I am Noble

Where is the Stone of Knoxus 00122?

There was a huge fluctuation in the one-day relationship. A full apology from the Prime Minister of Japan, a promise to pay 80% of the crystals in the next 35 years, a guarantee to keep the bonds, cash, and non-liquid goods in Korea, as well as a full return of stolen cultural goods.

Inside, however, Japan publicly apologized, and the compensation was being transferred into action. In the beginning, the Koreans said, "Did the Japanese suck their medicine? ’I was confused, but I accepted this kind of apology positively.

Japan has suffered heavy damage because of the Red Mob. Please help the Janice assault squad. And the reward will be obvious.

After Japan reached out for help, the Korean public opinion boiled again. It was no ridicule to ask for an apology, but it was overwhelming to ask where they were apologizing and taking action to settle the past.

“Oh, I really don't want to go to Japan. I can't believe it there. What if we can't get out? Like America."

Yeongwoong was aware of the strange turn of public opinion. All he wants is one thing. It is not somehow related to Japan. It's just that.

“But Geek, it's weird to go back to public now. ”

“I know. I'm the only one who's bad when Japan says I'm not going." ”

Is that what the Japanese are after? I thought about it, but I think it was too much for Japan to do. The value of non-current goods transferred to Korea so far has been enormous.

“Is the situation in Japan that serious? ”

If one string is destroyed, it is a huge damage. But no matter how powerful the Red Mob is... Wait, the Red Mob?

“Is it like that guy from Houston? ”

“ ……. ”

“Well, then this is really dangerous. Even if we go to help, we could die. ”

If the individual in Japan is the same person who blew up Houston, the story gets worse. If you go after him, the Janice assault squad will collapse.

But I'm curled up in my ears and I'm like, "Isn't this too much for Japan? 'I only hear the sound. It can be branded not only in my country but also in the international community.

“Let's at least try to help. If you don't want to see the liver, just come back. Then people won't be able to say anything. ”

“Oh, that's good. Let's do it.”

Su Kyung Ung, who decided to do that, told Nam Ki-chul that she was willing to go to help Japan. Nam Ki Chul naturally turned pale.

“It doesn't have to be, but the international community is very perceptive. There were some words that said," Isn't it too much for Japan to come out like that? "”

“I think it's possible that the Japanese could be out there after that. ”

“Anyway, you thought well. ”

“I'm going because I can see it everywhere. I don't want to be the only bad guy. The crew will only receive volunteers. ”

And Yeong-woong brought out the main point that he had prepared.

“But I can't trust Japan completely, so I should go with the Special Forces to escort the attackers. I don't know the size of the army, but I have to go with at least 500 people. ”

“Yes? It looks like the foreign military is entering.... ”

“Director Nam. You said Japan is in such a state of incapacitation, that's how extreme it is. ”

“That's right. ”

“We're not going to war, we're going to escort an attack party, and there's only a few hundred of them, so wouldn't that be even weirder? Evidence of another plot. ”

Nam Ki-chul shut up. She said as if she nailed it.

“Anyway, one thing we need is an army to protect us when Japan decides to do something about it. Without an escort, we can't go to Japan. ”

It was no nonsense. Rather, it was a reasonable argument in Kyungwoong's view. when you think about what happened in America.

The South Korean government, which has decided to send a fully armed escort force together in case Japan decides to change its mind, informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At least to some extent, I thought there would be a reaction, but the Japanese reacted surprisingly. I don't mind sending a few devils along, so I asked you to dispatch Janice's attack party.

Yusuf, who first encountered the Prime Minister of Japan, clearly nailed him.

“The fact that Japan is forgiving and indemnified does not mean that the Janis assailant is obligated to help Japan. But we can't refuse our government's request, so we're going to support it. If the situation is so serious that we can't solve it, we can clearly withdraw for the safety of the attackers. ”

In other words, there was no reason for the Janice attack force to suffer reckless sacrifices for foreign Japan.

“Of course you do. Please, just come to support me. ”

After what had happened in the United States, Su Kyung Ung was still uncomfortable about going to Japan. The same was true of Hyoju. However, I had to move because the atmosphere was going to be bad for the two of us.

“I'm just trying to help. Let's never take any chances. If we're lucky enough to catch it, we'll catch it. If we're lucky enough, we'll come right back. ”

I have to get married next year, but I'm never going to go into a fire pit.

"The Japanese dispatch of the Janis Assault Force will decide.

It was fully negotiated. Immediately after the dispatch decision was announced, the public opinion responded.

As South Korean citizens have begun efforts to reflect on and close the past, repaying them has been a favorable phenomenon for the long-term friendship between the countries. He also praised the decision to send an escort force just in case.

But Japan was different. The elite criticized the Prime Minister's apologies and talks for trampling Japan in the face and selling Japan. I stood up every day with the Prime Minister saying that I had to break all the promises made to Korea.

Due to all sorts of violent protests, the return of cultural assets and transportation of non-current goods were also struggling. Every day, the vigilantes rushed out into the streets, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Gazuoke.

“The Prime Minister has trampled on the pride of Japan! ”

“I sold Japan to Korea! The Prime Minister is not Japanese! The Prime Minister must resign! ”

“Cabinet, retire your weapons! Abandon!”

Japan was infested for different reasons than Korea.

On the plane back home, the face of the Prime Minister and the Chief of Staff was grim.

“It's been a while since the decision to support the Janice assault squad, but the domestic refutation has been very strong. In particular, the arguments in the right-wing press have gone too far. ”

“I'm prepared. ”

The chief of staff's expression was uncomfortable. If Japan had more time, it wouldn't have grown like this. Of course, the repulsion of the right-wing forces would have been enormous, but it would have been helpful to take the time to explain the situation calmly.

