I am Noble

00243 Giant's Movement

The whole country became noisy because of the push to hire researchers and technicians at ease. The media that had always been watching Yeong-woong carefully waited as if they were waiting. In particular, the media published quite specific and dense articles, including focusing on unfair treatment of technicians and evacuation of the binary world, paradoxizing the problems of social conditions in the practice of engineering.

Restricting the re-employment of technicians and researchers is an inevitable constraint to protect the technological leakage of companies, particularly small and medium enterprises. It is a well-known fact that large companies brute-force headhunting to extract the core skills of small and medium enterprises.

"It is also a serious problem that there are not enough incentives for researchers who have developed high-value added technologies. You should be paid fairly for your hard work, but coming back is a lot of late night shifts and pay for your coloring merit. It is inevitable that there will be a biplanetary astronomical breeze in this atmosphere.

Of course, not everyone has such productive opinions. Some journalists focused on putting oil on the fire, simply touching the peripheral parts. They were more than just paparazzi trying to scratch celebrities.

Isn't it so that Nanny can hire someone to be used in her research lab indiscriminately and easily after being constrained by the technician?

Isn't it a gag to change the law that has protected the technology market in this country for so long for one person's taste and selfishness? No corrupt politician ever gets this far.

In fact, Yu Yu Woong was hot when he saw the article. He was a knight who got his mind right. But he put a metal plate on his face. Fortunately, engineers and students from domestic industrial colleges were giving their undivided support.

I started it because of a little selfishness, but because of that, someone can escape persecution. If that person is a social weakness other than others, even if it started with impure intent, it would not be subject to conscience until the end.

“When the project starts, I work overtime for more than 4 months by default. They call it overtime after midnight. Working around midnight is the same as working on time. I have to work until dawn, and then I have to work like a knife the next day. They sleep for two or three hours a day, and they let them work for months on end. That's the multireflection.”

“I came to engineering because I like robots, but I will never send my kids to engineering later. ”

“I should have just gone there when I slammed it together. I used to be a medic, but I came this way because I wanted to become a scientist... ”

The whole country is in chaos. The oppressed people raised their voices like they were bursting at once. At first, the political power, which I thought was not very big, was also furious when the public opinion burned violently.

Officials, and even socially influential figures, always receive attention to their surroundings. People try to give one of those big speeches a special meaning to one step and interpret the truth.

Even a butterfly's wind can be a hurricane, but why can't Giant's Road shake the ground? After dealing with the young entrepreneurs who came to the Black Stone House, the world was staggering around him.

In the field, there was a revised bill that quickly improved technologist treatment, and opinions lit up again. Korea was all hot as a furnace.

* * *

“Brother, if this law is passed, isn't it good for our daily lives? ”

Lee Jae Hyun-jun answered Lee's question. Lee Hyun-jun, who had just graduated from college and joined the Ilsung Group, was smart, but he still had a narrow view of the world.

“Only by the law. ”

“What about the law? Is there anything else? ”

“If we just get through this, we can have the best people. If there isn't a research complex in Sejong City. ”

No matter how powerful the sun is, it is only a congenital hemostasis compared to Janis' influence. No, one Janice Owner, not Janice. This will make it easier for large corporations to attract technological personnel, but compared to Janis, Ilsung Electronics is treated as a small business.

Jae Hyung had a headache. If not, the lab's core personnel were buzzing around. It is because the research conditions and environment disclosed by Eugwoong are too good. Particularly if the laboratory owned a patent developed as part of the company, it was shocking that the rate of royalties would continue to be paid.

“At this rate, our Daily Daily Daily Lab is also in danger. What the hell is Grandpa thinking? ”

* * *

Lee Hee-yeon, who was vice president of 'Il Crystal’, who refurbished his new mission, calmly took a breath in the back seat of the elite sedan. Finally, I checked my makeup while looking in the mirror.

Twenty-four years old, beautiful as a woman. With a good bloodline, she was beautiful, and a good family. Not everyone is given the title of granddaughter of one of the largest domestic conglomerates.

But the opponent who was going to meet now was also a big man who could hardly make an appointment. Given the influence that comes from people themselves, without status or authority or anything like that, it's probably the best person in the world.

‘President Yoo is still young and has a lot of time. ’

Two years ago, my grandfather touched me like that, and there was no mention of him after that. But she always kept it in her heart.

A grandfather famous for being an iron blood entrepreneur, he was looking into the distant future. Two years ago, there was a lot of chatter, but he was suddenly cut off. She also cleaned up her surroundings and made her place of action as her grandfather intended.

It is not easy for a young woman to stay away from men and be patient by herself. But she was no ordinary young woman. She was more important to the granddaughter of the monolith than the woman herself. Unlike any other woman, she had great ambitions.

‘I guess I'm also his granddaughter. ’

She thought so and made a bitter smile. Even though he is married, he has already seen a great man worth risking his life to attack. I already know, so the pathetic man is no longer interested.

