I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 815: "Xiao Wanfeng" is famous in the Yunlun Mountains!


"Nine-four-two-five, Xiao Wanfeng hurried to the east to find Ben Shao, points: 100."

"Nine-Eight-Seven, Xiao Wanfeng hurriedly came to the east to find Ben Shao, points: 600."

"Seventy-two, Xiao Wanfeng hurriedly came to the east to find Ben Shao, score: 1300."


"Nine, Xiao Wanfeng hurriedly came to the east to find Ben Shao, his integral: 5400."

Into the night.

In only half a day, Xu Xiaoshou reached the top ten of the standings.

Rao is very barren in the east, but it can't stand the development trend of the "Xu Gang" like a cancer.

The East is crazy.

All individual combatants, small gang testers, almost had only two results when they encountered that terrifying Xu Gang encirclement.

Either run.

Run fast, avoid being plundered.

If you run slowly, you will become Xu Bang Bangzhong...

In just half a day, the Xu Gang has grown from an initial crowd of seventy to more than five hundred people.

Admiral Five Tigers initially disliked Xu Shao's style.

They don't even want to work hard.

But by night, the five people have completely different mentalities.

Admiral Wuhu Xiang!

In normal times, with their five strengths, how can they control hundreds of subordinates?

But now, as soon as he meets someone and Xu Shao gets out of his way, that person has to succumb.

In the end, Xu Shao didn't even have to act.

Admiral Five Tigers just one person, ordered hundreds of gangs to go shelled, not even fighting, the enemy directly disarmed and surrendered.

"Xu Shao, this is the latest Yunzhu dug."

At the bonfire barbecue in front of the camp, Tai Xing, one of the Five Tigers, came with a ring and the latest sixteen cloud beads.

He stared at the fragrant Thunder Bear's paws roasted on the campfire, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"It's so fragrant, Shao Xu is from Lianjia, and my chef doesn't have such skills!"

Tai Xing is also a young talent, with a height of more than eight feet, a well-proportioned figure, and a fifth-grade spirit sword in his hand, with extraordinary bearing.

But after half a day, he had already screamed "Xu Shao" very quickly, and he didn't feel any discomfort.

"Here?" Xu Xiaoshou pointed to Xin Gugu's side by the bonfire, took the ring, lifted Yunzhu out, and smiled, "Sit down and eat together!"

Tai Xing squatted with excitement, cut off a piece of Thunder Giant Bear's paw, and started gnawing through Xin Gu Gu.

The two guardians beside Xu Shao are very human!

Within half a day of the world, the grandmaster-level spirit beasts they couldn't beat, the two of them could kill them almost instantly if they shot them.

Such as this Thunder Bear, close to the strength of the Grand Master's peak, the Xu Gang was beaten to an impasse.

As soon as this little Xin brother appeared, he directly overturned the Thunder Bear with a palm. To say that he did not have the strength of a grand master, Tai Xing was the first to not believe it.

"too delicious!"

Gnawing bear's paw meat, Tai Xing was full of happiness, and his face was full of drunkenness.

The meat is very tender and has medicinal aroma, which is simply tonic.

After half a day, everyone in the Xu Gang knew that kendo was not the specialty of Xu Shao, but alchemy.

The one in front of him is the legendary fourth-rank alchemy throne.

An ordinary grandmaster's spirit meat, roasted under his hands, not only has a scent, but also has the effect of the grandmaster's elixir.

It can be said that the great tonic nature of soul and flesh has been brought into play by Xu Shao to an unparalleled level.

"I'm going to make a breakthrough..." After gnawing a large piece of bear paw, Tai Xing felt that he could not restrain his cultivation, and looked at Xu Shao.

"Suddenly, Ben Shao will protect the law for you." Xu Xiaoshou smiled and nodded.

Among the five generals, Tai Xing was already the last one who was born innate.

The rest of the people, after eating a few meals of their own barbecue, couldn't help but break through to become masters.

Without the Grand Master Celestial Realm, they would not be able to manage hundreds of young talents from the Five Realms.


Tai Xing nodded and sat cross-legged.


The sea of ​​anger rises, and the bonfire is Ye Ye.

The Tao is revealed, and the sky emerges.

Tai Xing breaks through the master.

"How?" Xu Xiaoshou asked curiously, Xin Gugu and Liu Changqing also turned their heads over.

"Fortunately, the grandmaster's astronomical state...the pinnacle!" Tai Xing was very excited. He suppressed the cultivation base for more than two years, just for the trial of the holy palace.

Now in this royal city, with Xu Shao's promise, he will be in the top 36 of the standings, and he hasn't taken care of it at all.

After a breakthrough, he became the Grand Master Celestial State.

"Yes, plus you, our Xu Gang has five grand masters at the top of the celestial state, and they are only one step away from the Yin-Yang state." Xu Xiaoshou nodded his approval.