“Whatever you do, it's better than the destruction of Japan. Isn't that right?"

After several attacks on the Red Mob, Janis' support failed. It is because Japan has made a condition that it cannot accept. Rather than paying 80% of the crystals for 35 years, it's cheaper to raid the Red Mob.

However, this situation was different in Miyazaki Prefecture. This is because the United States provided confidential information through informal routes.

"The monster that destroyed Miyazaki is equal to or greater than the monster that destroyed Houston. We gave the beast a new rank, the Black Type. ’

In an informal call with the President of the United States, the Japanese cabinet was completely overturned. And that wasn't all I was surprised about.

‘The houston monster exploded and self-destructed after the crystalline energy condensed in its body was unstable. It was never defeated by human hands. However, Hikari, the monster in Miyazaki, seems to have stabilized energy in his body unlike the houston monster. ’

It was flipping and falling. Doesn't that mean you're more active than you were when you were in Houston? The simulation revealed that if the monster, Hikari, had decided, the whole of Japan would collapse in just two months.

Japan's threat of annihilation is realized. Moreover, there was not much time left. Though nuclear use has been considered, the United States has no idea how much nuclear energy can be penetrated by a black type monster's shield, or how big it needs to be to penetrate it. And when you use those massive nuclei in your territory, it's no different from the devastation of a monster.

In the end, the last hope was the support of Janice's assault squad. An attack party with Sgrade reinforcement equipment and Sgrade recharging equipment that is armed with shield capabilities will be able to do the least against them.

So I made a big apology to Buryburia and bought Korean relief with all kinds of spreading policies. The Prime Minister thought he was more rational and realistic than the right-wing people who idolized Hallbok. Don't you think we need to overcome this crisis somehow?

“It would have been better if I had gone through enough advance discussions with the right-wing people. ”

“We didn't have time to convince them anyway. You're the ones who denied what the United States told you they couldn't believe. ”

“I'm worried after the job is done. If we supply 80% of the crystals in the future, there will be tremendous damage to the Japanese economy……. ”

“That's when you go back and think of a plan. I haven't fully handed over all my cultural and non-current goods yet, so I can spare a lot of time. ”

Cultural and non-current goods transportation work is huge, but it is still under 10%.

“In the worst case, I can take all the responsibility and clear the deal. It's a pity that the right-wing forces will regain power, but we have no choice for the future of Japan. ”

Currently, the amount of cultural goods and goods transferred to Korea is less than 10%. It may be a big deal, but it'll be cheaper to think of it as a price for defeating the Black Mob.

One way or another, we'll overcome the crisis. That's all the prime minister has decided to think about right now. If we don't defeat the Black Mob now, there will be no future for Japan.

The plane landed at Narita Airport. As the prime minister appeared, a large number of protesters were provoking him.

The prime minister expressions determined. I was prepared to endure any insult if I could overcome the Japanese crisis and save Japan. Stones and eggs fly from all sides, but he paces forward.

It was then.

Bang, bang! Guava, Guava!

A fierce flame blazes out with a heavy thunder. The Prime Minister's cornea had a red flame engraved on it. Before realizing what had happened, he was struck by ten storms and lost his life in pieces.

"A coup has occurred in Japan!

A news flash in Japan hit the world. Finally, the Right Armed Forces stood up. They despised and sold the Prime Minister's negotiations as an act of selling the country. Some of the SDF commanders, who were caught up in their incitement, got up with "for the country." He led an army through Narita Airport.

They cried out that their actions were sovereignty for the country. He raised his voice that it was a revolution that killed every country he sold Japan to. Right-wing forces are strongly here to support them.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which survived in Japan, declared that it was an act of national treason and immediately mobilized the government forces. However, the number of commanders participating in the coup was not easy to get into. They believed it was their way to save the country by executing the Prime Minister and nullifying negotiations.

"The Civil War of Japan: Where do you want to go?

Aoki said that there is no negotiation between the Prime Minister and the rebels.

Yomiuri, a strong supportive statement that the Revolutionary Army is truly Japan's Guardian.

Japan went into a boring civil war. Even the common people were divided between the government and the coup. The economy collapsed and the stock price plummeted endlessly. Above all, political instability prompted the expulsion of foreign capital.

“The Japanese expedition is cancelled. Never enter the country. ”

The South Korean government quickly changed its attitude. You cannot send a Janice attack squad to a country that is at war.

“The prime minister is a terrorist. We cannot be certain what harm the coup will do to Janice's assault fleet. No, I'm sure it would be harmful. ”

“But I received something.... How about a little cultural treasure and liquidation? ”

“I can't help but get it for free. Liquidation does not transfer ownership, but it is a security against the promise of crystal supply, so if you don't keep your promise, you can confiscate it. However, it is the decision of the Qingwa Clan that we should never enter Japan. ”

“Even if Japan is destroyed by the Red Mob? ”

“I'm afraid I can't help it. You cannot deploy a valuable attack force in a country that is unstable by civil war. ”

South Korea's president announced that he would not spare any diplomatic efforts to stabilize Japan. On the other hand, for the safety of the National Guard, he raised his voice that Japan would never allow the support of the Janis Army until the civil war ceased and political conditions had stabilized.

Many people supported the president's announcement. Sending Janice's assault squad in the current situation is the only way to die like a Japanese Prime Minister, he said.

When everyone told me not to go, things changed. Yusuf was a little nervous, but he thought it was a good thing.

“Ah, good thing I said I was going at first. If you hadn't kept going, I'd be the only one who'd end up being the bad guy. ”

I think I was good at listening to Hyoju. Let's pretend we're going.

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"I really wanted to go, but Japan told me not to come, and not my government, not my people. So I didn't go. I really wanted to go. T"

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