"In addition to one tower, one pavilion, two halls, and twelve courtyards in our sect, the rest is composed of the Taoist lineage established by thousands of disciples. For example, the Liuhuo lineage specializes in fire techniques, and the Qianhuan sect focuses on illusion techniques. That's why It’s called Wanyuzong, which means the return of thousands of Dao veins.”

Xiang Feifei looked at the building complexes of Wanyuzong below and slowly explained.

Following his explanation, Wang Zijia went from stunned to stunned, and finally turned into curious again.

It turns out that Wan Yuzong is completely different from the script he read in his previous life. The entire sect is like a super large city cluster, like a school city.

Among them, except for the transcendental objects in the Sutra Pavilion, the Law Hall monitors the entire sect, the Demon Suppressing Tower handles the disciples, and the Elder Hall does not care much about things.

The remaining twelve courtyards such as elixirs, weapons, arrays, and talismans are equivalent to the official institutions in the city. In addition, the disciples have established one by one Dao lineage and one school after another, which are independent of each other and integrated with each other.

There has long been no obvious geographical distinction between the outer sect and the inner sect, and all kinds of disciples are mixed together.

In layman's terms, Wanyu Sect is more equivalent to a modern city. The Twelve Academy is a state-owned enterprise and the other Dao Meridian Schools are private enterprises.

The status classifications of handymen, outer disciples, and inner disciples are equivalent to academic qualifications, diplomas, etc. People with different educational backgrounds may live and work in the same Taoist building complex area, but they just do different things.

It’s just that these ‘enterprises’ tend to be more research institutes and colleges!

In short, it is completely different from the immortal cultivating sects that Wang Zijia thought about, and it can even be said that it is completely unrelated.

The building complex below is a Taoist school. In the center of each building community, there will be a landmark building that represents the core of this Taoist school.

Because the disciples themselves built it bit by bit, in order to distinguish the schools, these core landmark buildings are all kinds of strange and different.

There are traditional towers, quasi-physical buildings with wings spread out, quite modern high-rise earth and stone buildings, and treehouses that are close to nature.

Wang Zijia even saw some buildings with Western fantasy characteristics such as castles, temples, and mage towers.

Looking around, these iconic buildings are simply bizarre. Each Taoist school has put a lot of effort into making it unique!

Climbing the clouds, not only Wang Zijia, Bai Qian and a few girls were all looking at the building complexes with curiosity.

Even Xiang Feifei, although she obviously knew a lot about the sect, was obviously her first time coming to the sect, so she looked at the building below with some curiosity.

Only Xiang Liang calmly controlled the clouds and headed towards the only one with a large hillside among the many building complexes in the periphery.

From time to time, climbing clouds, paper kites, or other flying objects flew around.

Classical fairy costume style, ultra-modern concept consciousness.

A strange and innovative world of immortality slowly unfolded before Wang Zijia's eyes, which made people dizzy.

For a moment, everyone came to the sky above this huge but not high hillside and headed towards a huge square.

This is the headquarters of the sect's external affairs: the Liu Yuan, which is responsible for the status management of the entire sect's disciples, such as admission to the sect, promotion arrangements, etc. Among the twelve courtyards, it is the one with the most important status.

"Don't rush to choose a school to join later. Your destination was decided last night. Coming here today is just a necessary formality." When Wang Zijia looked around the dormitory, Xiang Liang landed towards the square and said to Wang Zijia warned.

Wang Zijia came back to his senses and nodded silently. Isn't it the reason why he doesn't hesitate to get engaged?

At this time, they also arrived at the square.

At this moment, many people were already standing in the square. The crowd was clearly divided into two small groups.

On one side are the uniform uniforms of the handyman disciples, the most important group of people.

The other side were dressed in different styles, with only a few of them wearing the uniform of servant disciples like Wang Zijia.

In front of the two groups of disciples, there is a high platform. On the high platform, there are also a large number of people who look like stewards. They were more lax, staying together in small groups. Chatting with each other.

Climbing the cloud landed between the high platform and the disciples, in front of everyone.

Wang Zijia and his party jumped off the clouds, and at Xiang Liang's signal, Xiang Feifei and Wang Zijia, together with four maids, walked towards the group of people dressed in different clothes.

Xiang Liang raised his hand, and the climbing cloud turned into a jade-white Ruyi hairpin, which he casually inserted into his head. He then walked up to the high platform and blended into the discussion crowd.

Many disciples looked at Wang Zijia and his entourage who were sent by Xiang Liang personally with different expressions.

Here, all uniformed in uniform, there is envy and jealousy. As for the people wearing different costumes, most of them were asking familiar people around them, and seemed to be discussing the two of them.

Xiang Feifei and Wang Zijia walked side by side, looking very calm, but the little hands in their sleeves turned a little white. They were obviously very nervous, but they forced themselves to be calm.

Wang Zijia didn't have any emotions. It was just a gathering on the playground for freshmen to enter. They had just come after military training, so there was nothing to be nervous about.

At most, I was looked at because I was picked up and dropped off by a luxury car. It’s a trivial matter! ! !

Perhaps it was because of Wang Zijia's influence that Xiang Feifei calmed down a little.

The two walked side by side, intending to walk to the back of the crowd. Unexpectedly, in front of the crowd, a girl who was one or two years older than Xiang Feifei happily waved: "Feifei, come here!"

Xiang Feifei was nervous and looked at Wang Zijia. This action made Wang Zijia stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he was her fiancé now.

Is she asking for his opinion?

Wang Zijia saw that the crowd was not queuing or anything, so he nodded silently and followed him to the front of the crowd.

Bai Qian took the initiative to walk with three maids to the back of the crowd, where there were a few servants who seemed to have followed.

"Why are you here? Didn't your family say that you would wait for the once-in-a-decade election next year and strive to directly enter a few top-level Taoist veins?" From her appearance, the little girl was obviously very familiar with Xiang Feifei.

"Zhang Yurou, an outstanding disciple of the Zhang family this generation, is also a small family outside the sect like our Xiang family."

Xiang Feifei hugged her affectionately, and did not reply immediately, but took the initiative to introduce her to Wang Zijia. It can be seen that although she was extremely speechless about this airborne fiancé, she did not show any expression in front of outsiders, which gave Wang Zijia face.

Knowing the limits and the general situation, the Xiang family has taught her to be very sensible.

"This is..." Zhang Yurou listened to Xiang Feifei's words, and then she tilted her head to look at Wang Zijialai, who had a handsome face among the chubby ones.

But overall, he still has the image of a chubby boy. He is not ugly, but he is definitely not good-looking now, at most he is good-looking.

"My fiancé!" Xiang Feifei said expressionlessly without any emotional fluctuations.

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