I am Noble

00647 We're not ready yet...

Some of the aides turn their eyes away, unable to bear the brutal sight. However, Vissi did not take his eyes off the screen until the end. He glances at the roar of the battlements, sweating on his brow.

Polar bear monsters didn't show any particular face. There were no visible wide area attacks, no fancy beam attacks. The crystal diagram was fixed at 6,000 and no longer rising.

However, the assailant was being beaten senselessly. In less than a few minutes, a 40-man assault squad was wiped out. This is because the tank collapsed after only 10 seconds.

The cause was one. The tanker's injuries were not being treated. No matter how many healers gripped them, swallowed their tears, and poured their heels, the injury did not improve.

Only 20 of the 160 attackers barely survived and fled. The rest was death, the result of destruction.

“As you can see, the hill didn't work at all, so the tanker couldn't take it and died. That's the root cause of extinction. ”

Dealers and healers are nothing but good game without tankers, even if you have A-grade defense gear. Especially slow-moving hillers and long-distance dealers would have been hell without escape. Only a handful of high-powered melee dealers escaped alive.

“Why can't Hill work? ”

Vichy couldn't understand that. The members of the State Department also made embarrassing faces. Nor did they have a clear answer.

A member cautiously opened his mouth.

“Maybe it's that monster's ability to interfere? for example, to prevent the radar from exerting properly within a certain range. ”

“But aren't tankers and dealers doing their best? ”

“ ……. ”

“Hiller was the furthest thing from here. ”

Let's say you have the ability to interfere. But you're not even close, and you act on someone far away first? Naturally insane and unnecessary attack ability.

Someone broke the silence.

“By the way, there must be some kind of power in that beast's way. We should not send an attack squad until we can figure out what's causing it. They only make meaningless sacrifices. ”

“But you can't let that happen, can you? In Alaska……. ”

Vissi shut up, not talking. It was a burden to put that story in my mouth. None of the State Department members in this room are unaware of this fact, but that doesn't make the federal government proud.

“If the heel doesn't work, shouldn't we be able to catch the beast without the heel? ”


“You must request support. ”

Vissi nods with a stiff face. Even at first glance, he is not something that can be caught by the power of the United States. I can't wear heels, so I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it.

“The problem is that we don't know if he's just a Red Mob or an entity that's spreading internal crystal energy like any other Black Mob. ”

“It can't be just Red. ”

I've never heard of a monster blocking his heels. Vichy and the members at the security meeting clearly thought it wasn't Red. Is at least Black.

‘It can't be White. ’

A white monster named Nautilus has already appeared once. It's only a matter of time before the White Beast reappears. The members prayed with one mind.

“Put in a call to South Korea, or the Black Stone Dong. ”

“Yes, Mr. President. ”

I had to use Janis' power to defeat him. Vichy was troubled by what else he had to pay for. Since Yeong-woong has nothing left to have, if he wants to ask for something, his head will fall off.

It was then.

“Mr. President! This is serious! Radars Escaped Alaska! ”

A cowardly secretary reaches out his phone, white and tired. Vichy's heart seemed to sag. You asked for a phone call from the president directly at the scene? How bad can it be?

"Mr. President, this is Mates Hospital in California. Radar escaping Alaska is an urgent hospital. All hospitalized."

“What the hell is going on? ”

Escaped radars were unharmed. So there should be no problem. And suddenly you're in the hospital? Is that power?

"Radars are dying due to the symptoms of the unknown cause. We'll send you a video right away.

The secretaries quickly connected the scene with the signal. The Secretary of State, who was just about to get up, sat down again. Vichy stared at the screen that was jerking off with a pale face. Later, I was connected to the hospital site.

There was something red lying in the E.R. At first, I realized that Vissi who did something was a person. I tried to get nauseous out of my mouth.

The radars were melting away at your expense. A yellow sesame seep was pouring down on my insides. Doctors were doing everything they could, covering their skin with gauze, eastern and western motions, but it didn't work.

As you can see, the radars are melting and dying all over the body. In addition, symptoms such as vomiting, fever, blisters and ulcers are becoming indiscriminate.

“Where's Hill?”

"It doesn't work at all I don't understand that. Doctors aren't finding the cause either.

“Use all your strength to save them. Please.”

"I'll try."

Skin melts for no reason, breaks out, blisters and ulcers appear indiscriminately. Plus, the heels don't work either. There were no abnormalities in the blood tests, the biopsy, and the medical staff were insane.

