I am Noble

00128, what's inside you?

800 million is a lot of money, and the Korean institution guarantees that the amount of compensation for the dead is overwhelming.

But not from the victim's perspective. Talents who work in a superpower unit work on a hundred-million-dollar salary. The presidential salary is no match for them. It is the most well-paid of government officials.

If they weren't committed to public service and were passionate about civilian raids, they could easily earn 800 million. The death of such a person, 800 million and ending it, is an astonishing sensation for the families. At the very least, you have to pay more than your ransom. You have to react.

"Janice Assault Force pays first victim 80 billion in compensation, including claims.

Staff greatly impressed by bold compensation decisions.

The victim came out, but the attacking party became deeper bound.

Susu Ung's bold reward for Lee Jeong-hee's death was not just a spreading policy. There was an additional 40 billion expenditure, but it was inspiring and loyal to the crew. The belief that he would pay such a great price even if he died, he gained the confidence that his death would not be in vain.

Surprised by the fact that an award of 80 billion was released after a man was killed, the media reported. Of course, the families of Gae Jae Hyuk knew about it and fell into a huge relative deprivation.

It was the government that caused the embarrassment. Two people were killed in the same raid, and the compensation was 100 times different because they had different affiliations. Of course, fewer reactions were bound to grow, and the press was also dealing with them greatly.

Eventually, someone from the Department of Administrative Security came to me.

“…… This is why the government's fate is poor because of the compensation. I wish Captain Young-woong had said something in advance... ”

“Ah, welcome. That's what I wanted to talk to you about, but you're here. ”


“I think 800 million is too little. No matter how common a dealer is in a class, it's ridiculous considering the future value of a Raid prodigy. I don't care about taxes, I only have eight or nine Raids to make. I think we should pay more. ”

“Rule, I've given you the maximum compensation you can afford. ”

“Then the rules are wrong. Now that I know what's wrong, I have to fix it. Give me more money. ”

“The government doesn't have the budget. At the very last minute, if you give me 80 billion for every single one of those skilled fighters that dies, I will go bankrupt. ”

“Why do you distort people's words? When did I tell you to give me 80 billion? I told you to give me more, because there's too little. Sir, you don't think there's 800 million of them, do you? ”

“This, the death of ordinary soldiers or government officials, is not a big reward! 800 million is really, really big money in my country's life reward system! ”

“Then my country's reward system is wrong. I don't know about the other profession, and I know that 800 million, if you think about the economic value of the Raid powers, is honestly too little. So give me more. ”

The Fifth Grade Secretary, who had come lightly to seek cooperation in how to calm down the disagreement due to the bounty gap, returned furiously. The next person who came was the Minister of Administrative Security. Formally, the Department of Superpowers was still an administrative security agency.

“Considering other occupations and equity, it is no longer possible to pay. It's impossible to pay 80 billion dollars for a budget. ”

“I didn't get the message right. I'm gonna say the same thing. I never asked you to give me 80 billion, and I just asked you if 800 million was too little to pay for the radar capability. ”

The spectacular, over 50, flinched. The Practice Advisors shrunk by themselves. I just lost the ship because I did something wrong.

“But because of the budget problem.... ”

“I'll be brief. 800 million is too little. If the rules say so, it's wrong. So fix what's wrong and give me more. ”

“ ……. ”

“You have a little more budget, don't you? How much income tax do tankers and dealers pay a year? Moreover, as crystals are distributed, how much tax do handling companies pay? ”

South Korea's annual crystal acquisition cost is about 200 trillion KRW, meaning that only 200 trillion KRW is spent by four major crystal distributors on purchasing crystals from attack stations. Of course, the size of the income tax is enormous. There are also lines of special taxes incurred in the distribution and manufacture of products.

Moreover, that value is only taken from the green crystals, except for the blue crystals.

The cost of purchasing blue crystals is estimated at around 15 trillion won per year. To rule over it is to keep it. Moreover, catching 80,000 animals a year and selling them to 200 trillion and selling only 24 animals a year for 15 trillion cannot be compared.

“What the hell! ”

“The kid must have been blinded by the money he made. ”

Desperate senior officials heard the story and were furious.

“Budget doesn't stay that way. We need to save and distribute efficiently. That's politics! ”

“Why don't you put a stop to that young man? ”

Somehow, when old politicians stepped forward, relatively young senators were frightened and stopped.

“Oh, Jules. You're in trouble if you mess with Janice's strike force in Korea right now. ”

“What are you talking about? Isn't that just a hole in the ground? ”

“The only hole in the world that supplies blue crystals and creates more than a trillion GDP at a time, and only two deaths were the monsters that devastated a single Japanese prefecture. Do you know the current value of Janice's assault commander? Over 10 trillion won in cash only. And it's not just this crocodile and Raid money, it's the loophole money. ”

“Poetry, ten trillion won? ”

The young members of each party also thought that it was right for the compost politician to step down. How much slower do you think you'll need to figure out in a state operation?

I don't think it's much of a reward. Give me more.

Yusuf was tied up in Busan, so he just said that, but in Seoul, there was a commotion. As he spoke, the families were even more empowered. In addition to the retrospective, the families of other virtuous Raid powered officials had once again stepped forward.

Not only that, the group also began to raise an arm to revise the reward system. It was not confirmed that Lee Hyung-jun had strong instructions. There were many interpretations of the daily movements, but the large domestic oysters volunteered already meant the game was over.

