black shadow flew past, and the fifth-grade spirit sword was directly cut off.


Cheng Xingchu's heart aches.

But looking at shooting out of the crack, but no longer escaping like before, only the "Four Swords" quietly inserted on the Fengtian Great Formation.

"I made it!"

He ran over ecstatically, trying to grasp the hilt of the "Four Swords".

But at this time, there were bodies exploded and killed in the image of his mind, Cheng Xingchu froze.

"The treasure is right in front of me, but I can't pick it up?"

Cheng Xingchu knew how many catties he was.

He is not an ancient sword repairer, and his cultivation level is only capable of breaking through to the level of a master, and he has no treasure body protection related to the "four swords".

This grip is sure to die!

"How to do how to do?"

After looking around, there was still no one nearby.

But Cheng Xingchu dare not wow!

He can only cover his ears and steal the bell, and use his body to cover the "Four Swords" as much as possible, but he dared not touch any of them.

"Made, sick, why did you show up in front of me."

Cheng Xingchu's eyes were red, and he was going crazy.

He didn't realize it at all, just by approaching, the fierce power of "there are four swords" had already affected him through the protection of the jade pendant.

"What I don't want to take... I have obviously given up on you, how can you show up in front of me?"

"how can!!!"

Cheng Xingchu clenched his fist desperately, the only trace of reason left made him reluctant to turn around and draw his sword.

But leave?


No one can refuse such a temptation.

What's more, this temptation is still my dream.

Even if the sword doesn't appear, why is the huge Lijian Prairie... but it's me?

"Pull it out, maybe, I'm one ten thousandth!"

"The Fengtian Great Array is right beside you, and you can break it open with a single sword."

"At that time, when the red clothes and the ghost beast are fighting, I Cheng Xing will escape, no matter how bad, I will stay in the white cave space."

"As long as the "Four Swords" succeed, I can get the inheritance of the Eighth Sword Immortal!"


Opening his eyes suddenly, Cheng Xing regained a trace of clarity in his eyes.

He was surprised to find that he did not know when he had already turned around.

And the sword is between his own hands, an inch away!


"Get out of here!"

Cheng Xingchu slumped directly on the ground in fright, panting heavily.

If you run into this, you will die.

"Damn'there are four swords'..."

Reason finally defeated everything, Cheng Xingchu lifted his soft feet, made up his mind, and ran directly to the side.

"This is giving up?"

A smiling voice suddenly appeared behind him.

Cheng Xingchu stopped.

Instinct told him that at this time, he couldn't turn his head back, and should flee desperately.

After all, I just watched it, and there was no one around.

This sudden sound is definitely not simple.

The faint desire in his heart made him turn around with difficulty.

This is a woman with a very hot body, a shabby gray robe can not conceal her rugged figure.

What's even more irritating is that the thick purple chain is wrapping around the delicate body from every unimaginable angle.


Cheng Xingchu felt that his eye socket was about to split.

He is obviously not an impulsive person.

But this time, eager, but as if to go to the brain.

"You, who are you?"

"Caramel candy." The woman smiled happily.

"you you……"

"Don't you, you, do you want'there are four swords'?" Caramel Sugar pointed at the fierce sword.

"No, I don't want to!"

Cheng Xingchu screamed in surprise.

He realized that something was wrong.

Hold your head, turn around and run.

But when he turned his head, the picture was completely different from before.

The naked women in front of them were looming in the pink mist surrounding them, and the seductive moaning sound lingered in the ears, plucking the heartstrings.

Where is Lijian Grassland?

This is heaven!

"Hey, hey..."

Cheng Xingchu's mouth twitched, making a strange laugh.

Suddenly, he held his head.


Under a roar of pain, the picture was completely broken.

What appears again is a small spherical space.

"Boundary, Throne Realm!"

Cheng Xingchu turned his head suddenly and looked at Caramel Candy in horror.

This woman, is the throne?

She trapped herself in a small space?

Caramel Sugar raised his brows, a little surprised.

This guy is surprisingly good-minded, can he break away from the "four swords" desire?

"Little guy, really don't want the'Four Swords'?" She leaned over, her words full of teasing.

"I do not want!"

Cheng Xingchu held his head and said hoarsely: "I don't want it! I am selfish and want everything, but no one can persecute me, no one!"

"Go away!!!"

He wanted to roar through the illusion just as if he had just roared, and shatter the woman in front of him.

But this woman is obviously true.

You can't roar just by sound.

"Fun, interesting."

Caramel Candy chuckled, Lianbu moved lightly, and walked in front of Cheng Xingchu, with an ear canal: "You keep saying no, but what are your hands doing?"

my hand?

Cheng Xingchu was startled and suddenly bowed his head.

Immediately, he was horrified to discover that the hilt of the "Four Swords" was completely in his hand at this moment.


He screamed and bounced.

"Impossible, I didn't hold it, I can't hold it!"

"Fake, all fake!"

"All of these are illusions created by you. Give it to me... well."

Caramel Sugar covered his mouth with his backhand, turned his head away, and looked back.

Cheng Xingchu is familiar with the other side's picture.

