I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 863: Complete body! Two-winged Dark Demon Rampage Giant!

The black sea of ​​flowers on the other side swayed slowly in the wind.

Within the realm, almost no one is not affected by this extreme demonic energy, even the master of the realm - Yi!

"God Demon Eye?"

Yi looked at the rich blackness in front of him, and it was only at this moment that he reacted.

The appearance of the other side of the flower may be due to the life force of the supreme demon body.

But the power of divinity and the power of magic cannot be brought by the mere body of the Holy Body, even if there is a word "magic" in the "Devil Body".

"The ultimate demon body..."


"So, Rao Yaoyao's guess and Xiao Xiaoxiao's prediction have all come true?!"

Yi couldn't believe it, the situation in front of him immediately rushed in the worst direction, and there was no room for even half a minute of mediation.

He looked at this bounded domain, and knew that with his own domain, people from the outside world, even through the cloud world, could not observe the internal situation.

The best choice at the moment is to close the border!


Xuanji has already said that he has seized control of the heavenly world, even if Rao Yaoyao finds something wrong at this time, he is trying his best to save it.

But no one knows Xuanji's accomplishments in Heavenly Secret Art better than Yi.

People from the outside world, I am afraid they will only be in the fog, and they still don't know what happened here.

And there is obviously more than one throne here, Xuanji also has boundaries. .

If you end the geographical advantage by yourself, I am afraid that this magical energy will be taken over by someone else.

The key is…

"I haven't been able to pass on the situation here to the outside!" Yi Xin's head sank suddenly.

Tears came out.

Saint slave Xu Xiaoshou came out.

Xuanji, who escaped from Void Island, also stood here.

It can be said that most of the people involved in the current tension in the Eastern Sky King City have appeared in front of him.

And these people, when discussing things, do not shy away from themselves at all.

What does it say?

"They all want to silence!"

Yi suddenly laughed.

He simply did not clean the wound.

The residual power of Jiannian cannot be erased in a short time.

Yiwang looked at Lei Xier, who had suddenly changed from a girl to a woman, and her eyes narrowed.

"Xu Xiaoshou, Xuan Wuji..."

"In the end, they are just the key people at the moment. Even if I can't win it for a while, Rao Yaoyao is prepared."

"But the remnants of the Lei family, the gods and demons, are determined not to survive tonight!"

Immediately, he made a decision.

Lei Xi'er, the variables in this person's appearance are too great.

It's big enough to turn over the tragic incident more than ten years ago, and then set off a **** storm on the mainland.

Why do people who should have died a long time ago miss the world so much?

He looked strangely at the body that his other half couldn't link to.

Grit your teeth.

Divide the body into two completely!


Xu Xiaoshou stared blankly at the familiar and unfamiliar woman in front of him, still in a state of confusion, "Where's Mu Zixi?"

"Let me go first..."

Lei Xi'er's gaze moved down, and it landed on Xu Xiaoshou's hand that was still wrapped around her waist.

Xu Xiaoshou let go like an electric shock, but in an instant, he felt that he had lost something.

His eyes were flooded with demonic energy again, turning black and red, and he shouted uncontrollably: "I ask, where is Mu Zixi?!"

"What is fierce?" Lei Xi'er Qiong's nose wrinkled, and for a while she had a somewhat clever gesture of Mu Zixi, but soon, her demeanor returned to indifference, and she replied: "Sleep."

"Sleep?" Xu Xiaoshou was so nervous that he pinched Lei Xi'er's shoulders with both hands, "When will you wake up?"

Lei Xi'er couldn't break free from the confinement of Xu Xiaoshou's strength,

She also knew that she couldn't make it, and she didn't even have the desire to resist. She just said calmly: "Don't be impulsive first, she was just hurt, and she just fell asleep temporarily..."

"Then why did you come out!" Xu Xiaoshou's eyes widened in anger, and he interrupted on the spot.

In the last life, he ended his life in the ward, lonely and lonely.

In this life, I finally have friends and relatives.

But one by one, they drifted away, and even the little junior sister who had been with her for the longest time became like this after suffering this hardship.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't like this.

Mu Zixi changed too much.

The height has grown, and the figure has improved, even if the face has not changed much, and the voice has not changed much.

But the tone and emotions between the words were no longer his familiar little junior sister.

Tears were silent.

Looking at Xu Xiaoshou's emotional changes, he could clearly sense that the person in front of him had been completely controlled by the demonic energy of the gods and demons.

He has lost the resourcefulness that his little junior sister admires most in his heart, and has become an ordinary person.

"What do you say?"

Lei Xi'er seems to have followed Mu Zixi's straight-talking tone, and she doesn't beat around the bush at all, she just said plainly, "She is still waiting for you until the end."

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Xu Xiaoshou was stunned, his lips and teeth trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes were red: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I should have come earlier..."

