I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 553: Outburst, twin ghost beast body!


After a hissing, the caramel candy flew high into the sky.

Between the scarlet eyes, there was a crazily destroying desire.

The dense ghost air lingered into the body for only a moment.


A pair of long wings spread out on his back.

Everyone was shocked.

However, the mutation does not stop there.

Compared with the jihadist black angel incarnation of Cheng Xingchu at that time, the breath of caramel sugar at this time is not known how many times it is terrifying.

The extremely dense ghost energy hasn't weakened much after Huayi.

Just stay for half a breath.


Above the wings, regenerate wings.

"Four-winged black angel?"

Hei Ming, who was behind him, trembled.

The previous two-winged black angel, coupled with the persistence of the four swords, made him complain.

There are now four swords gone.

Is this guy replaced with extra wings?

Compared with the power of Four Swords that does not fit in with oneself at all, the aura fluctuations possessed by the four-winged black angel are simply breathtaking.

"Are you sure?"

Hei Ming turned his head and looked at the vigil.

At this time, let him face the jihadist black angel alone.

To be honest, Hei Ming is already a little imaginary.

"Zhandao Peak..."

The vigil murmured, with shock in his eyes.

The power of ghosts and beasts is as simple as that.

This kind of growth method that transcends the operation of the heavenly realm is exactly what the world rules cannot tolerate.

Among them, those special existences that can exchange power at certain prices are even more frightening.

The caramel sugar at this moment obviously has these conditions.

He didn't answer Heiming's words directly, and the vigil's eyes deepened.

"It's more than that."

As if it were confirming his words, opening the four wings did not completely consume the power gained after the caramel sugar swallowed the ghost beast orb.


There was another soft noise.

Behind the caramel sugar that had been overshadowed by ghosts, opened his wings again.

The six-winged gray light that was printed on the dark sky, seemed to be swearing the heart of decisiveness, and its power fluctuations were just shaking and exuding, which caused the ancient book space to burst.

"Oh my God……"

The big man Xin who woke up in the arms of the night watch again, even for a moment forgot to break away from his embrace, staring at the six-winged black angel in the void, his face was unbelievable.

"This is the Ghost Beast Orb, one of Xuyue Ash Palace's trump cards?" He asked.

The vigil lowered his head: "It's just one of the holy war black angels."

Stop talking.

He threw both hands, and directly threw out the letter that had restored a little mobility.

Xin stabilized his figure in the air, his footsteps were still a bit vain, he swallowed the pill while swallowing his saliva, "Is there a height of the Nine Dead Thunder Realm?"

"Turn three." The night watch gave his own judgment.

Nine Dead Thunder Realm.

That is the pinnacle of Slash Dao, the last way to Taixu.

After undergoing nine thunder tribulations, there is a little chance of realizing the power of the emptiness, and thus stepping into that realm.

But almost 90% of the death rate, not every cut, has that determination to take this step.

The vigil is there.

But his strength is not even enough to support the thunder robbery that he started to cross the first turn.

And the ghost beast...

"Can you go directly from the throne to this step just by swallowing a bead?" Vigil narrowed his eyes and thought, such a tremendous change in strength, he has seen it many times.

But it's really not much.

This may be the true attitude of the red clothes towards the ghost beast.

Once these unstable power factors are obtained by some people who are ill-intentioned, and then take revenge on the mainland, it will be a shocking tragedy.

The storyteller watched the fluctuations in the surrounding space, separated a part of the power to maintain the stability of the space, accurately determined the changes in the caramel sugar breath, and still had a spring breeze.

"About Nine Death Thunder Realm Three Turns..."

"But breath and strength can't be controlled at all."

"Don't say whether there is one-turn power, even a better cut can be killed."

"If the throne with special attributes and higher-order combat ability, even if you desperately die, you may be able to fight both sides..."

Using Lingyuan as a compartment, the storyteller's orchid fingers pinched the hilt of the four swords, and completely blocked the Qi machine with the fiercely resisting fierce sword, staring at the metamorphosis on the opposite side and shook his head.

"Really, there is no threat at all!"

"But people like this gift more and more...Huh?"

As everyone waited and watched, the caramel and sugar breath that opened the six wings should have subsided.

But at this time, there were new changes.

Everyone has seen the holy war black angel.

