Time flies, and another two months have passed.

On this day, Wang Zijia was slacking off as usual.

But his mind suddenly moved.

In his perception, a new demon-seeding target suddenly appeared, and in his chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, there was his own divine consciousness clone.

When the prince noticed the other party's appearance, the clone had already taken the initiative to report back.

"Is this... Bingshuang sent someone to deliver the message?"

Looking at the recovered divine consciousness, it was obviously deposited in the elixir that Wang Zijia gave to Bingshuang.

Wang Zijia immediately began to receive Bingshuang's message.

As Wang Zijia's thoughts moved, various images kept flashing, which were Bingshuang's general experience in the past few months.

Returning to the witch world, he was personally questioned by the Lord of Thunder and arranged for treatment. It took several months to recover, and then took over some affairs.

The general information flashed quickly, and finally the image stopped in a magnificent hall.

It seemed to be an exotic temple, which should be Bingshuang's temple.

At this moment, Bingshuang held a magic pill of divine thoughts respectfully, and after a pious salute, he spoke:

"My Lord, your servant has been arranged to take over the logistics because of his injury, or because the Lord of Thunder is worried."

"According to the intelligence gathered by the Dark Hall in the past six months, the information about you is basically complete. It depends on the situation. If nothing unexpected happens, they should find a way to take action against you in the near future."

"My Lord, you'd better be careful when going out recently to prevent accidents."

"I will keep an eye on his information at any time. Once the Lord of Thunder determines the action plan, your servant will immediately find a way to send the message back."


After checking all the messages sent back by Bingshuang, Wang Zijia was relieved, "Is it finally coming?"

"Be careful when going out?"

Wang Zijia's expression suddenly paused, and his eyes flashed with a strange light, which then became brighter and brighter.

"Yes, since they have already figured out my situation, why am I still waiting passively?"

Thinking of this, Wang Zijia did not hesitate at all, and decisively disappeared in the practice room.


In the fairy bone desert, in the courtyard of the fairy bone mountain, Wang Zijia's figure quickly emerged.

When he came to the room in the courtyard, a heart and an eyeball staff emerged.

He reached out to take the eyeball staff. After half a year of testing, he even made a lot of biological weapons by himself, and he had made blood inheritance magic tools, so he had a clear understanding of this thing.

Among all the means, the only thing he didn't try was to use enlightenment on it to make it gain spiritual wisdom.

First of all, this is a spiritual treasure component, and Wang Zijia's Taoist tradition may not be enough.

Second, it is also the most critical. Although it is basically confirmed that there is no danger, if the awakening of its spirit really causes some strange things to awaken on it, it will be funny.

So Wang Zijia only didn't do the awakening step, and tried a lot of other messy things, which can be regarded as a clear understanding of this thing.

The danger can be basically ruled out.


Wang Zijia held the staff, his thoughts flashed for a moment, and then he took a deep breath.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and scratched the tip of the staff.


A sound like the breaking of beef tendons sounded, and the eyeball was broken off from the staff by Wang Zijia.

The next moment, Wang Zijia stretched out his other hand.


Accompanied by the sound of entering the flesh, Wang Zijia stretched out his hand and scratched his left eye.


The eyeball was pulled out, without any blood flowing out, and countless buds emerged from the empty eye socket and connected with the eyeball in his hand.

"Da Da!"

After pulling for a long time, the buds broke, and the eye socket part extended out of the face, floating and wriggling on the face.

It looked as if there were countless worms growing in Wang Zijia's left eye, which was a bit weird.

Then, Wang Zijia placed the fist-sized crystal ball eye on his left eye.

Behind the crystal ball, the fluorescent nerve synapses and the buds extending from Wang Zijia's eye sockets were entangled. At the moment of connection, the crystal ball-like eyeball quickly shrank and was quickly pulled back into the eye socket by the buds.


A strange sound of something being embedded in a ball of flesh was heard.

The crystal eyeball became the size of a normal eyeball and was quickly pulled back into the eye socket by the buds.

Various spiritual lights began to emerge from the left eye and spread around the eye.

And the left and right in Wang Zijia's hand kept shaking, and finally the buds behind the eyeball peeled off the skin of his left hand and embedded in the palm of Wang Zijia's left hand.

The next moment, an eye grew out of the palm of his left hand and opened suddenly. Wang Zijia saw himself from a strange perspective.

At this moment, the left eye on his head flashed with strange white light, and there was a white silk-like power that extended outward and spread over half of Wang Zijia's face.

When the three eyes looked at each other, there was a moment of silence and weirdness.

Then, Wang Zijia's whole body aura fluctuated, and the whole person floated up uncontrollably.

He clearly felt that his body had a new energy source, not much, but of a very high status.

