I am Noble

00915 %3C Pre-Season Dealer %3E Busted! Son of a...?

“Now, I want you to say goodbye to your boss before you leave, and unwind the grapes, and close this case well. I'll leave you to it. ”

The president asked him when he got up as if he was busy.

“Where are you going? Do you have an appointment?”

“We have to educate Hikari. ”

He said that while pulling on his collar. Hikari tugs and tugs. A leash and a girl and a boy. It looks very desirable, or rather dangerous.

“Then please. ”

“Hey, human! Pull it gently!”

“No! What a trifle! Stay with me! ”

... I don't think he should be hanging around in the atmosphere right now.

He walks out, and the president takes off his tie. I think I put down a little bit of packing. Just being in such a space increases mental fatigue.

The president looked at Park Chul-soo and worried.

“Are you sure you want to work for him? ”

“I'm sorry."

“No, no, I understand. It's 10 billion annual salary, and that's enough. But will it be okay?”

I don't want to live by my orders if I work for him. The president was genuinely concerned about that. Luckily, such a heart reached Park Chul-soo as well.

“Ten billion a year. I don't think I'll ever get another chance in my life. ”

“Yes, I understand. So I hope that you will do your last job well while I get organized. Director Park Chul-soo would be more comfortable doing this as an identity right now, right? ”

“Thank you for your consideration, Mr. President. ”

“I'll speak to the Secretary of State separately. ”

Director Park Chul-soo clenched his fist.

It's only been a short while in Europe. But I could see his face. At the same time, there is a highway ahead.

But it's 10 billion. It's money you can't touch even if you're born again. I have to raise children and send a married couple later, but 10 billion will solve everything in one room. Plus, it's a one-time, steady incoming income.

No matter how hard it is, you will be able to endure it. Park Chul-soo believed that.

* * *

“This is an absurd algebra! ”

Bang! A rough fist slams the table. Kim Beom-Seok was furious. Not only that, Kim Ki-young was also full of anger.

“How dare you look at this! ”

“You're a ten-year-old girl wannabe! There is no such thing as mindless conceit! ”

“These are unforgivable! How maliciously distorted it is to save a girl in crisis. ”

Nor will the West, especially Europe, be at odds. You realize that again today. Yeouiwoong's personal secretarial office burst with fury, united and united.

Kim Beom-Seok jumped up and down pointing to one side of the picture.

“Here, take a look at this! Pretend you're in a ruined area with Raid! The scene where the girl who went through the crowd rescued the girl who almost died! ”

A monster appears. The town is in danger. At that moment, Yu Yu-woong appeared and defeated the monster. I rescued the near-death little girl and escaped.

This is such a beautiful picture. No matter how much you tear it down, there is no other way to interpret it.

But Europeansnoopers publish malicious articles about kidnapping little girls for bad purposes.


Kim Beom-Seok once again slapped the table hard.

“I can't ignore this! You dare to inflict retribution on those who have damaged your majesty! Report it as soon as you arrive, get approval... ”

“Oh, my God, were we all here? ”

You said tigers would come if I told you. Kim Beom-Seok quickly turned his head. And sadly, he tried to call me 'My Owner’.


“Council, Chairman! ”

Kim Beom-Seok hardened white. Kim Ki-young was as surprised as that. I was so frightened, they couldn't even take their lips off.

The other secretaries were not so different. They stare at each other, stiff and steady. Just rolling my eyes.

“What's on my face? Why are you all staring at me? ”

“Once, Chairman……. ”

“Asshole, what's wrong with your face? ”

He tilted his head as if it were strange. Kim Beom-Seok was almost breathless.

Because Yu Ji-woong is here right now! Because I had a leash in my hand!

And the collar on the end of the leash was wrapped around the neck of a girl. The girl in the picture! On the neck of that ten-year-old girl!

However, Kim Beom-Seok is the second dog. The stiffness of his stiff face loosened and a smile returned shortly. It was a half-forced smile, but he recovered from it pretty quickly.

“Welcome, Chairman. ”

“Yes, yes. What were you talking about? ”

“Hahaha. What's there to talk about? I was praising you for being amazing. The Europeans know that, and they envy you. pouring out these ridiculous jealousy articles. Ah-ha-ha.”

Kim Beom-Seok thought.

