I am not a demon because I have the equivalent scale

Chapter 545: Reunion after 8,000 years

At the signal of the disciple who led the way, Wang Zijia walked into the reception hall with a few followers.

There were two people sitting in the room, and it seemed that there was nothing to talk about. It might be that they were not at the same level, and some of them did not want to talk. Some of them were silent, and the two of them sipped tea silently.

The atmosphere seemed solemn and depressing.

The movement of Wang Zijia entering the room attracted the attention of both of them.

"Meet the ancestor!" Li Xingming saw Wang Zijia coming, and his tense nerves relaxed instantly. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and stood up to greet him.

In the living room, another old man also stood up at this moment, but he did not move immediately. Instead, he looked at the silver-haired Wang Zijia carefully.

The old man also had white hair and beard. Unlike Wang Zijia's silver hair, his was bright white. Although it was not withered, it was obviously different. His face also looked very old.

But such an image did not have much immortal temperament.

Whether it is his dress or his demeanor, he gives people the feeling of an old servant, and... Wang Zijia feels a strong ghost aura from him.

Seeing the old man's face, Wang Zijia raised his eyebrows. He is really an acquaintance!

Ma Chen, a genius of the Ma family, a family of Li family servants. He was the old servant of the fifth brother Li Shenghui when he participated in the Kowloon succession with Li Shenghong.

Li Shenghong had dealt with this person a lot in the past, and even after Wang Zijia replaced him, he still had a chance encounter.

At that time, the two came to Changbao to ask him to return to Shenjing, and it was this old man who followed.

This kind of old servant who can follow for a lifetime is a tradition of the Li family. The relationship between the two can become extremely close, and even depend on each other, just like relatives.

Li Shenghong originally had one, but because of the failure of the succession, the distribution was already poor. In addition, he was disheartened and came to Changbao, and took the initiative to cut off all contact with Shenjing, and even left without receiving the succession reward.

So it was almost the same as having nothing.

Unlike the peak of the Infant God when they first met, Ma Chen has now entered the Yuanshen, but he just barely stepped over, or even was forced to move over, which seems a bit frivolous.

A Yuanshen cultivator like him, the life span is only a little over 2,000 years at most, and he shouldn't be alive until now.

In doubt, Wang Zijia gradually saw the clue.


The two looked at each other for a long time and confirmed each other's identity.

"Hello, Ninth Prince!" Ma Chen bowed to Wang Zijia, and said with some affection and emotion: "I didn't expect that this old servant would really meet His Majesty the Ninth Prince one day."

"Really? I thought that the fifth brother wanted me to die and reincarnate as soon as possible. Now it seems that the fifth brother, the second with mediocre qualifications, has the last laugh, but the third brother, the first with the genius, has gone first?"

Wang Zijia did not give him much good face, and even said with some playfulness.

Ma Chen didn't mind Wang Zijia's attitude. Not to mention that he couldn't see Wang Zijia's cultivation now, even if he saw that he was just an infant god, he wouldn't mind Wang Zijia's attitude.

The attitude of the servant family towards the master family is different. Not to mention those who are rebellious, those who don't have a sense of respect from the heart can't reach his level.

"It's been eight thousand years, why is the Ninth Prince still entangled in those trivial matters in the past? Didn't the clan elders give the prince a chance later, but the prince didn't want to?" Ma Chen said with a wry smile.

"Really?" Wang Zijia said without any easing: "Why do I remember that the fifth brother had an attitude of asking for punishment, just asking me why I refused to admit my defeat and what tricks I used to seek a comeback!"

Ma Chen was silent for a while after hearing this.

The scene back then was the last time they saw Wang Zijia. Wang Zijia at that time left a deep impression on them and they still remember it vividly.

Ma Chen was silent, but Wang Zijia was not silent.

"You are so lucky that you have switched to the way of spirits and ghosts. It seems that the fifth brother spent so much effort in the past, but he really got the better of him in the end. I think he has become the leader of the clan mansion now, and he has succeeded in overcoming the tribulation."

That's right, Ma Chen in front of him is no longer a human, but a ghost, or a ghost cultivator.

In fact, a cultivator who switches to the way of ghosts can no longer be considered a human, not even in the sense of race, but a life of another race.

Because the appearance of the ghost way was originally created by a great cultivator who imitated the method of bloodline change and comprehended the core of the ghost race.

Once transformed into a ghost cultivator, the race will undergo a fundamental change, that is, ghost cultivators and ghosts are two completely different things.

Ghost cultivators are considered spirits, and ghosts are just dead souls!

