I am Noble

00477 The Shaking White House

The White House, once called the Royal Palace of the World, is the center of modern international politics. A place truly known as a political sanctuary, where all the malice, vileness, and guilt that man can experience can be overcome to come close.

However, the owner of this White Palace was now heading towards the tangential cabin with his heart chained.

The advisor behind you grabs the doorknob. As the doorknob slowly turned, Vissi swallowed dry water without even knowing it. When the door opens, he and the young devil who can swallow the entire United States will appear in a single bite.


Yeongwoong stood up without a face and greeted him. The interpreter starts translating next to you.

“Have you been waiting long? ”

“No, I played for a while. It wasn't boring.”

How many people in the world can say something like that to the President of the United States? Perhaps not before, and probably never before, a young man.

“Monster suppression is almost over. It'll probably be over in a day or two. ”

“Thank you very much for your assistance with the Ear Battalion. ”

“No, it wasn't that hard. ”

Vichy realizes the power of Janice again. I saw with my own eyes that I could easily complete a brute-force raid that I did not have the strength to use against the American offensive.

It's not the American offensive that can't catch the Red Mob. The supply of defense equipment paves the way for commercial raids. Of course, South Korea is still on the front line, but the United States is following carefully.

The safety of the crew is paramount to commercializing the Red Mob Raid. Every time you catch a dead man, where's the commercial radar? At least a few hundred times, the death toll must have been successful in commercialization.

The United States, which is walking at the beginning of commercialization, has no choice if multiple Red Mobs are running wild at the same time. Catching one is also cautious, because if there are several of them together, there is really no answer. I can't get a quote with what I just said.

However, Janice was able to finish the ranks without any harm, even if multiple Red Mobs flew. The reason why it was possible, even in the absence of a retainer, was the difference between equipment and skill.

Not to mention proficiency. Janice Reserve has more Red Mob Raid experience than any other attack force on the planet. The Red Mob Raid may not be a big deal to those who have caught the Black Mob a few times.

Next, the difference in equipment. This has become a critical trigger for differences from American attackers.

A fully-armed assault squad with three Class S gear. There are no such attackers anywhere on Earth. Finally, we have to invest about 150 trillion crystals per person. In the United States, it is not even close. It is only possible to obtain Blue Crystals as easily as picking them up from the road.

The Janice Reserve proved this time that it was not a waste of money.

Due to the combination of full S grade equipment settings and skilled combat capabilities, each reserve unit did not spend more than 20 minutes on average catching a Red Mob. It was an enormous difference compared to the U.S. attackers usually taking more than six hours.

The young man in front of him was the only loser who wielded his absolute power in one hand.

“I heard from the survivors that the prisoners rebelled and killed everyone in the prison. It's assumed that Dr. Choi got caught up in it too. ”

“…… it's true that the prisoners rioted. But it was an imperative for our government as well. ”

“Force Majeure? What does that mean? ”

“We had no choice but to deal with the monsters all over Iowa, causing panic and rioting throughout the state. because Iowa was actually an outlaw out of government control at the time. ”

As if he was thinking of something, Yusuf's head twitched lightly. Vichy felt miserable for some reason. Who would dare do such a thing in front of the President of the United States? That's someone who's getting a little squeamish.

“Mink Prison was not attacked by monsters. You know that, right?”

Vissi's face was stiff. I thought something was coming.

“The facility wasn't destroyed. How did the prisoners riot and take over the prison? Shouldn't someone at least be able to open the prison door? Or is Mink Prison so badly guarded that prisoners would come out with their bare hands and cause a riot? ”

“In the event of a monster attack, all personnel are required to evacuate to the underground shelter. It is imperative to transport prisoners all at once in an urgent situation. Maybe there was a riot in the process. ”

“I've seen a lot of bullet marks. What about it?”

“I think it was taken from the guards by force. ”

Yeong-woong reaches under the table and lifts up a bag and puts it up. Inside was an automatic machine gun. Vichy's complexion, which seemed to have improved a little, was solidified again.

“I brought this from Menk Prison. Are all U.S. correctional officers heavily armed? ”

“…… as the United States is a country where firearms are allowed, it is not that strange……. ”

“I did a search and found that this gun is not an official model for Iowa State Public Facilities. They say it's a model that can't be saved by ordinary people. ”

Vissi's lips were beautifully burned. The more excuses I make, the more I feel like I'm falling into a swamp. Did I misdirect you? I don't know about that gun, but at first glance, it didn't look like it would be used by the prison guard…….

“You said it was a mainly used model for terrorists, what do you think of this? ”

Vissi was speechless.

* * *

Ruddin's face hardens like a stone as he steps forward. The agents who were in the middle of the work quickly avoided the gaze of the supervisor, who was afraid to even look into his eyes.

“Where's Tommy Essen? You still haven't figured it out? ”

“Sir, that wasn't really our thing. It's hard to figure out in a short time. ”

“But I'm running out of time. ”

“Our field agents are doing the best they can. We're organically working with other agencies, so the good news is coming soon. ”

Ruddin sits in a spacious leather chair, leaning back and loosening his neck tightening tie. There is no sign of heavy sighing from the mouth.

“What the hell are they? ”

Although Rothschild has fallen, a number of coded forces influenced by capital bonds are still widespread in the United States. I'm just choking to death because of Su Kyung Woong's slow pace. Maybe one of them helped Tommy Essen escape.

For them, Tommy is a loyal chess player. He would have thought it would be a waste to lose him in a monster uproar. No, the monster may have lost control of the government by stirring up chaos, but it might have been a good opportunity to escape.