The change is only an increase in the number of black wings.

But at this time, caramel sugar seems to be still squeezing its potential.

Under the painful struggle, her body began to change.

Under the cover of ghost energy, the legs together began to change into snake patterns.


In the gray robe, the slender legs turned into red python tails tens of feet long after the explosion.


The two dancing python tails slammed down in the air, the space exploded, and the fluctuations even forced everyone to retreat again.

"This?" The storyteller licked his red lips with his tongue, his eyes burst open, as if he had seen some superb delicacy.

"What the hell?" Xin was completely stunned.

Looking at the gray-red dragon scales condensing on the tail of the scarlet python, and the wings behind the caramel sugar that belong to the black angel of the holy war...

"What's the situation?" He turned to look at the night watch.

"Double ghost beast body!"

The vigil was also terrified.

I have been performing missions in red for so many years, not to mention having seen the body of the twin ghost beast.

He has rarely heard of it.

Even in the war in the Southern Region Qingcheng that year, there was no existence of twin ghost beast parasites.

"Two ghosts?"

Lan Ling and Yu Zhiwen glanced at each other subconsciously, and they all saw the inquiries about the twin ghost beasts in each other's eyes.

Later, I realized that the other party was as ignorant as I was, and at the same time turned away.

In the scene, no one had heard of or seen the existence of Twin Ghost Beasts.

Even the storyteller exploded at the moment when the tail of the python smashed into the air, and did not dare to disturb the change of caramel sugar.


"Mutated gift, brother is going to fall in love with me!"

With a sickly obsession in his eyes, he shouted: "Come on, mutation!!!"


A very hoarse low groan came from the caramel sugar throat, like a dragon groan, and a bit wrong.

Immediately afterwards, Caramel Sugar's head tilted and a sarcoma grew on the side of his neck.

Sarcomas continue to grow and change drastically.

Then, the head of the same fission caramel sugar turned into a huge red python head.

The python has its first horns, its body has scales, and its back has six wings.

The audience was dumbfounded.

No one can describe the shock seen at the moment.

Two ghost beasts, plus ghost beasts are fully embodied...

This is rare in the world!

Above the void, the ghost energy that burst forth again directly merged into the python's back.

At this time, the ghost beast of caramel sugar is in full form, and it can be regarded as truly formed.


The moment the fourth pair of black wings opened, the power that seemed to be able to overwhelm the sky column leaked, and the sky was shattered like a bright mirror.

The land within a radius of several miles was swept into a vacuum by ghosts.

A huge black hole is just taking shape!

The black hole sucked and tried to swallow everyone up.

Lan Ling immediately removed the enchantment cover, enveloped all the red clothes in it, and once again moved and teleported away from the side of the battle.

"My mother!" The letter was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

Giant python shed its skin.

Out of it a new life.

As far as you can see, there is a winding red python entwined above the black hole, which is several miles long. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it?


Above the nine heavens, the thunderclouds gathered, seeming to destroy the power that the world cannot tolerate.

"Red Thundercloud..."

Lan Ling looked up at the sky in shock, and after murmured, it was difficult to make a sound.

"Chize God Thunder, my God!"

Xin turned his head to look at the vigil again, "How many turns?"

The vigil swallowed hard.

He has not even survived the first calamity of the Nine Deaths Thunder Tribulation, how can he be qualified to judge the strength of others?

"Red Ssangyong Python, this girl's ghost beast has a great background. The old man has seen the picture." Vigil sighed.

Xin rolled his eyes: "So, how many turns?"

"No, it should be said..." The watch watched the two-headed and two-tailed gray-red dragon python with eight wings behind it, and was silent for a while, adding, "Eight wings, red double dragon python!"



"Good, so strong."

The storyteller looked at the superb ghost beast entrenched in the black hole far away, and felt that the power contained in its body was almost comparable to his own, and the whole person was shaking with excitement.

"Gift, this is the perfect gift!"

"Ordinary thrones can grow to this point in an instant."

"My brother said to look for a ghost beast, if this can be given to him..."


A loud noise suddenly exploded from my ears.

The storyteller suddenly froze and his thoughts froze.

Head down.

The blood splattered away below, and the four swords that broke free from the restraints, but were also drawn away, were slowly spinning.

