I am Noble

00909 %3C Pre-Season Dealer %3E Busted! Son of a...?

Young-woong remembered that Nami and Fizz were able to transform into human form.

Not all white monsters turn into humans. No, I haven't confirmed that yet.

But wouldn't Nami and Fizz's example mean that Hikari could turn into a human?

The crucial thing is this feeling of madness! I can't tell if I'm going to bring down the White Beastly Mountain... But once I die, I can feel the strength to back down from the Yellow Mob.

Right here, in front of your eyes!

“Hahaha! Where are you going? ”

Yeong-woong stepped forward. And I took the basket that was throwing money away. The middle-aged man was frightened and looked. The man said something, but I couldn't hear it because it was a foreign language. This is Germany, I guess. German, right?

“Reveal yourself! You evil bastard! ”

He tightly grabbed the middle-aged man's collar. With the other hand, I shouted, pointing to the girl who was doing the trick.

“Even if she can't speak! How dare you take a little girl hostage and exploit her! I will execute you in the name of humanity! ”

The middle-aged man rebelled against him with a frightened face. It's just a breeze of resistance. Only then did the middle-aged man realize that Yeong-woong's strength was unusually strong. His face is blacker than ever.

There was a commotion all around.

“What? What's going on? ”

“I don't know! That Asian guy just grabbed me by the neck and he's doing it! ”

“No, you're good at it. You're good at throwing money at it. What's wrong with it all of a sudden? ”

“I saw it earlier, and they threw in a bunch of cash! Didn't you throw cash at me on purpose to catch up? ”

“I pointed at that girl and said something! He's definitely a pedophile! ”

“There must be something you want to do with that girl by catching her! It's obvious!”

“We have to call the police! ”

The spectators are in a commotion. A few powerful men rush in and try to take off the mooring. However, he didn't even move as if it were made of stone. It was a terrifying power.

“What, are you so strong? ”

“It won't budge! Touch it and it'll blow you away! ”

“Radar! It's got to be radar! Get to work or the tanker! ”

“Radar's committing a robbery! We need to report this to radar surveillance! Not the police! ”

Citizens were in chaos.

Meanwhile, Su Kyung Woong was annoyed.

“What are they saying! I'm trying to save you. What a mess! This is why you can't be a hero! ”

I think I'm going crazy because I can't communicate. I still had a head, so I could see the situation. Yeong-woong exclaimed as he was cheering.

“I'm not killing a living person right now! He's a dull, human monster! It's Hikari! Get out of my way! ”

He swung his arm lightly one time. Those who groan and try to separate themselves fall far away. A wet scream echoes through the pain. Those who couldn't help but watch shouted, "My ears are falling off."

“Shut up! Get away from me! ”

Young-woong took off his sunglasses and stared intimidatingly.

Some people's eyes changed. It was only after I found out who he was. How could I not recognize that face?

“Yu, it's Kyungwoong! ”

“Murder dictator!”

“Murder dictator! Murder dictator appears! ”

“A homicidal dictator is attacking a girl in a street performance! He's trying to kill his father and his daughter! A little girl, too! ”

He was annoyed as long as there was.

“What are you talking about! Just squeeze these! Get away from me! ”

He raised his hand high. A flash of light was emitted from my fingertips to the sky. The light that extends vertically causes a turbulent explosion in the air.

“Aaaaah! They're trying to kill us all! They're going to destroy the evidence! ”

“Run! Run! ”

People rush out as if they were running out of the tide. All that was left was Hikari (a man presumed to have a collar in Yusuf's hand) and the girl he had taken hostage.

‘Like this one. ’

Ji-woong was so cheerful. You're lucky. I can't believe I made it to Europe in less than three days. Looks like Goddess of Fortune is following us.

“Why, why are you doing this? ”

The middle-aged man said it pathetically, but it doesn't make any sense. I don't know what you're talking about here.

“Show yourself! You!”

She bares her teeth and growls. It looked like a bloodthirsty beast.

“Show yourself! Son of a bitch! Aah!”

It was then that Yusuf felt a strong shock behind his back and missed the middle-aged man. He slumps forward unconscious.

The girl who did the trick earlier robbed me of her palm.

“That was close. I didn't expect to run into you like this. ”

The girl shudders lightly and mutters. My shoulders were very agitated because of the aggression with all my strength.

“Is it true what has been said among humans? He says he doesn't care if he's one of his own. ”

You said you were going to take 300 million people hostage, but you didn't expect to attack like this. This is the attitude of not caring about the lives of the people here.

“You should go now. ”

“Yes? ”

“I don't need your help anymore. Go.”

“Go, thank you. ”

A middle-aged man who lived as a street performer picked up a basket and ran away. Hikari looks down at Yusuf who appears to have fainted.

“I wanted to study more closely and observe humans, but I didn't want to interrupt..." But it's good. There are no more enemies threatening my life. ”

The girl, Hikari, laughed. A smile so pretty that a father can't even blink, but the contents of it are the instincts of a vicious monster.

“I'm going to have some fun after I kill him. With Humans... Kick, Kick, Kick.”

Hikari raises his hands above his head. Each of the green lights flowed from the palms of his hands and clumped together. The combined light began to spin fiercely, forming a sphere.


With a loud shout, Hikari throws down a concentrated light.

At that moment, the keeper, who thought he was unconscious, moves. No, I only moved my left hand, actually. I stood up flashing as if my left hand was awake, bearing the weight of my body, and I was attacked by the light thrown by Hikari.

“I can't believe you woke up from that! You're not an easy one! ”

Hikari quickly put his hands together. He's awake, but he's not perfect yet. I was going to defeat him without being careless.

What is it?

At that moment, Hikari saw. Something was wrong with Ji-woong's posture. Her head is bent down and her right arm and legs are stretched out.

I mean, it's like an invisible person is holding his left hand and forcibly lifting it? Or do you have to say that your left hand is squirming and supporting you?

The amazing thing didn't end there. His left hand extends its palm as if it were a ball. Hikari's sphere of energy lingers before him for a moment, and disappears as if it were being sucked in.

At the same time, something small light began to form in front of my left hand. The speed was very fast.

‘What is that……. ’

Hikari, who was about to make a subsequent attack, felt a wave of white light sweeping over him. And then I lost my memory.

* * *

“Ouch... ”

My head aches and tingles. What the hell happened? Yeong-woong rubs his back and stands up.

“What's going on...? Ugh!”

At that time, Yu Yu Ung discovered. The girl who was playing a trick was unconscious and collapsed.

He hugs the girl and gets angry.

“Honey, are you okay? Are you all right? You vile, monstrous witch of the world! I came here to make a good surrender recommendation because I value my life, but I don't have enough to sneak out in a surprise and hurt a girl like this! Unforgivable! I'll make you a slave for the rest of your life! ”

“Ugh... ”

“Son, are you awake? ”

The girl who was moaning opened her eyes. The girl eyes him and suddenly pushes him out of her arms. It was an unbelievable power as a young girl.

Su Kyung Ung, who was worried, quickly regained his mind. The left hand is still vibrating. Wake up, you lunatic! Like I said.

“Damn! You must be Hikari! ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Even if I'm a protagonist, I can get beat up by being careless and getting my head bashed in.

Let's watch our backs.

ps: Content edited.

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