“Satellite malfunction? What do you got? ”

Rudin never saw any coincidence or talent that 12 satellites had broken down. Rather, he sensed it was an attack from the outside. It was a ‘feeling’ from a long experience of immersing myself in intelligence agencies.

“There are no signs of external intrusion at this time. As NASA expects, a simple system failure has spread. ”

“No way. There's got to be something. Something I want America to be wrong... …. ”

If there is a result, there is a cause. If there is a cause, there is a motive. That was Rudin's creed.

It is a ridiculous assumption that you intended to cause a monster riot and dropped a satellite. But a hunch that he may have been after something and attacked the satellite did not leave Rudin's mind. The United States' misfortune is that Iowa State panicked after a series of frightened monsters in a satellite crash.

It was then.

“Director! Here's your payment! ”

“What's going on?! ”

“Russian Foreign Minister Kozowski is currently visiting California! ”

Rudin wonders for a moment, but his face color changes with the subsequent agent's description.

“The 10 governors of the West have been secretly attending interviews with Kozowski! The interview ended just three hours ago! ”

“What was the interview about? ”

“Until then, I still know... …. ”

“Is Minister Kozowski's visit an official event? ”

“No, it was an undisclosed secret visit. It looks like he came in undercover. ”

It gives me goosebumps all over. The Russian foreign minister secretly visited the United States by deceiving his identity? And you met the governors of 10 states in the West? At a time like this?

I had a lot of thoughts, but I was quick to judge. Rudin gives the order without hesitation.

“This won't be the first time. Investigate Kozowski's past schedule thoroughly. Keep track of all the governors' schedules for the interviews. It smells strange. ”

“I understand!”

* * *

Lucian, an EIS operative, has been carrying out covert operations on an ongoing basis with a very small number of subordinates over the past few months. It's been half a year since I've been on a mission. However, I could not decide when the mission would end. It could be tomorrow, or ten years later, and that day might not come.

It's about respect in America. Please keep an eye on those bears. ’

It was the bride and groom of Child Green.

Agent Lucian, one of the deputy director lines, has not reported on the progress of the operation to anyone other than Child Green. There were no known associates inside the intelligence agency who knew what he was on. Even the agents in command have no idea what the ultimate purpose of this mission is.

Child Green's first assignment to Lucian was a coincidence.

"Kosovsky, Russian Foreign Minister, periodically visits California. Use of Camouflage.

Lucian's heart flutters as he hears the purpose of the mission from Child Green. He was never wrong to say that American honor depends on it. Moreover, the biggest problem was that Kozowski had never known when he had been deceived and visited the United States, and he had no idea when he had started.

Kozovsky consistently met with governors from 10 states in the west. The interview was confidential and thorough. For the United States, this is something that can never be ignored.

Lucian tries to eavesdrop a few times, but they all fail. It would be comforting to know that someone was watching.

After half a year of information activities, I was able to understand some of the situation. Russia was clearly aimed at inciting the western United States to confuse the United States.

As the oceans are effectively sealed, and the Bering Sea in the west of the Americas is the only route between Eurasia and America, the geographical gap between the west and east began to widen. Those sly Russian bullbears have been picking up on that for a long time, doing all kinds of debris in the west!

‘If only I had known sooner……. ’

Lucian has always been desperate. It was too late to notice that. I only noticed it half a year ago.

“Team Leader! Success! I can hear them!”

Lucian's face brightens with his subordinate's report. Finally, the wiretapping device started working properly. We've been unable to eavesdrop without exception because of the brute force interference, and a new bug specially made for this day has been working.

Lucian focuses on the nerves involved in the conversation: a secret party involving only ten governors and Secret Minister Kozowski. Now you can finally understand the true purpose of Russia.

…… The current situation…… is very serious. …… Dr. Choi Yun's death was not averted…… Janis was outraged…… but the Federal Government was able to avenge his anger…… but retaliated…… international blockade at worst…….

Thinking of…… reasonable opinions…….

But is it not just the worst-case scenario…… even if the United States is Korea…….

However, the peaceful attitude of the Bishi administration…… and that this is not once…….

The conversation was sparsely terminated. It was the interference. It's a new bug. You can still hear it.

The conversation did not go far beyond Lucian's imagination. Russia also clearly aimed to create conflict within the United States and confuse the entire country. It was clear they had ambition to take the place of the United States by aiming for the gap.

Like taking ISIR first place. ’

Lucian grits his teeth. I will never let those bears do what they want. It was then.

I heard Kozowski's voice very clearly, whether there was a momentary error in the interference.

There are endless possibilities for development in the West. But what happens in 10, 20 years? The Western governments will join forces to feed the Eastern Empire. Everyone knows how much Janis loves Dr. Choi Yun. After his anger has surfaced, it's too late to move. We can't all go down together, can we?

Obviously, the foolish Bishi administration cannot be caught up in the sinking…….

"However, separation independence is not an easy decision to make.

‘Independence! ’

Lucian drops the fan he was holding.

Russia hoped that Bilmi would try to manipulate the United States by clinging to Yongwoong's death, this monstrous uproar. Lucian imagined that local warfare could occur in the worst cases. Rough Northern bastards did this, didn't they? These guys are desperate for more violence than they can handle.

The ultimate goal of Russia, and its means, has surpassed its own expectations. This was not just a level of control that wanted to create conflict within the United States.

"You bastards! I will tear America in two!" ’

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"Violence! Why would I want to see a diplomatic solution through a conversation like that?"

Real soft guy.

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