I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 857: good guy! How dare you move this young man?

Mu Zixi felt that she encountered a great terror tonight.

First Xu Xiaoshou, then Sang Lao.

How can these two people who are impossible to appear here, the one in front of them, throwing mines so accurately, and turning them all out to scare him?

Could it be that he already knew his true identity, but he did not reveal it, and only changed his face to play tricks?

Most importantly...

This guy's nerves are too sharp!

He was able to infer so accurately with just a moment of uncontrollable emotional reaction.

It's impossible to deny directly... Mu Zixi has a bottom line in her heart, she knows that denying it now is equivalent to not attacking herself.

At the moment, I can only go down with my emotions, and tremblingly said: "See, I have seen one..."

"one side?"

Yi Shi really didn't expect that he had transformed into the sleeveless face of a saint slave, and he could still have such a harvest.

He asked with great interest, "Where did you meet him, what happened, the time, place, and person of the incident, all come to me one by one."

Mu Zixi's brain can't turn so fast at all. She was just about to make it up, when the voice of Sen Leng from "Master" sounded again: "Give you three breaths, if you can't tell it, it is equivalent to making up, and the consequences are at your own risk!"

The little girl froze for a while, her eyes instantly switched to fear, and she said in a trembling voice, "Northern Region, during the clan meeting..."

She could only say it like this.

Because Mu Xiaogong's identity came from the Northern Territory, the farthest mission action was the current Dongtianwangcheng.

At this time, Sang Lao had already entered.

If she wanted to say that she was the one she met in Dongtianwangcheng, I'm afraid this person in front of her could directly crush her to death. .

His eyes narrowed, his expression even more terrifying, he said quietly: "If you know the old man's face, it means that you know the old man's identity... Meeting in the Northern Territory, clan meeting? Celebration in your clan or something?"

"Hmm, um." Mu Zixi nodded, and her brain began to spin rapidly.

With a cold expression on his face, he shouted: "The old man is a saint slave. You met the old man in the semi-holy clan in the northern region. Are you saying that your family is semi-sacred and has an affair with the saint slave?!"

The little girl's thinking suddenly froze, her head seemed to be struck by thunder, and it went blank.

"It's not like this..." She waved her hands again and again.

"What's that like?" Yi leaned over with a grim expression.

Mu Zixi was so anxious that she couldn't make up anything, she had an idea, tears burst out, and she hugged her head and squatted down on the spot, "Don't get so close to me, do you know that your face is scary? Yes, can you let me speak well?"

"You talk well too..." She was aggrieved like a baby, adding weakly.

Yi frowned.

Indeed, he knew that the face of Sang Qiye, in the dark, was definitely not only there to stop the baby from crying, it might even frighten the baby to death.

But a lot of interrogation experience made Yi immediately feel that the state of the little girl in front of him was faked.

He has seen too many people who have made up perfect excuses under such a buffer.


Those who can fall into the six are all old foxes.

The little girl in front of her, who seems to be inexperienced in the world, is really likely to be frightened by her appearance.

He hesitated for a moment.

His best spiritual guidance had no effect on this little girl, which made his biggest trump card disappear.

So, go with the words.

Yi took a step back and said: "Yes, you can speak slowly, and tell everything you understand. But you must know that now that the three-breath time has passed, your words are no longer evidence, and everything may be you. Made up, understand?"

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Mu Zixi was desperate.

The one in front of her made her feel like she was facing Xu Xiaoshou.

It is a sense of fear that all the thoughts in the bottom of the heart will be understood by others. It is clear that he has not done anything yet, and the other party can understand the thoughts in his own mind only by psychological speculation and pressure.

Like a roundworm in a human stomach.

This kind of person is terrible!

"I said, I said..."

Mu Zixi's head was blank, and she didn't make it up anymore. She recalled the first time she saw Sang Lao in her mind, and she revealed it all.

"That's who you've become!"

"At that time, when I was walking in the grove of the clan, he appeared directly and was going to kidnap me as his apprentice."

"I don't even know what happened, who this person is, how did he appear, but he's going to do it, what can I do?"

"I can't beat him at all!"

"I'm trying to resist..." Mu Zixi felt it as he spoke, and began to try to adapt it.

At a critical moment, Yi interrupted with a frown and asked, "Is he strong?"

Mu Zixi was talking about Tiansang Ling Palace.

The picture that appeared in Yi's mind was the grove of the Semi-Saint Tribe in the Northern Territory.