The advantage of switching to the way of ghosts is that you can change from a short-lived species of the human race to an immortal species.

The immortal species has a lifespan at least ten times that of the human race, which means that Ma Chen can now live at least 20,000 years. Moreover, the old ghost of the Yuanshen can already travel during the day, without fear of the sun, just like ordinary people.

However, there is also a disadvantage of having the immortal species, that is, the cultivation is like a turtle crawling, almost stagnant.

"To reply to the Ninth Prince, the Fifth Prince has indeed passed the tribulation for many years and is in charge of the clan mansion!" Ma Chen replied respectfully. When he mentioned Li Shenghui, he had a heartfelt respect, which was completely different from the feeling when facing Wang Zijia.

"Hehe, then as a younger brother, should I congratulate him? Do you want another gift?" Wang Zijia did not show any politeness when he heard the words "passing the tribulation for many years".

"Ninth Prince, let the past be the past. It has been eight thousand years, and there are not many people alive back then. The Fifth Prince missed the Ninth Prince very much. As soon as the news was confirmed, he immediately sent an old slave to invite the prince to return to Beijing." Ma Chen said earnestly.

"What? Do I want to thank you a thousand times and shed tears of gratitude? Or do I want to thank the emperor immediately and thank fifth brother for his generosity?" Wang Zijia replied like this.

"The old servant knows that His Highness the Ninth Prince has a grudge in his heart, so he also asked His Highness the Ninth Prince to go back with the old servant. Can His Majesty the Fifth Prince personally resolve some of the knots in his heart?" Ma Chen said softly.

"Who do you think you are? When did I, Chang Bao, need you, an old guy, to take charge? Or is it because I slept too long and Chang Bao changed his master? Has it become Fifth Brother's territory?"

Before Wang Zijia could reply, a domineering voice sounded outside.

Immediately afterwards, a rather tall figure walked in with swift steps.

He is in his twenties, with a resolute face and a slightly delicate physique, like an elegant scholar.

But it does not affect his domineering temperament, but makes him a little more gentle!

When the man stepped into the hall, the moment he saw Wang Zijia, all the anger on his face disappeared, and he stood blankly on the spot.

"Why, you haven't seen her for thousands of years and you don't recognize her?" Wang Zijia asked with a smile on his face.

"Brother Ninth!"

Li Shengshi, who was awakened by Wang Zijia's words, did not throw himself into Wang Zijia's arms like before. Instead, he stepped forward and gave Wang Zijia a bear hug.

"Haha, this thief has been very kind to Qi Qi. I can see Brother Ninth again. Qi Qi will have no regrets in this life!" Li Shengshi laughed as the two brothers hugged each other.

"I've met His Highness Seventeenth, but I didn't expect His Highness Seventeenth to be among the twenty-nine souls!" Ma Chen on the side waited for the two of them to finish hugging, then said with some emotion.

Li Shengshi put away his smile, looked at Ma Chen coldly and said, "Why, you are disappointed that I have not been trapped in the Infant God Realm for the rest of my life?"

"Your Highness Seventeenth, you misunderstood. The rescue incident that year really had nothing to do with His Highness Five." Ma Chen kept his posture very low and said softly.

"But pull it down. If I and the other five hadn't had some skills back then, we would have met the King of Hell long ago."

"Back then, everyone in Shengshi made it clear that they no longer had ambitions in the clan's mansion, but they still held on to each one of them, reaching as far as the border."

"In addition, the third prince Li Shengcheng did not make it to the end, and was picked by your Li Shenghui. There are some things that, now that I think about it, do I still need to think about it? Do you really think that we are idiots?"

At this time, three more people entered the hall.

Nong Shaoyong, the tiger-backed Li Wang with a sharp sword and a frosty look on his face, and the cold-hearted Leng Jian Ye Youyu, who is gentle and pleasant, just like the blood-gu Ye Youqing of the farmer's eldest sister, stepped in one after another.

It was Blood Gu Ye Youqing who spoke!

Ma Chen was about to say something else, but the next moment, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped cold.

It wasn't a change in the atmosphere, it was really cold. The temperature dropped sharply, the ice was biting, and the surrounding ground began to freeze.

Ma Chen's ghost body began to tremble.

"I warned you, this Changbao will no longer welcome disgusting guys like you without my permission, right?"

Following a cold word, an inconspicuous, palm-sized sapphire turtle flew in, looking at Ma Chen with a cold face and cold eyes.

"Your Highness Guiling, there is some misunderstanding..." Before Ma Chen finished speaking, he couldn't continue. Frost appeared all over his body, as if it was going to freeze him into an ice sculpture.

