I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 887: The mountain guard who vomits and vomits

"Duck rush!"

"Kill the top of the mountain!"

On the top of the fourth dragon vein, Luo Yin and the leader of the original attacking mountain party temporarily formed an alliance.

But before the seventh and eighth Longwei flags were pulled up, the sound of rushing down the mountain was already close at hand.

"Xu Gang, kill it!"

Everyone's heartbeat started to speed up.

The people at the foot of the mountain can't stop the rush of the Xu Gang, everyone knows this.

But Xu Gang's speed of rushing to the mountain is so fast that it still makes people panic.

"Isn't it okay?"

Luo Yin's face was complicated, and he looked at the two members of the original attacking mountain party who were still seriously raising the flag behind. He had already started to condemn the rules of the Nine Dragon Veins Contest in his heart.

It's so annoying.

For a quarter of an hour, who can resist!

"There are still three minutes." The timekeeper stared at the flag puller and reported the time. .

three minutes!

It takes three minutes of life and death, whether it can be done, whether it can use the dragon veins, depends on this wave!

Luo Yin restrained all his mixed emotions, released his momentum, and shouted in a loud voice: "Everyone, prepare to meet the enemy!"

The two sides on the mountain knew that the war was imminent, and after doing their psychological construction, they also shouted in unison: "Prepare to meet the enemy!"

For a time, the mountain wind was bleak, and the hearts of the brave men to die were very determined.


In the blink of an eye, the shouts of the Xu Gang gang members were already faced.

As soon as the sound arrives, so do the people.

The defense line of everyone on the mountain has been completely spread out, but the gang members of the Xu Gang who are not afraid of death, relying on their prosperous state and carrying a lot of pressure, suddenly flew up.

"Come here!" Someone looked at the Xu Gang members who flew up the hill not far away, and their hearts were urgent.

"Everyone, gather fire, shoot these people down, and hold on for three minutes!" Luo Yin waved his hand and took the lead in gathering Ling Yuan, like a whack-a-mole. As soon as the Xu Gang gang appeared, he had a wave of spirits. Yuan Shock blasted past.

Everyone took pictures of cats and tigers, copying them one by one.

After all, the people on the mountain occupied the land.

Although the state is not good, but on the premise of not fighting hard, they don't need to really take the trick, but just knock these gophers back to the foot of the mountain one by one.

"Boom bang bang..."

The sound of explosions was incessant.

As soon as the first wave of the Xu Gang gang appeared, they were hit by all kinds of spiritual energy and fell to the top of the mountain.

Can't stand the crowd!

With the advantage of the number of people, the Xu Gang gang ripped apart the defense line of everyone on the mountain.

It occupied a little position, but these gangsters, relying on this position, gathered all the troops.

"Here! Here!"

"Damn, the big head was blown away, but he broke through the defense line, everyone moved closer to me, I can go up the mountain here!"

"hurry up!"

"Come here, come here..."

"Fuck, don't hit me, go hit others!"

The scene was a mess.

When the defense line of the people on the mountain saw a hole being torn open, the firepower immediately concentrated there.

But after all, their number is too small, and once the firepower is transferred, the other side is killed by the Xu Gang gang.

"Mass, there are too many people in this group!" The people on the mountain began to scold their mothers.

The Xu Gang helped the crowd to rush up the mountain, but instead of fighting, they began to fly around and dodge in the middle of the artillery fire.

One by one, it seems that they only want to use their own lives to attract firepower to their partners, flying around in a swaggering manner, but the words are full of "dead Taoist friends don't die poor Taoist" meaning, which is very contradictory.

"What's the situation?"

Luo Yin looked at the overall situation, but frowned a little, vaguely feeling that this situation was very wrong!

The gangsters of the Xu Gang are clearly in their prime.

Generally speaking, after they rushed up the mountain, they directly caught the nearby people and chopped them down.

Why do they want to do this, flying around and wandering around on the top of the mountain?

Enjoy the scenery?

Sick, these people!

Luo Yin couldn't understand Xu Gang's layout for a while.

Suddenly, there was a gang of gangsters dodging and dodging, and flew close to the flag puller. This time, Luo Yin suddenly realized.

These people are looking for flag pullers, they plan to focus on attacking a little?

"Good guy!"

Royin was angry.

The talents of the Xu Gang have just climbed the mountain, and they already know how the battle of the Nine Dragons is going to be fought?

"Everyone, immediately tighten the defense line, don't let them get close to the flag puller!" Luo Yin immediately shouted at the top of his voice.

With a swipe, everyone's anger was ignited.

We can move, but those who pull the flag cannot. This is the bottom line!


"Boom there!"

"These people want to steal the flag, they must be stopped!"

While the people on the original mountain moved closer to the flag puller, they concentrated their firepower on the "flag stealer".

Fireballs, water cannons, lightning strikes, wind blades...

The crowd squeezed the few remaining spiritual essences, and used the most efficient and efficient attack methods that could be maintained under the current state to blast the low-level spiritual skills into the "flag thieves".

