I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 881: The truth is revealed!

Xu Xiaoshou almost didn't laugh.

This trial officer is so funny, even a tough guy can't resist the cuteness of the little girl.

In particular, the other party's unwarranted private interrogation can neither hurt "Mu Xiaogong" in the slightest, pay attention to the proportion of the interrogation, and ask for the desired answer, which is simply exhausting.

Of course, as a professionally trained and practiced person, Xu Xiaoshou had a hard time laughing.

At present, he can hold back.

"Men in black...question...um...question..." The little girl was still slumped on the ground, hesitating, asking three questions.

Of course, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't give an answer directly.

Yi is the boss of the Yi department who is engaged in intelligence work. He wants to interrogate a little girl who is helpless, how could he still let the other party leave memories after the incident?

According to the "soul reading", read the different soul memory.

Anyone who has undergone a different interrogation is under his mental control. After that, it is difficult to have a clear understanding of the interrogation process.

And Xu Xiaoshou was going to pretend to be "Mu Xiaogong" at the moment.

With the strength of "Mu Xiaogong", it is impossible to remember the slightest content of the interrogation process!

So Xu Xiaoshou hesitated for a long time while pretending to be confused, and only revealed a "person in black" and rough information such as "problems".

If he could tell the specific interrogation process now, before the trial officer, he should doubt the authenticity.

Sure enough, seeing that the little girl couldn't say a key point for a long time, the trial officer pondered.

He knew that the head of Yi-min went to interrogate Mu Xiaogong only after he took over the task of Rao Yaoyao.

After thinking about it.

If you are a noble like the head of a different department, if you want to target a little girl, it is indeed impossible for the other party to leave all the memories of the interrogation process.

In other words, if you ask like this now, you can't actually ask anything at all.

The trial officer pondered.

He knew that he couldn't ask the content, but there were some questions that needed to be side-by-side, but he had to go through the process again.

"do you still remember me?"

The trial officer pondered for a while, guided him spiritually, and changed the image of himself in the mind of the little girl in front of him into an unusual appearance - a little girl.

Nothing happens.

The little **** the ground seemed to have met a stranger, and didn't give any feedback.

"Isn't this image used by Yi..." The trial officer understood.

He put himself in again, thinking about what means he would take to interrogate the little girl in front of him if he was different.

1. Normal interrogation: Approach Mu Xiaogong as an ordinary trial officer, ask questions normally, without spiritual guidance, but it is easy to be deceived.

The trial officer ruled out this option.

Because I just tried it, the different image of the little girl is too cute, and it does not help the interrogation process.


Second, gentle interrogation: use Mu Xiaogong to attack the people close to him, and ask the answers he wants.

Thinking like this, the trial officer, guided by his spirit, changed the image of the little **** the ground to that of "Xu Shao".

Now, the little girl is moving.

"Uuu...Xu Gang leader...give me back..." The little girl who was paralyzed on the ground was extremely aggrieved and began to sob.

The trial officer hurriedly ended such spiritual guidance.

If the opposite party's mood fluctuates too much, it is possible to break free from the interrogation process in advance, and even leave her with great mental damage.

"It's not Xu Shao..." The trial officer thought, and soon he was relieved.

Mu Xiaogong and his guard Xiaoqing appeared on another mountain after the death. These spirit mirror pictures were shown to Rao Yaoyao when he explained the mission.

According to the cloud scene picture seen before, it is speculated.

The two of them obviously had never seen "Xu Shao" - the "Xu Shao" who had transformed into a different person during the interrogation process!

Because once you see it, according to the little girl's temperament, it will definitely make a big fuss.

Yi's interrogation didn't last long, he left soon, and then he was ambushed before he died.

If he wants to become Xu Shao...

It is estimated that most of the time, under the guidance of this spirit, as "Xu Shao", I will apologize to this little girl!

How humble, he is a different radical!

It seems that there is only one last possibility left...

3. Violent interrogation: directly impact the soul of the interrogator with a brutal and exaggerated spiritual image, give enough pressure, and cooperate with spiritual guidance, so that the answer to the desired question can be asked in a short time.

This is most likely given the time consuming of the different interrogation process.

The trial officer then said softly and cutely: "What does the person you meet after taking a walk or taking a walk, look like Nirvana?"

The little **** the ground shivered all of a sudden: "Tall... dark... devil..."

There are three adjectives in total.

The trial officer immediately confirmed that Yi used this method.

Only in this way can you quickly ask the answers you want.

Obviously, after the question, Yi did not get the result of his suspicion, that is, Mu Xiaogong had no problem, so he would leave directly.

After leaving, he encountered other ambush...

Certainly so.

"He's not a devil, he's just a master. In fact, it's not scary. Look, he didn't do anything to you, right?" The trial officer first calmed down.