Time seems to be delayed.

Until a certain moment, the chest pain came, and the storyteller suddenly realized.

I was taken away!

His eyes condensed on his chest.

A red dress was already soaked in blood.

The bare skin on the shoulders and neck was supposed to be white and flawless, but at this moment, it was ugly.

"Python tail?"

In my mind, it was only at this time that the eight-winged red double dragon python's attacking picture came through.

When the red double dragon python's wings on the opposite side were able to shake lightly, the other side was gone.

That majestic python body can still have such speed?

"Holy war black angel!"

The storyteller understood it all at once.

The red double dragon python's attack power is strong.

But in the same way, the huge body will inevitably limit its speed.

But when this ghost beast is combined with the holy war black angel, even when it is an eight-winged holy war black angel, all the shortcomings are made up for!


A few more explosions.

The scalps of the crowd of onlookers in red directly exploded.

The storyteller, who only saw the world just now, after the eight-winged red double dragon python was completely formed, was like a child meeting a giant, and he was helpless.

It was just the next moment of being emptied.

Within half a breath that everyone could not react, he encountered successive crit attacks from the Red Shuanglong Python.

At that terrifying speed, even the people in the field could only vaguely see a huge black shadow sweeping.

And the storyteller, upside-down, was constantly struck back and forth in the air.

He directly incarnates into a red lightning, which moves around the black hole without any rules and inertia.

"Hi!" Xin hugged his head directly.

"This speed, this attack power..."

The night watch couldn't help but withdrew half a step back.

He was completely frightened.

That's all about the peak of strength. With this unparalleled speed and combat awareness, even the storyteller could not even react?

"This is... the twin ghost beast body?"

Vigil's heart is full of turbulence.

He has heard of the legend of twin ghost beasts.

Compared with the ghost beast itself, this kind of horrible existence that relies on the ghost beast's body to forcibly combine two different powers is simply unstoppable.

But he didn't understand it until he saw it with his own eyes.

Legends are legends after all.

Invisible people can't understand this power at all.

This is proper...




There was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and the rules of heaven were completely unstable.

The red robbery clouds above the nine heavens are still gathering, and a large group has already formed at this moment.

An aura of destruction was brewing inside, as if to set off the fierce fighting underneath.

Everyone felt that the scene was completely out of control and unable to return to heaven.

"So strong, so cool!"

"Unmatched attack power, defense power, and even speed..."

"The most coveted treasure!"

The storyteller laughed wildly, watching the flesh and blood on his body being pulled away a little bit, his limbs turned into debris, sputtering and opening one by one, his eyes were crazy.

"Let the storm come harder!"


The Red Shuanglong Python is also completely crazy.

It doesn't even need to move at the moment.

The storyteller who has lost the fighting rhythm can't even resist, and can only go back and forth in the volley of two giant python tails.

Flesh and flesh flies, the scene is extremely bloody.


"He is still in control!"

Lan Ling controlled the big formation, and wanted to take advantage of the battle to start, and use the power of the big formation to completely shatter the ancient book space and return to the white cave.

But she was horrified to find out.

Rao is that the storyteller has been swept out of nothing, and he still maintains the ray of mind that was previously divided, holding the ancient book space unbroken.

In other words, the storyteller still has more power!

"This guy……"

Lan Ling was in a cold sweat, "It really is a pervert!"

Apart from the battle, everyone seemed to temporarily lose attention to the red robbery cloud above the nine heavens.

But the majesty of the heavens will not allow the power-cutting powerhouse who has not survived the nine deaths and thunder tribulations to master the ability that is comparable to the nine-turns of the way.


At the moment when Thunder Tribulation took shape, a slender Red Thunder God Thunder descended from the sky, piercing through the huge Red Double Dragon Python in an instant.


The painful dragon roar resounded.

The two huge tails of the red double dragon python curled up, and in the next second, the entire body of the python was penetrated by the power of the red thunder.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Inside the python, there was an explosion.

The extremely compressed energy of the Chi Ze God Lei exploded, and the sky was covered by python blood all at once.

Like a rain of blood, every drop of blood splattered, accompanied by the power of a terrifying thunder.

The void was not only corroded by the power of the python blood itself, but also suffered a wave of thunder and calamity.


The entire Lijian Grassland was completely overturned.