The left eye not only used its own power, but also had its own way.

As the eyeball was embedded, the golden scale flashed on its own, which was rare, and bits of inexplicable information emerged. The direct translation was probably.

[Gained some of the power of the saint's body! ]

[Gained the Tao: Information Tao! ]

[Gained external magical power: virtualization! ]

[Note: The special biological spiritual treasure parts are embedded and can slowly merge with the body. When they completely replace your eyes, you will completely digest the relevant Taoism and power, but it will also permanently affect your Taoism. ]

[Special reminder: Do not easily try to accept other people's Taoism before you condense your own immortal fruit position and completely anchor your own Taoism. ]

[Normally used. ]

Looking at the information, Wang Zijia tried to mobilize the power in his eyeballs. The power was not much, but the quality was exaggerated.

This power can not only drive external magical powers, but also combine with all of Wang Zijia's magical power seeds to produce exaggerated power changes.

Even the leather demon body has an extreme improvement.

"This feels like... Taoism? That's right, this is definitely the power of the Holy Three Realms!"

"Tsk tsk, in this way, the operability is great!"

While Wang Zijia whispered, he looked at the heart beside him and shook his head. It was enough for now, and there was no need to take risks.

Moreover, with his current cultivation, it is difficult to control this heart.

If he must implant it, he will become a ceramic doll instead.

As he thought, a strange light flashed in Wang Zijia's left eye.

A strange spiritual light seed was born.

This is the information Dao combined with the magic method, with the Dao power as the support, and the condensed thing should be able to complete cross-border communication normally.

Looking at this spiritual light, Wang Zijia did not hesitate, and with a thought, the human skin paper man took it and flashed away.


In the northern border of the East Wilderness, the unknown wilderness, in the base camp of the two-world channel built by the natural law god system of the witch world.

Today, another exclusive void transmission "aircraft" was opened, and hundreds of God Lord-level outer gods were sent here, including more than a dozen turbid fairy-level pseudo-gods. They were doing the final investigation before taking action to save Wang Zijia.

After sending the people, some navigation personnel in charge of logistics communicated with some individuals in the base camp for half a day, and handed over all the things before setting sail to return with some things and various confidential information.

At this time, among the logistics personnel following the team, the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness in the brain of one person flickered, and a paper man returned with a ball of light.

This was the demon cultivator who suddenly appeared before, a member of the Frost God System, who was summoned by Frost before departure and arranged to eat the God Mind Demon Cultivation Pill to pass on information.

But even he himself did not know that he was an intelligence spy.

From beginning to end, he was just rewarded with a potion by his god before departure, and then escorted some materials with the team, and then hurried back.

No extra operations were done in the middle.

A person who did not even know that he was a spy, no matter how strict the inspection here was, could not be found.


Because both sides had built a complete channel, the void shuttle was very fast, but in half a day, they returned to the witch world.

Then the human skin paper man in this person's mind disappeared without a trace without his noticing, like a fly that hitched a ride, without a trace.

The next moment, the paper man came to Bingshuang's chaotic sea of ​​consciousness and dropped the cross-border communication light spot condensed by Wang Zijia.

Then he looked at the environment where Bingshuang was at the moment, and after confirming that there was no accident, he reached out and activated the demon seed condensed by the power of Taoism, which could communicate across the border.


In the Bingshuang Temple, the God of Frost was busy with something.

He was suddenly stunned and said, "Get out!"

The surrounding servants suddenly disappeared in the temple, and Bingshuang was the only one left in the temple.

The next moment, his expression changed from majesty to humility.

"My Lord, your humble servant welcomes your arrival."

As he moved, some spiritual light flew out of his body, and in front of him, formed the figure of Wang Zijia.

And Wang Zijia, who had been waiting in the Immortal Bone Jedi for most of the day, finally sensed the communication at this moment.

A little joy appeared on his face.

'Can I finally communicate across the border? So... it shouldn't be far from the Chaos Sea Cross-Border Shuttle! '

Suppressing his excitement, Wang Zijia looked up at the surroundings.

This is a spire temple with a very western fantasy style, very huge, and the whole is made of strange ice.

In the center of the temple, there is a huge frost throne.

They are standing next to the throne at this moment. Because Wang Zijia didn't speak, Bingshuang was standing humbly like a servant.

Wang Zijia looked at it for a moment, and the illusory figure sat on the huge throne. Looking around, it felt like a god.

After experiencing the exotic atmosphere for a moment, Wang Zijia turned his eyes to Bingshuang on the side again.

"Why haven't you healed completely yet?" Wang Zijia asked with a frown.

"My lord, Thunder seems to pay a lot of attention to your servant, so I chose to recover slowly, which is also one of the reasons why I was arranged to manage logistics." Bingshuang replied.

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