"Dead, dead?"

The jihadist black angel was headed by a dagger.

I have to say that this really surprised everyone.

The transcendent ghost beast who has been entangled with the red clothes for so long, when he came out, was immediately beaten by the storyteller?

"How strong is this?"

The red clothes can fight desperately against ghosts and beasts, but if the enemy currently facing, no matter how he plays, he can't match it.

The hearts of everyone could not help but a heavy despair rose up.

How to fight this?

How about a completely unsolvable situation!

Lan Ling could clearly see the faint gray color of all the red-clothed faces rising up, which was an expression of not being able to rise at all.

"Stay steady."

She immediately informed everyone: "The storyteller is strong, but not so strong. Don't forget, this is his ancient book space."

"Everything he does is nothing more than to use the power of space to deify himself, so that everyone can lay down their soldiers and listen to his orders."

"Be timid before fighting, is this the attitude of the red clothes?!"

Everyone woke up.


It is true.

Although the vigil turned the rules of heaven and earth into a dark tone, it won a little bit of geographical advantage.

But this is only a geographical advantage in the space of ancient books.

No matter how it changes, after all, everyone is still in the space controlled by the storyteller at this moment.

It's like entering the enemy's throne realm.

The opponent looks strong.

But thinking from another angle, if everyone is now in the realm of the night watch, the night watch, it may not be impossible to do all this.

"Restrain your mind and don't mess up your mind."

Lan Ling replied: "Put yourself in the right position, as long as you break through the ancient book space, you will have the help of the great formation of the sky, and you will only have to watch the night..."

She looked towards the vigil.

The vigil nodded silently.

"I can."

As soon as the three words fell, the flames of war reignited in the red eyes.

Yes it is.

The storyteller is certainly stronger.

But on his side, in addition to the seriously injured letter, there are Lan Ling, Hei Ming, and Vigil, plus the "Fengtian Great Formation."

As long as the space for ancient books is broken, it may not be impossible to win the storyteller.

Hei Ming glanced at the vigil faintly.

He could see that the old man's face was heavy.


Ha ha.

If you really want to, with this guy's irritable character, it's impossible to face Xin's injuries and still bear it.

But at this moment, faith is extremely important.

Hei Ming would not be stupid enough to hit his own people.

The real way to break the game is to blow up the ancient book space and contact the outside world.

The people of "saint slaves" should have been handed over to white clothes to solve them!

Isn't it true?


"What are you thinking about?"

The storyteller looked at the many red suits whose fighting spirit was resurrected, and said amused: "The meaningless struggle will not bring you much good results, just just be obedient."

"I said, I don't like killing people."

"Come here this time, the picture is just..."

With a stretched hand, when the ghostly spirit disappeared, the storyteller grabbed the black sword from the headless figure who passed by.

"There are four swords, nothing more."



The head and body of the black angel of the holy war hit the ground one after another, splashing dust.

Yuzhi Wen Xing pupil trembled fiercely.

The holy war black angel, who was enveloped in the ghost mist from beginning to end, revealed his true face until his death.

But why did the head that fell to the ground look so familiar?

"Cheng Xingchu?"

With a sudden pull in his heart, Yu Zhiwen could not hide his horror.

Cheng Xingchu is actually a ghost beast?

"Do you know?" Lan Ling asked when he noticed Yu Zhiwen's mood swings.

Yu Zhiwen still didn't dare to believe it, but he explained: "Eastern King City Holy Temple Branch, a member of the Cheng family, Cheng Xingchu."

Lan Ling frowned.

There was a moment of silence, and then he sighed softly.


After saying this, she also woke up immediately.

In the battle, apart from the terrifying existence of the storyteller, there should be one last character who never appeared.

Lingnian immediately set up the vigil, and Lan Ling asked, "How was the situation before? The person in the'Xuyue Grey Palace'..."


The vigil glanced down.

At the same time, the void suddenly shook.

Even a storyteller with four swords couldn't help but bow his head.

I saw Cheng Xingchu's head on the ground, beside the place where his head fell, suddenly a smooth arm stretched out from the void and grabbed the head directly.

In the next second, the figure of Caramel Sugar came out of the crack.

The gray robe broke, and the purple chain was no longer.

Even the hair band was interrupted, and the appearance of the disheveled hair was like a big battle in the shattering of space.

"Yo, there is one more?"

The storyteller smiled and took a step back, feeling the strong breath of ghosts and beasts on this person, and slowly said, "Your mission?" He looked at the red shirt.

The murderous intent burst in the vigil's eyes instantly.

The embarrassed appearance of this woman was shot by him in the space flow.

At that time, the aura on his body was not so terrible, it was just an ordinary throne.

But now, after stepping into the battle, with only a glance, the night watch knew that this woman had removed the "control object".

"Zhan Dao... worthy of being a ghost beast, but also a headache-like existence!"


With a roar, four tall and unmatched tauren rushed across the sky.

