I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 933: Raised from the dead!

Alien Night?

With this sound, all the law enforcement officers who fell behind were stunned.

What can be euphemistically mentioned by Rao Jianxian, and what can appear in the mouth of the sage... "Different", may only be the "Different" in the head of the Yi radical, right?

There was only a breath of silence, and a quiet voice of discussion appeared in the team of law enforcement officers.

"Isn't it? Some time ago, I heard that a high-level law enforcement officer fell in the Yunlun Mountains, but all relevant information has been blocked."

"The 'different' they said, wouldn't it really be the one I had in my mind... a radical seat?"

"Speaking of which, in the past few days, Lord Yibu's first seat seems to have never appeared. I can only see the first seat of the War Department and Body Department. I thought that Master Yi had taken on a secret mission, but now that I think about it... I'm terrified to think about it!"

"That's right, even Lord Ye Xiao, the head of Anbu, has been missing for a long time. I heard that Ye Xiao and Yi have a very good relationship. Well, I just heard..."

The corps of magistrates is inherently well-disciplined.

But just like last time, the torrent of super treasures in the Yunlun Mountains caused everyone to be very excited.

The message that came out of the silver-haired woman's mouth right now is no less than the second bomb, which suddenly ignited everyone's inner speculation and speculation.

Paper cannot hold fire.

Even though the top has been pressing, but the bottom law enforcement officers have been imagining them all these days.

Who is dead to allow the high-level officials to suppress intelligence so vigorously and avoid causing panic?

Now, getting an answer that everyone can't believe from the enemy's mouth, but it feels like an almost correct answer, the law enforcement officers can't hold back their curiosity.

It is the current confrontation between the two sides, the scene is on the verge of breaking out, and the emotions of people's hearts are difficult to control.

"Shut up all!

"The word is suspended during the war, and those who violate the order will be executed!"

At this time, Wang Dazhui glanced at Fairy Rao's unsightly complexion, and immediately scolded the law enforcement officer behind him to silence.

Rao Yaoyao didn't expect that the silver-haired woman in front of her would dare to speak out about this matter.

She could naturally hear the other side's intentions...

The other party tried to stir up his anger, so that he could no longer remain calm.

And a controller who needs to look at the overall situation, if it is because of this, if he acts with anger at a certain key point, it is very likely that a certain piece will collapse, and then it will affect the whole body and mess up the whole situation.

But have to say...

"You succeeded in angering me!"

Rao Yaoyao's face was covered with frost.

The matter of different death was the biggest lump in her heart.

After that, no matter how well the Yunlun Mountains mission is completed, there is such a thing in the throat.

For Rao Yaoyao, this is an unforgivable mistake, and the biggest flaw in what should have been a happy ending!

"Since it's about this..."

Rao Yaoyao's eyes quickly glanced at the three in front of him, and sneered: "Xu Xiaoshou, Ye Xiaotian, and you... have all entered the urn, so you can catch them all in one go!"

She suddenly felt that there was no need to wait any longer.

Even if you can't wait for the real big fish, Yu Gu, the tears family alone, is enough to be worth the manpower and time wasted this time.

Rao Yaoyao raised his right hand.

The law enforcement officer behind him waited solemnly, and his expression had returned to solemnity.

Xu Xiaoshou was shocked when he saw it.

He remembers the gesture!

When the treasures were sprayed from the cracks of the Void Island, every time Rao Yaoyao raised his hand, with an order, the great formation would rise, and even the treasures containing holy power could not be washed away.

Girl, girl, when it's time to be counseled, you can't be hard steel... Xu Xiaoshou's thoughts are mixed, and he can understand Lei Xi'er's hatred for the people of the Holy Temple, and he laments that when the situation is stronger than people, sometimes people I really have to be the old man who has to shrink his head and wait for the times to change.


Before Rao Yaoyao's hand fell, Xu Xiaoshou let out a long sigh, attracting everyone's attention.

This sigh was no longer his voice, it seemed to come from another stranger.

But Rao Yaoyao, Wang Dazhui, etc. felt strangely familiar with this sigh.


With a sigh, everyone saw Xu Xiaoshou, who was originally tall, suddenly wriggled and turned into a small girl who was about the same height as Ye Xiaotian and Wang Dazhui.

This cute and cute little girl held a string of candied haws in her hand. After taking a sip, she walked briskly in three steps and two steps, and jumped to Rao Yaoyao's side in the sight of everyone's astonishment. Mumbled in his mouth:

"I said Rao Jianxian, you are still in a hurry, since I haven't gone back to report the mission, why do you have to think that my mission has failed?

