I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 929: Fragrant pastry, Xu Xiaoshou!


In the Eastern Sky King City, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the world-class teleportation formation.

Above the complex and empty formation, there appeared one after another figure, with different expressions, most of which showed excitement.

Among these people, there are cargo carriages from major commercial houses who travel through all walks of life in the Eastern Region, there are rich people from all walks of life who want to see the scenery of Dongtianwangcheng, and there are local tyrants and spiritualists who try to see the style of the city in the sky. We…

The world-level teleportation formation was surrounded by the city lord's palace guards, and the people inside accepted the identity registration one by one, and then were released.

Lying outside the railings, there were playful and curious children in the royal city, playboys who were idle on weekdays, and spirit refiners who were in a hurry but were attracted by the great teleportation formation that only appeared in a few days.

"It's really rich, I can afford a world-class teleportation array...

"Our teleportation formation in Wangcheng is one of the most extravagant teleportation formations under the domain level. I heard that with one use, the savings of ordinary people can be squandered in one go."

Someone was lying on the railing, looking envious.

"Hey, your deposit, I'm afraid you won't be able to use a world-level teleportation array!

"I heard that the cost of using this thing requires millions of spirit coins. If you want to transport goods, you can calculate and pay for a high percentage of the equivalent value of the goods."

"These are only available to the caravans of continental-level commercial firms. Otherwise, you must be a super rich person on the rich side, like the gorgeously dressed ones... tsk tsk, these clothes, just look at them. It's not easy."

Some people shook their heads, looked at the rich people who came out of the teleportation formation, and felt that the gap between people was extremely huge.

"No, you see there are a few people in ordinary clothes, they look similar to us..."

Those with sharp eyes noticed that behind the caravans and the wealthy carriages, there were also a few "ordinary people", and their teeth were sore. How could such a person be able to do such a large-scale teleportation formation?


The other person on the side immediately motioned to silence: "According to my experience, this is the strong one among the spiritual masters, at least it must be above the throne realm, it is possible to cut the Dao and Taixu!"

Many people outside the guardrail were attracted and looked over there.

Comparatively speaking, the convoys of commercial firms and wealthy people can attract onlookers in the mundane world, but in Dongtianwangcheng, one of the central cities in the refining world, it is not enough to watch.

Spirit refining masters are noble, and the King City of Dongtian King City is still the focus of the storm in the spiritual refining world.

Therefore, the one who came out of the world-level teleportation formation this time may still be the spirit-refining giant above the throne who was attracted by the city of the sky.

How can this kind of people be simple?

Behind the caravan, the less gorgeous clothes were a five-person team.

The leader is a middle-aged man with a peaceful face and no characteristics.

On his side was a woman with a very enchanting figure, with bare feet, few clothes, and the spring was full of light. She twisted her hips with each step, as if she could hook a human soul away.

It's a pity that this woman was wearing a hat, and there was a black gauze hanging down around her, covering her face and covering most of her charm.

But even so, many people outside the guardrail began to swallow their saliva without any image.

Behind the man and the woman, there was a lame old man with a face full of vicissitudes, a hunched old grandmother, and a cute little boy with a round head and big eyes.

"A family of five?

"Looking at it, it doesn't seem like it..."

Some people looked curious.

Because of this family of five, there is no similarity in the image at all.

If you really want to get in touch...

The five of them have a slightly cold temperament, and the surroundings are shrouded in a very dark atmosphere, which is in stark contrast to the lively and active members of the caravan on the side.

"We've arrived at Dongtianwangcheng!"

In the five-person team, the middle-aged man at the head raised his eyes and looked at the sky, and he was slightly suppressed by the huge ancient city in the sky, and then Tan Mo said: "If you have no opinion, I will come here for this action. command."

"It's natural, Duo Shen is so brave and self-recommended, with you in front of him, people can relax a little."

The woman wearing a hat and hanging the black veil said with a smile, and while stepping forward, she reached out and lifted the black veil, and said with some complaints:

"It's just, why can you all show up blatantly, and I'm the only one wearing this? It's hot..."

