As for Xiang Feifei, she has not yet started learning talismans. Even with the Xiang family's relationship, she still needs to start as an assistant. That is, a position like An Xingsheng is a bit like a university professor's assistant.

Of course, the two are not together. It is not easy to get people into the talisman building, and the Xiang family is not qualified to assign jobs. Being able to get people in is the result of several generations of the Xiang family!

And the reason why Xiang Letian said that he would have a kite in a while is because for a position of his level, the Qi Fu lineage is equipped with a "car", but the kite is in great demand, plus his entry procedures, etc., it will take about one or two months to get it.

"So it was from a non-staff member to a staff member, and he started completely at the end of the universe? Or in the education system, starting as a professor at the research institute?"

After finding out about the new job, Wang Zijia felt a little strange. He didn't get into weaving in his previous life, but now he has traveled to a good place and directly became a member of the senior staff group.

Or it was a position given by someone with his wife's favors, which is simply... outrageous!

It seems that he is doing well in the Xiang family's soft rice!


For several days, Wang Zijia clocked in during the day, and came back in the afternoon to make talismans, practice Tai Chi, and eat with Xiang Feifei to get to know each other.

His work began to get on track. He was not in a hurry to make money, but was familiar with the process.

The talismans made every day were also returned to the sect at the basic price, with an income of more than ten magic coins a day.

Everything began to develop steadily, and he slowly settled down in Wanyu Sect.

At the same time, Wang Zijia also began to use the Xiang family's channels to make up for a lot of basic knowledge, especially the common sense of the sect, and the basic cultivation knowledge of the boyhood period.

Apart from some books, Xiang Feifei was his direct information channel, and because of this, the relationship between the two gradually became familiar. Although it cannot be said that they were very harmonious, at least they could talk and were not strangers.

Regarding cultivation, after exploring for half a month, Wang Zijia came up with a set of techniques that he needed to supplement in the short term.

For defense, he needs a high-level "Ethereal Crystal Shield" or "Red Rock Crystal Armor", one is an energy shield type, and the other is an armor type, both are good, but he has not decided which one to choose, and it costs 1,200 magic money.

For mobility, he has tentatively decided on "Meteor Flash", which is also a high-level first-level, 1,300 magic money.

There is no need to worry about fire magic, it is easy to choose "Fire Explosion Fireball", which is the most suitable fire magic for earth practice, and it is also a high-level first-level, 1,300 magic money. There is no need to worry about clay activation with a talisman.

Therefore, he calculated that he needed a total of 3,800 magic money to complete his combat routine. Even if his position has a 10% discount on the full amount, it would still cost about 3,400.

As for treatment and escape, he should use talismans first, because he is really poor.

After all, even if he works hard to make talismans every day, it will take several months to raise the money. This is because when he joined the sect, he relied on the time difference of more than ten years between the original owner and played out the trump card that had skyrocketed before. He could show it boldly and let the sect take back the talismans directly.

If he set up a stall to sell it, it would take even longer.

"It seems that I need to start to figure out the work routine, start to limit the oil and make money. As for the learning progress of those junior brothers, if it doesn't work, let them practice Tai Chi, and then quietly exchange it for them!"

"So they are still picking up a huge bargain!"

"After all, they use those resources to practice, and they may not make progress. But the resources are used by me, and I can guarantee that they can make progress. It's a win-win situation!"

"Yes, that's right, I'm not making money, I'm worrying about them!"


"I'm really suitable to be a teacher and lead disciples!!!"

"So selfless!!!"

The poor Wang Zijia shamelessly set a money-making plan that would affect his reputation for a lifetime.

At the same time, he also began to inquire about the information of some top boys in the sect. Focus on those who have good spiritual roots but are stuck in cultivation due to their comprehension.


Early the next morning, Wang Zijia notified his assistant An Xingsheng to take charge of the courtyard, and he skipped work.

He has been working for almost ten days, so skipping work is reasonable!

At the Fulou departure office, he applied for a temporary kite, controlled the kite, and flew towards the inner circle of the sect, the most core area.

The entire periphery of the Wanyu Sect is surrounded by plains and hills, on which are located a group of school buildings, and the core is a mountain range, a very high mountain range.

In the very distant past, this was the location of the mountain gate of the Wanyu Sect.

Now, except for the headquarters of the twelve courtyards, as well as the headquarters of the official institutions such as the Sutra Library, the Law Hall, the Elder Hall, and the Demon Suppression Tower, most of the Taoist schools have been moved out.

The entire mountain area was pushed down to only seven giant peaks, which were guarded by thousands of Dao veins and became the holy place in the hearts of many disciples of Wanyu Sect.

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to enter here once, let alone live in it.

From a distance, you can see a huge energy light shield that covers the mountains all the time.

Inside the light shield, white clouds are floating, and cranes are flying between the clouds and mist. Between the mountains and rivers, you can vaguely see some white jade pavilions standing in rows, just like the immortal gates in the storybooks, with an immortal atmosphere.

Wang Zijia came to the light shield, and the kite automatically hovered.

He flipped his hand and took out the inheritance token and reached out to stick it.

The light of the inheritance token flickered slightly, and the lines of spiritual power flowed along the edge of the card and moved to the energy shield, and runes flashed one by one.

[Primary inheritance token, you can enter the inheritance pavilion and get a method! ]

After a moment, bits of information flashed on the light shield, and a small hole appeared in front of Wang Zijia on the energy shield.

An extremely pure spiritual power rushed towards him along the hole.

With a thought, Zhiyuan moved forward again. On the inheritance token in his hand, a guiding arrow appeared as the light flickered, guiding him to fly to the second peak of the seven peaks, the inheritance peak.

Wang Zijia did not fly directly to the destination, but landed on the mountainside. It's not that you need to hike here, there is no such rule now.

The main reason is that it's not easy to come here once, and he wants to take the opportunity to stroll and sightsee.

Of course, he is not bold, many people in the sect do this, and the stingy ones still practice here for a whole day and leave at a fixed time.

The sect doesn't mind this, as long as they don't mess around. It is said that many people have met the elders of the sect because of this, and were given some things and had a wonderful encounter!

This is not an isolated case, it happens all the time!


The Heritage Peak is different from the other six peaks. How should I put it? This is obviously a sect's important place, but it has a deep yin aura.

As soon as Wang Zijia landed, he felt it before he started sightseeing.

It is said that this is because on the Heritage Peak, except for the Sutra Pavilion, a large part of the area belongs to the sect's cemetery.

As for why the cemetery of a major authentic sect of the Xuanmen belongs to the same department as the Sutra Pavilion, and even transcends the world, he is not sure. He just heard vaguely that it seems to have a great relationship with the undertaker.

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