The two were so far apart that he couldn't think of one at all.

But in the different impression, Saint Slave Sleeveless does not seem to be a very strong person.

This person may be unreasonable, but at least in the face of a junior, how can he be like a robber? This is so disrespectful!

Mu Zixi was startled when she heard the words, and subconsciously wanted to nod her head.

But the bottom of my heart was suddenly shocked, knowing that the person in front of me was thoughtful, I am afraid that if I made it up myself, the other party would not believe it.

On the contrary, when the full disclosure is made, some key information is selectively blocked.

The other party relies on brain supplementation and may be able to supplement the information by himself.

Silly has its benefits.

Why use one's own shortcomings to touch the other's strengths?

At the moment, the little girl raised her eyes weakly, and said a little shyly: "Actually, it can't be said to be very strong. The real situation is that he also chatted with me a little..."

"But I'm already Xu Shao's person, how can I go with him?" The little girl got excited, stood up and danced.

"But he just wants me to go with him!"

"But I just wouldn't go with him."

"And then he still had to ask me to go with him..."

"Stop!" The different brain hurts.

If it weren't for the failure of the spiritual guidance, he swore that he would not let the little girl in front of him say even more nonsense!

Yi began to try to guide the topic and let the chat get better: "He wants you to be his apprentice? How did you get rid of him?"

"Uh!" Mu Zixi choked.

Yes, old man Sang is so strong, how can I get rid of him? What happened then?

The expression on his face was a little unsightly.

This is obviously the look of lying, and then, I will see how the other side makes it up.

However, Mu Zixi, who had a blank head, was unable to make up anything after all. She could only say with promise: "If... I mean if, if I said I didn't know, would you kill me?"


At the moment, he really enjoyed the urge to slap the girl to death.

Mu Zixi saw that something was wrong, tears came out again, and she squatted down with a sigh: "Don't kill me, I really don't know, when, at that time, he wanted me to be his apprentice, and I refused. Suddenly he didn't say anything and just left, how do I know the reason, I don't know how to make it up..."

After a nonsense call, the heterogeneity was blocked.

He narrowed his eyes, but could understand what the little girl in front of him said.

Are you exposed...

In addition to the Slave Sleeveless exposing his breath, it is impossible for a little girl to get rid of the powerful person on the opposite side.

He took over the topic again and asked, "So, what happened after you said that the saint slave left without sleeves?"

Mu Zixi was startled.

it's over?

This guy, why didn't he pursue the process?

Can he accept such a flawed process?

"Speak!" The strange expression became solemn.

Mu Zixi suddenly trembled, and she wanted to cry: "You, don't be so fierce, you talk like this, it's easy for me to think of some bad memories."


He simply changed his body, turned into a passerby, and said warmly, "What happened next?"

Mu Zixi completely gave up the plan to make up, she chose to be an ignorant passerby.


"Then, Xu Shao appeared with someone and protected me."

She secretly raised her eyes, glanced at the man in front of her, and found that there was no emotion on the other side, the little girl said weakly: "Let me tell you, although Xu Shao is usually cheap and likes stinky farts, he treats me like shit. Alright, you you you..."

She struggled for a while, but chose to close her eyes, as if she was about to die heroically, "You choose to leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened, and I won't tell Xu Shao what happened tonight! "

I was speechless.

what is this…


Can I be threatened by a little girl from your grandmaster?

"Nothing else?" Yi asked again, not caring about irrelevant information at all.

Seeing that the threat didn't work, Mu Zixi sighed in her heart, as expected...

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, the little girl seemed to recall something and said, "Yes! When Xu Shao came to pick me up, he said something!"

"What?" Yi immediately leaned over, realizing that this might be the only key message in this little girl's whole nonsense.

Mu Zixi held her head high and said loudly, "Good guy!"

Different startled.

Wait for a while.

Found that there is no text on the opposite side.

He finally couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching, "No, no?"

"It's gone." Mu Zixi spread her hands and looked blank.

good guy!

At this moment, he even felt that the other side was playing with him, and his face became gloomy.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Mu Zixi thought that she still couldn't make it up, she shrank her head and said timidly: "Well, actually, there is the second half of the sentence, but I don't dare to say it..."

The abnormal sensation turned around, and quickly grabbed the little girl's shoulder and shouted: "Speak!"

Mu Zixi lowered her head and glanced at the hands that were tightly gripping her shoulders, then turned her head away, clenched her eyes, and said with a face of death: "Good guy! How dare you touch this young man?"

different:? ? ?