"No need to apologize." Lei Xi'er shook her head, "My appearance is only a matter of time. You are not wrong. You have done enough."

She glanced at the inorganic ancestor.

Ancestor Wuji was instantly terrified, knowing that he might have made a monstrous mistake.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't care about this at all. He strained his hand and asked nervously, "So, under what conditions can you go back and let Mu Zixi come out?"

He seemed to realize that it was rude to ask, and opened his mouth to explain something.

But in the end nothing could be said.

Because no matter how he asked, that was his original intention.

Lei Xi'er's face turned pale, and the color of pain flashed away.

She looked down and landed on Xu Xiaoshou's hand.

Xu Xiaoshou quickly let go.

Lei Xi'er said: "I am Lei Xi'er and Mu Zixi, she is me, I am her, in fact, there is no distinction between each other."

"It's just that when I was sleeping, she was more resistant to my existence."

"I can feel all her emotions, and she... or 'me', that 'me', did not want to accept the past of 'me', which led to this result."

Lei Xi'er smiled slightly, and with the style of melting ice and snow, she said softly: "You should understand."

Why couldn't Xu Xiaoshou understand?

He just can't take it!

Just as Mu Zixi couldn't accept it, she might just be a product born under the self-protection mechanism after Lei Xi'er was injured.

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't accept it either. His little junior sister, after encountering this ordeal, would "recover" like this.

The devilish energy in his eyes ignited, and his voice suddenly became cold: "What if you disappeared?"

Tears were startled.

She would never have imagined that she had explained it so clearly, Xu Xiaoshou, so extreme!

But when I turned my eyes, I saw the burning demonic energy in the eyes of the young man in front of me...

Tears came to a realization.

"You're too extreme." She said softly, and the demon pupil turned.

"Hmm!" Xu Xiaoshou groaned, and the monstrous demonic energy that had just been swallowed up in his body was uncontrollably absorbed back into the eyes of the gods and demons.

"Be careful-"

At this moment, the inorganic ancestor suddenly roared.

The three of them didn't like to make any movements, the power of the realm covered them, and they directly transferred Lei Xi'er and Xu Xiaoshou to the front of Yi.

Inorganic ancestor just wanted to help, and made up for it.

But the realm is different after all. Under the first move, the inorganic ancestor was directly frozen in space for a moment, unable to move.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Sang Lao, who was incarnated, smiled wickedly. He raised his hand high, and his hand was burning with blazing white flames.

"What a touching picture!"

"However, you shouldn't have appeared, and died directly at the hands of your master. Perhaps, this is the only destination?"

Yi originally just wanted to kill the remnant of the tears family first.

But in front of the two people who are close to each other, he can directly penetrate everything with one hand.

Why not take the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou and be buried with him?

From the point of view of emotion alone, his heart to kill Xu Xiaoshou is much heavier than that of Lei Xi'er!


He "perceived" to see all this, and even knew what was going to happen next, but Lei Xi'er's demon eyes were still turning.

Just the act of sucking the magic energy, the powerful control power of Shenmotong has been fully reflected.

Xu Xiaoshou couldn't even turn around to defend.

Lei Xi'er also realized that something was wrong.

In the current environment, she is not allowed to help Xu Xiaoshou at all, because that covetous person also has a strong murderous intention towards everyone in the field.

In a flash, she cut off the act of absorbing the magic energy of the gods and demons.

it's too late...

Even if the control was cut off, Xu Xiaoshou could not resume action for a while.

"He is the body of the throne. His body is very sharp. His physical defense also has anti-shock properties, which is not comparable to ordinary people..."

Lei Xi'er was very sober and rational, and she analyzed everything in a flash.

The strangeness came from behind Xu Xiaoshou. If he wanted to penetrate the two of them with one hand, he had to break through Xu Xiaoshou's defense first.

Lei Xi'er knew that Xu Xiaoshou's defense was very strong, and it was not so easy to break.

Theoretically speaking, his physical body can't resist a Taixu blow, Xu Xiaoshou might be able to.

But reason returns to reason, wants to return to what you think...

Lei Xi'er found that her hands, at this critical juncture, subconsciously stretched out and grabbed Xu Xiaoshou's waist.

Then, a huge black vine coiled up and swung out.

She couldn't move Xu Xiaoshou's body at all, but she slammed her body behind Xu Xiaoshou's body according to her inertia...


A pair of charred hands, like torn paper, without the slightest delay, pierced Lei Xi'er's back and burst out from his chest.

Then, he slammed it into Xu Xiaoshou's chest and held his heart!


Lei Xi'er had a mouthful of blood on her head, spraying it on Xu Xiaoshou's face.

She froze in place.

What Lingnian saw, the alien incarnation of Lao Sang, the white flames bursting from his body, turned out to be not fake, his pair of pierced two people, connecting them into a string of charred hands...

