Within a moment, Wang Zijia touched the edge of the forest.

At this moment, the moon and stars were shining in the sky, and under the silvery moonlight, the entire forest looked a little dark.

The cold wind in the dark night ruffled a pool of clear water, and the small deep pool glowed with silvery white waves under the moonlight.

There was no one around, and it was so quiet that you could clearly hear the sound of the wind blowing the leaves.

Wang Zijia was not surprised either. He lurked quietly by the forest and waited quietly.

After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, when the appointed time was approaching, Wang Zijia felt some movement.

Looking back, I saw an intermediate boy wearing the clothes of an outer disciple. He was lifting his energy and lightening his body. His aura was flying through the forest. After a few ups and downs, he came close and landed on the edge of the pond.

"is her?"

Wang Zijia met this person once. If I remember correctly, when he entered the double selection meeting, he, like Wang Zijia, was one of the ten people who were appointed in advance and went through a formality.

It seems that he came from the Lin family. Whether it is the Lin family or someone who relies on the Lin family, Wang Zijia is not sure.

However, the other party seemed to know Xiang Feifei that day, and they chatted for a few words. He was probably from the Lin family. At least this identity used to be the Lin family, but this person is still to be determined.

As the other party came to the pond and looked around, Wang Zijia's expression changed again. He sensed that in the woods beside the pond, there seemed to be a little movement far away from him. It fluctuated for a moment, extremely vaguely, as if he was exploring her.

Wang Zijia's eyes flickered slightly and he looked at the time. It was almost two quarters of an hour before the appointment.

He retreated quietly for a distance, without changing his appearance or concealing his aura, and revealed his figure in the same state as an intermediate boy at work.

As Wang Zijia's movement appeared, the woman waiting by the pool also turned her head. At this time, Wang Zijia had floated down in front of her.

The two of them were stunned when they met, obviously recognizing each other.

"The 'genius' son-in-law of the Wang family?" The woman from the Lin family looked at Wang Zijia in surprise and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Senior Brother Wang is a fellow sect member. No wonder he can coax the girls of the Xiang family around!"

Wang Zijia looked indifferent and pretended to be cold, and did not speak to him.

As Wang Zijia arrived, a man suddenly walked out of the woods nearby.

The man is in his twenties, thin, with a relatively high forehead, deep eye sockets, and a somewhat shadowy appearance, making the whole person look a bit spooky. Although the strength of the aura is vague, there is no doubt that he is a high-level boy.

When Wang Zijia and the daughter of the Lin family saw this, they immediately saluted and said, "Senior brother!"

The man did not speak immediately. He stood a few feet away from Wang Zijia and looked at them carefully. More eyes mainly fell on Wang Zijia.

Wang Zijia and the other two did not dare to move when they received no response. They just bowed their waists and made salutes.

The air was filled with silence and a little solemnity. From the corner of his eye, Wang Zijia noticed that fine beads of sweat had appeared on the Lin family girl's forehead.

"Why don't you come and report after you've just started?"

After a long time, the gloomy man spoke. His voice was a little dry, but not unpleasant. It had a smoky smell.

Wang Zijia paused and did not reply immediately. The daughter of the Lin family beside her said at this moment: "Brother, I am not one of the infiltrators this time. Because of the sudden demand in the door, we urgently dispatched and launched the infiltration plan more than half a year ago."

"More than four months ago, when the Elder Ghost Sheep incident broke out, I had only been in hiding for a few months, and I was still in a state of silence."

"At that time, when my subordinates discovered that something was wrong, they tried to contact their superiors. After the contact failed, they started the plan to join the sect in advance to prevent accidents."

"So my subordinates didn't get the contact information, and they didn't even know who to report to, and they didn't know who their superiors were in the sect."

"What about you?" Hearing this, the sinister man turned his head and looked at Wang Zijia.

The hunched-over Lin family girl also glanced at Wang Zijia quietly.

"Senior brother, the subordinates are the same. After the incident with Hall Master Guiyang, the disciples could not contact their superiors. In addition, the Xiang family wanted to send me to join the sect, so I followed the trend and entered the sect. I continued to remain silent and waited. Brother’s connection.”

Wang Zijia replied in extremely concise words. Try to say as little as possible and make as few mistakes as possible.

"What specific level of cultivation do you have now? Don't you want to send a group of ordinary disciples with good talents to join the sect?" The man looked at Wang Zijia and asked in a voice with no emotion.

'Um? ’

‘What this means is...’

Wang Zijia looked slightly embarrassed, various thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he showed a look of surprise and a bit of caution. He looked up at the man and said in a nonchalant manner: "Senior brother, do you have any specific information about me?"

Following Wang Zijia's reaction, the nervous Lin family girl at the side also tensed up and stared up at the man.

"Ha, you are quite vigilant. If I were really from the Wanyuzong Law Enforcement Team, would you still be here?" the man replied.

The Lin family girl breathed a sigh of relief, but Wang Zijia still looked at the sinister man with caution.

The gloomy man must have understood Wang Zijia's cautious state, and said hesitantly: "The information of your group has not been reported yet. The list was just submitted for us to screen."

"The normal process should be that after we select the target, you lift the silence, complete the character settings according to our requirements, and enter the sect. When you complete the background and identity settings, the person in charge outside will report your information. "

‘In that case, they should only have the general information of the original owner, such as the identity of the original owner when he infiltrated? Maybe even just a name. ’

‘After all, the entire hall that Guiyang was in charge of was destroyed, and those materials must have been destroyed, otherwise they would have fallen into the hands of the law enforcement team, and it would never fall into the hands of the people who reorganized the hall later. ’

While thinking, Wang Zijia slightly relaxed his guard and said: "Replying to Senior Brother, I am already a senior boy. According to the arrangement above, I should have infiltrated as the genius son-in-law of the Xiang family."

"But because of the matter of the Ghost Sheep Hall Master, I was not well prepared, and I couldn't contact my superiors for help. I could only temporarily change the plan and keep a low profile." Wang Zijia replied.

The gloomy man stared at Wang Zijia again, and didn't speak for a long time.

"How did you get the quota for the Hundred Demons and Strange Domain Cleanup Mission?" After a long time, he suddenly spoke.

Wang Zijia was stunned, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. Was it because of this that attracted attention? !

No wonder he came tonight instead of earlier.

What is this?

I was worried about being found, so I was anxious to improve my cultivation, but it was because I was trying to get the promotion resources that I was discovered?

Is this karma?

It’s better this way, so I don’t have to worry every day and focus on development.

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