"Damn, this is the Longwei Flag?" The Xu Gang gang members who were caught on fire were scared to pee, "Don't bombard me, I'm just passing by, I really don't want to steal the flag..."

Bang bang a few random noises, all kinds of spiritual energy impact, directly blasting the person away.

"Dragon Guard Flag!"

"That place is where the Dragon Guard Banner is!"

The attack of the people on the mountain worked, but there was no doubt that they also exposed the position of the Dragon Guard Banner.

The members of the Xu Gang did not know Longweiqi before, but at this moment, they all noticed the movement in the place where Longweiqi was located.


Luo Yin's heart froze.

He didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. If he knew that the Xu Gang gang really didn't know Longweiqi, he would plant the flag all over the mountain, and how good would it be to mix the fake with the real?

Available now…


"Protect the Dragon Guard Banner, whoever wants to get close will be slaughtered on the spot!" Luo Yin roared.

The key position is exposed, don't think too much, the Xu Gang gang members will inevitably rush to the Longwei Banner one by one, trying to seize the first merit.

But the unexpected happened.

The people on the original mountain changed their front and shrank to the side of the flag puller, trying to resist the next crazy attack of the Xu Gang.

However, if the Xu Gang gang members encounter a wolf and tiger, they are afraid to avoid it and flee.

While running, he was still chattering.

"That's the Dragon Guard Banner? It looks like a ghost? I almost lost my life in it. Fortunately, I didn't go there. I still want to continue the trial."

"Hurry up and run... No, you go first, I'll break it later, that's the Dragon Guard Banner, the one who takes it first gets the credit first!"

"Your mother! You son of a bitch, don't be afraid to die!"

"Ghost, you are not as good as hell, who goes to hell?"


These gangsters are obviously extremely aggressive.

But just rushing, just hiding, they didn't even have the intention to fight for half a minute, and they all bypassed the Longwei Banner and ran to other places to "appreciate the scenery".

Royin: ? ? ?

He was stunned, what was this operation?

These people really didn't intend to fight, but just came up the mountain to stroll?

Yuan Shan Shangren and others who had finished shrinking the front line were all dazed by Xu Gang's gangster manipulation.

Everyone looked at the bandits who were flying around like headless flies, and suddenly realized that from the beginning of the battle, the opponent seemed to have not attacked, but had been defending and dodging?

Someone tried to stop the attack.

Sure enough, even if they were passing by, the gangsters of Xu Gang would not beat them, and someone even gave them a simple smile, "Hello~"

Crowd: ? ? ?


Is this fight still going?

The people of the Xu gang were treated too much by the two gang leaders.

But fortunately, there is still some calmness among them, while running, while exhorting: "Everyone, don't forget the main task, the wood gang master said that it is necessary to fill the mountains, that is to say, the Longwei Banner is also to be sprinkled. ."

"It's just you!" Someone yelled.

But the words are not rough, and no one dares to disobey the orders of the wood gang master.

So someone made small movements, and when they flew over a certain place, they grabbed a handful of soil, mixed the wood seeds in it, and threw them in the direction of Longwei Banner.


This piece of mud happened to be stuck on the defender's confused face.

That guy didn't want to attack, and even the defense was about to withdraw, because the people from the Xu Gang didn't look like they were here to fight.

I never thought that with such a flash of skill, the mud smeared my face...

Everyone was shown by this wave of attacks.

Mental insult?

This attack doesn't really hurt.

The harm is not high, the insult is extremely strong.

"You are courting death!"

The guy who was smothered in the face burst out, but the Xu Gang turned around and slipped away, "Don't look for me, you hit other people, it's the same, they throw it too!"



When it comes to speaking, the other Xu Gang gang members have followed suit, squatting down and grabbing the soil, throwing them with precision, all of which are embarrassing.

"I'm fucked!"

The people defending the Longwei Banner couldn't hold it anymore.

If there is a real fight, at least fight to the death, and it will be gone.

What does throwable mud mean?

This is absolutely insulting!

"Don't run!"

"There is something left for me to fight to the death!"


Some people really can't stand the insults, and they chase after Xu Gang's people with footsteps.

But the Xu Gang didn't fight, they still hid from XZ, like a rat.

Luo Yin's eyes were sharp, and while noticing that the situation on the field was not right, he also noticed a small movement when the Xu Gang gang members escaped.

As soon as they fly over a certain place, some gadgets will fall out of these people's sleeves.

Purple black.

very disgusting.

It's like falling out of mud.

But if one person drops the mud, it's okay to say, if everyone drops the mud, it looks very abnormal.

It's not like, these people never take a bath...

When his thinking was biased, Luo Yin immediately corrected.

He quietly grabbed a handful of "black mud", and when he probed his spiritual sense, there was actually life force in it! Still plenty!

"What the hell?"

Luo Yin was stunned.

He is too imaginary and has a lot of knowledge, how can he not recognize it, this handful of soil, mixed with some very special spirit medicine seeds, the level is not low, they are all treasures!