The two masters of Hei Ming and Night Watch, plus dozens of red clothes struggling to get up from the ground, are flying towards the direction of the tauren who is already tens of feet high.


so slow!

The picture seems to have been slowed down ten times.

My own thoughts are clearly running uninterrupted, and time has passed for so long.

How come they haven't stopped the tauren?

"Did you see it? That guy with a bull head, his name is Xin Gu Gu."

Caramel Sugar whispered softly in Cheng Xingchu's ear, exhaling like blue: "Pull out the sword and go and kill all those red clothes. If it's you, it will definitely be possible."

"I can not!"

Cheng Xingchu went crazy and said angrily: "How could I listen to you, how could I beat them, I just..."


He stopped suddenly and said in astonishment: "You, are you from the group of ghosts and beasts?"

Caramel Candy's head tilted, squinted and smiled: "Yes!"


Cheng Xingchu's heart contracted, and his whole body became stiff.

He wanted to move, but he couldn't move half of it surrounded by caramel sugar.

"Get out, get out of here!"

He roared furiously, "I am from the Temple of the Holy Spirit, you ghosts and beasts want to control me, there is no door!"

"Oh, or from the Temple of the Holy Spirit? That's great."

Caramel Sugar smiled and groaned: "How justice is in the Temple of the Holy Spirit, but the existence of a madman like the Red Clothes is not the justice of the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Their existence is itself a mistake."

"Draw out the sword and kill them."

"Get out!" Cheng Xingchu roared.

"You are the son of destiny. You can support the fierce spirit of the'Four Swords' by your willpower. This is the first time I have seen it. Pull out the sword and kill them."

"Go away, I won't draw a sword, no, I won't touch a sword, your illusion won't affect me at all!" Cheng Xingchu cried heartbreakingly.

"Is that true?"

Caramel Sugar suddenly let go of her embrace, and with a wave of her hand, she pulled the throne back.

The isolated picture was instantly brought into view.


There was a blast from a faraway place, that was the blood from the **** tauren exploding, sending dozens of red clothes, including Vigil and Hei Ming.

The void turned into a huge black hole, and everything seemed to become nothingness.


The Fengtian Great Array broke.

It seems that the aftermath of this space battle can no longer be sustained.


Cheng Xingchu suddenly lost all energy.

He shifted his gaze down and saw his back and heels.

My neck...what's wrong...

"Destiny chose you. You are unique. You can keep your mind under the power of the fierce demon of the four swords."

Caramel Sugar twisted his head back and sighed: "But in this world, some things are beyond your control."

Cheng Xingchu felt a pain in his neck, and it seemed that some liquid was overflowing.

He looked at the "Four Swords" in his hand in disbelief.

It turned out that from the beginning, I had already held it?

Everything about the talent is not only the masterpiece of this girl.

At the same time, is the desire of one's own heart presented?

"You are dead."

Caramel Candy patted him on the shoulder.


Cheng Xingchu's eyes were splitting, but his voice could only growl in his heart.

From the throat, only the sound of "Woo".

"Recognize the reality, at the moment you were chosen by the'Four Swords', you were also chosen by me."

"The overall situation is settled, you have no choice."

The caramel sugar hand touched the void, the space turned into a mirror.

Cheng Xingchu's pupils shrank suddenly.

He saw the magic lines on his face.

Those husky and dark things almost dyed his entire face in ink.

"this is not me!!!"

The heart-piercing roar sounded from my heart.

Blood burst out from Cheng Xingchu's neck, and his face was directly cracked.

"Yes, it's not you, you shouldn't die so nobody cares."

Caramel Sugar looked to the other side.

There, Hong Yi got up again and rushed to Xin Gu Gu like crazy.

He is in pain...

The caramel can be seen, Xin Gu Gu is very painful.

With just one person's strength, it has dragged down the three main forces of Vigil, Hei Ming, and Faith!

"He can't last long."

"I'm so scared to say..."

This kind of completely liberated form of ghost and beast, if you continue to fight, Xin Gu Gu may really not be able to return.

But it was only so, when all the attention of Hong Yi was taken away.

Only when I have time to find "there are four swords", I also find this young man with tenacity and willpower that can be used as a temporary host.

"Fate is already doomed..."

Caramel Sugar raised her eyes to the sky.

Everything you can see is broken and dark.

There is no light of hope.

As I can see, the future direction.


The caramel eyes showed firmness.

"A task is a task. If you die, you will die."

"Whether it's me~www.ltnovel.com~ or Xin Gu Gu."

Randomly, his eyes turned into strong hatred!

Caramel candies clenched his fists.

"The root cause of all this is the red clothes and the holy temple!"

"Destruction? Genocide?"

"Then goodbye!"

Pulled his hand into his chest.


The "Jiluo Carved Tablet" was stuffed into Cheng Xingchu's mouth.

Caramel Sugar once again took out a ghost beast bead with a strong ghost energy, and slapped Cheng Xingchu's brow with a palm.

"Go ahead."

"Incarnate into a ghost and beast, in charge of the'Four Swords', and cut all the damned guys to the old lady."

"Your final brilliance will bloom over the white cave Lijian grassland...bloom!"

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