“What the hell is wrong with you? ”

“I thought the monster was spreading some kind of virus, but I don't think so. ”

“Could the crystal energy have broken the biorhythm? ”

“In what way? ”

“How would I know that! That's what it looks like! What else is there? ”

Unconscious people were happier. The doctors seemed to break their hearts at the sight of the dying radars in great pain. Even the healers who were called to the hospital cast their heels with the last of their strength, but they didn't work at all.

What kind of monster are you fighting? ’

No matter how secure you are, what leaks out is leakage. The medical staff were anxious about what monsters they fought to bring to the table. I know I should focus on my care, but I was afraid of what would happen if a monster like that attacked me.

“Hey, wait……. ”

“Why? Is there something wrong? ”

“Here, here, here. Isn't that radiation exposure? ”

“ ……! ”

The emergency room was surprisingly quiet as a doctor said. A dispatch agent who was on standby at all times urgently asked for you on the radio.

“Please bring me a radiometer! Radiation exposure suspected! ”

"What? Exposure to radiation? Okay."

The agents inspected the bodies of all the radar in the hospital with a radiometer. There was a tremendous radiation response in their bodies. I'm amazed you're still alive.

* * *

“Radiation exposure? ”

“Yes, Mr. President. That's why heels don't work. ”

Heels have the principle of radically promoting cell regenerative activity to heal injuries. Regenerating broken bones properly has the amazing effect of finding and sticking to each other with broken intestines. You can't regenerate to missing parts of your body, but if you don't die, you can come back to life.

“But the radiation exposure is different. The cellular DNA itself breaks down, so it doesn't heal if you spread your heels. because the cells are in an unacceptable state. ”

When given a heel, the cell digests its power and regenerates. However, cells exposed to radiation destroy their own digestive capacity to accept that power. That's why the heels are scattered without any effect. It is like giving food to someone who has no teeth and cannot chew, and whose esophagus can't swallow.

Vissi visited the hospital and saw the dying radar and said nothing. I was even more miserable when I saw it with my own eyes. That looked like a lump of meat hanging from a butcher shop, not a man.

“Chairman Yeouiwoong has arrived. ”


“Yes, I would like to see the radars myself. ”

“Oh, thank you. ”

Even before discussing the specific cost, Yusuf flew to the United States in an A3 in a flash. Before he was president, I was thankful for him as a human being. Of course, I'll have to knock the calculator back after everything is done, and I won't be able to refuse his offer, but now anyway.

On behalf of the president who cannot leave the hospital, Child Green came out to greet Young-woong. Considering the situation, there were only a few attendants and escorts accompanied by such ceremonial events.

Young-woong shrugged his shoulders with a stiff face.

“What the hell is going on? ”

“A radiating monster. We have identified that the radar power successfully escaped has been exposed to high concentrations of radiation. In addition, massive gamma rays have been identified in areas where monsters have passed by. ”

“Ha, a radioactive monster. What the... ”

Yeong-woong enters the emergency room. As the situation was, the journalists couldn't go any farther. Vissi reaches out to him. He shook hands and looked around at the patients who couldn't even moan properly, like lumps of meat. Three healers were attached to each patient, pouring their heels constantly.

“Are the heels really not working? ”

“Yes, it's not working at all. ”

I was constantly pouring heels, shifting with healers for 24 hours, hoping for a miracle, even though it didn't work. However, everyone felt sorry for the lack of clarity.

“What about the monster?”

“We are currently hiding our roots in Alaska. ”

It was a relief that there was no follow-up attack immediately, but it was not optimistic at all. Vissi was speechless about how to cope with the irradiating radiation.

‘Even if it is Janice, there is no sharp way. ’

Do you really think the shields are gonna stop the radiation? The experts argued that it was difficult, even though they had not done an experiment. Radiation was likely to penetrate the protective shield.

‘Above all, Alaska……. ’

Vissi bit her lip. The invasion of Alaska is no different. A monster that emits radiation? He hoped it was a bloody coincidence.

“There is a solution. ”

At that time, a 50cm Bibi doll, who was stalking Yu Ung, suddenly said. At first, Vissi thought it was a puppet-like robot. After everything that had happened, I finally noticed it.

“Mr. Janice, what about this? ”

His new toy robot? No matter how much you call it, Janice, you bring toys to a place like this? I felt overwhelmed at the moment. When did the United States become speechless with this insult?

“Oh, wait a minute. There's a solution? ”


“Tell me. What's that?”

“Strengthen your heels. Reinforced heels can repair up to damaged DNA, allowing cells to regenerate normally. ”

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Less healing is more expensive than healing

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