I am Noble

Return of the King 00589

“You can choose whatever you want. Okay?"


Four hundred children were scattered with excitement, shouting out loud. Private bodyguards followed along to protect the children under the cooperation of department store guards. It is not easy to protect young children who don't know where they are splattered. The tension over the presidential escort overwhelms the guards.

The children were all wearing one big green badge on their breasts. A kind of daily pass card. The tag contains built-in chips so it can be easily found even if it is out of the sight of the escort personnel.

“Wow, I wanted this! ”

“Give me this! Give me that, too! ”

“Look at this robot arm! It's really moving! It can transform! ”

“This dress is so pretty. I want this, too! ”

The children were excited and chose whatever they wanted to have. Toys, dolls, games, clothes, shoes, etc.

Pre-trained store staff individually recorded items selected by children with a green pass badge. For example, you can computerize all items selected by the child labeled number 1.

He doesn't have to buy the things he wants. As long as you say you will have something, the staff will record the item on their own, and finally, the department store will package and ship the product that the child has chosen.

And who pays for that?

“Your wife came in person? ”

Kim Joo-won, who was in the middle of reviewing the payment documents, raised his face. Park looks down.

“Yes, it is. ”

“Well, I guess I'll go say hello, then. ”

“But don't you feel uncomfortable coming down here yourself? ”

“Senior Vice President Park, that's your story. It's a different story if you're alone. Be prepared."


Young-woong's couple raised sales by 2.3 trillion won only last year. However, if you look at the purchase history, it is surprisingly small. Of course, every time I come here, I scratch hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of luxury goods. However, even though the number is small and luxury goods are expensive, there is a limit.

That's why. Hundreds of kids wandering around excited with a green pass badge on their chest. After leaving the room, Kim Joo-won saw some children running around with a Prepass badge and smiled with joy. Oh, these wads of money.

“How many? ”

“Four hundred. ”

“The sales are going to explode again today. ”

Jeong Hyo-Joo often brings her companions. But I bring a lot, not just one or two.

Those are children from a nursing home in Seoul. Jeong Hyojoo brings such children regularly and lets them buy whatever they want. The amount of luxury goods they buy themselves is substantial, but the sales are also substantial.

It's not about buying tens of millions of dollars' worth of luxury goods for some kindergarten kids. But since it's basically a high-end department store, there's a lot of expensive stuff. What do they know the price of? I just choose what I want to buy, as I'm told.

There are dozens of clothes that a child usually chooses. And you only buy clothes? I buy shoes, I buy toys, I buy dolls. I buy gaming machines, gaming CDs, and big TVs.

Pick and purchase as many as you want, with hundreds of people in sight. The sales are beyond imagination.

“As expected, the service of Lady of the Obsidian Church is not the same as that of other women. Isn't that right, Comrade Park? ”

“I see. ”

“Who would dare replicate that distribution? ”

Bringing more than a hundred people at a time and making them shop all they want, even if it's the wife of the hive. It's not just monotonous, it's steady.

“Ma'am, I'm President Kim. ”

“Oh, Ms. Kim. How are you?”

“It's been a long time. I heard about your visit a few days ago. I just wanted to say hi, but I'm kind of in the middle of something. ”

“No, my groom doesn't like that. ”

“I have to say hello to you sometime. ”

Jeong Hyojoo was wearing a white Sisru blouse with a dark blue skinny jeans. It was a vibrant concept like a college girl who came out for a light spring outing. The long, brown, raw hair was tied together from the neck to the back, so it was clean and aged. I don't feel like a married woman with three children.

It was a very short moment, but Kim Joo-won thought his husband would be really good.

“I met Director Park two days ago, and he was still very enthusiastic. You'll be relieved to have such a loyal subordinate. ”

“I've heard stories. You're transferring to a department store.”

“Oh, did you? ”

I want to know if it was communicated well, Kim Joo-won really brought up Chief Park's story.

Jeong Hyojoo smiled as if he knew everything about that heart.

“The groom loved hearing about it. I heard shopping has become more convenient. But I'm afraid you've gone too far. ”

“Market research shows that the potential merchandising rights in the Black Stone region are great. It was a natural decision for us. ”

“I really like that, Mr. Kim. Be honest, be proud, and don't miss out on profits. I hope everyone can do business reasonably like Mr. Kim. ”

“Haha, that's an honor. ”

“If you move in, you'll see more sales. Even the noble people who visit my house have good purchasing power. ”

Kim Joo-won clapped his head. That's right! Isn't that why they're on latent demand?

‘Nice move. ’

Indeed, customer impression is the truth.

* * *

The paper published by Professor Nitro and the nuclear fusion that he applied for caused a riot in the patent laboratory. The top engineering universities in the country, as well as the Silk Janice Institute, have all been turned upside down. The impact did not stop at the peninsula, but was carried across the Pacific Ocean.

Vissi, who received the report, did not conceal his surprise.

