I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 834: Horror Soul Read!

Soul read?

These four words, especially the word "soul" in front, caused Xu Xiaoshou to gasp for breath suddenly after his breathing stagnated.

"Xu Shao?"

Xin Gugu and Liu Changqing on the side noticed the difference, thinking that Xu Shao's practice had gone wrong again, and quickly looked back.

"Don't interrupt me!"

Xu Xiaoshou's face was red, and after opening his eyes after drinking a sentence, he continued to close his eyes to see the new awakening technique in his mind.

Xin Gugu: "..."

Liu Changqing: "..."

"He, has always been like this?" Liu Changqing asked hesitantly.

Xin Gugu thought for a moment, nodded, shook his head again, and said, "The disease wasn't so serious before, but now, it's getting worse."

Liu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and continued to close his eyes, comprehending the secret art.

Xin Gugu sighed and looked back at Xu Xiaoshou, thinking that the sky was falling. With Xu Xiaoshou's shrewdness, he was not the first to die, and it was useless for him to worry, so he continued to stare at his trial map.

in the spiritual world.

Xu Xiaoshou was really frightened by this awakening technique called "Soul Reading".

Because the extended passive skill awakening is not introduced, he can only make a direct inference based on the most intuitive feeling brought by this awakening skill after a wave of induction.

"Soul reading, control skills?"

"Fix people and read their souls?"

"But what is there to read about the soul?"

Xu Xiaoshou only frowned for a moment, and suddenly thought that "perception" was an auxiliary passive technique for information acquisition, and his eyes lit up.

Memory read?

This awakening technique, it is impossible, can directly read things at the level of other people's souls.

Just like "perception" can obtain information on the physical level, awakening techniques are generally based on this situation, and the abnormal level is improved.

So, it can read non-physical information, such as: memory?

Xu Xiaoshou's eyes lit up in a flash, his nostrils exhaled hot air, and his eyes were directly fixed on one side of Xin Gugu.

Xin Gugu was frightened: "Xu Shao?"

Xu Xiaoshou calmed down after being shouted.

If "soul reading" can only read other people's memories, it should be called "memory reading".

But look at the name...

Soul Read!


It must be more than just reading memory, right?

If you have to go on the same way, other people's souls have been read to rot, what should I do?

After all, even if Xu Xiaoshou hadn't seen or heard of evil magical skills such as "soul search", it was very harmful to the human body.

Generally, after searching the soul, the person dies.

After all, at the soul level, spiritual refiners can't usually cultivate or attack.

A thing that has never been exercised in a lifetime is as fragile as a piece of paper, how can it accommodate the rude entry of other people's consciousness?

Looking back at the group of Xiao Xu Gang who were cultivating cross-legged below, Xu Xiaoshou was a little moved.

Find a stranger to test your abilities?


Xiao Xu is helping everyone, and he is also his own!

This "soul reading", perhaps from the very beginning, decided that it could not be used much, and could only act on those who were extremely vicious and wanted to take their own lives.

For example: different radicals, different!

"I don't know if this skill can control Taixu, if it has the nature of control..."

Xu Xiaoshou inferred according to his first instinct.

He felt that this most intuitive feeling should be correct.

Soul reading should be able to be used directly while fighting to start reading the opponent's soul.

Whether or not you can read the information is second.

Interrupting the opponent's spellcasting at that critical moment, as well as the continuous control ability when reading the soul.

Perhaps, the quality and effect of this awakening technique was determined.

It is not only an auxiliary class, but also a mind control class!

According to this inference...

"That's too great, isn't it?"

Xu Xiaoshou thought of the picture of that day in the East Heaven King City, and the masked man Jiuyou Ghost Infant under the Hades Organization.

The other party is also a genius, who has mastered the profound meaning of iron.

However, because he was too arrogant, he might not even show one-tenth of his abilities, so he, A Jie, and four swords cooperated to cut him into a "magic man" on the spot.

If it wasn't for the appearance of Huangquan, the boss of the King of Hell, the ghost baby of Jiuyou might even die and disappear.

That time, Xu Xiaoshou actually made an information dislocation.

Because he has fought Yu Lingdi of the Profound Truth of the Water System, he knows how terrifying the throne of Profound Truth is.

Therefore, a shot, all hole cards.

The other side is not.

So it's cold.

However, after the whole battle, what surprised Xu Xiao the most was not the iron mystery of the masked man Jiuyou Ghost Infant, but the tears of the opponent.

Fix your eyes!

Xu Xiaoshou still remembers those pair of soul-steady eyes with blue light.

If it wasn't for that battle, the soulless A Jie could not be fixed, Xu Xiaoshou would have long since disappeared.

At this moment, the "Soul Reading" awakened by himself seems to have a soul control effect similar to "fixing the soul's eyes" as long as he follows the direction he expected.


