I am Noble

01013 %3C Pre-Season Helmsman %3E One bite won't let go

“Let's see, it usually takes about 10 months, so in the meantime, I'm just going to lay aside some cash. ”

She mumbles calmly and is passionate about her work. He was currently producing GCS. I tried with my hands.

“Aigoo, why am I doing this? ”

Suddenly, he pauses, sighing deeply. I felt pathetic when I was soaked in soapy water on my hands in my work clothes.

“We need to move quickly to the mass-production system. How long do I have to live like this? ”

Once he has a mass-production system, all he has to do is make and send the green crystals. But now is not the time to reveal the crystals, so we were making GCS by dipping the left hand into the soap liquid and injecting the crystal energy.

The rate at which GCS is produced is based on his condition and willingness to work. All speculations are coming out about why GCS is lacking, but this is the truth.

“Grrr, did you make it all? ”

“You just need to make ten more. ”

“Yes, I'll get the auction ready right away. Ten will be over in no time. ”

Jeong Hyoju came in and checked the quantity.

Yeong-woong sighed, saying, "Get lost."

“Hyoju, can I make soap peacefully while I'm wrestling with the GCS in Delhi? ”

“Yes, I understand why you want to go crazy. But still, no terrorists. ”

“Who said anything about flying? I just want to punish those who want what's ours! ”

“You'd better hold on tight to the meadow, because you'll be running endlessly if you're wrong. And speaking of Delhi, ”

As Hyojoo Jung's expression became serious, she wondered.

“What's going on? Did they do it again? ”

“No, Delhi is quiet these days. He wants to come to an agreement with us. ”

“What are you talking about? So, what's with all the press nowadays? ”

“Dell, but you don't want the GCS. Delhi is just one of them. ”

“Then who else? They make cosmetics? ”

“There's a company that's bothering me. But I'm not sure yet, so I'm keeping an eye on him. ”

“Where? Just tell me! I chased him, and he just jumped! ”

“I can't tell you that I'm afraid of you. You work hard on the GCS and the crystals. How many crystals have you made? ”

“About 900? I thought I was going to die. Every time I pull out a crystal, I feel like I'm speeding up my soul. ”

Young-woong won a death prize. It all seemed so trivial that Jeong HyoJoo only laughed at him.

“You've patented it. The whole world will know about it, even if you don't want to know it now. Soon you'll be even busier as an industrial material, so you have to work hard now. Okay?"

In addition to producing GCS, Yeongwoong was also producing solidified green crystals. We are accumulating the amount of grain before the crystals are released to the world.

Of course, it's never a secret that crystals are made from cracks hidden in your left hand.

“Can't we make it not just industrial, but fuel? The main identity of the original crystal is fuel. ”

“That's too fast. The mayor won't be able to handle the shock. GCS is better off without any overlapping positions, even if it turns out to be industrial material. ”

As a multi-industrial material, your debut will be devastated, but at the same time, it's a universal fuel. This era of reliance on petroleum fuels will not be adaptable.

“If you expose your fuel temperament, things will get too big. ”

“Why, you don't think I can fix that one? Hyo-ju, there's nothing you and I can't do together in this world! ”

“…… I'm going to make a delayed landing in case you do. ”

The greater the impact and chaos of crystals on the world, the more the world will react to the match. The stronger the objection, the bigger the black sea aiming for Yusuf, and it might have served as an excuse for Jiujiang to wake up as a great terrorist, just like in his previous life.

‘Not this time. ’

So Jeong Hyojoo was working carefully.

I don't want you to wake up a predator who can't wait to get his nose hair pulled out.

* * *

“Element 119? What the hell is this? When did you discover that? ”

The frantic Patent Office stopped patent screening and began investigating Element 119. However, no matter how many questions you ask a prestigious scientific organization, the answer only comes back.

Called every internationally renowned engineer, such as Caltech, but the discovery of Element 119 was a no-brainer. I searched for Element 119 for more than ten days, but I found no income.

“There is no element 119. This recipe is a sham. It's fake.”

“But there's a chance that Element 119 has already been found somewhere, isn't there? I just haven't made it public yet.... ”

“No, does that make sense? Then how did he know element 119? He's from Cheongae orphanage, and he didn't get out of middle school! ”

No matter how hard you look, there is no element 119. In other words, the manufacturing method disclosed in this patent application is a lie.

