I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 894: Crack spray treasure, scrambling


One thing after another.

Under the force of holy power, treasures flew out from the cracks in Void Island, overwhelmed.

dong dong dong!

Within the seventy-two Dragon Elemental Formation, one throne-ranked law enforcement officer abdicated after being blasted with blood by holy treasures, but they were quickly replaced.

The formation is not broken.

These treasures cannot escape this heavenly net.

The treasure wrapped in the slightest holy power actually only has the might of a collision, and after that, it becomes an unowned thing and floats freely.

Some treasures are full of spirituality. As soon as they lose their holy power, they want to escape, but they are captured by many law enforcement officers on the spot.

"what's the situation?"

Teng Shanhai was shocked.

Why is it that there are so many treasures instead of ghosts and beasts gushing out from the cracks in Void Island?

Spirit tools, spirit pills, exotic treasures, ancient books...

It was like a cornucopia that gathered all the treasures in the world after being scattered, burst open in an instant.

A law enforcement officer, while guarding the formation, made a lot of money and could not hold it with both hands.

"Rao Chi, sit down, let's take it?" A law enforcement officer was holding three pill bottles in his left hand, four ancient books in his right hand, and a broad sword of the first grade in his mouth. His eyes were hot, but he was still vague. unclear question.

While facing the impact of the torrent of treasures, everyone still did not forget to stick to their posts.

Maybe it was because the seventy-two dragon formations had to be maintained, or maybe it was because the law enforcement officers had undergone rigorous training in the past.

Otherwise, under this heaven-defying opportunity, everyone will be in chaos, racing against time to **** treasures.


Rao Yaoyao was equally astonished.

She turned to look at all the law enforcement officers in the formation.

Almost at the moment when the torrent of treasures poured out, the hands, mouths, armpits, etc. of the law enforcement officers in front of them, almost all body parts that could hold things, were used.

But the speed at which the treasure rushes out is much faster than the speed at which the law enforcement officers put it into the space ring.

Some treasures are too spiritual to be contained in the space ring for the time being, and the law enforcement officers use the power of a large array to trap them and prevent them from slipping away.

Too much!

The overwhelming torrent of treasures suddenly drowned everyone's vision.

Rao Yaoyao looked shocked.

What number of ways is this?

Use treasures to open the greed hearts of all the law enforcement officers, and then attack the people present one by one?

A mature leader will not make a decision that disappoints everyone at a critical moment.

Rao Yaoyao quickly made a choice and said: "Everything, stop it all, everyone who can take it will take it temporarily, and if you can't take it, trap it with the power of a large array, and not a single treasure can be released!"

Law enforcement officers rejoiced.

Even knowing that these things may have to be turned in next.

But there are too many opportunities for the cracks in Void Island to spew out!

Keep a piece or two for yourself...

Do not!

Be bold!

There are thirty or forty pieces in private possession. When the statistics were collected after the war, the above statistics could not be counted, right?

Thousands of treasures overwhelmed the sanity of the throne and the Dao-cutting magistrates in an instant.

no way.

The city in the sky is most famous for its canonization of Daoji.

This chance of the crack in the Void Island, think about it with your toes, you know what it represents.

Rao Yaoyao watched everyone's emotions gradually getting out of control, and immediately shouted loudly:

"Stabilize your mind!"

"Can a few small first-grade treasures be bought from you? You are in red and white, and you are the Holy Spirit Guard. What you represent is the order of the Holy Spirit Continent!"

"Don't forget, this is the thing that came out of the space crack. I asked you to trap the thing, because I was afraid that there were ghosts and beasts mixed in, trying to escape."

"Forgot your mission, what is it?!"

This blow to the head finally brought back everyone's rationality.

The law enforcement officers in the big formation broke out in cold sweat.


This is something that came out of a crack in the weird space, can it be a good thing?

Which enemy will give you a lot of treasures before going to war?

There must be a fraud!

Among them, it must be mixed with inexplicable things!