Being a spiritual being, he has extremely low resistance to this.

But he didn't dare to resist at all, and he didn't activate a single defensive spell.

Seeing that Ma Chen could hardly hold on any longer, Wang Zijia spoke.

"It doesn't matter if you use all your means to win in the end. We were born in the royal family, so we can accept these things. We are willing to admit defeat. But..."

Having said this, Wang Zijia paused, looked at Ma Chen and said:

"Since Fifth Brother has the last laugh, don't treat everyone as a fool. Some things may be difficult for the authorities to see clearly, but when you look back, they are really conspicuous. If something really happens, let him find me on his own."

"Shenjing, I still say the same thing. I, Li Shenghong, have never thought about going back since the day I left Daqian Shenjing, and I don't need fifth brother to give me anything."

"Don't pretend to be brother-in-law and brother-in-law. Eight thousand years have passed since he took over the throne, and Li Shenghui doesn't need to show off to anyone."

While speaking, Wang Zijia also glanced at Gui Ling'er.

Following Wang Zijia's words and actions, Gui Ling'er stopped the spell, allowing Ma Chen, who was almost unable to bear it, to relax a little.

Li Shengshi said with a cold face at this moment: "Old guy, go back and tell Fifth Brother that no matter what his plans are, don't jump at me."

"I don't care about what happened back then, whether it was right or wrong. I am not as skilled as others, and my brain is flawed. If I believe him, I will accept my defeat."

"But now, I am not the chief security officer of Li Shenghui, nor the chief security officer of his clan. Whatever he wants to do, he can do it himself."

"I haven't seen him for a long time. I really want to see what he looks like when he appears?"

"Is he the extremely considerate and gentle Fifth Brother back then? Or is he the conspirator who is afraid that his younger brother will become a threat and will not hesitate to ruin the entire journey?"

Ma Chen looked at the room full of hostile people, his lips moved slightly, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

"Alas... Your Highnesses have misunderstood the Fifth Highness too much!" Ma Chen sighed.

"You can pull him down. It was okay to be deceived by him back then. Now that the results have come out, is it difficult to connect some things? It's a waste that I thought back then that Li Shenghui was the only good person in Shenjing!"

The tiger-backed Li Wang Nong Shaoyong said with disgust and bluntly: "You old guy, are you going to get out of here? If not, I'll wait for a few people to give you a ride. It just so happens that I've just made a breakthrough and I don't have anyone to practice with, so my hands are itchy."

As someone who had watched the five of them grow up, Ma Chen knew the five giants very well. This guy's fist was really hard.

He said no more and left in a hurry.

"What the hell!"

"It's this hypocritical attitude that is so memorable."

"Now that he comes to us with this attitude, I guess he has no good intentions."

"Brother Jiu, don't be fooled by him."


Looking at the chatter of several people, Wang Zijia smiled and said, "Don't worry, although I lost the fight with them back then, at least I fought back and forth a lot, so they naturally understand."

"In fact, it's not difficult to guess the purpose of Brother Wu's coming here. No matter how famous I was before, it can't compare to the fact that I helped 29 people to ascend to the Yuan Shen when I was born. Apart from that, there is only the secret of reincarnation."

"I think only these two things are qualified to be remembered by him now."

"Let's not talk about these unhappy things, tell me about your experiences over the years!"

When Wang Zijia was speaking, Gui Ling'er flew to Wang Zijia's shoulder.

Wang Zijia glanced at her and added: "For example, Ling'er hasn't transformed yet, how did she get together with Shengshi and give birth to two dragon turtles."

The inheritance of Baxia originally followed the giant beast school, and she had directly gnawed the inheritance back then, quickly breaking into the infant god, and there was no possibility of transformation at all.

The lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet.



Nong Shaoyong and Ye Youqing burst into laughter, and even Ye Youyu, who had a cold face, smiled.

"Master, you don't know that my senior brother specially practiced the Nine Changes of the Divine Dragon for this, what a big move!" Nong Shaoyong laughed.

"You are the only one who talks too much!" Li Shengshi said embarrassedly.

"So that's it, I understand!" Wang Zijia nodded seriously.

"Ah, father, what are you talking about!" The turtle Ling'er who had just landed on Wang Zijia's shoulder was anxious.



In the hall, there were bursts of laughter.

They hadn't seen each other for thousands of years, but with bursts of laughter, they instantly returned to the past, when Wang Zijia took them to have fun in Changbao.

Some people, even if they haven't seen each other for a long time, they still feel unfamiliar.


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