I am not a demon because I have the equivalent scale

Chapter 582: Super-modern Immortal Heroes: Qinglian Realm [Please subscribe, please vote]

In this way, for most of the day, the discussions in the main hall continued.

The matters that each Pulse Master and Holy Master were responsible for were roughly sorted out for Wang Zijia.

After the meeting and the information provided by the God Statue Intelligence, Wang Zijia had a full understanding of the current situation of the entire Qinglian world.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that in four hundred years, the Qinglian world would be able to transcend feudalism, democracy, and reach the era of artificial intelligence supervision from the era of the Immortal Sect tribe.

Although no system is perfect, it must have flaws.

But the vast majority of people in the 'management' class have been transformed into a service industry no different from selling milk tea.

Both the immortal side and the secular side have lost the traditional concept of "official", which can really be said to be a super epoch-making change!

Of course, it is very different from the previous life. The Qinglian world does not pursue absolute equality. Monks and ordinary people have different obligations, but they also have related obligations.

"Okay, let's stop here today. Let's go and do our own thing!" Wang Zijia said.

"Follow the Immortal Lord's decree!"


When everyone was about to leave, Wang Zijia suddenly said:

"By the way, in at most half a year, this world will be completely anchored by Shenhong. At that time, there will be an influx of spiritual energy from the upper world, and the third wave of spiritual energy that was suppressed in the Qinglian world will be revived. If nothing goes wrong, it will be there. erupted at the same time.”

"The Qinglian Realm will also be promoted from the Small Thousand World to the Middle Thousand World. Due to various reasons, this opportunity should not be small."

"Please send a notice in advance so that the whole world can prepare for this feast and maximize the benefits as much as possible."

"Especially, I see that there are thousands of real people who are stuck at the level of real people. This is an excellent opportunity. Five thousand jade discs can be promoted to the magic weapon level at this opportunity, thus driving people to break through to fake babies. ”

“Let’s temporarily suspend the imperial examinations for the past five years!”

Everyone was stunned at first, and then all looked surprised.

"Disciple, you understand!"

After a few breaths, Li Lexin came back to his senses first and responded like this.

"Okay, that's it for today."

Everyone responded and began to retreat.


For a moment, only the five holy masters and several academy deans headed by Mo Yunzi were left in the entire hall.

Nowadays, those who are close to the Infant God are not the three holy masters, nor Mo Yunzi, the protagonist of the previous era in the Qinglian world, but Shang Rifeng, who is suspected to be the protagonist of the Qinglian world in the new era.

The owner of the best spiritual root that Wang Zijia accidentally discovered.

He actually relied on his own methods to slightly exceed the limit of this world and reach the false infant state, which is half a step into the infant god.

It's just that this guy's life trajectory is too peaceful. He doesn't look like a protagonist at all. He grew up smoothly under the support of the Holy Land.

Wang Zijia glanced at several people, and except for Jiang Siyi and Zong Bixue, almost all of them were acquaintances.

Wang Zijia stood up and walked outside, and Li Lexin and others immediately followed.

"Take me around Qinglian and see what you have achieved over the years." After leaving the hall, Wang Zijia said to Li Le beside him.

"Okay Master, Master, where do you want to start?" Li Lexin asked with a smile.

"Let the Time Forbidden Land begin!" As the prince spoke, he was already walking towards the back mountain of the Demon Suppressing Peak, in the direction of the Time Forbidden Land.

The Spiritual Flame Orchid transformed into a palm-sized firebird and flew beside his shoulder. The cultivators followed a little behind.

This team will stop almost wherever they go to pay respect.

It made countless disciples excited!

Everyone ignored the disciples along the way and arrived at the canyon behind the Demon Suppressing Peak. The entrance to the Time Forbidden Land came into view.

Wang Zijia first felt the spatial isolation here. As he expected, the spatial isolation became stronger again.

Fortunately, the diamond bracelet-like door ring uses very special materials and sacrificial techniques. It has almost integrated with this space barrier and has become stronger simultaneously, so it has not been abolished.

Even its mechanical intelligence has become more agile.

Wang Zijia had just arrived and had not yet opened the door.

I saw a ring opening from scratch on the wall of space, turning into a huge circular door two feet tall.

"Welcome the Immortal Lord back!"

A little music sounded on the golden ring door, accompanied by a welcome.

The golden light in Wang Zijia's pupils flickered for a moment, and he looked at the door inlaid like a diamond bracelet. This thing could barely be regarded as a magic weapon.

After just taking a quick look, Wang Zijia stepped in.

As soon as he entered the forbidden land of time, Wang Zijia felt completely different.

Except for the palace at the entrance, it remains the same.

The remaining area of ​​nearly a hundred miles has been covered by countless 'communities', with more than 30,000 real people, plus hundreds of thousands of genius wine worshipers, and their related relatives and other characters living here.

It made the entire Time Forbidden Land seem a bit lively and crowded.