The power of the slashing level is fully fired, plus the nine deadly thunder tribulations.

That scene is like the end of the world, the magnificent picture does not contain any pause at all.

"So cool, really cool..."

In the bursting space, there was a vaguely excited high-pitched sound.

The red robes constricted awe-inspiringly, just as he noticed the broken storyteller who had seized the rhythm of the half-breath attack because of the thunder tribulation, and thus escaped from the shackles, suddenly spit out another new storyteller.

After that, taking advantage of Chi Ze Shen Lei's thunder robbery paralysis effect has not passed.

This storyteller, who was full of saliva, disappeared directly.

When he reappeared, he had already come before the double python head that was dozens of times bigger than him.


The small dagger was pulled out and swiped across it.

The space was completely shattered, and a black light instantly approached the python head.


Between the lightning and flint, the red double dragon python recovered from the lightning attack.

Eight wings trembled lightly, and the huge python body disappeared in place.

Next second.


The storyteller who was spit out from his mouth was directly exploded by the obscuring python tail, and even the corpse was pressed into the ground.


Everyone's heartbeat stopped suddenly, and they felt that their souls were about to be drawn out of their physical bodies by this blow.

"My God..." The letter was completely dumbfounded.

This attack, let alone bear it.

He just looked at it, and he felt his heart tremble, his legs were soft, and he couldn't stand it at all.

Rao, the sealed ghost beast known as the King of the White Caves, appeared at this time. I am afraid that this blow did not make it even more shocking, right?


The red double dragon still wants to continue to attack.

But at this moment, in the robbery cloud, a thunder with the thickness of a thumb once again descended.

Thunder is small.

But the color at this moment has evolved from red to orange.

"Orange original death robbery!"

In an instant, Lei Jie continued his body.

At this time, the Red Ssangyak could not hold it at all.

Its power was originally forcibly stacked, and it was already good to be able to withstand the Chi Ze God Thunder in a nine-dead thunder tribulation.

When he was pierced by the death of Orange Plains, the body of the python completely exploded.

The flesh and blood burst and shot.

The dragon scales flew randomly, and the sky rained blood again.


There was a painful and weak female voice between the ghost and beast's bodies without consciousness.

A word settled.

Bengfei's python body turned into a ghost and returned to possession.

In the blink of an eye, the Red Ssangyong Python took shape again!


"So powerful!"

The storyteller's eyes widened, staring at the reshaped red double dragon python, his eyes full of unstoppable love.

At this time, even if it is seriously injured.

In the space of ancient books, he still used the power of the laws of heaven to condense a half body, plus half an arm.


"Yes, there are four swords."

As if thinking of something, the storyteller looked down.

In the ground, four swords have been drawn into the deep stratum by the python tail.

But with a stroke of his hand, this fierce sword was restrained by the power of heaven and entered into the palm of his hand.

"People's knives can't hurt you, so there are four swords!"

The storyteller Lingyuan serves as the compartment and holds four swords with one hand.

With a flash of his body, he once again appeared on one of the red double dragon python heads.

The death of Orange Plains is terrible!

Rao is that Caramel Sugar still has a bit of consciousness, able to condense the python body back again.

But the power of Thunder Tribulation remaining in the body is still not something she can resist.

Watching the storyteller appear on her head again, she mobilized twelve points of strength, and finally vibrated the eight wings of the holy war black angel at the moment when the four swords were about to touch the dragon scales of the python head.

Even a storyteller in this state dare not easily grasp Four Swords.

If you really insert it into your body...

What is the end, can be met!

For the sword repairman who has obtained the approval of the four swords, the fierce sword is the ultimate treasure, and it is the superb spirit weapon to enhance the combat power.

But for outsiders.

Even at the peak of Slash Dao, even with the power that can only be possessed by the Nine Dead Thunder Realm.

There are four swords...

Hold it and die!


Eight wings moved.

The Red Shuanglong Python avoided the speed of light and disappeared directly in front of the storyteller.

Caramel Sugar's vague consciousness was too late to be mobilized, but the incomplete body formed by perception in the snake's eyes had already looked back.


"Sure enough!"

"Even the attack of the Orange Yuan Death Tribulation can be temporarily suppressed, you are simply the most perfect existence!"

