I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 841: Swallowing raw wood? The body of the Great Demon King!

Jiang Xian and others have seen what is called "crazy"!

The Xu Gang gang members, like a mad dog, surrounded the testers in situ with a shout.

You must know that those who can survive under Su Qianqian's sword have at least one master.

As for the Xu Gang, most of them are just innate!

However, the members of the Xu Gang, who are able to fight in groups and never go head-to-head, are well-trained one by one. Once they are surrounded, they should lock their throats, they should be controlled by remote control, and they should punch and kick...

Three innate, in a flash, can bring down a grandmaster who didn't respond.

The masters were also stunned.

What's happening here?

Does this have any special buff bonus?

Regardless of their cultivation, just looking at their aura, they even thought that the people who rushed up and overthrew and subdued people were actually trial officers.


its not right!

They are clearly innate!

What about their "fear"?

"I'm the Grandmaster!" Some testers shouted angrily, until he was brought down, he still couldn't come back to his senses, what happened just now.

"But we are innate!" The three innate who brought them down shouted even louder, as if stating a repressive truth.

The master trialists couldn't help but be stunned.

So, the innate is stronger than the grandmaster?

Until some people struggled a few times symbolically from the overwhelming madness of the Xu Gang gang.

Bang bang a few times.

Immediately, the Xu Gang gangs were bombarded.

It's just the Lingyuan storm, and these people can't bear it at all.

The masters don't know what kind of bear-hearted leopard gall these congenitals have eaten, so that they will have the courage to rush forward without fear of death at this time.


"It's a shame!"

After reacting, the master trialists finally realized that this group of people dared to pounce on it purely because of their courage.

But in battle, courage alone is useless!

As more and more grandmasters began to try to resist, the Xu Gang gang members were bounced off like **** and shook.

Mu Zixi looked at the gang members who had won by numbers but were defeated like mountains and retreated. As if they had never seen it, Mu Zixi waved her hand again angrily and shouted: "The resisters die!"

The Grand Master Trial was stunned by this momentum again.

Obviously, I'm waiting for a position that seems to have the upper hand?

But the tone of the other party seems to be that the Xu Gang is about to win the team battle...

The trialists looked around and found that their companions around them had broken away from their **** and gained freedom.

Now they were even more confused.

Where is the stupid thing that came out, the fight is all reckless, without the slightest brain?

At this moment, they found that the reaction of the Xu Gang gang members who had been shaken out seemed a bit wrong.


Some testers felt that something was wrong, and when they touched their hands, they felt some small bumps.

They took it out and took a look, only to find that after the Xu gang had stepped forward to bring them down, it turned out that it was not a personal hobby, but to... put seeds?


Someone remembered that Jiang Shao ordered people to sow seeds everywhere, suddenly stunned and reacted.



At this moment, the well-trained Xu Gang members have left the battlefield and retreated to the end.

As soon as they retreated, Mu Zixi, who cocked his mouth in front of everyone, tried to show a grinning effect, but Mu Zixi, who could only bring everyone a lovely smile that didn't hurt or itch, was very eye-catching.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was stunned.

The leader of the enemy army, exposed like this?

At this moment, the Xu Gang gang members who retreated to the back, clasped their fists in one uniform, shouted loudly: "Please help the Lord!"

Mu Zixi moved in response, and clapped her little hands.

"Little tree, get up!"

The rumbling sound exploded in the field.

Those grandmaster testers who were still in a dazed state suddenly noticed that the "seeds" on their bodies and feet had changed.

Under the order of Mu Zixi.

Seeds burst, germinate...

In an instant, the entire process of transformation was completed, turning into towering ancient trees!

In the originally desolate and barren mountains, a thick smoke and dust were engulfed in the sound of the explosion. When the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone was shocked to find that...

This place has become a dense forest!

With the battle situation as the center, the area within a radius of one mile has all turned into the state of Sen Luo.

That thick green, so green that the scalp panicked...

Jiang Xian was stunned.

After so long, it turns out that the so-called Xu Gang leader wants to turn this place into her battle field?

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】


What role can a grandmaster's combat field play?

Even if she has mastered the right time and place, as long as people's cultivation realm is not enough, what effect can she get by creating this dense mountain forest?