For the safety of the people on the mainland, none of these treasures can be let go, absolutely not!

The law enforcement officers "executed orders" like crazy, and they hated that they didn't have two opponents long, so that they could collect the treasures faster.

Rao Yaoyao looked heartbroken.

Each of these 1st-grade spirit tools and 1st-grade spirit pills flew out as if they didn't want money, allowing her to see clearly the background of the city in the sky, and also witnessed with her own eyes, why the mainland always circulated that "the city of the sky has The legend of Saint Dougie".

"too terrifying!"

"To be able to grow to the throne of Taoism, to slash the Tao, to become red-clothed or white-clothed, there is absolutely no problem with the nature of these people, and their ability to suppress greed is definitely the top level in the world."

"But any spiritual master can't suppress his own greed for the Tao. Everyone wants to stand on the supreme throne and overlook all living beings. This is the reason why spiritual masters practice."

"The existence of the island in the Void Island makes perfect use of this..."

Rao Yaoyao vaguely understood the reason why this wave of treasures burst out.

Before the war began, most of their own minds have been destroyed.

Under such circumstances, if a ghostly beast really emerges from it, who can have a calm judgment?

It is a question whether to cut the knife to the ghost and beast first, or to open his mouth to catch the elixir that is about to fly away.

Rao Yaoyao chose to believe the latter, and believed in his own personality.


At this moment, a law enforcement officer in the realm of the throne raised his hand to read an ancient book, and an uncontrollable scream sounded: "The last volume of "The Fire of the Ruined Wall"! This **** is the last volume of my spiritual practice, why? Will appear here?!"

Everyone moved in unison, with disbelief in their eyes.

"The Ruined Fire" may be an unfamiliar name to the people of the mainland.

But in the treasure trove of points in red and white, this is a broken fire-type sacred mind method, with a total of eleven volumes, which requires a large amount of contribution value to be exchanged for one volume.

Now, the last volume of "The Fire of the Ruins", which can't even be found in the red and white clothes, has appeared?

Was also cracked by Void Island, like throwing garbage, thrown out?

All law enforcement officers are crazy.

"Sacred Heart Method!"

"Volume 11 of "The Fire of the Ruins"? This can also be published, what kind of **** luck are you!"

"I'm also cultivating "The Ruined Fire", this, this..." Someone almost couldn't control himself, and was about to start.

"Fuck, I got holy blood, a drop of holy blood!"


With an exclamation in the noise, a question mark appeared on everyone's head and turned to look.

Holy blood?

This is the highest treasure that all six of the first titles have to be exchanged for contribution points. In the battle situation, you have to carefully consider whether to use the supreme treasure, and it has also come out?

The greed that was drunk by Rao Yaoyao's words before, is now frantically pouring out.

Someone moved, and his body shifted from the position where he needed to stand to maintain the large formation.

only millimetres.

Although the man reacted immediately and returned to his place quickly.

But Rao Yaoyao couldn't help it.

"Watch your mouth...image!" she shouted loudly, choosing her words, not losing her mind like everyone else.

After all, different identities have different statuses.

If you are the throne, or are from these ordinary spiritual masters, when you still need to fight for resources, you accidentally get the last volume of your own spiritual practice, or holy blood, you want to come. weak.

However, if you compare your hearts to your hearts, military regulations and military disciplines are inevitable.

"Everyone... be quiet!"

Rao Yaoyao pulled out the Xuan Cang Divine Sword from her back, and a low voice that suppressed her anger resounded in all directions. The strong chilling meaning finally calmed everyone down.


At this time, all the law enforcement officers finally realized that they and others were too rude.

Rao Jianxian was right in front of him.

Stealing treasures and robbing treasures, how can discipline be disordered?

"What's your name?" Rao Yaoyao took the lead to look at the magistrate of the throne who got the last volume of "Fire in the Ruins", she must kill the chicken to warn the monkey.