“What the hell is this? Nuclear fusion? That was a long time ago, right? What's so great about that? ”

Through crystals, humanity gave up its nuclear energy by efficiently obtaining harmless energy. That's been happening for decades. And now you're talking about fusion?

“Sir, it's not just nuclear fusion. This is a great study because it's not a fusion reaction using deuterium or helium, it's a fusion reaction using crystals. ”

“Is there a difference? ”

“We are now using crystals as a 'combustion reaction’ to produce energy. Dr. Nitro is taking it one step further, trying to generate energy from the fusion reaction. This is also safe and clean, but has the advantage of being much more efficient than a combustion reaction. Based on Korea…… the decision can be made to cover all the power stations in Korea with one green crystal. ”

“…… wait, how much does the Korean power plant market consume per year? ”

“About 72,000. ”

“…… and still make up for it with one 30-something? That much power? ”


Crystalline fusion reactors can only be used for large power generation facilities in their size and structure. I can't even dream of airplanes, cars or ships. That is, it can be used for a power plant.

But with just one green crystal, it is possible to replenish all power consumption in one country. Does this make any sense?

Now the whole world is moaning over a lack of crystal. It was just this much because Yusuf was running around barefoot. If a crystalline fusion reactor becomes commercially available in a short period of time, the burden is much lower. It is truly a miracle invention.

Vissi was angry....

“By the way, what has the State Department done to make you think Dr. Knight is this great? ”

“Th-that's ……. ”

“You should have caught this great talent long ago! ”

If you find out that Dr. Knitro has been struggling with constant budget support for decades, he may fall by the back of his neck.

* * *

“Professor! What the hell is going on?! ”

Garen opens the door wide and shouts as soon as he sees that no one is in the lab. Professor Nitro arrogantly turns his pen with his legs up on the desk.

“I was deaf. Say it small.”

“Crystal fusion reactors! That's what we're working on right now! ”

“What, you still haven't made it? Rest assured, none of your ideas were stolen. I made it myself. ”

Nitro came to Korea as a music university professor. That is, there is no contact with the Janice Institute. Garren doesn't know anything about nuclear fusion with his disciples. In other words, this study is entirely for professors of Nitro.

Garren also read the paper. I also looked at the patent contents. In Garren's view, it was one step ahead of what he wanted to make. I mean, how does a guy who retires a long time ago and looks at books at home every day?

“Don't look at me like that. I'm the one who taught you nuclear physics. ”

“That's not the story! If you have already completed it, please give me a heads up! When did you complete it? ”

“Last year.”

“Then why didn't you announce it at that time! ”

“I don't have much time left. I was going to clean up the files before I died and send them to you. But now that this is happening, I just want to make an announcement in my name. Seoul?”

“No, of course it's your research…… but I mean, why did you hide such great research? ”

Professor Nitro's dream. It was a perfect fusion of nuclear physics and crystallography. Maybe we've already done that? Garren can barely breathe.

Professor Nitro smiled.

“This is the beginning. My real dream is still far away. This paper is just a tool for achieving your dreams. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“The time has come.... ”

A moment later, someone knocks. A woman in a sharp black suit opens the door, making a profit. Professor Nitro was familiar with the face.

“Are you a student today? Or a foundation director? ”

“I'm here as a director. ”

“Is that right? Have a seat, Director. ”

Jeong Hye-Joo was flawed for a moment because of her attitude that was different from before. She bites her lip slightly and sits down. I smiled invisibly with a knit to see if I liked the cold eyes.

“What's the matter, Director? ”

“We carefully reviewed the articles published by the board and the patents you applied for. ”

“That was quick. It's been less than a day. ”

“The sooner we do this, the better. The board has decided to invest in you. I'm going to go inside tomorrow and see the professor separately. Please be as specific as you need to be at that time. ”

“Oh, you're funding the budget? Or am I getting budget support? ”

“…… please take it. Please.”

“I'd appreciate it. ”

“Farewell. ”

Jung Hye-Joo bit her lips as if she was slightly angry and stood up. As she leaves, the knit clasps its head back as if excited, and lies on the chair for a long time. Then I giggled.

“Did you see? Did you see? This is what it tastes like! ”

“Yes? …… Yes. Oh, by the way, Professor. ”

“The last life I spent chasing my budget. I don't live like that anymore. Even if I stay still, the budget will come and chase me and hang me. This is just the beginning. ”

If a stranger mishears me, I think I fell in love with a woman named Budget and chased after her fiercely. Then I was hurt and reborn as a bad man. Oh, isn't that very wrong?

“By the way, when did you become acquainted with your brother and sister? ”

“What are you talking about? Your brother-in-law?”

“Student Jeong Hye-ju, President Yeong-woong, is the only brother. ”

Professor Kwadang, Professor Nitro, rolls off the leather couch.

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You should only speak in the original glow, but nonetheless, you are advocating about the Jeonghye character. At least he is not a person who believes in his brother or sister's power and harms innocent third parties or pretends to be good at it. But when you live, you get one person who wants to show off that kind of power. That's it.

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