
First, he drank the dog's blood, then he began to tear the corpse violently. The blood and black dog hair rolled in his mouth. Wang Zijia's bloody face was full of enjoyment, as if he was enjoying the world's delicacies.

With his innate cultivation, it was not difficult for him to tear and eat a dog. During the tearing, the internal organs and blood flowed all over the floor.

In just a moment, a black dog was eaten alive by Wang Zijia.

With blood all over his face, he showed a happy expression again.

"Well, it's time to go home and sleep!"

Whispering, he turned into a shadow again, flashing and disappearing.

In just a moment, he returned to the yard. The moment he entered the familiar yard, he paused and stopped his steps to enter the bedroom.

"Strange, I seem to have forgotten something?"

"What did you forget?"

"Oh, I forgot to practice!"

"Yes, I have to practice at night!"

Whispering, Wang Zijia flashed into the study, opened the secret room, left all the doors open, and sat on the mat in the secret room and began to meditate.

At the moment of meditation, Wang Zijia's whole body was shocked.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the moment the consciousness manifested, the golden balance shone with golden light, and a weight suddenly condensed out.

Wang Zijia also froze in place.



"What did I do just now?"

"It seems like I had a mental illness?"

"It seems... I swallowed a dog alive?"


"Damn, it was that Liuguang who did it!"

"I guess I'm not clean anymore!"

"This world is a little abnormal. If I see this kind of ghost thing in the future, I must run as far away as possible."

Wang Zijia's face kept changing, and his thoughts tumbled for a long time before he calmed down and looked up at the new weight next to the scale.

What surprised Wang Zijia was that this weight was neither silver-white nor black iron, but dark red, giving people an ominous feeling.

Weight: Cursed Seed

Status: Polluted

Value: 51

Introduction: After the peak evil cultivator of the [Jijiu] realm committed evil and became a demon, he desperately burst out the curse seed. Because of its deep evil roots, it has extremely strong pollution.

Looking at the new blood-red weight, what surprised Wang Zijia was that this weight could be directly exchanged for any weight.

That's right, any weight, whether it's the black iron weight on the body side or the silver weight on the skill perception side, but this kind of weight cannot be split.

Either exchange all of them for silver or all of them for black iron. Of course, you can also keep them like this and not exchange them.

But if you don't exchange them, Wang Zijia doesn't dare to leave. He doesn't want to get sick again. Who knows what he will do when he runs out!

Eat another golden hair?

Almost without hesitation, Wang Zijia stretched out his hand and the only magic weight appeared in his hand.


With his choice, the dark red contaminated weight turned into a light spot and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

Weight: Talisman Paper Making

Level: First-grade Primary Magic.

Realm: Entry

Value: 152

Introduction: At the current entry level, the success rate is 45%.

Looking at the magic that suddenly improved a lot, even the success rate increased by half, Wang Zijia's face was full of surprise.

"It seems that this thing is not so scary. If I encounter it in the future and exchange it in time, it seems to be not bad?"

The huge harvest issued a real fragrance warning to Wang Zijia.

After carefully checking several times and confirming that there were no other problems, Wang Zijia carefully withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as he came out, he felt very uncomfortable in his stomach and a little uncomfortable on his face.

Without time to do anything, he got up and ran out of the room.

As soon as he arrived in the yard, before rushing to the toilet, Wang Zijia couldn't help vomiting.


The blood-red dog meat that had not been digested yet, mixed with black dog hair, and some half-digested things eaten in the evening, were all vomited out by Wang Zijia.


After a long time, Wang Zijia stopped vomiting, leaving a large pile of ghost stuff in the yard.

Red, white, yellow, and gastric juice mixed together, extremely disgusting.

I wanted to wipe my mouth, but I reached out and touched a face full of blood!

"This is outrageous!"

After a while, Wang Zijia calmed down. He took out the cleaning tools from under the eaves and began to clean the yard.

He put the vomited things into the pit, and then went to the study secret room to clean up the blood stains.

He looked around the yard, fortunately, no blood was found along the way. After all, he had finished eating and ran back quickly.

It took a long time to get everything done, and then Wang Zijia looked down at the blood-stained clothes and was speechless.

He took off his clothes and directly drew a bucket of well water from the well in the backyard and began to wash.

For a long time, Wang Zijia washed himself carefully inside and out several times before stopping.

The water evaporated during the fluctuation of the true qi. After packing up his things, his expression moved slightly, and he sensed something.


Outside the yard, various running sounds began to appear on the street.

His mind moved slightly, he jumped slightly, reached out to grab the eaves, popped his head out, and looked outside.

It turned out to be a false alarm. It was a group of law enforcement teams on daily patrol. To be more precise, they should be city guards, ordinary people gathered together, and they were mainly responsible for helping the law enforcement team to run errands.

"The city guards have all been moved out. It seems that the law enforcement team suffered a lot of casualties tonight, and the chaos is also quite big!"

Wang Zijia's thoughts flashed through his mind and he paid no attention to the chaos outside the street. He got into the bedroom and lay on the bed.

After carefully sorting out today's events twice, I slowly fell asleep.

One night, there was movement on the street from time to time, and Wang Zijia had a very uneasy sleep.


Early the next morning, Wang Zijia woke up early again.

Today's Wanyu Immortal City is different from usual. The entire city seems to wake up earlier than before.


A moment later, the nanny Mrs. Wang arrived a little earlier than usual.

"Good morning, Sister-in-law Wang!" Wang Zijia greeted as always.

"Good morning, young master, this is for you!" As he spoke, Wang Dan handed a list to Wang Zijia.

"What is this?" Wang Zijia asked as he reached out and took the list.

"This is from the city guards. They were posting notices everywhere just now!" As Wang Dan spoke, when Wang Zijia took the order, she turned around and went into the house to cook.

Wang Zijia took a look at the list and found that it was an announcement.

"An evil cultivator has been doing evil things recently and has become possessed by demons. He tried to spread his demonic thoughts last night. We hereby notify all people in the city to pay attention to the people or things around them. If you find anything wrong, report it immediately!"

Looking at the announcement, Wang Zijia's thoughts flashed as he thought of the scene last night when the big sheep-headed demon finally exploded and shot out thousands of streams of light, as well as the scene where he was madly criticizing, and the scene where many onlookers were dancing around the monks.

It seems that the city will not be stable for a while!


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