There are rules in the cloud world, as long as you don't get out of the game early, until the end, the top 36 in the standings, the cloud world will deprive the tester of the master's ability and return to the innate realm at the beginning of the trial.

Then, the tester gets the "Cloud Realm Origin Crystal", as long as he enters the Holy Palace for the trial, he can restore his peak cultivation level with one swallowing.

This is the benefit that Chengji seeks for the trialists.

Xu Xiaoshou is also confident, helping his five generals to reach the top 36 of the standings, which naturally allows them to break through unscrupulously.

"Later, find some treasures that can help you understand the Taoist rule, or wait for the standings to stabilize, and Yunzhu will give you all first. Believe in the Yin-Yang realm, it's not far away." Xu Xiaoshou smiled.

"Thank you Xu Shao!" Tai Xing was excited.

Everyone already knows that Xu Shao does not rush to the top of the standings.

All he wants is to get to the top ten on the list, to send a wave of propaganda, and to summon the people on the first floor of the sky to the eastern region.

Everyone didn't believe Xu Shao's words before.

But since that long slogan rushed to the top ten of the standings, everyone believed it.

"Xiao Wanfeng quickly came to the east to find Ben Shao..."

When I thought of the name of the tester, Tai Xing was speechless.

I really don't know what Xu Shao thought at the time to burn his name like this.

I don’t know, what would it be for others to see Xu Shao’s rush to the rankings in the past half-day, seeing this name?

It is late at night.

Everywhere in the Yunlun Mountains, the trialists stopped hunting spirit beasts and searching for cloud beads, and began to cultivate their health.

But after a break, each glanced at the standings.

"It's improved again." Someone obviously has been following someone.

"Already rushed to the top ten, ranked ninth!"

"It's terrible, who is this'Xiao Wanfeng, come to the east to find Ben Shao'? How could anyone take such a name and make it so fast?"

Obviously Xu Xiaoshou's long name and his ability to attract eyes are not so big.

"This name, as soon as he appeared in more than 9,000 points in the standings, I noticed it."

"No way, it's too long. You have to drag the screen to see the full name clearly. It's really funny."

"Unexpectedly, such a funny name took only half a day. He came to the top and went directly from more than 9,000 to ninth on the list, a thousand times!" Someone sighed with emotion.

"It is important to know that everyone is beginning to work hard. This'Xiao Wanfeng hurries to find Ben Shao in the east', and can reach ninth in the standings. Obviously, he is also the leader of a big gang."

"Yes, I don't know what the leader's name is, but Xiao Wanfeng is about to become famous. More than 30,000 testers should have remembered his name!"

Under the starry night, everywhere in the Yunlun Mountains, there is no discussion about "Xiao Wanfeng".

Maybe even Xiao Wanfeng would not have thought that the way he became famous was because someone else named him a name.


In a secluded cave, a shirtless young man with purple hair stood against the Xuanzhong spear, staring at the standings on his hand, silent for a long time.


"I rely on the'search cloud disk' to find the cloud beast to hunt and kill, and is far ahead of everyone in the standings. I didn't expect this Xiao Wanfeng to be in the top ten of the list with the help of cloud beads."

"How many people must he gather to win by number?"

"If you encounter a few cloud beasts, can't you just hit me at the top of the list?"

After a pause, Chong Yuan, a naked, sturdy young man, let out another laugh.


"Even if you encounter a cloud beast, with its realm close to the throne, and there is a'cloud body' that is not afraid of physical attacks, how many of the entire Yunlun Mountains can contend?"

"It's not that whoever breaks through will be able to reach the Star Sacrifice Realm!"

Chongyuan walked out of the cave, staring at the stars, full of spirits.

Suppression repairs for three years.

In the past three years, who would have thought how to bear the humiliation, just for the trial of the Holy Palace?

During this trip to the Yunlun Mountains, he was going to fight everyone.

"Xiao Wanfeng..."

"Oh, pray not to meet me!"


Jiang Xian led more than 300 people to the valley of Yueya Mountain.

On the branches of a bare old locust tree, sat a girl wearing a red silk tutu skirt, wrapped in bandages, only showing two bright eyes.

She was so lonely as she dangled her legs under the pale white moon, letting the bells on her ankles make a "jingle, jingle", as if not afraid of how much harm this sound would bring in the night.

"Black-hearted fruit tribe, Duo'er."

Jiang Xian looked at from a distance, recognized the identity of the person, stopped the urge of the person on the side to do something, and shouted in the air: "Girl Duoer, you and I are both semi-sage heirs. If we join hands, we will fight together. This Yunlun Mountain Range?"

The sound went with the wind, fluttering, and there was no echo for a long time.