She pulled open the loose collar on her chest, fanned it inside with her hand, pursed her lips, and her face was full of dissatisfaction.

The sound of "gulugulu" resounded immediately outside the guardrail, and someone grabbed the railing and stretched forward.

At this time, the Praetorian Guards should have stopped their overstepping movements, but no one moved, because even the Praetorian Guards' eyes were attracted.

"Cough cough..."

The lame old man coughed a few times, and was about to say: "Miss Jinzu's charm, even the old man can't hold back the fire. If you don't behave yourself, this place will probably be messed up."

He pointedly looked at the lustful people around him.

The people around, obviously there are spirit refiners, but at this time, one by one seems to be out of control, so they are going crazy and want to break into the big formation.

Jinzu looked back, lifted up the black veil of the bucket hat, revealing half of his charming face, covered his mouth and smiled: "Xie Lao said, but Xie Huo?"

The lame old man coughed a few more times, and his body was so weak that he bent down and pressed down very low.

The hunched old woman withdrew her gaze from the evil old man's body like a mature shrimp, and the scepter in her hand shook heavily.

An abnormal buzzing sound rippled, and all the abnormalities of the surrounding people were lifted.

The little boy with the round head and big eyes never joined the exchange from beginning to end. He just stared at the majestic ancient city in the sky and muttered to himself:

"It's really big, Void Island, I really want to go up and play..."

After the five people, there were scattered spirit refiners silently observing the movements in front of the observers.

At the very end of the scattered spirit refiner team, there was a one-armed old man carrying a large peach wood box, carefully moving his ears.

"Stupid God, Golden Foot, Xie Lao?"

Xiu Yuanke frowned when he heard this, and he quickly recalled that these were the three codes for the "Three Sticks of Incense" gold medal hunting orders. That is to say, the first three were all Taixu—at least they were able to hunt Taixu. the killer!

"Then, the people who follow them are very easy to identify, they should be 'Ghosts' and 'Little Ninjas'...

"Hey, what kind of combination is this? Three sticks of incense and five gold medal hunting orders, gathered in Dongtianwangcheng, so blatant and undisguised?

"Is it because of the city in the sky?

"Well, it's possible, now that the East Heavenly King City is in chaos because of the city of the sky, the Dao of Slashing is emerging one after another, and it is too illusory.

"As long as they don't identify them seriously, it's really hard to recognize them, and once they are let go, it's even harder to find them like fish in the sea.

"After all, who can be sure of the true identity of the three-stick incense gold-medal hunting killers, that is, their true identity?

"This is quite a big thing, I have to report it to the senior brother to know..."

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Xiu Yuanke's mind, and unfortunately, he saw the head of Shuang Duo at the front turn his head, his eyes swept in his direction, and he seemed to sense something.

He was busy, like an ordinary person who normally looks at the killer team, he shrank his head timidly, pulled away a kind smile, and nodded in greeting.

Shuang Dao's eyes only glanced, and then he took it back, and he didn't notice anything unusual.

The killer's instinct made him alert just now that there seemed to be an abnormal crisis, but when he turned his head to look, he didn't notice any major problems...

This only shows that the problem is bigger!

I couldn't even notice who was spying on me... Shuang Duo narrowed his eyes, lowered his voice, and said to a few people on the side: "There is a situation, don't talk nonsense, go out first!"

The few people beside them were startled at the same time, their expressions remained the same, but they became alert.

Old Xie never looked back, but he swept away his spiritual thoughts and had a panoramic view of the situation of everyone around him.

He deliberately did not transmit the sound, and only lowered his voice and said, "The others are fine, but the old man hanging at the back... one-armed, carrying a large wooden box, and a small axe around his waist, if there is a problem, only this person."

Xiu Yuanke's liver trembled, what kind of keen intuition is this?

"Why?" Jin Zu cast his gaze in confusion, somewhat incomprehensible.