Xu Xiaoshou was certain that this most expensive awakening skill with a value of nearly 400,000 passive points was absolutely powerful.

He suddenly thought that it was indeed a sin to perform "soul reading" on a living person, but what about a dead person?

"If you cast it on a dead person, can you read his soul information, memory, etc.?"

"If you can, this is too powerful, the strongest investigator?"

"Well, what's wrong with this name..."

Xu Xiaoshou rubbed his chin, and regardless of Xin Gugu's strange appearance, he thought about it to himself.

After a person dies, the soul does not dissipate directly, and even remains for a period of time.

Semi-sages have the ability to grab remnants of souls and bring people back to life.

Yu Lingdi may be resurrected like this, but I don't know how difficult the operation is...

Xu Xiaoshou thought.

He felt like Yu Lingdi, whose body and soul were destroyed by Sang Lao, who died so thoroughly from the physical and non-physical levels, but could still be resurrected...

There's too much at stake here.

And what he wants to think about is not these, just the question of whether the soul can read after death.

this problem…

Xu Xiaoshou suddenly glanced at Xin Gugu again.

The hairs on Xin Gugu's back stood up. He always felt that Xu Xiaoshou's eyes were malicious. He clasped his arms tightly and stammered, "You! What are you doing?"

Xu Xiao was so happy that he wouldn't kill this guy to prove it.

Right now.

Outside the spirit formation, there was Xiao Xu Gang who came in with the corpses of spirit beasts.

"Brothers, stop cultivating. The grandmaster-level giant bear Ling was just cut, and you fire-type ones will be roasted. I want a little bear's paw, and you will share the rest."

The anti-bear guy shouted.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the top of the mountain where Xu Shao was staying, and muttered, "If only Xu Shao could bake it, the bear paws he baked are simply delicious in heaven, and after eating it, he can improve his cultivation. "

Soon another spiritual master finished his practice and got up, took the bear's paw and started to deal with it, saying:

"Don't think about it, Xu Shao has started to practice."

"You didn't see it before, Xu Shao made a breakthrough and emptied the spiritual energy of the world for several miles."

"Damn, do you dare to believe that the cultivation of the master-level spiritual master is different? I don't think the throne is so exaggerated! It really deserves to be a semi-sacred successor, the unparalleled holy body!"

When I said this, everyone was excited.


"If you want to talk about Xu Shao's breakthrough, then you have to talk about that calf clip... eh!"

The man who said he had an idea just wanted to talk about this, but saw that Xu Shao on the top of the mountain had appeared in front of the giant bear at some point, and stared at him fiercely.

The man was tired, smiled perversely, and turned his neck back: "Hey, come, I will help Xu Shao bake the bear paws, and let Xu Shao **** craft."

"Xu Shao."

"Xu Shao!"

"Xu Shao..."

The people around were not awake at first, but when they saw Xu Shao coming over, they opened their eyes to greet each other.

After all, there is nothing to do on weekdays, and Xu Shao will not disturb their cultivation. If I come here today, I must have something important to order.

Xu Xiaoshou just saw the corpse of the spirit beast and realized that he was on the cusp of a bull's horn.

His "soul reading" is a bit sinful for the living, but looking at the souls of the spirit beasts after death, he can also verify his own thoughts!

With a wave of his hand, Xu Xiaoshou instructed: "There are all the members of the Xiaoxu Gang, let's go! Gather all the members of the gang who are living abroad. Before the Nine Dragon Veins are opened, this young master needs you all to gather here, directly Take all the resources for the second round of trials."


Everyone stood up and shouted in unison.

Afterwards, Xiao Jing instructed the specific details, and each small faction sent people to find the gang members.

In the cloud world, communication beads are useless, so they can only rely on the most primitive means, such as running to the assembly location and launching assembly signal bombs into the sky.

The crowd has been evacuated.

Xu Xiaoshou said to Xiao Jing, "Don't eat this bear, this young master has other uses."

Xiao Jing was stunned, he still wanted to give this giant bear to his brothers!

But Xu Shao said so, he didn't ask why, just nodded yes.

When Xu Xiaoshou mentioned the giant bear's fore paw, he was about to take it away for testing.

"Chuck" sound.

However, the five fingers were like daggers, directly piercing the giant bear's body, and raised a large piece of meat.

This time, Xu Xiaoshou was stunned.

It wasn't just him who stayed.

Xiao Jing was also stunned.

Some of the Xiaoxu gang members who had not left were also stunned.

"Xu Shao, what's more?"

The thoughtful man swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with some pity in his eyes: "It's just a dead bear..."

Xu Xiaoshou glared at him: "You talk too much, shut up for this young master!"

"Oh." The man retracted again.