"What a great opportunity to lurk beside them, only to be screwed up by you..."

The little girl covered her forehead with a helpless expression.

By this time, bystanders were already stunned.

This new little girl, if everyone had not seen it with their own eyes, knew that it was changed by the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou, they could hardly believe that the two were the same person!

Whether it's clothing, habits, behavior...

Or the expression, the demeanor, the tone of the speech...

This girl is a brand new person, a different radical who has been met by many law enforcement officers from a distance, and some have even been molested up close - Yi!


Wang Dazhui was dumbfounded, staring at the familiar face that had changed from Xu Xiaoshou, with vigilance on the one hand, but joy on the other: "You're not dead? You... lurking mission?"

Even with his head, he can think of:

In the battle of different death, the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou did not succeed. On the contrary, under various circumstances and irresistible special forces, the difference became Xu Xiaoshou, Xu Xiaoshou became the difference, the The dead person is actually fake, maybe... it is the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou!

And the real difference, that "ever-changing difference", became the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou, and started a new mission that was short and hard, but it was bound to gain more internal intelligence of the enemy organization - lurking!


Very different!

It is in line with the means of "the ever-changing difference"!

"Suspicious, passive value, +98."

"Guessed, passive value, +75."

"Beware, passive, +105."

The sudden arrival of the little girl frightened not only the law enforcement officer, but also Lei Xi'er and Ye Xiaotian.

The former only had doubts flashing in his mind, but it quickly emerged that Xu Xiaoshou had been getting along with him in recent days, knowing that from the perspective of habit, the other party should not be able to be transferred, it should be Xu Xiaoshou... should!

Ye Xiaotian didn't have this feeling anymore.

He was only terrified.

He even suspected that he had just had a long conversation with himself and took away Xu Xiaoshou from Tiansang Linggong who was enough to make the world turbulent.

After all, Xu Xiaoshou and Yi, Ye Xiaotian knew very well which one was famous.

"Xu, Xiao, Shou!"

Just when everyone was frightened by the resurrection of the dead, Rao Yaoyao, the only one who was still calm, reacted in just a moment of stunned, gritted his teeth and said:

"Do you really think you can deceive me?"

In the relevant information, it is recorded that Xu Xiaoshou has a similar ability to change.

But Rao Yaoyao never imagined that Xu Xiaoshou's ability was so close to Yi's, that he could even imitate a person's behavior.

Even if it is different, it has to be studied for a long time in advance in order to imitate it well.

Perhaps, he got an imitator, and during this period of time, he searched for a lot of information about Yi... Rao Yaoyaozuo thought so.

Being able to be the only one who is sober among the hundred or so suspicious people, Rao Yaoyao's credentials are actually not himself, but Ye Xiao!

After the different death, Ye Xiao lost contact directly.

She could not believe any information about Yaoyao, but she couldn't help but believe the reactions of those closest to Du Du and Yi.

Therefore, even if the "Yi" in front of him expresses an extremely crazy, but very suitable "excuse" for Yi himself, Rao Yaoyao directly concludes... This Yi is fake!

Wang Dachui was apparently also woken up by the drink.

He suddenly became annoyed and angry, and he was about to rush over with his fists squeezed, hammering to death the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou who dared to fool him.

But the little girl in front of her was not surprised, her eyes sank, and the aura of the sky was suppressed: "Are you crazy, Wang Dazhui, are you going to kill each other?"

Wang Dazhui stopped in shock.

This aura is not like what a grandmaster junior can have, it can even bring a sense of threat to oneself!

"Are you really different?" Wang Dachui was confused again.

At this moment, Vigil, who was behind, said in a deep voice, "Xu Xiaoshou has the ability to simulate his aura. Senior Rao, please don't let him..."

Before he could say the word "liar", the little girl looked back in a strange way, her eyes were cold, and she said coldly, "Here, do you want to speak?"

No movement, just a drop of the eyelids.

Everyone was keenly aware that the line of sight on the vigil and the opposite pair lost their focus, the whole person trembled suddenly, and his expression became dull, obviously under a strong mental attack.

Wang Dachui: ! !

Spiritual attack!

There is no such thing in the intelligence introduction about Xu Xiaoshou, a mental attack that can act on Vigil, who has the power of Taixu!