Throwing elixir seeds?

What kind of fighting method is this?

"Fuck, here we come!"

"She is coming!"


"Fuck him, get away—"

Without waiting for the flag guards on the mountain to react, the Xu Gang gang threw flying mud like giant babies.


Luo Yin already had a bad feeling in his heart.

side eye.

But in the void not far away, a very cute little girl slowly floated up.

The girl was wearing a green dress, with double ponytails, and a harmless smile on her small face. When she grinned, her teeth were sharp and gleaming, like a little vampire who hasn't grown up yet.

"It's you…"

Luo Yin suddenly had a memory.

This was the wooden girl beside Xu Shao whom he had met during the Tianluo War in the Eastern Sky King City.

wood properties.

At that time, he was still innately cultivated, and now he has become a master.

But it doesn't matter whether Zong is a master or not. Luo Yin knows that the most dangerous person in the Xu Gang is not the frontal striker, but Xu Shao.

However, Xu Shao did not show up, and as soon as Mu Xiaogong appeared, everyone in the Xu Gang fled in a hurry...

What's the meaning?

Is this girl mutated?

"How are you doing?"

Luo Yin stepped forward and questioned sharply.

He knew that the wooden girl had the means to summon Gumu and detonate it, but these methods were good for more than ten or twenty people.

To deal with hundreds of people on the top of the mountain alone, how could she be a little grandmaster?


It is "one person"!

As soon as Mu Xiaogong appeared, Xu Gang helped everyone escape from the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye, as if they were afraid of being targeted by the **** of death.

The people guarding the mountain haven't realized anything yet, because the quality of the sprinkling of the elixir seeds is too good, and the vitality is abundant. Obviously, they are all good treasures, and some people are still secretly collecting them.

The flag-pullers were still continuing their actions at this time.

But this time.

That Xiaojiabiyu's double ponytail loli slowly stretched out her hand, not giving everyone time to think and understand.

Little hands clapping.

"Little Flower, get up!"

Amidst all the attention, Mu Xiaogong seemed to be drained in an instant, and his face became extremely pale.


In all directions on the mountain, the sound of "pat, pat" is heard, like stir-frying lentils.


Luo Yin glanced around, and realized that at some point in time, the mountains and plains had been sprinkled with the seeds of the elixir that he had seen before.

But now, these seeds were called by the wood-type spirit refiner, and they were split one by one.

Blossom of blossom, fruit of fruit.



The salacious operation that Xu Ganggang had done before has ended.

Mu Xiaogong didn't have any nostalgia after summoning these spirit medicines and herbs, so he turned around and ran away.

"Goodbye! Take care!"

Shoushan side: ? ? ?


Is this the end?

Everyone thought that there would be some earth-shattering changes in the future, it might be a blast, it might be something else, but it would be earth-shattering, right?

As a result, Xu Gang helped the crowd to do such a thing, and there was a lot of thunder and little rain.

Except that the mountains are filled with the medicinal fragrance of elixir...

This is the end, no follow up?

Not even the long-awaited blasting that you don't want to experience!

Gently I go, just as I came gently; I waved my hand gently, saying goodbye to the clouds in the western sky.

Between the lights and flint, Xu Gang helped the crowd run without a shadow, and some people even dropped their shoes, but they dared not turn back to pick them up.

"Stupid!" The people on the mountain were so miserable that they yelled at each other.

Luo Yin's mind was also blank. He had been fighting for more than 20 years. This was the first time he encountered such a situation, which was inexplicable.

Crouching down and picking up an elixir, Luo Yin sniffed lightly.

good smell.

Really fragrant.

It doesn't look like a poison elixir at all.

On the contrary, it was the same as the elixir seeds he picked up before.

The vitality of this thing is very surging and abundant. If it can be swallowed and refined, the cultivation base will definitely increase by a lot.

So weird.

The Xu Gang is so powerful, just to send so many elixir to everyone on the mountain?

So, are they actually good people?

After so much thinking, Luo Yin suddenly felt a little sick.

He felt that he should have been disgusted by the inexplicable actions of the Xu Gang.

next second.


Royin retched.

He was startled, his lips quivered, and he suddenly looked at the others.



Everyone is retching.

Some began to vomit, until they turned pale, their lips turned purple, and there was vomit all over their faces.

"Brother Luo, you, your mouth... vomit~"

Someone pointed at Luo Yin's purple-black lips, his pupils trembled, and black liquid vomit spurted out of his mouth.


Really poisonous!

With such a surging vitality elixir, how could it be a poison!

The Royin are numb.

At this time, more exaggeration came.

"Fuck, what's going on? I've come to feel it... Avoid it, everyone!" Suddenly someone groaned while covering their stomach.

It's okay if he doesn't call.

As soon as they called, everyone vomited and looked back.

These are the two flag-pullers!

When Luo Yin realized that something was wrong, a terrible voice appeared.

"No, no~"

"I can't come out! Absolutely no, no~"

"Puff puff puff..."

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