Girl Doer, who was rippling her feet on the branch, was still quietly humming a lullaby belonging to the Rudbeckia family, tasting the **** smell of a day's fight in the southern region brought by the night breeze, squinting her eyes slightly, enjoying the tranquility of the night.

"Girl Doer?"




Jiang Xian yelled three times, but there was still no response. His complexion was a little ugly, and he said loudly, "The black heart gu from the Black Heart Fruit Clan, my Jiang family has semi-sacred pure light, so don't be afraid of it!"

Duo'er's ears moved, her eyes lit up, and she tilted her head to look, her voice was as clear as a bird: "Are you going to fight with Duo'er?"

Jiang Xian was startled and said angrily: "It's not a fight, it's cooperation!"

"I'm not interested, go away, your name is not good, Duo'er doesn't want to cooperate with you, Duo'er wants to cooperate with this person called Xiao Wanfeng." On the branch, the little girl pointed to the trial jade pendant, her eyes burning.

Jiang Xian was furious.

He was also the first time he saw a descendant of the Black Heart Fruit Clan. He didn't expect the other party to be so immature, and his brain circuit didn't look like a normal person at all.

"Young Shao Jiang, when I can besiege, I will go straight up and kill her!" someone on the side suggested.

After a day, Doer is still in the second place in the standings.

Everyone thought that this girl should also have an army of trialers.

I never thought that when I went to Crescent Moon to visit tonight, she was still a lonely person. Isn't this an opportunity?

Everyone was a little moved.

The points in the second place are so jealous. Although it is shameful to use more and less bullying in this battle, if you win Duoer, the road of trials for everyone behind will be too easy.

"Stupid!" Jiang Xian yelled and yelled, "I have Jiang's Half-Holy Pure Light, what do you use to resist her black heart Gu? Do you think we are a lot of people?"

He pointed to the mountainous wasteland: "This mountain is the battlefield of the Black Heart Fruit Clan. As soon as a battle begins, tens of thousands of Black Heart Gus will appear, not to mention that you are hundreds of innates, you are hundreds of masters, and you will be finished in an instant! "

Everyone trembled.

Thousands of Black Heart Gus can kill hundreds of masters in an instant?

What is this ability?

Are the people of the Southern Territory so weird and terrifying?


Seeing that Duo'er didn't want to cooperate, Jiang Xian turned his head and left with someone.

At this moment, the girl Doer, with her legs dangling on her branch, smiled and asked: "I met your large army this morning. There are more than 500 people left? Why are there so many left?"

Jiang Xian stagnated and his face sank. He didn't want to explain, but he was afraid of angering this inexplicable little girl, so he didn't look back and said, "I met a lunatic with a sword, let's go!"

The second half of the sentence was addressed to the large army.

"The lunatic with the sword..."

On the old locust tree, Girl Doer held her fingers in a weird tone, and muttered to herself: "It's really amazing. You dare to provoke swordsmen when you come to the Eastern Region. The Eastern Region Sword God Heaven, as long as it's a sword-holder... Master said Now, even a mortal is not easy to mess with."

Then she raised her small fist and exclaimed: "But if it is a grandmaster or a throne, then you can kill. The stronger the cultivation base, the lower the swordsmanship!"

After that, she returned to look at the trial jade pendant, staring at the long list of names on it in a daze.

"Xiao Wanfeng, a nice name..."

Doer rolled her little index finger and muttered blankly: "I hope you look like this name, the night is faint, and the evening breeze is habitual, otherwise... hum."

at the same time.

In other places, too many people have paid attention to the name "Xiao Wanfeng".

People in the Eastern Heavenly King City can recognize this as the title of Xu Shao's recording at a glance, but most people who don't know call it as "Xiao Wanfeng" himself.

And Xiao Wanfeng himself, after seeing this name, seemed to have found the last straw.

"East..." Su Qianqian squeezed the trial jade pendant and looked at the east.

"Xu Shao is there!" Xiao Wanfeng was trembling, walking on thin ice. He didn't know what this little girl was looking for Xu Shao for, but no matter how good it was, he could always solve the problem by bringing it to Xu Shao.

Brother Xiao Beast was there... Su Qianqian smiled, jumped off the rock and said, "Hurry up to the east in the starry night."

"Uh, are you serious?" Xiao Wanfeng was startled, this person is more anxious than himself?

But rushing at night, the risk factor can be too big.

Hidden in the Yunlun Mountains are more than innate and master-level spirit beasts.

To drive from the west to the east, the middle must pass through the core area of ​​the Jiulong Vein. I heard that there are even Throne Spirit Beasts in that place!

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Su Qianqian looked back and smiled and continued to move forward.

Xiao Wanfeng sighed deeply.

Who are these people? There was no normal person following Xu Shao, but now even those who know Xu Shao have become so terrible.

"Let's go, let's go, hope that there will be no accidents on the way to the east."

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