I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 818: When you Rong Dahao was born, you were destined to be one of the leaders of the Xu Gang

On Luoyun Peak.

One after another, Dao Yun’s breakthrough momentum appeared, and Rong Dahao’s first gang of hundreds was extremely excited.

"It's almost done, it's still the last one."

"It's a critical moment..."

"Breakthrough! Breakthrough!"

"Twenty grandmasters, plus the top ten grandmasters who descended from the top, a total of 30 grandmasters, I think the Xu Gang is still rampant, hahaha!"

"Don't forget, we still have hole cards, team zero!"

"Haha, yes, his mother, this time we are going down the mountain, we must fight that Shao Xu doesn't even know his mother!"

"Fuck him!"

Twenty new masters have brought Rong Dahao a group of hundreds of people, that is unparalleled confidence.

Even Rong Dahao himself couldn't restrain the rippling smile at the corners of his mouth for a while.

Twenty masters!

If it was him, he might be besieged by twenty masters at the same time. At best, he could only escape freely, and it was unlikely that he could come back.

After all, these twenty masters, Rong Dahao knows the roots and knows the bottom line, all of them have cards, not ordinary masters.

"You newly promoted twenty people, plus the grandmaster team I formed before, now there are close to the 30th grandmaster on the mountain!" Rong Dahao smiled at the front team.

Among his team, Team Zero, was formed by the Seven Great Masters and led by Lei Ze.

This hole card is not used easily, and when fighting on weekdays, they will not be counted.

But now, in order to deal with the Xu Gang, Rong Dahao can be said to have come out in full force.

"Brother Hao."

Lei Ze looked a little excited on one side, and walked over and said: "Counting the top ten grand masters going up and down the mountain, we have close to forty grand masters. Generally, when the throne comes, it is difficult to resist this force!"

"Not bad." Rong Dahao nodded.

Lei Ze looked down the mountain, the clouds and mist obscured everyone's vision and spiritual thoughts, but it did not hinder the Rong's team's confidence in the top ten masters who had descended from the mountain before.

"I don't know which step they took, whether they completely tore the Xu Gang's line apart, I hope it won't fall..." Lei Ze said.

Rong Dahao shook his head: "It should be impossible to fall. Xu Shao even managed to grab a few, and at most rob them of their points. This time we went down the mountain, not only to rescue people back, but also to completely overwhelm the Xu Gang front, and return a peace in the east. !"

Hundreds of people on the Rong's team were excited when they heard the words, and raised their hands.

"The boss is right, he smashed the Xu Gang front and returned a peace in the east!"

"Crash! Peace!"


The sentiment was enthusiastic, and everyone was flushed with excitement.

Close to forty masters, this is a force that can sweep the entire Yunlun Mountain Range.

Just when all these people were emotionally up, the clouds and mist on the top of the mountain flickered, and someone rushed through the spiritual formation and hurriedly climbed to the top.

"The big thing is not good!" a desperate roar came from a violent gasp.

"Who?" Rong Dahao looked vigilantly.

Everyone looked around, but saw that this ragged, blood-stained man was actually one of the top ten masters who had descended from the mountain before.

"Brother Qian Gun?"

Rong Dahao was taken aback when he saw the tragic situation of the visitor. He stepped forward to help, and asked, "What happened, you killed the people below? So much blood was shed?"

Grandmaster fights, you can run if you can't fight, so you won't be hurt so badly, right?

I can see that Qian Dagon's clothes are like cloth strips, which have been torn to rotten, and the whole body has dried up blood scabs...

If it weren't for this person's eyes that there was a trace of human intelligence, Rong Dahao really would think that this short trip down the mountain, the top ten masters had been done something tragic.

"The big thing is not good! Brother Hao..."

Qian Dagon let out a sigh of relief, his complexion full of despair, and under the gaze of everyone's uneasy eyes, he cried and said, "Then Young Master Xu, the Swordsman Throne! He gave us the top ten masters down the mountain. We were killed!"

With a bang, the top of Luoyun Peak exploded, and the crowd talked a lot.

Rong Dahao thought he had auditory hallucinations, and said in amazement, "What did you say?!"

Qian Dagon cried and said, "Brother Hao, you heard that right, then Shao Xu, the kendo throne! He is really the kendo throne, not an ordinary kendo throne, or an ordinary throne spirit refiner, I am afraid it will be difficult to withstand his attack... "

"He is more than Jianzong at all!" Qian Gun cried.

This broken intelligence is wrong!

His ten great masters slayed down the mountain, and he didn't even have the skill to make a stick of incense.

What is the difference between this and Bai Ge?

If he had known that this Xu Shao was really the throne of kendo, and gave him a hundred bear-hearted leopard daring, he would not dare to go down the mountain with the ten masters!

"Kendo Throne..."

Rong Dahao murmured in disbelief, his expression was shocked: "He is really the kendo throne? Isn't it a rumor?"

Recalling the collision between Xu Shao and Jiang Xian from Duojin Commercial, Rong Dahao went crazy.