After the little girl really calmed down, he asked again: "So, how long did he ask you about, do you remember?"

"Um..." There was a murmur of confusion.

The trial officer sighed.

It's a complete little idiot that does nothing but make you speechless.

I am afraid that Yi also vented a lot of emotions in this girl, so that his image, in the little girl's heart, changed from nothing to "tall", "dark" and "devil". adjective.

The trial officer couldn't bear his twisted posture at this moment. It was hard for him to imagine how the little girl was tortured by this little girl during the last interrogation before her death.

"Do you have any other information that you can add to me during that encounter?" The trial officer asked after thinking for a while.

But the result he got was still a little girl's humming...


For a long time, he sighed helplessly.

The trial officer finished the spiritual guidance and watched the little girl fall into a real slumber, and after a while, she started whirring.

"My heart is really big!" The trial officer scolded.

He secretly withdrew from the realm, shook his body, and disappeared.

The interrogation seemed to be over.

"Mu Xiaogong" was still sleeping soundly on the ground, as if he wanted to recover the exhaustion after the battle during the day and the mental trauma after encountering the "tall and dark devil" at night.

In a quiet cabin.

This situation lasted for more than half a quarter...

Until the message "Monitored, passive value, +1" in the information bar no longer appears.

Xu Xiaoshou opened his sleepy eyes only after being pretended to be Mu Xiaogong.


"Why did I fall asleep on the ground?"

"Am I watering the flowers..."

"Mu Xiaogong" frowned and rubbed his swollen temples, as if he had a headache because he fell asleep on the ground.

But with her intelligence, she wouldn't think much.

Turning his hands into vines, he pulled and pulled, and he was too lazy to walk. "Mu Xiaogong" slammed onto the big bed and fell asleep.

"no problem!"

Outside the tent of the Xu Gang, the trial officer hiding in the way of heaven watched all this silently, and finally chose to leave.

Mu Xiaogong is very normal.

The little girl has a heart, is playful, heartless, and likes to be petty...

All the characteristics are perfectly in line with the personnel information on the first floor of the sky.

Just like Yu Zhiwen thought.

After contacting Mu Xiaogong, the trial officer got the same answer.

Tai Xu will not be so compromising, pretending to be an innocent and lovely little girl, before the trial of the king city, he will spend a lot of time disguising: fighting the Tianluo field, kneeling under Xu Shao, shouting those shameful Xu Gang slogans...

In the end, only in the Yunlun Mountains, giving Yibu a dead end.

Not to mention Mu Xiaogong, who took the initiative to take over the task to find it.

Just the shameful slogans of the Xu gang, and the position of the gang leader of the Xu gang who was desperately trying to get back, the trial officer felt that none of them were too imaginary and shouted.

Mu Xiaogong has her own characteristics that exist in this world. This kind of person has a special temperament, and it is difficult to imitate if she wants to imitate.

If you try to guess boldly: "Mu Xiaogong is actually the gold medal hunter of Sanxiangxiang, too weak!"

Then, it is indeed possible for the killer to work hard to prepare all of this, so that the game he wants to arrange forms a perfect closed loop.

However, there are still three things that cannot be explained.

First, how did she gain Xu Shao's trust? Could it be that the first contact with Xu Shao in the Northern Territory was planning to prepare for all this?

Second, if not, Xu Shao is also a part of the killing action? But there is no reason for the descendants of the semi-sacred power to take action against the people in the Holy Spirit Temple. If others don't know the importance, how can the semi-sacred know?

Third, how did Mu Xiaogong know that Yihui was attracted by her physique? Killers have their own goals, and when they do something to outsiders, they have to pay extra and weigh the pros and cons. It's not like she pretended to be for so long, and whoever attracted her would kill whoever?

This is so sloppy!

If that time, instead of going out of the way, but the first Wang Dachui in the body department, she will kill Wang Dachui?

Can't kill!

In the game of killing aliens, there must be special abilities specially designed to target aliens.

In the game of different death, there are too many strategies that need to be planned in advance!

Special people, special treasures, special abilities…

Only with the aim of doom, is there any chance that Tai Xu will be killed within a quarter of an hour!

It's not like, Yi is a coincidence shot, just coincidentally encounters a few Taixu stowaways who can kill him walking on the road, the coincidence of the two sides is on the verge of triggering, the ability of Yi is coincidentally targeted, the body, soul, spirit. Strength, will... all coincidentally restrained to death, not even the slightest distress signal, coincidence, gone?


Absolutely impossible!

This is too coincidental!

The immortals are here, and it is impossible to guide the story to such a situation!

The Holy Spirit Temple pays attention to evidence, such a closed loop of coincidence, there is no possibility of it appearing.

The trial officer did not believe that a little girl with such a temperament could kill a person so difficult to kill.

In fact, there is only one subjective idea in his heart.

Holy slave!

