Most of the first-grade spells are available in the Sutra Pavilion branches of various Dao lines. There are really not many that need to be obtained from the headquarters.

Originally, Wang Zijia wanted to have a good look at the Heritage Peak, but today's experience made him feel a little sad.

Shaking his head, he put aside the complicated thoughts in his mind, looked at the sky, and without further delay, jumped on the kite and flew outside.

Returning to the area where Qifu Vein belongs, there is no place to go home or go to work immediately.

Instead, he headed towards a magnificent main building in the building complex.

【Mission Hall】

Looking at the huge building of the mission hall, Wang Zijia stepped inside. Among the many branches of Wanyu Sect, this mission hall is the most non-sectarian place.

It can even be said that he is the main place where various channels are condensed into one force. Without the existence of the mission hall, the various branches of Wanyu Sect would be several times looser now.

Entering the lobby of the mission hall, you can see an endless stream of people coming and going in a hurry.

In the center of the hall, there is a huge screen, like a large screen in a station, airport, etc., on which tasks are displayed.

There are some small tasks among the disciples in the sect that require the help of other disciples;

There are also ordinary things within the sect's sphere of influence, which areas have problems, and daily tasks that are urgently needed for disciples to deal with;

Wherever there are evil heretics, high-risk and dangerous tasks that require strong law enforcement disciples to solve.

Wang Zijia just looked at it for a moment and stopped reading the information above. He turned around and came to the hall next to the counter.

"Junior brother, what tasks do you need to consult?" A middle-aged man at the counter looked at Wang Zijia who came forward and asked.

"On my ID card, I can currently only view some small tasks within the sect. I want to see others." Wang Zijia glanced at the other party and directly stated the purpose.

"Junior brother, you have just joined the job not long ago." Hearing this, the other party asked with a smile.

Wang Zijia nodded, and the other party continued: "What is your position? Well, I mean, what type of position is it?"

"Disciple, please teach me the relevant stuff!" Wang Zijia replied.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man became even more enthusiastic and said: "Junior brother, you only need to wait patiently for about a month. Your ID card information will be updated, and the teaching-related sect tasks will be updated. Even the Sutra Pavilion Some basic tasks on the side, junior brother, you will occasionally come into contact with."

"As for the one-month delay, it is not because the process is slow, but to allow you to familiarize yourself with your current position, in case you are not familiar with it and conflicts arise after taking over the relevant tasks."

Hearing this, Wang Zijia nodded, and then continued to ask: "What about the tasks related to the law enforcement team?"

"Uh..." The middle-aged man's smiling face froze, and he said in astonishment: "Junior brother, do you want to take on tasks related to the law enforcement team?"

Wang Zijia nodded, and the middle-aged man added: "Is it a magic teaching type? This is not possible. They need high-strength practical exercises when learning. There are specialized schools in charge of the Taoist Court, or there are several schools."

"No, it's just law enforcement tasks such as slaying demons and defending Taoism." Wang Zijia replied expressionlessly.

"Uh..." The middle-aged man once again showed a surprised expression. Obviously, even if he has worked for many years, it is rare to face such a thing. After a while, he looked at Wang Zijia's childish face and said: "Junior brother is really He is truly a hero of our generation.”

"But if you really want to do that, junior brother, you might as well put more thought into teaching the junior brothers. After all, if the logistics are done well, it will be helpful." The middle-aged man looked at Wang Zijia and persuaded:

"Eriding Demons and Defending the Way, whether it is cultivating evildoers or cultivating demons, cannot be solved by disciples who are new to the sect. Even for the law enforcement team, senior boys are required to prepare for field work and have to go through it." A series of assessments.”

"I understand the importance." Wang Zijia nodded and said, "Brother, please allocate relevant tasks to me. I mainly look at the relevant logistics work, such as handling corpses, cleaning the battlefield, etc."

Yes, Wang Zijia is addicted to picking up corpses.

Cultivation and spell secrets can be used to make money by fishing for oil and water, and can be solved quickly. Regarding skill training, currently the only way to improve quickly is through pollution.

"Is that so? Junior brother, you are really enthusiastic, but there are not many people who specialize in doing this kind of thing. Most of the law enforcement teams go on missions together, and then either take turns or let new people handle it."

The middle-aged man spoke while calling up relevant information. After dialing twice, he handed Wang Zijia a white jade card, the size of a palm, somewhat like an all-glass mobile phone that was still in concept in a previous life.

For more than ten days, Wang Zijia, who had been very familiar with this kind of array screen in the sect, began to slide it skillfully.

For a moment, Wang Zijia gradually frowned.

Sure enough, as the middle-aged man said, these related tasks are rarely assigned specifically to deal with.

Almost all of them are demon-killing tasks, and there are no special corpse disposal tasks. It is assumed that the relevant personnel in the team will handle them after they are completed.

Occasionally, some special processing needs will be specially marked. Most of them require the presence of the embalmer from the Heritage Peak, which is obviously an extremely dangerous matter.

As for going on missions with the team, Wang Zijia couldn't help but think of the unlucky ones in the law enforcement team who were crushed into a bloody mist by a "war stomp" on the day of the goat-headed monster battle.

He just wanted to make some money, but he had no intention of getting involved in such a desperate matter. At least with his current cultivation level, he hasn't had that thought yet.

While thinking, Wang Zijia flipped through the tasks very patiently.

After all, there are so many tasks, and there may be all kinds of strange requirements?

Last time, outside the suburbs of Wanyu City, the guy who was guarding Yizhuang also accepted this type of related tasks.

That guy was just a high-level boy. Although his cultivation was not low, he was not a mortician, nor was he a member of the law enforcement team!

After a long time, Wang Zijia really found a task that could be picked up at a bargain.

Task: Guarding Tianyuan Cliff

Type: Stationed guarding type

Time: Three years

Danger level: Low

Introduction: Because the scattered cultivator family in charge of Tianyuan Market committed evil and became demonic, the area near Tianyuan Cliff was corrupted for a while. Now that the suppression has been initially completed, relevant disciples are required to be stationed.

Details: Please check after accepting the task.


Task: Purify the ruins of Honglin

Type: Stationed

Time: Ten years

Danger level: Low

Introduction: Because the scattered mortician Xu Hongye was disturbed by the devil's thoughts, he entered an ominous situation and caused chaos. After the elders of the Law Hall personally suppressed it, it has returned to silence. Now disciples are required to carry out long-term purification of the relevant areas.

Details: Please check after accepting the task.


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