Thinking of the other party's plan from the beginning to the end, Jiang Xian couldn't help but cursed angrily.

The Xu Gang helped the crowd, began to dig the ground from a mile away, waited for the opportunity to ambush, made the first move, spread the seeds, and finally formed such a towering dense forest...

It can be said that at other times, it is impossible to complete this long series of actions under the eyes of everyone.

However, the other party is successful!

When everyone's attention was drawn to the space source stone, Gu Qingsan and the trial officer were attracted to the past.

"They can't break free?"

At this time, Duo'er also looked at the trialists who were hung up by Gumu one by one, and wondered aloud.

According to common sense, Mu Zixi is just a master cultivation base.

Even though she had the advantage of the location and her previous arrangement, she had lifted hundreds of grandmasters in the audience.

The scattered power naturally represents the weakening of control.

Therefore, the testers only need to struggle a little, and they will be able to escape.

But that's not the case.

I saw that the trialists who were pierced by the ancient tree branches and hanged out of thin air, one by one, had different reactions in a short period of time.

or twitching...

or dizzy...

Or looking pale and dancing...

But in any case, the breath of these people is getting weaker and weaker, and the strength of struggle is gradually decreasing as time goes by.

In the end, one by one seemed to be "drained", exhausted and coma.

"That little girl, drained everyone's spiritual energy?" Duo'er looked incredulous.

Hundreds of masters have different spiritual energy and attributes. How could a little girl be compatible and absorbed at the same time?

Even if she didn't absorb it, she fed all the spirit energy back to Gu Mu...

That doesn't make sense either!

As long as the testers are alert, they will be able to detonate the ancient wood that controls them through the spirit energy, and then escape.

"It's not Ling Yuan!"

Jiang Xian looked at the scene in front of him, and his face suddenly became solemn: "It's vitality! This girl is almost draining everyone's vitality!"

"This?" Tang Zheng was also shocked.


He has never seen such special means, but he has never eaten pork, and he has seen pigs run!

Such devilish means cannot be possessed by people who are not ruthless and vicious.

And a grandmaster, after absorbing such a huge amount of life energy, will she be okay?

Tang Zheng couldn't help looking at the Xu Gang leader.

But seeing the little loli with double ponytails, just patted her chest and burped, and after that, there was nothing unusual.

"Help Master Shengming!"

"The gang leader is mighty!"

"The gang master will last forever, and unify the rivers and lakes!"

At the end of the battlefield, the Xu Gang gang shouted in unison, as if they had practiced and practiced this process countless times from beginning to end.

As for the master of the master cultivation base, why can he control hundreds of masters.

At this point, they also completely dispelled their doubts from the previous battle.

Rong Dahao is currently the No. 2 figure in the Xu Gang.

He was dissatisfied with the Mu Gang master at first, but after Xu Shao left, the Xu Gang went through the first wave of attacks, and when this wave of attacks came from only one person...

He knew why Xu Shao repeatedly emphasized that they should not provoke the people on the first floor of the sky.

This Mu Xiaogong gang leader is too strong!

Rong Dahao has only heard of the physique that can devour infinite vitality.

But the "swallowing wood body" that he has heard of seems to have a limit, and it cannot be swallowed infinitely like the wood gang master.

"Is this the Eucharist?"

Rong Dahao was skeptical at first.

But he didn't have any knowledge to use to support his speculation, and the "Holy Body" of the Mu Gang Master was not like other Holy Communion, it would emit the Holy Body precious light.

Because his guesses can only be dismissed.

But these, can not ban the wood gang leader to replace Xu Shao after the shock brought him.

Because, since the Xu gang fell into the hands of the wooden gang master, all the battles began to deteriorate.

Just like the previous offensive process...

This is the most convenient way of earning points that the master of the wood gang has used time and time again to bring you points.

And this is also the reason why the wood gang leader can convince everyone and is willing to shout out the shameful slogans.

Mu Zixi's style, in fact, did not control everyone in the audience.

There are always a few people who see things badly. In fact, they are hiding at the back of the battle, waiting for an opportunity.

Seeing that the final situation was a little out of control, they had already taken a step ahead and escaped from the terrifying encirclement of the wood domain.

"I can't fight."

"This Xu Gang is too scary, let's run first!"