The night watch party wanted to move, Caramel Sugar turned his head instantly and whispered: "Can you give me some time?"

"Time?" The night watch was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Lan Ling.

Lan Ling immediately knew the idea of ​​caramel sugar.

At this moment in the space of ancient books.

The biggest enemy of the red clothing and the ghost beast is not each other, but the storyteller.

And when the red clothes still couldn't deal with the storyteller.

Caramel sugar, seems to have an idea to fight against it?

"There are four swords?"

Lan Ling's thoughts froze, and his sight fell on the storyteller with four swords.

Is it because of this?


Which of the various people who came to Lijian Grassland was not for the Four Swords?

That is to say, this ghost beast host, which seems to have only the strength of the sword, wants to grab food from the mouth of a tiger, and has four swords snatched from the hand of the storyteller?

Although I don't know what plan this woman is, but...


Lan Ling hesitated for a while.

Hongyi cooperates with the ghost beast, this is simply the ideal idea of ​​the wild world.

But under the strong pressure of the storyteller, it turned out to be a matter of choice.

In order to have four swords, one side tried to break through the space of ancient books...

Lan Ling paused, unable to make a choice for a while.


Vigil helped to answer.

After fighting with this woman, he could vaguely detect that the opponent had a more terrifying hole card.

At this time, the best solution is nothing more than to let the "Holy Slaves" and "Xuyue Gray Palace" internalize.

As long as the fighting is loud enough, the space for ancient books can be broken, which is not a problem.

And the grudge between the red dress and the ghost beast...

Go out and solve it again!


Hei Ming turned his head, somewhat unacceptable.

But before he could question, Lan Ling had already made up his mind.

"Everyone, retreat!"


With a flash of light, the force of the big array directly teleported all the red clothes to the very rear.

Watching the fire from the other side is a pleasure!


"Little sister, are you going to fight someone?"

The storyteller looked at the caramel candy on the ground with interest. He didn't know where this sister's confidence came from.

Just to have four swords?

Do you have this strength!

"I just want to ask one question..."

Caramel Candy took a heavy breath, "Senior Feng, is it in your hands?"

She didn't want to fight.

But when he was thinking of just recovering the ghost beast orbs, he was approaching, but he felt the ghostly beast aura in the storyteller's body.

——Seal breath!

Think about what Xu Xiaoshou once said again.

Perhaps, there is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes.

Senior Feng is really a storyteller!

"Senior Feng?"

The storyteller tilted his head and pondered for a while, "Which person? I haven't heard of it."

"To put it another way," Caramel Sugar's eyes burned, "Seal the ghost beast."

"Oh, you say it?"

The storyteller looked stunned, and he didn't care: "That's a new little pet that people have acquired. Is it your predecessor?"

After a pause, the storyteller shook his head.

"Sorry, this is a small gift. If someone wants to give it to others, it shouldn't be possible to return it to you."

"Senior Feng..." Caramel Sugar's eyes rose with enthusiasm.

God knows how many twists and turns she and Xin Gu Gu have gone through while wading through the mountains and waters from the Southern Territory for this mission.

The final result, Senior Feng, was actually trapped?

"Holy slave..."

"The storyteller..."

The enemy is very strong.

If possible, Caramel Sugar doesn't even have the idea to talk or provoke.

But as long as it is for the task, all obstructions should be crushed!

"Then there is nothing to say."

A palm slapped Cheng Xingchu's head.

Caramel Sugar's intention to retrieve the ghost beast orb was also turned into a urging seal.

"Xuyue imprint, solution."

There was a bang.

The earth was directly shattered by the gray air waves that burst from the caramel sugar.

Above the sky, which was soaked in darkness for most of the sky, a full gray moon suddenly rose.

Under the moonlight, Caramel Sugar leapt with both hands, and his complexion gradually began to become ferocious.

"Holy war black angel, open!"

Qiao's face was instantly drained, and the caramel sugar seemed to be tens of years old at once, with a few more wrinkles on her face.

The ghost beast orb that received the essence of life is no longer as restricted as the ghost beast body before it, directly floating in the air.


The loud noise exploded.

Cheng Xingchu's head didn't even hold up for a moment, and it was exploded into blood mist.

In the next second, the dense blood mist was directly absorbed by the ghost beast beads.

The earth began to squirm.

The blood sea that Xin Gugu summoned earlier, the blood that had soaked into the bottom due to the cracking of the earth, were also summoned.

A misty blood drifted in the void.

The wisps of wisps were immersed in mist, and then swallowed by the ghost beast beads.

From the rear, the red-clothed crowds who were watching from afar frowned.

This kind of weird and extinct method is unbearable by almost everyone.

But this time it is the ghost beast himself who wants to fight the "saint slave".

Even if it was the night watch, he clenched his fists and endured it.

"What a terrifying power..."

Hiding underground, Xu Xiaoshou, who only wanted to escape the scene of the battle, couldn't help being attracted at this moment.


The methods of the ghost beast are very disgusting.