The law enforcement officer broke out in cold sweat, and said humbly: "Bingjianxian, subordinate Zhao Nuo!"

"Zhao Nuo, right?" Rao Yaoyao snorted, the divine sword Xuan Cang raised his finger, pointed at the tip of the sword, and said coldly, "If you have made merit in getting "The Fire of the Ruined Wall", this thing can be yours, but it will disturb the military discipline. Yes, and I will reward you for going to the red-clothed 'fire prison' to cultivate your mind for three months after the war!"

A date, a slap.

The magistrates were silent.


This place belongs to the red-clothed prison, but it is not a place to cultivate the mind, nor is it a reward in the mouth of Rao Jianxian, but a punishment!

If you stay in the red-clothed fire prison for three months, even if your throne understands the three thousand avenues, you will have to be tortured to the point of breaking the two thousand avenues!

Zhao Nuo only felt that his eyes were dark, but he could only bite the bullet and bowed to accept the punishment, daring not to eat a vegetarian meal again.

"Is there anyone else who wants to talk nonsense?" Rao Yaoyao looked coldly at everyone.

The alarm bells sounded in the hearts of all the law enforcement officers, trembling with fear, walking on thin ice, while frantically collecting treasures, they kept silent and counted secretly.

You know how much you get.

The desire to share is harmful!

a while.

After everyone obeyed the rules, the treasures that spewed out from the cracks in Void Island seemed to have lost their strength and didn't come out anymore.

Occasionally there are few things, and they are also stood in front, and the fast-handed law enforcement officers will preemptively "execute the task".

The rest of the law enforcement officers kept their eyes fixed on the formation and scolded the dog things in their hearts, but they all looked serious on the surface.

"There is no danger..."

Rao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the seventy-two dragon element formation is strong. As long as there is a throne of Taoism, under the blessing of the power of the formation, it can resist the attack of a ray of holy energy and not die.

Under the protection of everyone, there is finally no missing half of the treasure.

"Everyone, count the harvest."

Rao Yaoyao warned in a solemn voice: "It's about ghosts and beasts, it's a big matter, if you hide it and don't report it, the ghosts and beasts hide on treasures, and finally break into the Holy Spirit Continent... Clan rules, you know it! "

All the trial officers trembled.


Indeed, ghosts and beasts are too crucial.

With so many treasures coming out, it can't be just this weird space crack sending treasures, right?

"The person in red..." Rao Yaoyao raised his sword and swept forward, "Take out your 'ghost hunter' to confirm whether each treasure has the breath of ghosts and beasts, if you miss it, hide it. Those who do not report it are guilty of one crime, and those who do not find out are guilty of two crimes, and the two crimes are equivalent!"

It settled down.

When everyone realized the importance of this matter again, they were too frightened to say anything, and they also abandoned the little Jiujiu that had been in their hearts when they captured the treasure before.

Hongyi came out of the queue and left the formation station, but did not act immediately, but waited for Rao Yaoyao's next instructions.

How to check?

Who checks who?

These are all problems.

At this critical moment, the most feared thing is chaos.

Once there is chaos, if there is an urgent matter, the formation cannot recover its position, that is a big mistake!

"Night watch." Rao Yaoyao named him directly.

The red-clothed vigil immediately came out, a little surprised why Rao Jianxian wanted him.

As far as Rao Yaoyao is concerned, she wants to control the overall situation, and it is impossible to arrange these details by herself.

In the torrent of treasures just now, the vigil's performance was dull, and he just carried out the task of collecting treasures as ordered, and he had found a storyteller before.

Rao Yaoyao just glanced at him, then pointed him directly, and ordered: "Check the matter of ghosts and beasts, you arrange it, pay attention, once there is any movement, I will give an order, everyone must return to their positions immediately and maintain the great formation!"

Vigil felt relieved, it turned out to be this.


He immediately responded and carried out the task.

Rao Yaoyao then turned his eyes and looked at the crack of the Void Island, his expression became solemn.