"He's really different." Wang Dazhui turned his head to look at Rao Yaoyao.

Rao Yaoyao didn't even bother to reply to Wang Dazhui, he just sneered and said with a sneer: "The real difference, I won't shoot at my own people!"

"Did I hurt him?" The little girl looked back angrily.

Sure enough, Vigil just swayed and stumbled before recovering with a look of astonishment on his face.

Rao Yaoyao: "…"

At this time, she still couldn't believe that the people in front of her had really changed.


If Xu Xiaoshou really killed Yi, he should get an imitator...

"You can even imitate different skills, you master the progress of the imitators, it's not slow!" Rao Yaoyao narrowed his eyes.

Wang Dazhui suddenly woke up: "Ah, yes, imitators can imitate other people's abilities... Damn, you lied to me again!" He took out a thorns sledgehammer from the space ring, ready to slash.

"Wang Dazhui, you forgot your 'Qing Gun Suo Yuan Dan', who paid a lot of money and has been secretly providing it for you?!" The little girl Wa Yi suddenly shouted.

This time, Yi's complexion instantly turned pale, and the sledgehammer in his hand almost didn't fall.

"Growed, passive, +1."

All the male law enforcement officers in the rear also opened their mouths one by one, and their expressions gradually became teasing and weird.

The female law enforcement officer frowned, hiding her emotional changes and showing ignorance.

But everyone knows that holding a gun and locking Yuandan...

This is a good thing that solidifies the essence and locks the yuan, seven times a night... Banned drugs!

Why did Wang Dachui buy this banned drug through the first branch of the different radicals? Isn't he the first of the body radicals?

Is it...

he can't?

Do not!

The first seat of the body is not impossible...

So, he is in great demand, is it for the other party?

Or, he needs a lot of each other at a time, which makes him a little unbearable?

"Suspicious, passive value, +62."

Even if Wang Dazhui didn't look back, he could already feel the eyes from behind that could make people blush, and he threw a fist at Yi in anger.

"You didn't promise not to say..."

At this point, he thought of something, the look of annoyance flashed across his eyes, and changed to voice transmission: "Didn't you say it without saying it?"

The little girl sneered strangely, without voice transmission, and raised her voice to everyone: "I promised you not to tell you, but you are so demented that you want to shoot at me, I won't give out any really secret information, you How can you trust me? You want me to kill each other with you in this Yunlun Mountains?"

After saying this, he looked at Rao Yaoyao with a different look, and said with disappointment: "I thought Wang Dachui was stupid and couldn't see through, but you can, you are smart enough, you can think of my cheating, my lurking, and my intelligence work. various needs, but…”

The vision seemed to be extremely depressed, and with a force of his hand, he directly broke the candied haws.

"But you can't see anything, and you brought so many people in person and directly exposed my identity?"

This feeling of helplessness deeply infected everyone around him.

Rao Yaoyao was almost persuaded, and his face quickly turned cold: "Xu Xiaoshou..."

She only spoke in a low voice, but it was still the three-character address of "Xu Xiaoshou", which seemed to really ignite the different emotions of the little girl opposite.

With his eyes wide open in anger, he scolded on the spot:

"Rao Yaoyao, are you a pig brain!

"What time is it, you still call me Xu Xiaoshou?

"Xiao Xiaoxiao knows how to cooperate with me by losing contact. You brought this group of people to expose your own hidden work. Do you really think that no one has a temper. Anyone can cooperate with you unconditionally because of your surname Rao?! "

"Do you know how much I lost just because of your sudden arrival? You have your mission, and I don't have mine?"

The little girl pointed at Rao Jianxian, approached aggressively, and shouted, "Remember, I'm on the same level as you, not your direct subordinate!"

"..." As soon as these out-of-control emotional outbursts came out, the audience suddenly became dead silent.

All the magistrates turned pale, as if they had seen an unbelievable scene.

This is really unbelievable!

Rao Jianxian and Yi actually scolded openly!

As for the latter, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will obviously break out the emotions that have been suppressed for a long time, not just the current matter!

"Feared, passive, +99."

Rao Yaoyao was also scolded and dumbfounded.

She didn't even know that she raised her hand subconsciously, wiping the saliva from her face without image, and was completely immersed in the emotional outburst of the strange talent.

He knows all the actions...

He knew the nickname Xiao Xiaoxiao that only a few high-level officials of the Holy Temple knew...

He, he dares to scold me? ! !


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