I am not a demon because I have the equivalent scale

Chapter 99: Months of preparation finally paid off

Wang Zijia opened the storage bag and looked at the large amount of magic money shining in several small boxes, showing an ecstatic expression.

French money: 11219

Daogong: 3570

After several months of trying and a month of preparation, it was finally no longer a trivial matter and we had a bumper harvest.

This is the first one, there are five more, and he has screened out eleven such targets in total in the first batch.

Not everyone may have the courage to directly recharge 10,000 yuan, but I still think the basic 3,000 yuan will be recharged.

It can be said that he is about to have a great harvest. No more digging around.

After a long time, Wang Zijia calmed down and kept reviewing what happened tonight. Most of it is pretty good, but putting things away at the end is really a bit stretchy.

If this matter is not resolved, he can only target the bottom level. Because anyone who has some means is prone to accidents when he collects things.

As for why after months of trying, he finally decided to make something loose like Penglai. He clearly controls the life and death of the so-called destined person, so he can do more, and even do something forcibly.

For example, in the infinite flow mission mode, if you can’t complete it, it will be erased or something!

But Wang Zijia chose gentle methods in the end, and didn't even tell the 'destined person' that life and death were under his control. And he doesn't plan to say anything in the future.

As for why...

Free will is a very magical thing, and Wang Zijia experienced it deeply in his previous life.

For example: both are obviously not going out for a month, but one is not allowed to go out and is banned for a month. One is staying at home and doesn't want to go out.

The same result, the same process, even the same time, the only difference is the cause of the beginning.

However, the feeling is completely different!

This small experience allowed him to fully understand the magic of free will.

Not to mention that he read a lot of story books in his previous life, about the main god space, the reincarnation space, etc., but if he used to control life and death to make a fuss, and forcefully obliterate them at every turn, what would be the final outcome?

The big ball of light has been blown up!

That's why he thought about it for so long before he decided to mess with Penglai like this. Anyway, as long as he was given enough resources, he could turn himself into a god and an immortal, and he could be kind and gentle. Why do he want to make a living?

I looked at the time and saw that it was already dawn, no longer suitable for the second target.

‘Spell: Seal the spirit! ’

The magic power fluctuated, and a faint magical aura enveloped the entire altar. As the aura disappeared, the entire evil basement with flashing red light gradually became ordinary. Except for the piles of bones, the altar was still a bit like the underworld, and there was no evil atmosphere.

After dealing with this, Wang Zijia left the basement and went back to his room to sleep.


Early the next morning, Wang Zijia got up as usual. The five of them finished boxing together, had breakfast, and started to go to work.

Wang Zijia has not gone to work for several days. Although four of the eleven targets he selected have not yet visited, he is not in a hurry as there are still five that need to be cultivated.

"Good morning, Senior Brother Wang!"


"Good morning, Senior Brother Wang!"


Early in the morning, when Wang Zijia came to work, fellow students and fellow students greeted him warmly from afar. Wang Zijia occasionally nodded in response, and occasionally spoke back.

In the past three or four months, the Fulou led by Wang Zijia has completely changed.

When he came, this place had just opened. The junior disciples who were arranged to come here are all marginal figures. If nothing else happens, it would be good if one or two of them can achieve success in spells.

Everyone saw that he, the newly promoted teaching brother, understood their own situation, so most of them were greatly shocked, and even lay down in despair.

Now, a few months later, all ten juniors have clearly felt their progress. Three or four of them have succeeded in talismans, and those who have not succeeded have also received Wang Zijia's time limit guarantee. All of them are full of yearning for the future. After work, I am very active when I come to Fulou.

Especially in Wang Zijia's teaching class, no one was absent. Wang Zijia even discovered that in the last teaching class, a junior fellow from Fulou next door came to join the class.


"What happened in Fulou these days?" Wang Zijia came to the office, sat down, took the account book from An Xingsheng, and asked casually.

"Nothing happened in our building. All the juniors are making good progress. There are even some juniors in the next building who are doubtful."

While An Xingsheng was speaking, he looked at Wang Zijia and found that the other person's expression was as usual, not at all complacent, so he stopped praising him. The topic changed and he said: "It's true that another room was opened in the building yesterday. Now our building is no longer the newest one."

"Oh!" Wang Zijia paused slightly while looking at the account book, then raised his head and said, "Does this newly promoted teaching fellow know how to follow his footsteps?"

An Xingsheng nodded, shook his head, and said, "Be clear, I heard that he belongs to the Bai family."

"The Bai family?" Wang Zijia paused again when he was about to lower his head to look at the accounts, and raised his eyebrows: "Is this the Bai family that I understand?"

It has been many years since the Qi Fu Vein was opened. After being passed down from generation to generation, the pulse master has not always been controlled by the original Sha family.

When the pulse was first opened, the pulse master Sha Liangping belonged to a very talented and humble disciple.

The Nine Foundation Establishment Techniques create a line of self-made weapons and talismans, so in the Wine Sacrifice Realm, if you accept a sect mission, you have the right to open the meridians. I don’t know how much earlier than the normal age to have the qualification to open pulses.

But because of this, the foundation is not enough, so he borrowed power from various families.

In addition to a number of small families, the Bai family he married into, the Shan family where his mentor in the boyhood period was from, and the Sha family he later established, constitute the three top families in the vein.

The three families have never been discontinued in the [True Person] realm in recent years, so there has been no major change in the vein master, and they are all circulating among the three families.

"Well, it should be the Bai family, but it is not a direct member, it should be a marginalized figure, otherwise it would not be thrown here." An Xingsheng nodded and said, "But even so, many teachers in the building have visited, should we go to make friends?"

"Hehe, I have been in the building for more than three or four months, and I haven't seen anyone visiting. As soon as they came, they opened the bed to welcome me. It's really..." Wang Zijia shook his head while speaking.

The teacher will only be completely determined when the first performance evaluation is completed. He is still a temporary worker now, so he has not integrated into the circle of teachers in the past few months.

Those people were unwilling to contact him in advance, and Wang Zijia had no intention of rushing to lick him. When he became a regular employee, he would naturally enter that circle, so everyone tacitly agreed to do so.

Now he sighed, but it was just a whim.

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