I am Noble

00920 %3C Pre-Season Dealer Side %3E Flying Yard Cat

The dreamy 6-night, 7-day gathering now entered the last night. Staff members who were close to each other spent a lot of time together were very disappointed that today was their last night.

“When can we have this reunion again? ”

“Maybe I should die and be reborn. ”

I've done a lot in the past 6 days.

Eating meat on the wings of a fighter that costs more than gold by the same weight, racing with Caterfield, gambling and cheering for Aegis Ship racing, showing off your marksmanship polished by CIWS manual shooting, and eating kimchi on truffle mushrooms... Etc.

A union with an entire fleet of U.S. fleets, which company could do this for me? Employees who were so inspired to penetrate the sky already felt sorry for the late night gathering.

Today is the last night of the rally! Gentlemen, you're all upset, right?

Kim Beom-seok's microphone rings loudly on the deck. All those who roasted the meat and turned the cup together cried out.

“Yes! Yes! ”

But it's still early in the year! We still have one last event left!


Here! Let's take the chairman and hear for ourselves what surprises remain!


Hundreds cheer in the night sea. The sight gives birth to something hot in a man's heart. Ji-woong gripped the microphone as well.

Everyone's eyes are on the Port Control Room. These are all my people. I was proud of that, and she opened her mouth slowly.

I don't like long words. The last event is Treasure Hunt.


Treasure hunt. Everyone's breasts burst. Some people jumped up and down without taking control of the joy.

Yes! A treasure hunt that can never be missed or missed at an event like this! I wondered why it wasn't there.

The winner of one of the Games had a luxury apartment that reached several billion won in a single moment. Now, what treasure did you hide? Did you just hide a hundred billion dollars of gold?

"I won't tell you what treasure it is. We don't even inform you of the size or appearance. It just looked like a treasure at first glance. So you'll recognize it right away. The location is somewhere on this aircraft carrier we're on! Then let's get started!

“I'm looking for you! I'll find the treasure! ”

“What are you talking about! The treasure is in my body! ”

Hundreds of employees rolled up their arms and went on a treasure hunt. The grief that the union was over suddenly flew away.

Garren looks back at Choi Yun, a little embarrassed.

“Ooh, should we get involved? Dr. Choi?”

“But I don't see Professor Knight or Chairman Child Green. ”

“…… damn it! Let's hurry!”

Garren hesitates, feeling like he shouldn't have stepped up. He runs away like a puppy on fire. In fact, Garen wanted to participate in the treasure hunt, but he hesitated because he could see the Nitro. But this old teacher has already hit the player.

Nitro and Children.The WCO factions are the fastest calculators.

The guy who had already given away hundreds of millions of apartments as a prize even in the Long-Term Prize competition would not have given up anything silly in the treasure hunt to decorate the last night.

That's how they both ended up, and then vanished. To get the treasure.

“Dr. Garren! Come with me!”

“I'm sorry, Dr. Choi! ”

The solemn screams left alone fly over the noisy flight deck.

In the midst of this commotion, there were some who stood above them without participating in the treasure hunt.

“Mr. President, shouldn't we be participating? ”

“I don't know. ”

In response to Nam Ki-chul's question, the president replied embarrassingly. In fact, the president was very eager to see what treasure would be. Of course, he was a big asset personally, but he was a congenital hemostat compared to Yu Yu Ung.

What magnificent treasure could she possibly have hidden? Like this aircraft carrier's ownership certificate or something? If it's a boy, why do you find it so attractive?

“I'm sorry. I'll go look for him. ”

“Director Nam! ”

“The kids are growing up! I can't afford a public pension if I want to send in a university, send in a married couple and raise money for my old age! ”

That's how I ended up in the Treasure Hunt.

“Where are you! Where are you! ”

“Treasure! Where are you? The owner is here.Show yourself. ”

As Bruce was trembling like that, there were those who watched with dull sunsets on one side. It was the United States Navy that operated the harbor.

“Captain, what the hell are we doing? ”

“Everything is the White House's will. ”

“This is not why I became a proud U.S. Marine! Where is the status and pride of the kingdom of heaven? ”

“ ……. ”

There was nothing I could say as a supervisor. I understand your men's morale sank to the bottom, but the White House's decision is absolute.

When the US Soldiers couldn't get rid of their anger...

“Car, I found it! Hooray!"

A great cheer rang out, and at the same time, the commotion was broken. The American soldiers' faces changed as well.

