I am not a demon because I have the equivalent scale

Chapter 80 Naive outer disciples! [First order required]

Is she jealous?

What kind of jealousy is this? How can a little girl of twelve or thirteen be jealous... Uh, it seems that they are not that old now?

While thinking, Wang Zijia looked at Xiang Feifei and said with a smile: "This girl's family used to be a family of practitioners. She practiced her own skills. She was able to cultivate magic power because of her own efforts."

Xiang Feifei paused, her face flushed, and then she started to eat without saying a word.

Wang Zijia smiled and stopped joking. The little girl was thin-skinned and it would be easy to get into trouble if she continued.

After eating together, they went out together.

"Master, you ordered the food to be prepared." When leaving, Bai Qian handed a delicate jade box to Wang Zijia.

Wang Zijia opened the jade box, and a faint smell of medicine filled the air. Looking at the cakes in the box, Wang Zijia said in surprise: "You started to work on the medicinal materials?"

"Yeah. I thought that since I was going to be an alchemist, it would be good to be familiar with pharmacology in advance. It just so happened that you wanted cakes again, so I made some Coptis chinensis cakes." Bai Qian replied seriously. "Would you like to try it, and see if it meets your requirements?"

'Coptis chinensis? Cakes? ? ? '

Wang Zijia's mouth couldn't help twitching for a moment, and he closed the box and said seriously: "Very good, it meets the requirements."

After that, he jumped directly onto the kite and soared into the sky.


"Brother Wang, good morning!"

"Good morning!"

Wang Zijia came to Fulou, and An Xingsheng was still waiting for a long time.

"Did anything happen during the few days I was away?" Wang Zijia took the record book handed over by An Xingsheng and asked as he sat down.

"The junior brothers are all seriously comprehending the talisman method. There is nothing to worry about. It is because you are on a mission. It is almost the middle of the month, and you have not taught talisman making for this ten-day period. Some junior brothers are a little anxious." An Xingsheng handed the record book to Wang Zijia and returned to the previous position.

"Well, let's notify them. The talisman making teaching will be in the afternoon."

While Wang Zijia was speaking, he lowered his head and began to look at the record book to see the use of spiritual materials in the past few days.

"Okay, I will notify you later." An Xingsheng replied.

After browsing for a while, he found that it was still being processed in the same way as when he left. Wang Zijia closed the account book and said, "By the way, how is Meng Dang's progress?"

When Wang Zijia was doing a small class before, a total of three people gave Wang Zijia money and signed up to accept his small class for further study.

As the first one to eat crabs, Wang Zijia directly let him get started, which was considered a benchmark. Because An Xingsheng was a rune perception technique, Wang Zijia gave him three months.

The last one was a fraud. After collecting 300 magic money, Wang Zijia gave him a month to let him enter the talisman paper. Now the time is almost up.

The main reason is that he has no good means to conceal the result of the golden finger exchange, so he can only take it slowly.

The remaining seven junior brothers are all still waiting and watching. After all, only Bian Yuze can be said to be a coincidence. He happened to gain something because of Wang Zijia's teaching.

"In this month, he has made the greatest progress. Originally, his progress in talisman was only in the middle and lower reaches among several junior brothers. Now he should be just one step away from entering the door!"

An Xingsheng looked at Wang Zijia with awe and a little admiration in his eyes.

The other nine junior brothers were not experienced enough and did not know how awesome Wang Zijia's teaching was.

Only he, because of the family's teaching, knew clearly that every time the other party taught him, he could make him feel something. How powerful he was.

It can be predicted that if this Senior Brother Wang has such teaching ability, he will definitely have a place in the inheritance peak and even the Sutra Pavilion in the future.

"Okay, then you go down and prepare for the afternoon class!" Wang Zijia nodded.


In the morning, Wang Zijia dealt with some things that had accumulated during these days.

In the afternoon, a group of disciples had been waiting in the teaching hall long ago.

Each disciple had his own exclusive laboratory table. The spiritual materials issued in the morning had been processed and placed in the sealing spirit box on the side, waiting for Wang Zijia's teaching. In case of any enlightenment, you can start making it immediately to make your talisman making further.

"Hello, Senior Brother Wang!"

Wang Zijia came to the teaching hall, and everyone greeted him respectfully.

Wang Zijia waved his hand casually, and rarely did he teach directly.

Instead, he flipped his hand and took out an exquisite jade box.

The faces of the younger brothers who were originally looking forward to it changed when they saw the familiar jade box that suddenly appeared.

"My maidservant has improved her cooking skills recently. Yesterday, she made some new and unique pastries. I specially brought them to you to keep them fresh." Wang Zijia opened the box while speaking.

The faint bitter smell of Coptis chinensis instantly filled the entire lecture hall.


The discolored disciples swallowed their saliva together.

'My God... the ingredients are no longer enough, so are you starting to move on to medicinal materials? '

'What kind of magical girl did Senior Brother Wang take in as a maidservant! '

'Forgive me, I can't stand the two or three dark dishes every ten days! '

'Can this cooking skill not harm people? There are one or two such things every ten days. I really can't stand it! '

While everyone was thinking differently, Wang Zijia waved his hand to hold the pastries and floated them in front of everyone. Everyone looked at the pastries and was silent for a while.

"Why, you don't like it?" Wang Zijia said with an unwavering expression.

"No, I like it. How could I not like it? I like it so much!" The fat boy Bian Yuze was the first to react. His fat face was full of smiles.

As he spoke, he picked up the cake and took a bite.

"I..." His expression froze for a moment, and with great perseverance, he squeezed out an expression of enjoyment and said, "It's so delicious!"

As he spoke, a little saliva flowed down the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with crystal water droplets.

All junior brothers: "..."


"So delicious!"

"Wow, Huanglian cake, a genius idea!"

"Brother Wang's maid is as genius as Brother Wang!"

As Bian Yuze took the lead, all the junior brothers ate the cakes with distorted expressions, and did not forget to exclaim.

'Hehe, who said that the junior brothers in the sect were not as pure as he was at the beginning? Don't you think this is very sincere! ’

Wang Zijia looked at everyone, enjoying the ‘delicious’ pastries, and felt that under the cover of the dark cuisine, the spiritual root demon had completely invaded the body even without the evil seed as a medium, and was dyed into his shape. He smiled with satisfaction and said:

“Okay, today we will still talk about some basic techniques for making talisman paper. When we are not yet familiar with making talismans, the choice of materials also has a certain impact...”

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