These people have already given up the intention to retreat, and they are no longer in love at all, and they turn their heads and run outside.

But not long...

Just like what Gu Qingsan had taught before, there is no doubt that these escaped people all hit the invisible barrier.

"How are you~"

Just when these people's eyes were filled with gold stars, a plain-looking man appeared out of thin air, waving his hands to greet them.

"Who are you?" Someone didn't know.

But soon, someone exclaimed: "Xu, Xu Shao?!"


The person who came was Xu Xiaoshou.

As a group of people who were far away, when he brought Xiaoxu Gang to this place, in fact, Jiang Xian, Duoer and others had already led them there for a long time.

Seeing that Su Qianqian had the strength to fight, Xu Xiaoshou did not come forward in advance, but stayed behind and started the same action as before...


Finally, a space origin stone appeared and united everyone in the audience. Of course, he must take everyone's points and passive points together!


From Gu Qingsan's appearance to the end, Xu Xiaoshou witnessed the whole process.

Mu Zixi led the Xu Gang, from the secret arrangement to the blasting appearance, Xu Xiaoshou also looked at the audience.

He witnessed the whole battle process from the perspective of God, marveled at the growth of his former companions, but also pity for his own points and passive values, which are gradually disappearing.

But these were not enough to force him to show up.

The little junior sister wanted to be high-spirited. As a senior brother, Xu Xiaoshou was happy to sit for her in the rear, even if this move might lose some passive points.

The one who really forced him to appear on the stage was actually not this group of people who escaped...

"All stunned!"

With a wave of Xu Xiaoshou's hand, he hid in the large formation, and the Xiao Xu gang, whose breath was completely hidden, stunned those who were trying to escape and resisted walking away.

Then, Xu Xiaoshoucai looked sadly in the direction of the younger sister-the only reason why he really appeared.

"Swallow the wooden body?"

Xu Xiaoshou frowned, remembering the first time he met his junior sister.

At that time, it was still the outer courtyard of Tiansang Linggong "Fighting for Hegemony", and Xu Xiaoshou still remembers Mu Zixi's little red flower blooming from the top of his head.

And Xu Xiaoshou never forgot the little girl's expression of coveting vitality.

He once thought that if the quality of the swallowing wooden body is to absorb vitality, then this should be regarded as an evil physique!

But Sang Lao still accepted Mu Zixi as his disciple.

Moreover, the old man said plainly about the wishes Xu Xiaoshou had instructed, but there were only two.

One is to protect yourself.

Second, under the premise of being able to protect yourself ~www.readwn.com~ take good care of the younger sister.

In the past, Junior Sister was always by Xu Xiaoshou's side. Although her strength had grown, her light was completely suppressed, and no one would notice her.

But now, after entering the Yunlun Mountains, he is out of Xu Xiaoshou's control.

Mu Zixi has already revealed a little bit of her terrifying ability in her special physique!

"She is definitely not a swallowing wooden body!"

Although Sang Lao once asserted that Mu Zixi's ability is limited, it is difficult for her to develop into the evil demon king that Xu Xiaoshou expected, who only devours the vitality of others.

But now, Xu Xiaoshou came back to his senses, but he was completely sure.

Swallowing the wooden body is like Sang Lao protecting himself, a small set of restrictions on Mu Zixi.

This heavy prohibition may not have any effect when the little junior sister is at the end of her life.

But as soon as she grows up and is noticed, someone will investigate the past.

Then, it can play a little procrastination effect!

"Sang Lao is not without knowledge. He is actually a saint and slave. He is also an alchemist. He clearly understands what the physique of the younger sister is, but he doesn't say it at all, but let everyone confirm in advance. The term "raw wood body"..."

A bright light flashed in Xu Xiaoshou's eyes, as if he had realized something.

At this time, he still didn't understand what the true ability of the little sister's physique was, but he knew that the cloud world was watched by someone.

If he doesn't stand up, he will suppress the ability shown by the younger sister just now.

Maybe the next moment, the trial officer will come to the door.

The object may not be yourself.

But it is more terrifying than himself.

The situation is urgent.

Dare not to delay.

Xu Xiaoshou waved his hand, and with Xiao Xu Gang, disappeared again.


"It's time, it's our turn!"

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