Yes, my chairman is a wonderful man who waits in line for young and beautiful women! I thought heroes were supposed to enjoy the light!

I think there's a girl in line who's desperate for you, and then she cuts too soon, but maybe that's it. He's such a great president. Cancer.

“Chairman, I think there are people in Europe who are trying to molest you. They posted an article like this. ”

On the contrary, Kim Ki-young said as if he was noticing. I am equally loyal, but Kim Ki-young is somewhat different from Kim Beom-suk. Let's say you're approaching it a little coldly.

“Oh, that? We have already taken action. ”

“Are you sure? Do you think we can find out? ”

“Well, there was a Secretary of State named Park Chul-soo, and I hired him. I'm going to put in charge of my image and public relations work, and I've left the matter entirely to that person. Hey! Don't wander off! ”


Ji-Woong's anger pulls him back, and Hikari is dragged away with a scream. Kim Beom-Seok glanced at him and lightly clapped his hands.

“As expected of you! You're so strong! ”

The secretaries were speechless and unable to speak properly.

This is a little dangerous, don't you think? Even if you are, shouldn't you be loyal to something?

“Chairman. But that girl...? ”

Kim Ki-young carefully noticed and blurred the end of the sentence. I knew it was a habit I shouldn't say in front of the chairman, but I didn't know what to do except blur the words.

“Oh, this? Hikari.”

“Is your name Hikari? What a pretty name. It's your favorite. ”

“Specimen, do you think so? ”

“Yes! As expected, you are a wonderful know-it-all! Dog leash, dog leash, who on earth would have the courage to come up with such a brilliant idea? ”

“I don't usually keep cats on a leash, but I have to take them for a while, since I haven't had a chance. ”

“That's a cat position. Hahaha, got it. Somehow it looks a little bit like the image. ”

It looks awkward and sour. Kim Beom-Seok was amazed, saying that his taste was old-fashioned. He's a pleasant man to be with.

‘Maybe even if you choose a toy, you'll find something so beautiful and own it. ’

“Well, lions are cats for starters. Ah! You guys, it's a big deal if you stroke it like it's cute. It's meaner than it looks. ”

“Well, I see. ”

“I've seen him kill a lot of people. Oh, it's not him, is it? Anyway.”

“Yes? What are you talking about? Killing a lot of people? ”

Kim Ki-young opened her eyes wide. I heard something strange. What are you talking about?

“I told you, it's Hikari. ”

“Hikari? Hikari... Hikari... Hikari! Wait, are you talking about Hikari? ”

“Then what else could Hikari possibly have besides Hikari? This is the Hikari. ”

Su Kyung Ung said as if it was strange. Kim Ki-young was surprised. No, so this girl wasn't the new mistress, was she the vicious monster Hikari?

“Well, you've never seen it before. A monster can transform into a human when it becomes somewhat strong. ”

“Oh, I knew it! You're a different pet! I'm really impressed by this trick! ”

Kim Beom-Seok raised his head and praised. Ki-young let out an invisible sigh of relief, and his secretaries swept their hearts out.

Happiness only sank.

“Chief Kim is in charge of secretarial expenses now, right? ”

“Yes, it is. ”

“This time, Park Chul-soo, we made a payment promise of 10 billion. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

I answered politely, but on the other hand, my stomach ached. The prestigious secretary only pays 20 billion annually, but the new hire is already 10 billion.

In fact, Yu Ung doesn't know how much Kim Ki-young gets.

However, according to Kim Ki-young, who received 200 million won multiplied by 100, only paid 20 billion won as his salary. Kim Ki-young is in charge of managing the security, and I don't know how far Soon-Woong will go.

“It's Friday, so it's pretty good to close. The cycle is perfect. ”

“Yes? What do you mean, I'm happy it's Friday? ”

Kim Ki-young wondered what he was talking about. It's 10 billion a year and Friday, so what does that have to do with anything good? Why are you saying that?

“Since it's a weekly salary, don't you think Friday payments are easy to calculate? ”

“Weekly, weekly……. ”

Kim Ki-young almost died.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

"Is it true that Chairman Kim's salary is 20 billion?"

"... it's true."

"Look at this. Do you really want to see me subpoenaed to the Ministry of Labor as an evil employer who doesn't even pay the minimum wage?"

"I'm sorry."

"Fix it now."

It's not a typo.

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