I am Noble

00902 %3C Pre-Season Dealer %3E I'm Back!

Starlight shines in the dark sky. A myriad of starlight flies in silence like powder.

In that tranquility, a shadow of a man slowly falls to the ground. The wingless shadow slowly falls down. As he sits completely on top of the collapsed ruins, the sound of his breathing echoes around him, as if breaking his dreams.

At that moment, a thunderous shout sounded.


“Kyungwoong! Kyungwoong! Yeouiwoong!”

“Gwang-ho! I knew you'd be alive! ”

“Ahem! Who's your big brother?! You can hardly go back to such a trivial accident! ”

“Hank! Hank! ”

The hot cheer that echoes a man's heart. This enthusiasm fills your heart. Keeping her eyes closed, she slowly raised her eyelids as if she were enjoying this excitement for a moment.

The WWE photography staff's camera captured all the wonderful footage without missing one.

Yeong-woong turns away. Everything is calm like a lie. Every direction in which his gaze turned (even though there was no way to see it from that street), people held their breath like rats.

An invisible overwhelming gust from his whole body silences people's mouths. He looked ordinary, but was a giant in a true sense.

I've never seen anything like it in my entire life! ’

The WWE filming team smashed their chests in tears. I couldn't control the overwhelming emotion.

America is a country of heroes. If you have a hero, you worship him regardless of his nationality or his deeds. That reverence does not distinguish between favors. It is also a kind of faith that hates evil spirits. Like a crowd of fans worshipping the Joker against Batman.

What is she like for Americans? It is very difficult to define in one word.

Who doesn't like a seizure by pushing him into a great evil because of the Houston disaster?

There are also dark fans who feel overwhelmed and supportive by the thrill of his misdeeds.

The Holston Apocalypse is a conspiracy to trap him, and there are fans who pity him while worshipping him.

Outside the United States, people think that Americans will go to Yeong-woong unilaterally, but not necessarily.

However, the majority of American public opinion is the first and most haters. Also, if more than 1.9 million people say the wrong words to defend Yu Kyung Ung now because of the death, they will get angry every day.

I mean, even though American nationalities hate Peacekeepers, it's not 100%. Actually, about seven, 80 percent? The rest of the non-alcoholic opinions seem to be 100% due to the fact that they cannot be brought out on the outside.

The warm WWE filming staff was mostly the second or third time. If it weren't for that in the first place, he wouldn't have come to Korea this far away.

"This magnificent hero could not have done such an evil thing! ’

At this moment, the minds of the filming staff were one. I mean, a hero in a scene like this, he can't be that bad, right?

Being cool is the same as being right. At least that's how they learned. That's what heroes are for.

I had no choice but to be indignant in my position around the arms of journalism, wrestling broadcasting. I can't believe you pushed a superhero like that into a crook just because it's for the benefit of the country!

That's the justice America always cries out for! As an American, I'm against such perverse justice!

Meanwhile, Young-woong...

“Oh, shit. ”

Unlike the good looks, my heart burned. Once he had overcome the crisis, he realized what he had done.

He should have been officially dead. Why did you pose as a dead man at the expense of the Mafia? All this is also to easily dominate Korea and America, Jeong Hyoju and Kungen respectively.

But after revealing his identity like this, it didn't work.


“Kungen. Good work. ”

“No, I'm not.”

They said small so they don't get caught in the microphone. That's it. We didn't need to have a long conversation. More than that, the eyes alone were enough to communicate.

“Hyoju, are you hurt? ”

“Well, what happened to you? I thought you said you were gonna lay low in America for a while. ”

It was originally said that it was dark under the lamp. So Yeong-woong purposely hid in the United States. Jeong Hyojoo was surprised when he came to Korea, and on the other hand, Seoul. You could have called me if you came to Korea.

“I came to Korea for a while because I was worried about today's event. I came in today.”

“Oh, I see. ”

Jeong Hyojoo looked at me suspiciously. Did he really come in because he was worried? Don't you think you're excited to see something interesting?

“Come on. Let's go see the guy who beat the shit out of the three of us. ”

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Joint venture? I just helped the two of you.

However, Yu Yu Ung-Woong stepped forward without hesitation. Hikari was thrown away in the distance. You can see how hard the craters have fallen, and even the large, deep craters have been dug out. At the center of it, Hikari was unconscious, with her hind legs pointed to the sky and drooped from her head.

Ji-woong reaches up and grabs one of his hind legs and pulls hard. A huge body is pulled out like a lie.

He holds his legs up high. Hikari faints and is swayed by the wind, hanging in the air upside down.

It looks like a young deer that grabs its hind legs and lifts it high and boasts. The WWE cameraman did not miss the scene and was busy filming.

Ji-Woong, who found the camera, reached out his left hand forward and lifted his thumb. Hikari is held upside down in her right hand and her left hand is raised up against her thumb. This is a picture too! The WWE staff were excited and pressed on the elongated shutter.

Bang, bang, bang! Pow!