The huge time difference makes the style gap here a bit big.

Some places still maintain the ancient style of four hundred years ago, and some places have various neon-like magic array virtual screens flashing, as if they have entered the world of ultra-modern technology.

The flight of various magic weapons in the sky was also planned by the rainbow-like magic array, and they were flying in orderly rainbow channels.

Ancient world, ultra-modern elements, wooden buildings with carved dragons and painted jade pavilions, virtual screens, flickering projection screens, the fusion of classical and ultra-modern, making the picture a little weird.

But it is not separated, which makes Wang Zijia feel unusually weird and full of novelty.

If Wanyu Sect is the starting point of ancient style and ultra-modernization, this is the culmination!

He wandered around like a tourist, not paying much attention to the enthusiasm of the people around him.

It took a long time to visit the inner city of this secret realm and came to the core, the broken two-world gate.

The area of ​​several miles here has been designated as a restricted area, just like a scientific research base, a huge factory has been built, and the huge factory building covers the entire two-world gate.

Groups of monks, divided into refining groups, rune groups, formation groups, etc., are conducting various research on the huge two-world gate of hundreds of meters.

It feels like a combination of magic and scientific thinking, a fairy version of a scientific research laboratory.

"Meet the Immortal Lord!"

"Greetings to the Immortal Lord!"

"Meet the Grandmaster!"


The arrival of Wang Zijia made everyone stop what they were doing, gathered together, and looked at Wang Zijia with excitement.

Wang Zijia looked at the person in charge, who turned out to be an acquaintance, and Wang Zijia had a deep impression of him.

If I remember correctly, his name is Yu Tianci, Li Lexin's eldest disciple, and he is a super money-grubber!

He was so money-grubber that when they explored the 'spiritual stone' vein and found that it had been turned into an altar by the ghost, and when it was sucked up, this guy's first reaction was that the spiritual stones flew away! ! !

"I remember you should follow the Five Elements Art Path, right? Why are you in charge here?" Wang Zijia looked at Yu Tianci, who is now also at the peak of the real person, and felt that he was a little out of place in his profession, and felt like he was being exiled, so he asked with interest.

Yu Tianci paused, then said: "Master said that this place is too expensive, so let me take care of it."

Wang Zijia: "······"

Send a money-grubber to manage the cutting-edge research room?

You are afraid that you will block the funding!

"Are there any results? Can this thing be repaired?" Wang Zijia was silent for a moment, looking at the resentful expressions of the formation cultivators and weapon cultivators around him, and decisively changed the subject.

"Master, this is a two-world gate that even earthly immortals may not be able to handle. How can we have that ability? And it has only been more than four years, and there is not much gain." Yu Tianci said with a wry smile.

"Not much gain? So there is gain?" Wang Zijia said in surprise.

"Well, after we figured out some things, we went outside to study. With a huge time difference, we also gained some gains." Yu Tianci handed Wang Zijia a disposable talisman like a treasure.

Wang Zijia took it and looked at it, and felt the spatial fluctuations on it. After a closer look, he said in surprise: "Disposable teleportation talisman?"

"Well, at present, it can only complete random movement, but the positioning and movement array has already been figured out, and the ancient teleportation gate should be able to be made."

Yu Tianci said excitedly and proudly. Obviously, the teleportation array has become a legend in the Qinglian world.

It is indeed an extremely exciting research result.

But Wang Zijia just nodded lightly, not in a good mood.

Wanyu also has a low-level teleportation array, but no one has built it on a large scale.

No, the cost-effectiveness is too low.

Whether it is construction or activation, this array-breaking method requires top-grade Kongming Stone, and the consumption is also very exaggerated. It is equivalent to teleporting twice, which consumes a spiritual weapon-level space ring.

Such a price, even the gods will feel pain.

Moreover, in this era, this level of resource consumption is really unbearable!

After reaching the infant god, a lot of means such as divine wandering, anchor points, opening altars, and dummies can achieve similar effects of teleportation. Therefore, teleportation has almost no market in the entire Zhenling domain.

Of course, it is just that there is no market, not that there is no market. At present, it has not fallen into the state of being lost.

Some places have still secretly built some, such as the dark department, but Wang Zijia has not been there.

Anyway, compared with the teleportation array, it is not as good as the teleportation talisman.

Of course, if it continues like this, it will not be far from being lost.

After all, in this era, without the blessing of the population dividend, some things will gradually be lost!


Accompanied by the explanations of Yu Tianci and others, Wang Zijia walked around and strolled around the sect outside.

The entire holy land of the Demon-Suppressing Sect is also an ancient and ultra-modern picture. Neon illusions and rainbow lights can be seen everywhere, various flying magic tools rise and fall, and the carved railings and jade bricks are full of fairy spirit in science fiction.

Compared with the various branches of the Wanyu Outer Sect, it is less traditional and has a lot more ultra-modern atmosphere!

After getting familiar with it, Wang Zijia triggered the statue.

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