“Things got too big. There's also significant turbulence inside the Raid battalion. ”

“In fact, the combat troops didn't put themselves into public service for compensation. But because it's so controversial, and it's so compared to the rewards of the Janice offensive, loyalty is dwindling. We have to show our gratitude somehow. ”

“Will the smith of Janice be pleased to show his gratitude? ”

“Still, a reasonable increase in rewards seems appropriate. In fact, since it's not an issue, it's been said that there's too little reward. ”

Awakened officials were afraid of the influence of Janice's assault squad, namely Su Kyung Woong. The huge asset, the world's only blue crystal supplier, was too big for Korea to hold. You can tell by the fear of the words "low compensation" and by the fact that the rules related to Houdadak have been reformed.

While doing so, it was also dealt with with by increasing the net compensation of ordinary government officials.

The regulatory refurbishment resulted in a substantial increase in the upper limit for bonuses for a skilled radar. Thus, the families of the Revolutionary Family received a total of 4 billion in compensation, including the compensation received first. Although it was still a penny compared to LEE Jeong-hee's compensation, the people were happy to know where the first step in the change was.

“I think it's a bit small.... ”

How did Yu Ung get into the government's ears that he complained so much at the meeting of the attackers? And the next day, the Jaehyuk family received an additional billion.

In Busan, the New Year passed quickly and quickly. The situation in Japan was still serious, but it was ending. The government forces have become overwhelmed and the coup has begun to dominate. The attack on Hikari was crucial.

Japan's right-hand man, who wrinkled Japan, supported the coup. In addition, a large number of ordinary citizens supported the coup. Horses are government troops. In my opinion, the government troops were like coup d 'etat troops.

Somehow Hikari was no longer pursued and did not attack humans. The war zone was also dwindling rapidly, reducing the Yellow Mob's chaos.

“At this rate, the situation could be over in two months. ”

“This ends sooner than I thought. ”

“Hikari raided the main force of the government force. That's why it collapsed in one shot. ”

“From the right-hand side, we thank you. You sent him back to Japan. ”

“That's too bad. They'll pay for their treason if they're grateful. ”

I was talking about such things, but I felt like everyone wanted the summons to go away.

Then one day, Jigsaw secretly came to the Keeper. He instinctively realizes that there is an important story.

“I'm here because you asked me to. ”

“…… Did you find something? ”

Ji-woong was very nervous. I asked him to investigate the facts involved in the Houston disaster, but he didn't expect much. Surprisingly, the result came sooner than I thought.

Jihad first rigged the bug-proof equipment. I could see it was an important story just by looking at that attitude. Jeong Hyojoo was nervous and waited because his body was involved.

“One of the American Crystal Research Authorities is Dr. Whipher. It was almost unparalleled in America. He is a key player in a study conducted jointly by the Rockefeller Group and the American Grand Challenge Family and the U.S. Government. ”

“What kind of research? ”

“It's called Crystal Fusion Research. ”

“Crystals…… Fusion? ”

She tilted her head because of a concept she didn't understand. The same was true of Jeong Hyoju.

“Comparing coal to diamonds is easy to understand. If the green crystal is coal, the blue crystal is diamond. The energy generated by 200 green crystals in Crystallography 25 and one blue crystals in Crystallography 5,000 are the same. But the value is completely different. Which side would Young-woong have? ”

“Of course, one blue is better than 200 green. ”

The price of the crystal is determined according to the degree of crystallinity, i.e., the total amount of energy that the crystal can produce. The difference arising from the scarcity and unique properties of the blue crystals is not taken into account at all. Blue crystals are, in a way, being sold at an unreasonable price.

“Gathering coal doesn't make it a diamond. Similarly, collecting green crystals doesn't turn them into blue crystals. ”

“Oh! Is that so? ”

“What Dr. Whipher did was he turned coal into diamonds. to artificially fuse green crystals to get blue crystals. ”

“You did it because you couldn't catch the Red Mob. ”

“I think so. It was almost impossible to get the blue crystals into radar at the time, so if you could make the artificial blue crystals like that, you would make a huge additional profit. There's a catalyst for that fusion reaction. She said," Demersha. ”

Yeong-woong mutters in a hypnotic voice.

“Demarchea……. ”

“We seem to have completely lost the Demerscha manufacturing process. Dr. Whipher tried to leave the country for research, but she died in a car accident on the way to the airport. Maybe it's an assassination. ”

“Leaving the United States for research? There's no better research environment than America. ”

“The destination was France, but I don't know which country I was going to end up in. The federal government is investigating Dr. Whipher's artifact, but it appears he has no income. It's a mess of research. ”

Su Kyung Ung was sorry to hear that Dr. Whipher was dead. It would have helped if he was alive. Even though I was an American, I didn't feel like I was being assassinated.

Jihad lowered his voice.

“And this is unconfirmed information…… but Rockefeller Group has raised enormous sums of money to use the last of Demetcha to buy Blue Crystals around the world. This is before Yeouiwoong started the activity. ”

Is that the Stone of Knoxus? Ji-woong was nervous and listened for a word.

“Theoretically, when green crystals of more than a certain amount of crystallinity fuse, they turn into blue crystals, and their properties change. We don't know exactly what the minimum is, but it's estimated to be under 2,000. ”

That's a guess because the blue crystals from the rural Langa were 2,000.

“The Rockefeller group assumed that just as green crystals become blue crystals, blue crystals will make a difference if they fuse more than a certain amount. We didn't know the lowest value, so we bought all the blue crystals that were released around the world. There was only one Demetcha left, and it could no longer be manufactured. ”

The drool tipped over. Jeong Hyojoo was still listening with his face closed.

“The last Demerscha used blue crystals turned purple as they fused. Dr. Whipher's Artifacts Journal says that the first Purple Crystal was named Knoxus Stone, according to a clue written by Demersha. ”

“What did it say? ”

“It's called the Knoxus Stone. ”

It was the only lead we had to track down Demarchea.

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Knoxus' stone was a specialized Vortem.

If we caught the Black Mob, we'd have an Epic.

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