Sleeveless · Red Jiao hand?

How could he?

"Xu Xiaoshou! Ancestor, I'm here to save you!"

The Inorganic Ancestor finally broke free from the shackles of the realm, and the moment he saw a pair of scorched black hands also break open Xu Xiaoshou's chest, his nerves went cold.

With the movement of ten fingers, the heavenly secrets surged.

"seal up!"

The Inorganic Ancestor pointed a finger, and the starlight imprinted the moon, and swayed it on Yi's head, causing his movement of crushing his heart to be completely blocked.



Heart is held.

The outside world burst into chaos in an instant.

However, in Xu Xiaoshou's world, there are only dark and dark black flowers on the other side, and all the nothingness delayed by time.

in nothingness.

Suddenly, in addition to the surging demonic energy in front of him, a beautiful and dreary blood-stained face appeared after Lei Xi'er blocked a blow for herself.

"Mu Zixi..."

Xu Xiaoshou's face trembled and he murmured absentmindedly.

In his brain was the scene of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood raging with demonic energy. He was obviously unable to think, but his tears were still falling uncontrollably.

next second.

At the Zifu Lingtai, the last remaining ray of clarity was finally suppressed and completely wiped out!

Xu Xiaoshou looked past Lei Xi'er and saw the familiar face of Lao Sang behind her...

This is different!

Xu Xiaoshou was puzzled.

For Mu Zixi, he had already suppressed the primitive crazy animal desire in his mind once.

But why...

why this old guy...

Always noisy!

Always interrupt!

Always die without repentance? !

While his thoughts were so fleeting, Xu Xiaoshou's sanity was finally completely destroyed...

This is the enemy!

The ferocious, sinister, and smirking face comes from the only person who wants to kill!

"You, in, looking for, dying—"

Xu Xiaoshou roared in anger, Shen Ru's tone in the abyss became hoarse, the completion was not human-like, and he couldn't even hear the content.

A golden spot of light suddenly bloomed on his body.

Blast pose!


Under the control of Inorganic Ancestor, Yi was blasted away on the spot.

After doing all this, Xu Xiaoshou's eyes were black and red, like a madman, but when he faced the pale face in front of him, there was a trace of clarity in his eyes.

The violent animal will, Xu Xiaoshou learned to control it very early under the tempering of Xin Gugu.

He gently lifted Lei Xi'er and put it on the ground.

Then he squatted down, stretched out his hand, and gently caressed the head of the person in front of him.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

"It's okay, I have everything..."

Lei Xi'er was stunned, looking at the young man in front of him, the light and shadow flickered in his mind, but it was the picture that Mu Zixi most wanted to see.

"do not want."

She pursed her lower lip and shook her head gently, knowing what Xu Xiaoshou wanted to do next, and tried to stop it.

Xu Xiaoshou twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to give a wicked smile.


Step forward.

Eyes wide open.


A beast roar that seemed to burst the sky, overturned the black flowers that covered the mountains and plains, and blew all the rules and reason to fester.

Amidst the swaying shards of flowers, dazzling golden light rose into the sky.

Rampage Giant, here we come!


The roar ravaged the world, and Xu Xiao felt the demonic energy in his body. At this moment, it blended with the crazy animal desires in his mind. In an instant, all killing thoughts were ignited.


A small beep.

The golden-brilliant berserk giant turned black, and was dyed into a state of madness a little bit.

And under such overwhelming killing intent, the black berserk giant, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, has not even moved.

Instead, he faced the sky high and raised his hands.


Four swords were summoned, and with a scream of excitement, they flew into the right hand of the violent giant. It waited for such a picture for too long, too long.

"call out!"

Inside the Yuan Mansion, Yan Python moved upon hearing the wind. For the first time, he officially entered his master's left hand, and he also began to participate in the real battle.

Up to this point, the ancestor of Yihe Inorganic was already stunned.

The two of them looked at the unattainable black violent giant, and both of them never thought that the previous grandmaster junior, after transforming, combined with the aura that shattered the sky, could have such a terrifying deterrent.


More than that!

The black berserk giant, after holding the double swords, bent his knees suddenly, and the whole person collapsed into the air and ejected.

Then, the golden light spots in the sky exploded wildly in the roar, pushing away the air waves layer by layer.

in this.


On the black berserk giant, white flames burned.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell~"

Under his feet, with the rhythm of the sound, a giant ice lotus blossomed as if it could support the entire world.

The violent giant held the double swords and seemed to feel too thin.

He squeezed hard.



The double swords moved in response to the sound, expanded rapidly, matched the giant's super-sized size, and became the sky-hanging giant sword.

The giant slashed with his sword, and there were two rumbling sounds. The power of Bai Yan and Ice Lotus was possessed, and splendid wings of icy blue and scorching white bloomed behind him.

Complete body!

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