I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 832: Xu Shao blushed?

Yunlun Mountains, the ninth day.

Almost one third of the trial in the king's city has passed. Under the big waves, the trialists have gone from more than 30,000 people at the beginning to less than 10,000 people now.

Nine six four five!

This is the ranking number of the tester at the end of the standings.

Xu Xiaoshou was still hovering above the fire essence magma in the inner circle.

In the past few days, he has been guarding the Origin Stone and waiting for the rabbit, and has hunted too many testers who have come here for fun, but have no chance to return.

The only pity...

"Why didn't a big man come here?" Xu Xiaoshou stared at the sky in a daze.

At this time, more than 200 testers have been imprisoned within the range of the spirit array he set up.

Or can't say "captivity".

After all, these people have already sworn to join the Xiaoxu Gang, and they are willing to pay the price of 10,000 points per person per day for comprehending the Fire Origin Stone.

There are few people here.

But in fact, only the fire-type spirit refiners stayed.

Everyone else frantically went to earn points for the Dao Zeyuan Stone that appeared next.

"Xu Shao, there is still no movement." Xin Gugu also seemed a little bored on one side.

His task is to be responsible for squatting on the trial map every day and finding the coordinates of the newly born Dao Zeyuan stone.

But after a few days, apart from this first Fire Origin Stone, there was no other person who had a fate to find Dao Origin Stone of other attributes.

"It's weird." Xin muttered, he felt that the probability was a little unrealistic.

Almost all of the nearly 10,000 testers have arrived in the Yunlun Mountains within the past few days.

However, no one has found the source stone?

Liu Changqing said with a smile on the side: "The Dao is the source stone, which is the treasure of heaven and earth. Even if Hall Master Cheng can give out some as a reward, it is impossible to collect all the source stones of each department. To be honest, I am on the contrary. I feel that it is normal that only one fire element origin stone was born in a few days.”

Xin Gugu obviously disagreed and looked back: "I don't think the Origin Stone is in the inner perimeter, but in the next day, when the Nine Dragon Veins Trial in the core area opens, there may be more in it. If there is only one Origin Stone, Hall Master Cheng should not It may be used as a reward and distributed directly to Chong Yuan."

Liu Changqing didn't object either, shrugging his shoulders, indicating that he didn't know the inside story either, and it was useless to talk more.

Xu Xiaoshou listened to the two complaining from the side, and knew how boring the trial was for them.

Actually it is the same for him.

If he does not encounter an enemy of the same identity, his Yunlun Mountains are almost invincible.

But the problem is that, these few days, it seems that even Jiang Xian and other semi-sage descendants who are qualified to challenge the existence of his Xiaoxu Gang have also heard the news here and have not come to compete.

As Xu Xiaoshou expected before.

His status as a half-holy descendant is here.

First, I took the fire element Originium, and other people of the same identity came over and wanted to forcibly **** it. Not only did they have to measure whether they were qualified or not, but they also had to wonder if they could accept the price of robbing the Originium.

Obviously, no one can afford this price.

After all, after the battle, it is estimated that the two groups of people are not much left.

And the next Wangcheng trial, there are still two-thirds of the process.

Xu Xiaoshou looked at the more than 200 fire-type spirit refiners who were cultivating cross-legged at the bottom of the hill.

- They are all masters!

This power cannot be underestimated.

But the key point is that the number of spirit refiners belonging to the Xiaoxu Gang who are scattered abroad is even more than this!

As long as this place is in trouble, all parties support, I am afraid that the ten semi-holy successors bring their own large troops, and they may not be able to compare with the forces here.

What's more, there are no ten demigods in the Yunlun Mountains.

"Unfortunately, I want to show off my skills, but no one kills Ben Shao, so I can only wait another day."

"After tomorrow, the Nine Dragons Vessel, as can be foreseen, will surely start more fights!"

Xu Xiaoshou sighed with emotion.

He also doesn't want to go out to find someone to kill, it's a pure waste of energy.

Because at the end of the trial, people from all sides will always meet at Pixiu Mountain.

Thinking is useless.

Xu Xiaoshou was immersed in his passive system.

In the past few days, he used passive points to **** the testers who were trying to **** his own source stone, plus the passive points that he had deliberately hoarded in the previous alchemy competition in the Eastern Sky King City.

At this time, there has been a lot of accumulation.

"Passive value: 1872625."

1.8 million!

Xu Xiaoshou looked at this number and was a little stunned.

Among them, about 15.6 million was earned by the alchemist conference.

The rest was obtained through the efforts of those sporadic Originium snatchers in the past few days.