Xie Lao sighed: "Where is this? This is the Eastern Region Sword God! Where are we now? The world-level teleportation formation! Can there be ordinary people in this place? In the Central Region, this may be an ordinary rich man. In the Eastern Region, This is most likely an ancient sword cultivator!"

Xiu Yuanke's face turned pale, he raised his sleeve robe to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and by the way covered his facial expression.

The boy Xiao Ren couldn't help but look back when he heard the words: "Elder Xie, you are overly vigilant, the Eastern Region is called Sword God, but not everyone is Sword God."

Xie Lao shook his head: "You young people, everything will only be good, and one day it will lead to disaster. I think the old man is an ancient sword cultivator. As for the sword, it is in that wooden box."

"Why? He doesn't have sword intent!" Xiao Ren noticed the unusual behavior of the one-armed second child at the back, and his face became teasing.

"Hidden swordsmanship, what's so strange... The city of the sky was attracted by the eight powerful ancient swordsmen, and they also teleported in the same class as us. Isn't it normal?" Xie Lao shrugged, confirming his own idea.

Xiu Yuanke felt that his back ridges were getting cold, and the cold air rushed to the sky from the soles of his feet.


So evil!

Senior Brother, I'm looking for Senior Brother!

These killers, shouldn't they be eyeing me?

Jin Zu glanced back at the frightened and unbearable old man with a broken arm, and giggled, "I'm afraid you might scare others. Our target is Xu Xiaoshou, not him."

Xu Xiaoshou?

Xiu Yuanke wanted to look up and stare back, but fortunately he suppressed this urge.

These killers are looking for the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou?

for what?

Cut off the head?

Yes, the killer may only have this purpose, but why did they say it?

No, I don't know Xu Xiaoshou either, why am I so nervous... Xiu Yuanke felt like his feet were filled with lead and it was hard to lift.

Shuangdao, headed by the five-member team, also reacted to Old Xie's plan at this time. He slowed his pace and said with a tone of blame. He said in agreement, "Why did Old Xie tell the target of the action? Isn't this well known?"

The evil old man smiled, showing his yellow teeth:

"The swordsman doesn't know if he recognizes Xu Xiaoshou, but there are Xu Xiaoshou and eight masters of the saint slaves.

"If he was attracted by the eight masters, and maybe he really knew Xu Xiaoshou, then as long as he finds someone to report, we can follow the snake on the stick, cut off the head of the surnamed Xu, and receive a reward."

Xiu Yuanke suddenly felt heavy breathing, and suddenly opened the big wooden box, took out the peach wood sword, and slaughtered the minds of the five killers.

At this moment, Shuangdai rebuked again: "Elder Xie, since you have such deep intentions, it's fine to talk to me in private, why would you tell others, maybe they're going to kill people right now."

Xiu Yuanke's movements froze immediately.

The evil old monster laughed and glanced back.

"Dare he?

"Old man, since I dare to say it so generously, I am forcing him to do it. If he moves, I will cheat to death. How can the Holy Spirit Temple let someone who dares to kill someone in the world-level teleportation array?

"At that time he will be a wanted criminal... If his head becomes valuable, we will be able to act at our discretion."


Xiu Yuanke felt his scalp go numb.

This is a group pervert!

After a circle, dare to love finally to ask for money?

He silently suppressed the urge to shoot, and when he calmed down, he felt like he was being tricked.

No, how could these people figure out my mind so easily? Do they have mind-reading skills... Xiu Yuanke felt like a blank piece of paper in front of these killers, and he was extremely eager to return to Senior Brother's side.

After all, the place outside Sanyue Immortal City is still too dangerous, and it is not suitable for a pure and kind ancient sword cultivator like me!

Taking out the Qianzhihe hidden in his pocket, Xiu Yuanke wanted to start looking for the location of the senior brother, but at this time he recalled the conversation of the killers.

"If I look for Senior Brother, and they follow me and the Senior Brother, and the identity of the Senior Brother is revealed, what should I do?"

