I am Noble

Chairman 00273's Daily Life

The choir crystallography and the general assembly not only appeared as a general assembly, but as an economic union. Sharing stories between older seniors, who are already one by one in society, has become a great opportunity to immerse themselves in the society of current college students.

“So the Crystal Management Division will be fully renovated to the Ministerial Department within the year? ”

“Yes. Already passed Parliament and entered early reading. ”

“I was curious to see why the big department stayed on as a hawker. It doesn't seem to have much to do with the department. ”

“At the time of the founding of the department, you saw the eradication of monsters as a form of security. ”

“Oh, really? ”

“In the history of general theology, you dozed off in class. ”

The female college students held out their tongues and laughed as if they were scolded by a senior around forty years old.

“When the beast first appeared, he had a lot to say about which department to set up the countermeasure headquarters for. The Pentagon, of course, insisted that they take care of it, and the Department of Homeland Security set up a bloodbath calling it their jurisdiction. I was supposed to be part of the Department of Defense at the time, but I ended up part of the Department of Defense. ”


“Secretary of State was the president's right arm at the time. I won the war. ”


“By the way, after killing the monster, there was a tremendous benefit to that byproduct. That's why the Monster Control Division is in charge of crystal management, and it's become a huge industrial division with radar control and everything. It's weird to be part of the Department of Public Affairs, even though it's bigger than the Department of Public Affairs and has a lot of staff. ”

“Why didn't you separate? ”

“It was all about political logic. There's a lot of old junk falling out of the big department. ”

“Aha, you argued to take it from each other? ”

“Eventually. It's only now that Congressman Kang Woo-seok has tried to reinvent himself into the Independence Department. ”

The man in his 40s paused and quietly added.

“He's the politician I really admire. ”

“But isn't our country a little far away from the image of politics being honest? ”

“No, he's different. He doesn't have to be corrupt. ”


“My wife is the daughter of my brother Jae, who is the president of a company that is one of the top 100 companies in America. ”

The students who did not know such visas were surprised with their eyes wide open. A student who was about to graduate said a little bitter.

“It's a hard world without him. ”

“That's how the world writes. Know this.”

Meaning, the current students nodded. A female college student carefully looked at Su Kyung Woong over there and asked.

“So Yeong-woong must have gone up there through all that bitterness, too? ”

“I don't know. It may have been for a while in the beginning, but now it's a bitter position for others. ”

“Aha, right. ”

“Who would dare make Janice feel bitter? The President of the United States can't do this. ”

“Wow, is that it? ”

“Yes, Mr. Forbes' first most influential person in the world is Janis. Especially with the ability to install safe zones. ”

“We go to school with such a person.... ”

“I said that last year, but you should know that you're really lucky. ”


There are a group of graduates who are now in charge of the domestic crystal industry, but their grades are also naturally divided. First, one group with the main focus is the highest grade. You must be more than an executive of a large domestic corporation to be a part of this position. However, academic professors are fortunate to attend this group naturally.

Next are the top graduates in their 30s and 40s, so to speak. People who are about to get promoted to an executive rank or sooner. Here, ambitious current students intersect to form a second group.

Finally, they are pure students. Children who don't know the world's waterways very well and still like to play. Interested in social narratives, but deep debates are those who hate them because they have headaches. Most of them are formed as junior students such as 1st and 2nd graders.

“What are we going to talk about there? ”

“Since we're talking about Crystal Management, shouldn't we be talking about the World Crystal Organization? Or Chinese. ”

“Well, considering the Chinese problem, it happened because of Young-woong. ”

The second group wondered what was going on in the first group. What would someone like that be talking about in a position like this?

* * *

“I've only been to Maldives twice, but the view is great. It's a pity that such a magnificent ocean disappears after a hundred years. ”

“I heard some time ago that 200 years of French wine was sold at the highest price. ”

“I heard the British media fund bought it. But they bought it for show. They don't buy it, they just decorate it. No, I live to drink. I live to decorate. I don't get it. ”

“You said you've been in Lego for a while. ”

“Well, how did you know that? ”

“Your sister-in-law's Facebook page. A picture of a jewel Lego. I like it. You ran over a few thousand times. ”

“Hahaha, I think it's been assembled for 10 days. ”

“Senior, I heard you've been falling in love with the Legendary War lately. Is the rank okay?”