It is conceivable that the place that is really suitable for earning points is not a place where opportunities such as Yunlun Mountains can be seen everywhere, but a densely populated place like Dongtianwangcheng.

Xu Xiaoshou glanced at his passive skill bar.

Among them, nearly half of the passive skills have been upgraded to the throne level last time.

But there are still a few left at the end, because the passive value was tight at the time, and there was no time to upgrade.

"The method of breathing, anti-shock, change, tenacity."

Just these four.

One basic passive skill and three extended passive skills.

Xu Xiaoshou now has 1.8 million inventory in his hand. To upgrade a passive skill of the throne, he needs only 100,000 passive points.

He didn't even think about it, he directly exchanged forty Tier 3 skill points and rushed on the spot.

"Anti-shock (Throne Lv.1)."

"Change (Throne Lv.1)."

"Toughness (Throne Lv.1)."

"The Method of Breathing (Throne Lv.1)."

On the first three extended passive skill points, there was only a little strange reaction in the body, as if there was an illusion of genetic mutation.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't feel anything.

He has the heart to test out the abilities of the brand-new Throne passive skill.

For example, "anti-shock" plus "toughness", whether it can achieve the effect of punching the void that I expected before.

For example, "change" was limited by the size of the body before. I don't know if it can be turned into a small stone now. If so, how inexplicable is the ability to escape?

But because in the cloud world, someone secretly spied on, Xu Xiaoshou did not test.

On the contrary, it was the last "breathing method". Xu Xiaoshou was timid, but he thought that he would order it sooner or later, so he went straight to it.

This time, the "Breathing Method" of Grandmaster Lv.1 has directly transformed into a throne level.

It is equivalent to the master mind method, and suddenly it has become the top throne mind method in the world, and the movement is unusual.

Almost immediately, Xu Xiaoshou felt the pores all over his body explode.

After that, the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Yunlun Mountains, like a mountain torrent and a tsunami, suddenly rushed towards itself.

The body is like a cornucopia, and there is a vortex in the basin. The surging aura of heaven and earth, almost visible to the naked eye, turns into a dragon of spiritual energy, entering from the pores, nose, ears and eyes... crazy!


Xu Xiaoshouben was cross-legged on the ground, and he felt cold all over, like falling into an ice cellar.

The exhilarating feeling of relief almost instantly made him lose his consciousness of thinking, leaving only the muscles in his body frantically absorbing spiritual energy, with a feeling of full twitching.

"I'm going~"

"My God~"

Xu Xiaoshou's voice was deformed, and it was not like a human being.

Xin Gugu and Liu Changqing were taken aback by the side, Xu Shao just closed his eyes, they didn't think it was cultivating, how suddenly...

Is it like this? !

Looking at Xu Shao, who was madly entered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, his shoulders were raised, his elbows clamped his ribs, and his knees were folded.

Then, like a drunk fish, he suddenly snapped and collapsed to the top of the rock, his body kept bouncing up and down, and the snapping sound made a beautiful sound with the stone.


Xin Gugu was shocked.

Is this practice to the point of becoming insane?

But the question is, what happened to this sudden aura storm, how could it all converge on Xu Xiaoshou inexplicably?

Xin Gugu suddenly felt that this picture was a little familiar?

Liu Changqing was also stunned.

He stared at the previous scene in a daze. In the past, he was with Xu Shao. No matter what happened or what he encountered, he was like a hundred Xiaosheng and knew everything.

But what happened to Xu Shao at this moment...

Liu Changqing couldn't understand it at all!

"Someone attacked?"

"Psychic attack?"

"But...what's the matter with this spiritual energy?"

At the bottom of the mountain, the more than 200 testers who were comprehending the Fire Origin Stone also opened their eyes at the same time and looked in the direction of Xu Shao.

But what they saw, except that it suddenly became misty and misty, they couldn't see the mountain inside, and they couldn't even see a single person.

"what happened?"

"Someone attacked?"

"No! Isn't that place where Xu Shao and his two guardians are staying, how could anyone dare to attack there?"

Everyone was confused and moved in unison, wanting to go over and find out.

Xiao Jing also stopped cultivating and stared in that direction in a daze. What he wondered was that there was clearly no battle fluctuations in that place. At this moment, the gathering of spiritual energy seemed to be an excellent cultivation treasure.

"Everyone, have you ever felt that all the spiritual energy around the world has gone to that place, and we can't absorb it at all?" Xiao Jing asked.

The rest of the people felt a bit of surprise, and said: "That's true! That day, the spiritual energy seemed to have a master, and he didn't listen to my orders at all, and gathered directly towards the mountain..."

"Xu Shao, what did you do?"