Because I found it! It is because they understood the cheer with their ears. It was English, and it sounded like I'd even heard it somewhere.

“Aigoo, is this voice real? ”

“Private Richard? ”

General manager of the ports, Lt. Gen. Nicholas, ran out in a panic. On the one hand, people were chatting. At its core, a blonde man in a U.S. Navy work suit was going crazy because he was happy.

“Found it! I found the treasure! ”

“Private Lee, Private Richard! What the hell are you doing? ”


“How could you do this to me because you're a Private? ”

Lt. Col. Nicholas is stunned.

The main focus of this union is the subordinates of Yong-woong. The U.S. Soldiers are nothing but the existence, i.e. helpers, for anti-hair management. In principle, no event food or alcohol should ever be touched. There are soldiers who eat egg yolks without such distinction, and even the commander himself has eaten a lot.

But this isn't it! Sneaking in on a treasure hunt? It's a shameful thing to say even if you don't eat it properly.

It caused a commotion, and the aftermath was reported to Yongwoong.

“Chairman, what do you want to do? ”

Everyone is waiting for a decision.

Yeongwoong examined the atmosphere on the deck. The atmosphere of the American soldiers was generally harsh. Private's been in a big accident. I had nothing to say to the army that should be strict.

The staff was in a downward spiral. The atmosphere that was good has cooled down to fight.

“I don't like it. ”

“Isn't that right, Chairman? ”

“Yeah, I don't like it. ”

“Would it be all right if I did? ”

“Who are you? Can you do it? ”

“Yes! Leave it to me! ”

“Yes. Take responsibility. ”

Kim Beom-Seok went out, beating his chest. The secretaries were puzzled. They didn't really understand what Yeong-woong and Kim Beom-seok were talking about right now.

What specifically don't you like? ’

"How did Secretary Kim know that again, and how do you fix it? ’

After being so confused, Kim Beom-Seok stepped forward, holding the microphone. He stands tall in a fighter tow car and heads towards the center of the flight deck. Then he looked around and shouted.

“You have my deepest sympathies for the United States Soldiers who have not lost any support for this union! Thus, Private Richard's treasure found admits ownership! Apart from him, I'll pay you a million dollars a day for all U.S. Soldiers! ”


With the time difference, a thunderous shout erupted among the American soldiers. Soldiers who are fluent in Korean delivered the meaning of knowing. Private Richard, who was in trouble, was in a frenzy.

In fact, he thought the treasure hunt was attended by everyone in the harbor. This is a mistake, Private.

Kim Beom-Seok's words are not yet finished. This time, his gaze was directed at the employees who had faded.

“And! Another treasure hunt for employees! This time I'll hide five identical treasures! ”

“Whoa, whoa! ”

“Sir! Sir! Chairman!"

“Hey, Secretary Kim! What a dictator! ”

The reviewers who were watching were bored blue, Kim Ki-young nodded alone with a groan, and Yeong-woong was happy to bounce his thumb off.

“I knew it. I didn't like the way it went down, but it saved my life. ”

The atmosphere that was sinking suddenly rose explosively. Kim Beom-Seok didn't let go of the microphone.

“Here! Eat and drink it all so you can hide your treasure! I'm running, okay? ”

“I understand!”

“Mr. Kim! What are you doing in there? Not a single song! ”

Kim Beom-Seok pointed out one person. He jumps up and grabs the mic. Someone else quickly brought the guitar, and someone started beating excitedly on the drum.

Lt. Gen. Nicholas was relieved to see the situation unfolding. Fortunately, Yu Yu Ung was not a big problem. You don't have to worry about discipline at the White House.

“You said a million dollars? ”

“Yes, Commander. I heard it with my own ears. ”

“Not one million dollars in total, one million dollars per person? ”

“That's right.”

“Such a big barrel. It's a sea man.”

That's how the soldiers reacted. Those who have treated Richard so harshly have put a stop to it. They show interest in Richard's treasure.

“Richard, what is this treasure? Show me. ”

“It looks like a small piece of jewelry. It looks jagged, but it glows on its own. So we found it right away. ”

“Really? It's really glowing, this. ”

“What kind of jewel is this? Do you know someone? ”

“Purple? An aphrodisiac? ”

“No way. That's cheap. ”

“It looks like a rough stone, if you look at it. But after all the fingernails, it won't cost much, even if it's not an autopsy. ”

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That treasure is not the silly jewel you think it is.

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