Or other dark forces with the same strength as the saint slaves, secretly deployed, cut off the aliens, and then went down with the trend, poured dirty water on the first floor of the sky, and escaped.

- This is the only explanation!

The trial officer knew that Rao Yaoyao had only such thoughts in his heart.

She still called herself to come over to verify, but it was just a matter of peace of mind and a fluke.

Now, luck is shattered.

Mu Xiaogong's motive, strength, presence time, etc., etc. to commit crimes with others are seriously insufficient.

The trial officer dismissed the original idea of ​​continuing.

Originally, his mission also included verifying Mu Xiaogong's wood attribute ability and strength to see if it was an imitator change.

But during the interrogation just now, the little girl's subconscious use of wood properties, as well as her living habits such as watering flowers and weeds, have perfectly solved the problem.

No one can use the wood-type ability so skillfully after getting an imitator.

Before imitating a person, it is necessary to study the living habits, abilities, details, etc. of the imitated person for a long time.

In the Xu Gang camp, there may be only one person who can perfectly imitate the living habits and wood ability of Chu Xiaogong without spending extra time—Xu Shao!

But he has to know in advance that he will get imitators in a few years, so he will spend a lot of time secretly observing the details of his subordinates' living habits, tone of voice, micro-expressions, etc., right?

If this is really a game set up by a young man...

How deep is the city house?

Using the time to calculate the unit over the years, to make nine turns and eighteen turns, in the end, there can only be one game that kills the target, and it was successful.

Seriously terrified!

The most important thing is that Xu Shaoyou has the most straightforward alibi - he stayed in the tent of the Xu Gang from the beginning to the end, and did not go out for half a step.


"I doubt you, you have to come with me?"

This kind of statement, the Holy Spirit Temple can say to anyone in the world, but it can't say it to the descendants of the semi-holy forces alone!

How tough Xu Shao is, this can be seen from the fact that Yu Lingdi was forced to retreat.

If the above rhetoric can work on the semi-sage successor, it would not take so long to wait until the time to interrogate Mu Xiaogong privately, and deliberately smuggle people out for questioning, naturally all the following disasters will not happen!

"One more goal..."

The trial officer did not intend to interrogate Xu Shao.

Rao Yaoyao agrees that Xu Shao is not easy to mess with.

What he still needs to confirm is the guard Xiaoqing.

A little master who has mastered a little bit of heaven's secrets is very outrageous, but in the semi-holy forces, as the guardian of Xu Shao, it seems very normal.

The trial begins...

Trial ends...

Not half an exception!

The ancestor of Wuji is called Xuan Wuji, even if he has never been as unpredictable as Dao Qiongcang, he is not a small intelligence officer in the realm of Dao Slashing who can force him to ask things out.

He will be abused to the point that his body will collapse, leaving only his soul, because he has been banned from fighting and cannot resist.

Now that you are fully capable and prepared in advance, what can you be asked?

If he could be asked something, Xuan Mo could kill himself by wiping his throat!

"No exception."

In the void, the Dao Slashing Trial Officer hid in the way of heaven. After two unsuccessful actions, he fell into deep thinking.

Taking all the circumstances into account, he can draw the same conclusion as Yu Zhiwen.

Yihui died within a quarter of an hour, it must be because of a trap, and the stowaways of Yunlun Mountains can accurately grasp the whereabouts of Yi, there must be ghosts in the Holy Spirit Hall!

His spiritual mind probed into the main account of the Xu Gang, and Xu Shao was dozing off with his chin up, heartless, and fit his personality very well.

"Want to try it?"

Whether spiritual guidance can work on the semi-sage descendants, and whether it will be noticed by the semi-sages in their clan, the trial officer is not sure, he only knows that Xu Shao is not easy to mess with.

But for the sake of the mission, sometimes no matter how dangerous it is, you can still put out the fire.

Rao Yaoyao's mission instructions did not require him to judge Xu Shao, but as a subordinate, to be activated by Rao Yaoyao at this moment, the trial officer knew that he must have dedication.

Not afraid of death.

If you are afraid, you are afraid of the truth, maybe it is really hidden in a hundred thousand impossible coincidences!

"Om. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Fang wanted to risk his life to investigate, and the communication beads rang.

The trial officer pinched it. This is Rao Yaoyao's communication beads. He attached great importance to it and connected it directly.

"Come back." A very tired voice came from the communication beads.

"Senior Rao, I still have the last step to complete, give me another half a quarter of an hour..." The trial officer struggled at the end.

"You don't have to do useless work anymore." Rao Yaoyao interrupted.



The communication beads were silent for a long time, only the rustling voice.

Finally, a voice with suppressed anger appeared, very heavy.

"Wang Dazhui, at the different death scene, he discovered the power of Yin and Yang life and death left by the storyteller of the saint slave!"

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