If that guy is the throne of kendo, why didn't he talk so much nonsense with Jiang Xian at that time, and he appeared directly on the throne. It was the Jiang family, and he wanted to befriend him?


Rong Dahao shook his head straight.

He didn't think that Xu Shao was really the throne of kendo.

Because at that time, from Xu Shao, he could only perceive a little bit of illusion-like Jianzong Taoist rhyme through secret methods.

"Could it be that you broke through recently?" Rong Dahao thought, but was taken aback by himself.

How could it be a recent breakthrough?

In the recent breakthrough, according to Qian Gun's words, how could Xu Shao contend with the Throne Spirit Refiner?

Doesn't he need to consolidate his realm?

"Nothing is impossible!" Qian Gun was already in a state of confusion, but had to continue to explain to Rong Dahao the horrific experience of his going down the mountain.

"Brother Hao, haven't you seen the Sword Throne Throne? That guy, that guy..."

"One sword!"

"With a single sword, he directly slashed our top ten masters, the kind that has no resistance!"

On Luoyun Peak, everyone was panicked by Qian Gun's words.

Like a horror?

The ten great master celestial phenomena, one sword is gone?

Rong Dahao was a little bit shy: "You can tell me in detail..."

"There's no time." Qian Gun waved his hands, "Brother Hao, Xu Shao let me go up the mountain, just let me inform you, no need to work hard, even if I wait to break through 20 masters, I am not the enemy of the sword! "

"Naughty!" Rong Dahao shouted.

The second and third squads that had finished adjusting their interest rates, twenty grandmasters opened their eyes at the same moment, and Qian Gong shivered fiercely under the overwhelming bitterness.

When he looked back, he suddenly found the twenty newly promoted grandmasters with arrogant fighting intent in his eyes!

"Really breakthrough?"

Rao was a little surprised by Qian Dagon at this meeting.

He didn't go down the mountain for a long time. After such a short time, the second and third teams have all broken through the master?

For a time, the seedlings Rong Dahao was looking for were so good, and Qian Gun had to sigh with emotion and admiration.


To no avail wow!

Qian Dagon turned his head and burst into tears: "Brother Hao, if you listen to my persuasion, even if we go down to 20 or 30 Grandmasters, it will be useless. That guy is not a human at all. Have you ever seen him make a sword? …"

Rong Dahao interrupted: "I've seen the Kendo Throne take action!"

Qian Gong was taken aback and overjoyed: "Then you should know how terrible the kendo throne is..."

Rong Dahao looked straight at him: "The Throne of Kendo, not as terrible as you thought, you are just being taken first and cast a psychological shadow."

Qian Gun was stunned.


Brother Hao, the kendo throne you have seen, is it a parallel import?

The one under the mountain I saw is not so or so as you said!

Qian Gun's heart went mad.

He also wanted to persuade Ke Rong Dahao not to give him a chance to shake his military spirit.

"Qian Dagon, withdraw!"

A big warm hand pressed his shoulders, Qian Gun understood that it would be useless for him to talk more, and there was a tendency to grow others' ambitions and destroy his own prestige.

"Brother Hao, I..." Qian Dagon hesitated.

"I understand."

Rong Dahao whispered, looking complicated.

Where does he actually know how powerful the Sword Throne is?

However, if Xu Shao wants him to surrender, he will not be able to surrender if he is killed.

This is no longer a matter of the trial dispute in the Yunlun Mountains. It is about ghosts and beasts, and it is absolutely impossible for Rong Dahao to work under that Xu Shao.

"Thirty Grandmasters, follow me down the mountain!"

Give an order.

Rong Dahao led people to fly out of the spirit formation, pierced through the clouds and mist, and swiftly left Luoyun Peak.

"Boss, come on!"


"Kill them all!"

The trialists who were still staying on the top of the peak didn't even know the pros and cons of this.

They only knew that there were thirty masters in their family. In this Yunlun Mountains, there was a force of gods blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha.

Xu Shao is the kendo throne?

Just a throne, how much can he do?

Besides, in this cloud realm world, there is the Swordsman Throne, and it can only use the power of the pinnacle of Sword Sect.

And the master?

We have thirty people!

The amount of rolling!

Down the mountain.

"Sit down and form a group!"

Zhao Xiu kicked the prisoners of the nine great masters one by one, gathered them in the camp, hehe sneered: "When will you understand what you really want to do, then you can get out from this place."

"Xu Shao has let me wait to leave!" In the prisoner-of-war camp, a grandmaster yelled in annoyance.

"Xu Shao is a kindhearted heart, let you go, but our five tiger generals are also capable of catching you, completely accepting you and turning to the Xu Gang." Zhao Xiu snorted, digging his nostrils, and flicked a little.

"You..." Qi Qi of the Nine Great Masters felt insulted.

Hades is not easy to provoke, and the little devil is also difficult to provoke.

This broken Xu Gang, how can there be so many pickles?

But when I think of the power of Xu Shao's sword, everyone has no resistance and can only pray silently in their hearts:

"Brother Hao, surrender..."

"This Xu Gang is really something we can provoke..."