Park Jong-seok of Lategup, who received such reports, was shaking and couldn't endure his anger.

“He dares to mock us! ”

Of the 40 trillion KRW paid to GNOME to induce patent applications, 25 trillion KRW was borne by Latte. Even though Latte is a major distributor and food business, and the top five financial companies, 25 trillion won is a significant bleed.

I couldn't do accounting with ease, so I had to take it out of my visa fund. As a late-group, it wasn't that bad.

It wasn't just Comrade Park Jong-sik who was angry.

At the same time, the minister of future Creative Science was trembling with indescribable anger.

“This little blue kid dares to make fun of the government! What the hell do you know about this country? I asked you if you were cute and you wanted to pull out your beard. ”

Nam Min-gyu waited for the minister to control his anger and quickly said.

“It was better. ”

“What do you mean, it's going well? ”

“That young man dared to attack the government. That's 40 trillion won. Since we have sinned, we should arrest them freely so that they can be punished. You can take the GCS recipe from him then. ”


The minister's face sank. From what I heard, it seemed like it. No, come to think of it, it was a very simple matter. He hit the Ambassador and is still in Korea. Then why don't we just charge him with fraud?

“Fine. Then sue the D.A. right now and bring him in. Hurry up, we don't know when we're going to leave the country. And grounded.”

“Yes, I understand. ”

So, thanks to the organic organization of the administrative agency, the prosecutor went out to capture Yusuf Buria.

A crowded crowd of prosecutors came to GCS headquarters with police.

“Young-woong, you're under arrest for fraud! You may appoint an attorney, refuse to make statements that are bad for you…. ”

The prosecutor calmly announced his arrest and Miranda's principles, as he had originally tried to catch them roughly, but dozens of guests were watching. You are surrounded by cameras, but if you do well you can become an SNS star.

I think I'm on my way to catch the ambassador who embezzled 40 trillion won in fraud against the state.

“Show me the warrant. ”

On the other hand, she remained calm. The prosecutor shows you a warrant with his insides grinning.

“So…… I wrote down a false recipe when I patented it so that I could take 40 trillion won? Is that why it's a fraud? ”

“That's right. Let's go. ”

“Wait a minute, if you're looking at the false element 119, why is it false? I think something's wrong. ”

“Didn't you apply for a patent by deceiving a non-existent 119 element into GCS manufacturing? ”

“No? It exists? ”

“That's what the investigation will reveal. Come on, let's go. ”

The prosecutor unconsciously said, with the camera held high by store guests. Never appear coercive. It should always appear to be a legitimate exercise under the law.

“Element 119 is real. I'm storing it upstairs right now. ”

“Stop lying. Come on... ”

“Why don't you check if he's upstairs? Is that all you have to do is drag me down to the warrant? ”

The prosecutor stopped saying that. If no one was watching, they would have been forcibly dragged from here. But there were too many cameras. Arrests will still be communicated live to SNS at this moment.

“Okay, let's check it out. ”

“Come up.”

Yeong-woong casually went up to the second floor. Following him, the prosecutor suddenly felt ominous.

His allegations are fraudulent, with a government grant of 40 trillion won in return for filing a patent under a false manufacturing law.

However, there is no fear of escaping or condemning evidence. There should have been enough time for more than ten days, but I was doing business at the main store.

If the recipe is not a lie, his relaxation explains.

Young-woong guides the group of prosecutors to the large vault. Several customers followed me and filmed with a camera. Jiu Ung did not stop them.

He opened the large vault wide to show you what was inside. Inside, there were round gems of green light.

“Now, these are all elements 119. GCS makes them. ”

The camera burst without rest. The stiff prosecutor, receiving the flash's glare, cries out in trembling voices.

“Hey, what guarantee do we have that all of these are true?" You're just lying to avoid arrest! ”

“Oh, there it is. Would you like to check out the portal article now? ”

The prosecutor quickly took out his cell phone and searched for the portal article. A huge breaking headline floated through the portal.

"A theoretical physics diagram of Kaist reveals the existence of Element 119!

"Three Upside Down Science Journals! Argue ahead and publish Elemental Article 119!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

"I kept my promise. 40 trillion won is now mine."

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