“I can't help it. I tried to enjoy more relaxation, but now I have to enjoy the chaos. ”

Young-woong mutters in a loud voice.

Jeong Hyojoo turned his head, and Kungen's eyes were full of enthusiasm as if moved.

“Write! I'm excited too! ”

“Oh, Kungen! Look after your face, look after your face! ”

“Oops! Sorry! ”

“You are an American hero. Don't forget the role. Do you understand?”

“Yes! I made a mistake! ”

“This time... yes! Let's just say the three of us temporarily held hands to save humanity from the mighty Black Mob that neither of you have ever endured! Well, isn't that a pretty good scenario? ”

Kungen replied excitedly, as if he had nothing to think about.

“Of course! That won't be a big word in the country with something I've written and passed!" ”

Yeong-woong is the enemy of the United States. Kungen is an American hero. However, they held hands for a moment to defeat Hikari.

Of course, there are many things that can be said about Kungen's ideological verification in the United States. But the Black Mob is so powerful, it makes sense that it was forced to hold hands for a while.

To save humanity's entire crisis!

Who dares to tackle a noble cause?

“Huff-puff! Huff-puff! ”

The ‘Please refrigerator’ filmmaker, who was on the run, rushed to the scene late with the camera. Although it is a professional spirit compared to the WWE staff, Yu Yu Kyung has generously agreed to understand. What would the size of the liver of a WWE staff member who regularly shoots bloodstained films compare to the size of a filmmaker who shoots a culinary match with a famous chef?

“Sa, you're alive! ”

Yoon Seok-jin couldn't hide his excitement. The recording was a mess, but it was already out of the question. It is the appearance of the biggest hot icon that moves the Republic of Korea, Yeongwoong. I thought that was dead, too!

Yeouiong nods lightly.

“That's right.”

He spoke with a serious face.

“I've come back from hell to protect my country and humanity. ”

Yoon Seok Jin dropped the camera, Jeong Hyojoo quietly turned his head and spread his hands and feet, Kungen purposely frowned to hide his overwhelming emotions, and WWE Staff Jean focused on shooting and raised her thumb.

* * *

Yeong-woong came back!

The news of Yu Ung's return hit not just Asia, but all over the world, including Europe, Africa and America. He showed no difficulty in hunting down the Black Mob, showing that he was still strong.

The interview took place immediately after his first appearance. It was an unexpected interview, but he gladly accepted it. On behalf of South Korean pidi, who were unable to proceed due to accidental (hand and foot) accidents, a warm WWE staff member held a photo match with Kungen VS Jeong Hyojoo instead.

“Yes. I have come back from hell to protect my country and mankind. ”

“I think I understand what it means to protect our country, but what does it mean to protect humanity? ”

“We can find the answer right here. ”

Yusuf continued to raise his voice as if to see a stunned Hikari still in his right hand.

“His name is Hikari, Black, and he is considered to be the most destructive of them all. If you can see that the two Koreans and the American Oppies have teamed up, and you haven't beaten them properly, you'll be able to see the power. ”

“I understand.”

In fact, Jeong Hyojoo and Kungen didn't even get a proper pass before he appeared. Kungen lost consciousness as soon as he took a hit.

However, it is not appropriate to discuss such things here, both of them went so far.

“I've been tracking him for a long time. And this time, I found out that he had come to Korea. So I followed him in, and I was observing where he might show up, and fortunately, I couldn't miss it. ”

“You just said Hikari. Does that mean you're a known monster?" ”

“That's not true. I named him Hikari. The reason…… is because this guy is from Japan. ”

In fact, Yu Ung didn't even know if Hikari was really born in Japan or in the United Kingdom, nor did he care. However, they were called Hikari in their previous lives, so they are also called Hikari in this life.

It's probably the original history of moving to Japan after living in England and growing up in the Black Mob, but it doesn't really matter now.

“As you can see, this man has powerful powers among the Black Mob. We would never have been able to defeat the three of us if it hadn't been for the three of us. ”

This answer made no sense to the staff responsible for the interview. I did it all by myself, but Jeong Hyo-ju and Kungen were just helping.

But the truth doesn't matter. The story that the audience wants is just important.

With Hollywood's broadcasting skills, even the battle records of Kyungwoong and Jeong Hyojoo will be able to unite the three of them desperately to achieve emotional victory.

WWE is already looking at consensus on that scenario and editing the video frantically. As soon as the interview is over, it will be broadcast live to the world.

“Is he that dangerous? ”

“That's right. The Black Mob is a dangerous creature, and its power is as powerful as tearing the sky and as great as tearing down the earth…. ”

― Khh, khh...! Human! I will not forgive you!

That's when Hikari, who's hanging upside down, looks at you and spits out a wet word.

Despite the stunning sight, the cameraman did not drop the camera. Rather, Yu Kyung Ung was surprised and dropped Hikari. The cameraman captured the scene without shaking.

“Ouch! Surprise! I can't believe you talked!”

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The godfather loves this show.

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