While hesitating, sweat dripped down Xiu Yuanke's forehead, soaking his cuffs unconsciously.

Ahead, the five gold medal hunters sang together, passed the identity registration level unexpectedly, and merged into the flow of people in Dongtianwangcheng.

Their spiritual thoughts stared at Xiu Yuanke, who was also stagnant in the crowd. In fact, they all knew that this person was not simple, but they also did not understand the identity of the other party.

But that guy is so innocent!

He was really frightened, holding Qianzhihe who should be able to communicate, but he didn't dare to find someone...

"Killing me."

Xiao Ren couldn't help laughing, and shook his head: "Are all sword cultivators in the Eastern Region so dumb?"

Old Xie's expression changed from sarcasm to solemnity, and said calmly: "Just smile, I really have to do it. These guys who look the most stupid are actually the most terrifying. I think that when I assassinated Ba Zunji..."

"Pfft!" Jin Zu was drinking the water very gracefully with the water bag in his hand, but suddenly he couldn't hold back his laughter and spit out a mouthful of water, "Xie Lao, Xie Lao, let's not mention these embarrassing things, okay?"

"Haha." Old Xie shrugged, completely indifferent, and said very proudly, "It's fine if you don't listen, but the old man is someone who can survive from the Eighth Sword Immortal Sword after all."

Shuangdai shook his head slightly and looked north.

"It's time to act.

"Don't forget that our target this time is Xu Xiaoshou.

"Other details can be dealt with easily, but remember, don't create extra branches."

The four behind them nodded.

Jinzu wiped the water stains on his lips with a handkerchief, and asked indifferently, "So, where will Xu Xiaoshou be?"

"Go to the Yunlun Mountains first!" Shuangdai said.

The center of the storm is the Yunlun Mountains.

No matter what, the East Heavenly King City has come, and the Yunlun Mountains will definitely have to go.

The saint slave Xu Xiaoshou will most likely be there too, and he will find a specific location when he arrives.

The five killers are about to fly to the center of the storm.

At this time, the gold hunting orders that they each possessed at the same time beeped.

The five looked at each other, and then took out the gold hunting order, only to see a message on it:

"The 'mobilization order' is over, the new reward order is promulgated, and the black gold reward is available to everyone. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Black gold reward?

Dao Shen and the four of them looked at each other in turn, and their faces were a little surprised.

Black gold reward, this is the highest level reward corresponding to the black and gold tone set order, how many years have you not seen it?

They quickly scrolled down, and soon, the specific information of the reward order came out.

"[Black Gold Reward Order]:

"Goal 1: Ancestor Wu, whose real name is Xuan Wu, a celestial warlock, a ghost beast. Currently, the identity of the ghost beast's host is unknown, and it is limited by the host's cultivation base. It is possible to provide clues to receive rewards."

"Goal 2: Saint slave storyteller, Dao Slasher realm, complete nine-death thunder tribulation, about Taixu's combat power, can provide clues to receive rewards."

"Goal 3: Sage Xu Xiaoshou, the master state, the combat power of slashing the Tao, the current location of 'Yunlun Mountains, Guyin Cliff', can provide follow-up clues or leader rewards."

The dazzling three words "Xu Xiaoshou" came into view, and the five killers were stunned at the same time.

"The black gold reward is also to kill Xu Xiaoshou. What did he do?" Jin Zu looked sluggish, she quickly reacted and said urgently, "Yunlun Mountain Range, Guyin Cliff! The above two have no clues yet. , but this Xu Xiaoshou, we have a great chance!"

"It's huge..."

Shuangdao was equally excited, looking into the distance, he thought more.

"But if Xu Xiaoshou is wanted even with a black gold reward, then our opponents will be far more than the killers of the Eastern Region!"

"If you are a person, you can mention this grandmaster's head and go to the 'three sticks of incense' to receive the reward, no matter if he killed it himself or not!"

Shuang Dui said, looking at the four people in front, vigilance has appeared in his eyes.

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