The storyteller licked his red lips, his face covered with blood.

But the dodge that the Red Shuanglong Python could do was already foreseen in advance.

"Such a powerful ghost beast, even the power of thunder and calamity can be suppressed, if you get into trouble again, what will it be like?"

The storyteller is crazy.

Without even thinking about it, he threw out the four swords in his hand.

"Come on, hold on."

"Explore all the power, let people take a good look at your potential!"

All the red clothes on the edge of the battle shuddered.


This pervert is really a thinking lunatic!

When everyone is still worried about their own safety, this storyteller can even experiment with himself.

Not to mention the attack power of the Red Shuanglong Python personally.

People are at this level, so they still have to use four swords to stimulate the other's madness?

The Nine Dead Thunder Realm level twin ghost beast body, and then go crazy...


Xin grabbed Lan Ling's hand, "Can't you break the formation yet?"

Lan Ling's body trembled, and she was soaked with sweat that she couldn't help but look down.

Fighting against the perverted man in the red skirt is already strenuous.

What kind of excitement are you mingling with?





Four swords turned into black lightning, and shot in the direction of the red double dragon python.

Eight wings moved.

The Red Shuanglong Python just wanted to avoid it.

But in the presence, the speed is even worse!


Above the nine heavens, Lei Jie changed from orange to gold.

A golden light of the thickness of the wrist fell from the sky.

Like the sword of the gods, it directly penetrates the eight wings of the red double dragon python.

From heaven to earth, nailed to the void.

Jin Cui Guang Jie!


Halfway through the painful roar, it was directly interrupted by the energy exploded by Jin Cui Guangjie.

Above the gray-red python body, from the cracks in the body, a golden thunder tribulation burst out.

The scene looked like if it were going to burst completely, it was horrible.

However, the Red Shuanglong Python, who was completely unable to move even after the power of the thunder tribulation, faced the four swords that came through in front of him...

Can't avoid half a minute!


How terrifying is the sword devoted to the power of the storyteller's soul?

But even so, the advancement of the four swords is only from the head to the body.

Halfway through, we can't move forward.

The Red Ssangyong Python body is too long!

In addition to the power of thunder and robbery in the body, there are four swords that can't penetrate at all.

That's the case, the magic lines still start from the head of the python, directly tattooed on the body of the red double dragon python.


The gray ghostly energy in the python's eyes was directly replaced by the devilish energy.

A sorrowful neigh echoed in the void, and the mourning was pitiful.


The storyteller looked at the red double dragon python, which was only half soaked with magic patterns, and couldn't help but stunned.

"How can it be only half-length?"

The red glow in his eyes rushed directly up, "I will help you evolve!"


With the dagger and the power of space and the power of heaven, he barely broke through the defense of the python skin, and the storyteller plunged into the body of the python.

In the next second, the **** red dress man rushed out of the python carrying a slender black fierce sword.

"Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan..."


Flying around the python body, one sword at a time.

The black fierce demon sword aura was sent into the python body one by one from the cracks in the python skin that was propped up by the power of thunder.

The storyteller has been busy for a long time before flying high in the sky around the python tail.

He was totally excited.

Such a lovely prey is simply hard to find in a lifetime.

How can you not have a good time today?

"Second, take the sword!"

The excited storyteller even forgot about the fact that the second child hadn't been discovered, and without scrutiny, without looking back, four swords were thrown in one direction.

He wants to eat the crazy red double dragon python alone.

At this time, there are no more four swords!

Following the gaze of a crowd of red clothes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com fierce sword flew through the air, but no one dared to intercept it.

"come on! Come on."

The storyteller wiped a handful of viscous blood between his forehead, bent over, bent his knees, clenched his small fist, and cheered on the red double dragon python that was completely tattooed with magic patterns.

With only one arm left, he didn't even care about his injuries.

In the eyes, there are all the twin ghost beasts that are about to be demonized.

"Xin Gu Gu..."

Caramel Sugar looked at the incomplete human-shaped silhouette in the snake's eyes, as if seeing the last scene of the blood blooming again.

"Is it the only way to do this..."

The hatred can no longer be maintained.

The last bit of consciousness remaining in the caramel sugar was finally completely swallowed by the strong devilish energy.

"Sorry, sister can't avenge you."

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