The people below were shocked, and hurried to the top of the mountain, afraid of an accident.

No matter what, other people can have an accident in this place, but Xu Shao can't have an accident.


On the top of the mountain, Xu Xiaoshou was like a drunken fish and rotten shrimp, rolling his eyes and slapping the rocks with his body.

But every time he touched it, the cool mint feeling on his skin made him want to die even more.


"I'm mad!"

"The master-level 'breathing method', I managed to control it to prevent the vision of heaven and earth from absorbing spiritual energy from shocking others."

"Now, how dare I put the 'Breathing Method' directly on the throne?"

"How dare I!"

In the center eye of the storm, Xu Xiaoshou's only remaining wisp of consciousness was filled with endless regrets.

This time, the "method of breathing" has undergone a qualitative change, and the aura suddenly absorbed in a short period of time has directly consolidated his cultivation realm to the extreme.

By the way, the overflowing spiritual energy was still thinking of breaking through the thin bottleneck in the early days of the Celestial Phenomenon Realm.

How could Xu Xiaoshou make this broken aura come true?

His legs snapped together!


broke through...

Xuanao's grandmaster Daoyun could no longer suppress it, even if the throne was "hidden", but when everyone looked at Xu Shao, this breakthrough fluctuation was detectable by the naked eye.


Xu Xiaoshou was going crazy.

He suppressed his cultivation for so long, making others mistakenly think that he is only innate, and more importantly, let the pryers outside the cloud world think the same.

But who would have thought that this sudden accident broke the balance!

Break through to the Grandmaster celestial phenomenon, the tide of the sea rises, and the capacity is expanded again.

The spiritual energy injected into every cell of the body seemed to have gone somewhere, and was incorporated into the sea of ​​​​qi. Xu Xiaoshou finally felt that the control of his body was back.

He contained every pore in his body, and then stopped breathing.

Finally, the crazy aura between heaven and earth stopped...


Only then did Xu Xiaoshou breathe a sigh of relief.

Open your eyes.

In front of him, two pairs of big eyes stared in amazement, from Xin Gugu and Liu Changqing.

Further back.

Hundreds of people climbed up the mountain in unison, each with a strange look, staring at himself with strange eyes.

"Suspected, passive value, +224."

Xu Xiaoshou: "..."

His face turned red on the spot.

Lao Tzu's famous name! ! !

But he was ashamed, Xu Xiaoshou would not show it, he waved his hand indifferently and said: "What are you doing here? This young master just made a small breakthrough, why are you so nervous, you are still afraid that this young master will be caught? People sneak attack?"

Everyone: "..."

Is this a small breakthrough?

You call this a small breakthrough?

The spiritual energy of the sky and the earth is suddenly drained by you alone, and others can't even sense it. Is this called a small breakthrough?

And, most importantly, you are the leader of the Xu Gang and Xiao Xu Gang...

It turned out that the breakthrough was like this?

Everyone recalled the scene of Shao Xu's legs and groan, and they all laughed, their faces extremely lewd.

How long has Xu Shao been holding back?

The half-sage descendant, after entering the Yunlun Mountains for nine days, is he suppressed like this?

How intoxicated, arrogant, and extravagant his daily life is!

"Boss, I have an idea..."

In the Xiaoxu Gang, there was a man who dared to speak.

"Shut up!"

Xu Xiaoshou rolled his eyes coldly, faced him directly, and said sternly, "I don't have a complete method of death for this idea of ​​yours."

"Uh." The man was dumbfounded on the spot and pulled the chain to shut up.


The testers on the side laughed out loud, even Xiao Jing was no exception.

In the past, they always thought that Xu Shao was a human-like existence, skilled in alchemy and swordsmanship.

But today, they finally saw the human side of this aloof demigod. It turns out that this is also an ordinary person who has been suppressed for a long time, and the "breakthrough" will appear very "abnormal"!

In the past few days ~www.readwn.com~ through the fire element Originium, everyone's favorability towards Xu Shao has risen, and occasionally they dare to joke, but the distance between them is still there, and it is as big as a gulf.

It was like meeting an elder and a sect master in the clan.

In addition to the right time, the members of the Xiaoxu Gang can make a few jokes, but they are generally cautious and obedient.

After all, Xu Shao's sword is like a fairy in the sky.

But only what they saw today made these little Xu gang members feel that Xu Shao was only a peer, and he also had the troubles of his peers.


"Hey hey hey..."

Everyone went down the mountain with a wicked smile and continued to practice.

Xu Xiaoshou was left alone, staring at the information bar, staring at the passive skill "Breathing Method", and lost his mind for a long time.

"What's the matter, this stupid skill!"

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