The prayer is less than half.

On Luoyun Peak, the clouds were torn apart to see the blue sky, dozens of lights and shadows flashed out.

"It's Brother Hao!"

Among the nine great masters, some were excited, "Brother Hao is here to save us!"

But soon someone made a sensible voice, and his tone was full of bitterness: "Is it saved?"

The nine people were silent.

Zhao Xiu laughed loudly: "Don't talk about your brother Hao, I am here, and I can't save you at this moment!"

After speaking, he looked in the direction of Luoyun Peak.

The figure of nearly thirty grand masters shocked Zhao Xiu.

Are the people on this peak so qualified?

In a short while, close to thirty masters have come down again?

Zhao Xiu's heartbeat speeded up a bit, but thinking of Xu Shao, she quickly calmed down.

What about Thirty Grandmasters?

Xu Shao, that is an unreasonable existence!

Gods and Buddhas are here, and in this Yunlun Mountains, they will all be wiped out by a sword!

"Xu Shao, they are here."

Among the five generals, the other four surrounded Xu Shao, and Tai Xing said solemnly.

Xu Xiaoshou was a little surprised when he saw that the people above still refused to come down.

Are these people really afraid of death?

Or is it that the person who just put it back didn't describe the scene of the battle in place?

No matter what, Xu Xiaoshou admires the courage of these people to go down the mountain.

But obviously, if you want to win with quantity, it's okay to deal with ordinary people.

Deal with yourself...


"You guys, wait here, take a cup of tea by the way, and Ben Shao will come as soon as he goes." Xu Xiaoshou turned his head and exhorted.

The Four Tigers generals looked embarrassed, and they all felt the humiliation of their own strength.

Sure enough, in the end, I still have to leave Xu Xiao alone to carry everything...

"Who is the leader, please sign up!"

Xu Xiaoshou leaped forward, already standing above the mighty crowd of Xu Gang.

Rong Dahao led many grandmasters standing out of thin air, and you could see the scene of the nine masters shaking their heads in the camp of prisoners of war at a glance.

Is it so powerful?

Rong Dahao didn't believe it anymore. In fact, he had never seen the Swordsman Throne, but the spiritual refiner at the pinnacle of the Throne had seen a lot.

Compared with the Yunlun Mountains and other grand master geniuses, the throne spiritual refiner, in fact, only has one more realm, and the sense of Taoism.

And these are limited by the world of the cloud, and they can't be played out at all.

Under these prerequisites, then Shao Xu, can he be able to kill the ten great masters with one sword?

"Rong Dahao!" He turned his eyes and looked at Xu Shao in response, his expression somewhat solemn.

"It's you?"

Xu Xiaoshou was a little surprised when he saw the fat man in brocade and robes.

He knows this man.

At the door of Duojin Commercial Bank that day, he followed Jiang Xian. He didn't expect to be a character, not a soy sauce player?

"Tai Xu Chuan?" Xu Xiaoshou asked, this is the information he got from prisoners of war.

"I have seen Xu Shao." Rong Dahao nodded slightly, but didn't pay much respect, because he had come here in a ruined cauldron. Give it back!"

Thirty masters, and move with the wind.

Xu Xiaoshou stretched out his hand.


There was a trembling in the void, and the thirty masters in front of him were brazenly fighting, and his aura was suddenly cut off by this drink, and he felt nauseated in his heart, with an urge to vomit.

"What the hell?"

"What is this?"

"This is the Sword Throne?"

Thirty Grandmasters were a little palpitated, and they couldn't see such abilities at all.

"Aura?" But if Rong Dahao realized something, Xu Shao lifted his hand, almost suffocating him. He had only experienced this kind of aura from his master.

"How are you doing?" Rong Dahao's tone became even more angry. The stronger the opponent, the more he must fight to the death, because he can't surrender at all.

Xu Xiaoshou chuckled: "Ben Shaoben came here only for Yun Beast. I never thought that there is such an elite team as you in the East. I won't say anything extra, Ben Shao likes you." He said bluntly.

Rong Dahao and his party were startled.

"What's the meaning?"

"Join the Xu Gang, UU reading www.uukanshu.com forgive you not to die!"

Rong Dahao was stunned. He showed his determination to fight desperately, just because he was afraid that Young Master Xu would take them. Now the other party is still so determined?

"It's better for jade to be broken than for tile!" Rong Dahao suddenly sipped.

Nearly thirty masters behind him, Ben was deeply troubled by aura. Hearing the words, his eyes recovered from the confusion in an instant, and he shouted in unison: "I would rather be jade broken than tile!"

Desperately fighting, broke the blue sky.

Xu Xiaoshou was even more happy when he saw it, and looked at Rong Dahao, his voice full of admiration.

"When most people see the power of Ben Shao, they don't even dare to resist, but you are very powerful and are not affected by Ben Shao's aura. Today, everyone else can follow their wishes to fight to death, but Ben Shao cherishes his talents and will definitely not let you. Die."

"When you Rong Dahao was born, you were destined to be one of the leaders of the Xu Gang!"

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