No one knows better than her the situation on the island of Void Island at this time. It is clear that there must be a big move.

Moreover, the torrent of treasures ended so simply?

"Picture what?"

Rao Yaoyao was confused by this move.

Everything, no matter how weird, has a purpose.

But now she can't figure out the existence of the island in the Void Island, and the real purpose of coming up with these treasures.

Is it just festering military hearts?


The enemy is in the light, and I am in the dark.

The most important thing now is obviously to deal with the possible continued actions on the island of Void Island in the future.

after all…

"There is a first wave of treasures, will there be a second or third wave?"

"Even if there are no ghosts and beasts in the first wave, will it just hide people's eyes and ears, and let the ghosts and beasts follow, mixed in with them?"

Just as I was thinking about it, on the sky above the distant sky, one after another powerful and ferocious aura was rapidly approaching.

All the law enforcement officers present were immediately alert and turned to look.

But seeing the direction of Dongtianwangcheng, I don't know when a large number of thrones, slashers, and even Taixu powerhouses were gathered, flying over the Yunlun Mountains.

"these people…"

With just one glance, Rao Yaoyao deduced the identity of the person who came.

More than a hundred people in the East Heavenly King City looked like a bee colony, approaching in an instant.

There are monks, Taoists, old ladies in sackcloth, and burly men...

Without exception, the leaders of this group of people, all of them, slashing the Tao and Taixu, came from all over the world.

And what followed behind them were some irrelevant throne juniors.

They had never met, but from a distance, a polite greeting greeted them.

"Pindao has seen Rao Jianxian."

"Wow, is this the master in red, one of the Seven Sword Immortals, Rao Yaoyao, Rao Taixu, who is ranked twenty-fourth on the stunning list?"

"Rao Jue-sei is as beautiful as a god. In the past, I only heard his name, but I didn't see him. Today, when I see her, she is indeed arrogant.

"Say hello to Rao Jianxian..."



More than a dozen Taixu took the lead, dozens of Daoists were killed, and hundreds of thrones supported the scene.

This large group of people came graciously.

When approaching, he did not hide the greed in his eyes, constantly scanning the red-clothed side, and was being checked by the ghost hunter to see if there were many treasures with ghosts and beasts.

The holy power has disappeared, and the traces are still there.

A lot of Dao Slashing and Taixu came for this, how could they not smell half of it?

Rao Yaoyao didn't give these people a good look.

These people were the ones who had been eyeing the city outside the Sky City before, trying to compete for the illusory "Holy Daoji".

It's just that old fried dough sticks are old fried dough sticks, except for a few who were caught with evidence and temporarily caught beheaded.

Taixu powerhouses rarely make shots, and even if they do, they hide very deeply, leaving no traces.

Rao Yaoyao knew that these people wanted to sneak in, but she had no evidence to take them directly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Now facing the more than ten Taixu, Rao Yaoyao said in a cold voice, "You will be excused from being polite. What do you want to come here?"

"Rao Jianxian is too refusing to be a thousand miles away, hehe."

A Taoist stood up, he was too vain, and he was not afraid to spare Yaoyao at all, and said: "I'm waiting here because I saw a vision in this space crack, and I want to use the power of a glass of water to contribute to my colleagues in red. , to assist in rejecting the enemy."

Rao Yaoyao sneered: "Since it is the power of a glass of water, it should be like a drop in the bucket. Please come back, red clothes do not need outsiders to help."

"Hey, Rao Jianxian is too outrageous."

The Taoist swayed his whisk, with an everlasting warm smile on his face: "The power of Taixu can help Rao Jianxian with less talk, here is thirteen Taixu, and Rao Jianxian is equivalent to having thirteen more arms to defend this space. A crack, isn't it a beautiful thing?"

Rao Yaoyao didn't intend to pull this group of old foxes at all, and directly pierced through the fig leaf and said straight to the point: "Everyone's aid is fake, it's true that you have taken a fancy to these sacred treasures, right?"

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