At this moment, he felt that his heart was roaring wildly, and that monstrous killing intent almost pierced the day!

Dare to...

Total nonsense!

"Don't kill me..." Mu Zixi burst into tears immediately, "You told me to say it, I didn't want to say it at first, I didn't want to be around, I didn't shoot you in the sand, and I didn't want to say anything. I will tell you everything I know according to your request, you don't want to kill me."

The irritable interrupted, and roared: "Shooting insinuation! Not shooting me! Also, that's called scolding sanghuai!"

"Ale?" Mu Zixi's tears stopped and she asked dumbly, "What do you mean by scolding Huai? Did I say this just now?"

different:! !

He clenched his fists angrily and gave the ground a crit.


The rubble flew around.

Mu Zixi was so frightened that her body trembled, her shoulders were pulled, she could only lift her neck to her back, kept beeping, and hypnotized herself: "Bless the Bodhisattva, bless the Bodhisattva..."

Alienation exploded.

What kind of player is this!

This is a fool!

But why is such a fool, she has the ability to solve mental control in seconds!

It's just... beeping the dog!

Taking a deep breath, Yi regained his composure and let go of his hand, but as if he remembered something, he held the little girl's shoulder again, and Ling Yuan passed.

His original intention was to find out if there was Jhinzhao's aura in the little girl's body.

But Ling Yuan crosses over like this, like throwing rocks into the sea...


Mu Zixi hiccupped, and her sluggish state suddenly became a little radiant due to the absorption of Taixu Lingyuan.

She was also stunned.

I don't know why the person in front of him suddenly became so kind, and sent over such a vital spiritual energy.

At the moment, he can only blink his big eyes and tilt his head.


She didn't dare to speak, she could only make a nasal voice.

Different but crazy!

I'm not going to feed you!

I'm not being kind, I'm tempting!

Do you understand?


you fool!

Yi gave up.

He was suddenly relieved, and wondered why he should be angry with such a fool with such special abilities?

This little girl obviously doesn't even know what happened to her at the moment.

If this goes on, what can you ask?

Even if you ask her why the swallowing wooden body has a tendency to mutate, is it as Rao Yaoyao speculated and Ye Xiao speculated...

What can this girl say?

First of all she's stupid and can't make up anything, most likely telling the truth.

This is certainly an advantage.

But the disadvantage is that it is too stupid!

Yilian himself was a little unclear about the sixth sense speculation of the two women, Rao Yaoyao and Ye Xiao.

He felt that if he wanted to talk about this with the silly girl in front of him, I'm afraid it would take three days and two nights just for the background introduction before it was possible for the other party to understand.

the most critical.

After the other party understands, there is a high probability that they will reply with this sentence:

"Good guy! So I'm so good?"

Yilian didn't even have the heart to ask questions, why would he want to explain so much nonsense to this little bastard?

He felt that Rao Yaoyao and Ye Xiao were making trouble unreasonably. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

If the Lei family really has such a successor, it is not luck, but the shame of the family!

Yi suddenly missed Xu Xiaoshou, who was a saint slave. Although he was smitten by that guy last time, the other party was smart. Under the control of his mind, the other party showed a strong desire to survive and a fighting spirit.

Such prey can make the hunter excited.

The girl in front of you...

"Forget it, I'm tired."

Yi let go of his hand, turned exhausted, and walked away.

Mu Zixi didn't expect the crisis to be resolved inexplicably. She was still a little out of the situation, so she even waved her hand and asked, "Is there anything else you want to ask? I still know a lot!"

The corners of his mouth twitched wildly, he didn't dare to stop, and his pace quickened.

Mu Zixi was happy, and shouted at his back: "Don't worry, you are a good person. I won't tell Xu Shao what happened tonight. When the time comes, I will help you make up an excuse to prevaricate it."

Yi was frightened and turned around quickly: "Don't! You don't need to make up! You can just explain everything to him in detail."

Since he couldn't ask anything, Yi wouldn't want to have a grudge against a half-sage descendant.

What he is most afraid of is that this little girl will make up after she goes back, and then leak her abilities.

With this girl's "intelligence"...

Different shiver.

He knew that Xu Shao was not Mu Xiaogong, that guy was very skilled.

I am afraid that one sentence can infer his identity.

At that time, he and the Half-Saint Family will have a revenge for this **** tonight, and it hurts to think about it. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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