“I'm in the fourth tier of the Silver Chamber. We barely escaped, but we still can't see land. Thanks to my wife, I made it to the 4th tier of the Silver Chamber, but it's harder than that. I met a lot of Trolls on my team. ”

“Trolls? What's that? ”

“Yes. Not just beginners, but people who can't do a lot, who deliberately die to their enemies, or sabotage their allies. They're Trolls who shouldn't be playing. ”

“Oh no, it must be hard to get promoted to a user like that. ”

“It really is. I can't go up there with my friend on a Dual Lang. ”

Next to him, Jeong Hyojoo was only smiling embarrassingly. I have a lot to say, but I can't wait to see the face of the groom.

“Isn't that right, Hyoju? ”

“Ugh, yeah? ”

“I can't go up there because of those weirdos, and I'm staying in the closet. ”

“No, you're right. ”

The youngest senior in the late 30s, the executive group, was interested and asked.

“I'm actually playing that game myself. I'm still in the silver phase, just like you. Are you playing games with her, too? ”

“Yes, it is. ”

“Are you a silver shield, too? ”

It was a thoughtless question for a gentle atmosphere. But the air flow is strange. Yeong-woong clammed his mouth, and Jeong Hyojoo avoided the answer with an embarrassing expression. When the atmosphere got weird, the graduate who asked the question fell into conflict. What did he do wrong?

After a long time, she replied as if she had said something out loud.

“…… Diana. ”


“Top rated, ranked # 1 in solo ranking. ”

“Wow, Wahaha, you really have a knack for games. Well, I hear tankers can't do anything sporty. The game is also an E sport. Of course you can do it well. Hahaha, hahahaha! ”

I forcefully laughed, but the atmosphere had already cooled down. Yeong-woong left because he was depressed by his gaming skills that were worse than his wife. The embarrassed Jeong Hyojoo hurriedly chased after me to comfort her.

Nakhon Suu, the best OB and vice chairman of the Economic Union, was unhappy.

“So why bring up such a story and create such an atmosphere? ”

“I'm sorry. ”

“As a game-loving young man, how sensitive is the sequence of gamesmanship, and you mess with it. Be careful from now on. What the hell is this? ”

There's a polite tree, but there's a lot of light swords in it. Ji-woong is a person who is not easy to meet just because of his maternal status and title. What a great opportunity it is to meet the General Assembly, but without even talking for a few hours.

* * *

“Why can't I go up to the gold? ”

“Come on. Only strange users get teamed up. We'll be up in a minute. ”

“Hyoju, you're a diamond, so you can't do it anymore. What do I do?”

“That's why I created a second account. We can do this together. ”

“Isn't that just a diamond? ”

“Oh, I'm only going to turn this around when I'm with you. Don't worry.”

In Jeong Hyojoo's view, the groom was not very talented in the game. I used to feel it when I was playing the Ogre, but my ability to control it by washing the items was weak.

She was upset. Why didn't you give the groom all the Gods and give him the game talent? What the fuck is this game...?

“Come in. Everyone's here to see you. How disappointed would you be if you were out here like this?" ”

“I don't care. ”

“Oh, but you can't do that. Now that you have a social standing, you need to act accordingly. ”

“…… Okay. ”

Unreluctantly, Yusuf was dragged back into the restaurant by Jeong HyoJoo. When he returned, the faces of professors and executives who had been severely stiffened brightened.

“Oh, I'm sorry. I got an urgent call. ”

“It could be. There will be a lot of people looking everywhere. ”

“I should have said something, but I'm afraid the mood got weird for no reason. ”

“Oh, not at all. Rest assured.”

In a warm atmosphere, I continued to talk again. The theme was the Legendary Battle, the season of the Great Fortress. Tim Janice continued to boast that he was also participating in the competition. Speaking of his team, he quickly regained his energy.

“This time it must be a victory. Confident.”

Although relatively young professors and young executives had done some research in advance and had no problem, the older executives and professors were stunned because they did not keep up with the topic. They have also focused on analyzing international economic flows for today, and the world flows into the future after China's problems. The story of sharing was games, where liquor is good, and where professional gamers are good, it was just a small thing.

This is the topic of the first group that the second group was wondering about.

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Why Congressman Kang Woo-seok can be clean, correcting reality in its own way.

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