It's not a random approach. It is to plant good images, and to stay in a moderately close place. An impatient approach misleads the opposing Pokémon, rather than avoids it.

He'll get tired of it someday. Kwon Tae-do will come. When that happens, you have to be patient and wait to catch it faster than anyone else. With only the most decent and decent appearance.

My heart trembles when I'm close to meeting him. She takes a big breath and gets out of the car.

“How are you?”


Yu Yu Ung, who was in the attacking party office, greeted Yu Ung kindly.

“It's a little cramped, right? ”

“No, it looks great. ”

“Well, it's a little narrow. So I'm thinking about moving out. It's not bad to buy a new Raid Party Prison... ”

The buildings leased by the attackers office are also clean and have only recently been stretched to a pretty good location. The rent is also quite expensive.

Yeong-woong not long ago, he created a secretarial team because he wanted to have a secretary in the relationship. I needed a place for my secretary to work, so I set up a seat at one of the attacking party offices.

The secretarial team will be the hands and feet of Yeong-woong and do all the little work. But the problem is that the small tasks include government and foreign bargaining tools, coordinating external personnel schedules, aggressors, and the execution of work-related funds. As the government personnel, foreign ambassadors, and advisory boards were approaching, the attackers' offices became too chaotic.

I was visiting again today because of that. It's because Jang Tae-jun complained that the support team was disorganized in doing its own work.

“I heard you were going to build a separate attack camp in the lab. ”

“It was a long time ago when that was going to happen. It doesn't have to be this chaotic in the workplace. ”

“But buying a new prison would be a waste. ”

“Oh, how much do you do? ”

Lee Hee-yeon smiled bitterly. She was also a granddaughter of Chaebol, but she doesn't intend to buy a building for just a few months to waste.

“But what did you want to see me about? ”

“Oh, it's the policy legislation you wrote this time. ”

“Why is that? ”

“I agree with your intentions... … but I have some concerns. In fact, we can't separate the tech scouts from the tech scouts. We often recruit researchers to actually take out other companies' technology. ”

Lee Hee-yeon has been working hard to maintain the relationship for the past two years, so now she can talk about ‘country worries’ with Yeong-woong. Like friends vomiting hot water at every corner, worrying about the country, worrying about politics.

Of course, we didn't just come here to talk about the country. It is a great power to be able to see his truth. Today's meeting will be an important way to establish a basic strategy for day-to-day affairs.

“Oh, I heard about that. ”

“Where did you hear that? ”

It's not important, but I was a little curious. I don't think the advisory board said that on purpose.

“HD Tech? The boss sent a long letter to the office from a small business like that. I read about it, and it was a great story. ”

“Can I hear it too? ”

“They invested in the company, they sent them off to study abroad, they raised researchers, and they took them out of the big corporation. The money they invested in foster care was money, but the new technology research force that was dying and developing almost went bankrupt. Moreover, a group of researchers who know major technologies have completed the technology in a large corporation. ”

She was a little curious. Thanks to her two years of observation, she knows Yu Ji-woong better than anyone else. He's not a big man with a special mission. Despite having the influence to pick up and drop off Korea, the mindset was not much different from that of a young man of that age.

In a way, it's scarier, it's special. Just as seats create people and power transforms people, the immense wealth and power that is gained suddenly prevents ordinary youth from remaining ordinary youth.

But he still has a normal 22-year-old mind set. And wield the power of great money, the power of power. Suffering from that thoughtless knife was an old, accomplished, and many existing alcoholic classes. That's the biggest reason the common people do not envy him and support him.

“There's definitely a problem with that. So how are you going to solve that problem? ”

“You have to make it look like a big corporation. ”


“Is the law everything? Why would there be corporate ethics? But it's not imagination to ignore it and use convenience to try to take someone else's sweat. If you do that, you're going to have to beat the hell out of that fine, and you're going to have to punish all the executives. ”

That made no sense to Yeong-woong. Restrict a technician's freedom to prevent a technology leak? It justifies the sacrifice of the weak to protect the weak. Because we have to do it realistically, we have to resign in that way and transfer responsibility only down.

You can't punish the strong who do bad things, so you just keep finding the weak and holding them accountable. It should not be.

Lee Hee-yeon's heart cooled. He said something thoughtlessly, but it's not a prank that it's going to bring to society. And there will be no shortage of diligence.

“I don't understand why you've solved the problem like that. You just have to beat up a big company that's doing something against corporate ethics, and it's frustrating why you only squeeze weak engineers. ”

“…… because it's practically impossible. ”

As a granddaughter of the Sun family, it was not a story I could hear comfortably. Young-woong shrugs.

“So I'm going to deal with that as well. Isn't that the moral imperative of a socially-led society? ”

“…… Are you sure you want to do this? The cartel is strong in my country... ”

“It's okay. I'm stronger. ”

“…… the involvement of foreign multinational companies……. ”

“But I'm stronger. ”

Although he was carrying a socially-led moral obligation, he had not originally thought it through. They all decided to discuss it with their friends.

Everything according to a friend's advice.

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