Xu Xiaoshou covered Ling Yuan with his palm and carried the giant bear away.

The body of the throne, the sharpness of the throne...

As a result, he is now like a sword man, or a super sword man as sharp as a third or fourth rank spirit sword.

Although the giant bear has a strong physique, it is already dead at this time, and the body has lost its spiritual defense. How could it be able to withstand Xu Xiaoshou?

This result is not surprising.

But the process made Xu Xiaoshou sigh.

"Damn sword body, now, how can I find a girlfriend..."


The test begins.

Xin Gugu and Liu Changqing looked very curiously at Xu Shao's solemn face, as if he was about to do something big, and opened their eyes fiercely at the giant bear corpse in front of him.

"Soul read!"

Heart snorted.

A faint light flashed in Xu Xiaoshou's eyes.

This detail was captured by Xin Gugu and Liu Changqing.

The two of them originally meant that Xu Shao was getting windy again and planned to do something absurd.

However, after seeing the light flashing from the bottom of Xu Shao's eyes, the dead giant bear corpse in front of him trembled slightly without any external force.

The giant bear is too big.

With such a tremor, the top of the mountain felt a shock.

Xin Gugu and Liu Changqing looked at each other, and they all saw the stunned look in each other's eyes.

Xu Shao, are you really working?

But what is he doing?

Outsiders can't spy on anything other than this subtle movement.

But Xu Xiaoshou was different.

Just when he performed Soul Read, through his eyes, he really saw a remnant of the soul floating above the giant bear's corpse.

And when this awakening technique begins to work.

The confused remnant soul seemed to have suffered great pain and twitched violently.


In Xu Xiaoshou's mind, the life of this giant bear flashed like a movie scene.

He felt like he had become the giant bear.

Born out of darkness, opened eyes, saw the first ray of light.

Under the careful care and feeding of the giant bear mother, it began to grow little by little.

In a territorial battle, the mother giant bear was beheaded by a black-winged dragon and lion at the throne level, and the little giant bear was forced to leave her hometown and live as a bear.

Looking for spirit ants, digging out bird nests, licking honey...

Beat the beast.

Beaten by spirit beasts.

Desperate to be strong, according to the inheritance of memory, he began to cultivate the essence of the sun and the moon.

Acquired, innate, master...

Comprehend the special Dao, awaken the bloodline talent...

Scenes of wonderful scenes flew by, and there was even a complete mating process.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Xiaoshou read about the tragic life of the giant bear that was ended by the Xiao Xu gang.

Memories are broken.

Because the soul of the spirit beast is too incomplete, it is estimated that only at the moment of death, or by performing "soul reading" in the place of death, can we see the most complete memory, bear life.

But even so, with the huge amount of information pouring into his mind, Xu Xiaoshou still felt a splitting headache.

His soul has already become stronger than ordinary people through the use of "perception" and "disillusionment finger" again and again.

But even so, after using "Soul Reading", after a moment of effort, he was sweating profusely, and he couldn't hold on any longer.

Moreover, Qi Hai Ling Yuan could not have been emptied by a single awakening technique.

Now, it's almost bottoming out.


"Spirit and soul skills are really powerful and consume a lot!"

Xu Xiaoshou immediately stopped the soul reading, touched his sweaty forehead, shook his head, and his wet hair directly shook Xin Gugu's face with sweat.

The two on the side were already staring blankly.

They just stared at Xu Shao staring at a giant bear corpse.

But after a trance, Xu Shao seemed to have lost his mind, his breath was wilting, his body was sweating and trembling.

They even thought that Xu Shao was taken away by the soul of the giant bear!


After a few breaths, Xu Shao, who was sluggish at this time, has recovered his breath and returned to normal.


Xin Gugu stepped forward and asked.

He also doesn't know what Xu Xiaoshou is doing, but with such a movement, Xu Xiaoshou must be doing something big again!

"Great results."

In just a few breaths of effort, the endurance abilities of the majors soared, and Xu Xiaoshou recovered a few percent of his spiritual energy, barely returning to normal.

There was joy in his eyes.

Soul reads.

You can really see each other's memories and life.

Not only that, but it does cause damage to the soul of a person. That is to say, when it is cast on the enemy, it has control and damage effects.

Of course, the most important thing is...

Xu Xiao was shocked by the pressure, and tried to calm down.

The role mentioned earlier is not important at all.

Soul reading, the most terrifying part of this awakening technique, is that it can be ready-made to experience other people's understanding of Taoism.

And after the substitution experience, basically, I can learn one or two percent.

this is too scary!

If he wanted to, Xu Xiaoshou could completely outweigh the quality and achieve the effect of quickly comprehending the rules of heaven.

Soul reads...

This special girl is another magical skill!

It is not only a magical skill of mind control and post-war search, but also a magical skill of cultivation!

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