Even at this moment, he couldn't help but feel aversion in his heart, and he was vaguely determined to understand the red genocide.

As for Cheng Xingchu's death...

Indeed, it's so sad!

Although there is only a very bad impression, this method of death...

Well, it is not incomprehensible.

After all, everyone who came to Lijian Grassland should be prepared for death in essence.

Death is a matter of a moment.

What Caramel Sugar does is just make use of the surplus value after death.

This method, even red can not bear to look directly.

But Xu Xiaoshou understood that the previous wave of Lan Ling's fishing with a net was essentially taking advantage of the lives of the practitioners of the White Cave.

"Anyway, there is no good bird."

Xu Xiaoshou was full of worries.

He thought that the storyteller who had been on the scene for such a long time would be able to suppress all existence vigorously.

But now, the situation seems to have changed?

But by the way...

Looking up at the indifferent storyteller, Xu Xiaoshou almost cursed.

Why can't you stop your gaming mentality for a while?

Do you have to let the enemy's strength take shape, and then compete in a grandiose way?

Is it poisonous?

Want to persuade a wave, but now everyone is in the game.

Xu Xiaoshou dare not expose himself easily.

He can only ask for a little extravagance, his thighs will not fall off the chain at critical moments.


"Holy war black angel...?"

The storyteller is indeed watching.

He has faintly heard of the legend of this ghost beast, but it is very vague.

I was disappointed when I saw the fighting power of this ghost beast before.

But now, it seems that this ghost beast is only limited by the host body, and its strength can be more prosperous?

"How far will it grow?"

The storyteller was curious.

If possible, the gift he wants to give to his brother can be increased by one, after all, good things come in double.

"Don't stop me?"

Caramel sugar swallowed an elixir and barely eliminated the wrinkles on his face.

But the loss of vitality cannot be made up for a short while.

A lot of measures were originally prepared to prevent the true formation of the jihadist black angel from being disturbed.

Unexpectedly, the storyteller is so big.


"This is an opportunity!"

The caramel candy, who was still slightly delighted in his heart, suddenly found four big tauren galloping behind the storyteller, and the scene was so familiar.

Isn't this the scene of the previous jihadist black angel going to death?


Caramel Sugar instantly got anxious, "Xin Gu Gu, stop!"


A roar of an ox sounded in the adjacent place.

The ghost and beast completely embodied Xin Gu Gu, all of their sanity had been lost, and they couldn't understand Caramel Sugar's words at all.

Why stop talking?

The storyteller turned around with a smile, looking ahead, his expression calm and calm.

In the next second, both palms closed together.


The space in front of the four big tauren collapsed, and the black hole shattered and twisted, directly swallowing up the four big bull monsters rushing.


The blood was splattered and scattered.

It hasn't flew far yet, and it's sucked in by the black hole fragments.


The storyteller is full of love.

He really wanted to know, if this ghost beast really had such an ability.

So after this wave of attacks, whether every drop of blood can be transformed into a little calf demon.

If so, this third gift would be even more exotic.

"Xin Gu Gu..."

Seeing that the caramel sugar was swallowed up by the black hole space, Xin Gugu who no longer existed, stretched his hand into the air and froze directly.


The strange smile that this guy would deliberately squeeze out of his brain reverberated in his ears.

Every time, after a whip kick passed, he would take off all his defenses and let himself explode.

Then use the **** rebirth technique of that disgusting person to disgust myself.



Caramel candy covered his head and knelt to the ground with a bang.

"But... it shouldn't, it shouldn't be like this, just wait a little longer, wait a little longer!"

The brain buzzed.

In front of Caramel Sugar, it seemed that Xin Gu Gu was separated from himself in the white cave again.

"An, just leave it to me, you go to Xu Xiaoshou first."

"I lie in ambush in the Lijian Grassland for a few days, and I sacrificed the sea of ​​blood first, and hid it deep underground, the kind that red clothes can't find."

"At that time, as long as you come over, I will go straight up for a wave, and everyone will be able to pull into the water."

"No matter how bad, if there is a loss, the power of blood can also awaken the ghost beast orb, and the task can be completed... Then what is the senior seal."

"I don't understand this either. Anyway, I'll be in charge of doing the fight, so let's go!"

From the Southern Territory, from Xuyue Ash Palace, from Lord Greed, was sent out...

Until now!

"He obviously, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is so embarrassed..."

The caramel canthus is about to split, and it is clinging to the stone.

She suddenly realized that the so-called ghosts and beasts do not need feelings, everything that the so-called elders have ordered and ordered...

All are not useful!

Before Xin Gu Gu was crushed, she also thought she could do it.

Everything, for the task.

but now……

Holding the Ghost Beast Orb with one hand, Caramel Sugar swallowed the Ghost Beast Orb that had been violent to the extreme without thinking about it.


I'll talk about it later, if you can resist this wave.

Now, Caramel Sugar just wants to make the dead pervert in front of you... to hell! ! !

"Death to the old lady!"

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