I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 127


Chapter 127 The opening match of the top sixteen! ! (Please subscribe!)

"Who is the first war faction?"

Han Yi looked at Lin Yuan.

The rules of the five-player wheel battle are familiar to all countries in the world.

There is no need to repeat too much, the battle is over when all five of them are defeated.

Under this rule, there is no need to report the order of players in advance.

But it is still necessary to prepare and communicate in advance within the team.

"The first battle is too important..."

Lin Yuan muttered.

Chen Tianyu straightened his back, a gesture of choosing me.

Wu Di was snorted with contempt.

The first battle of the team battle is the battle to establish the imposing manner for the team, plus it is the opening game, the importance of which is self-evident.

Now the only position that can be determined in the entire team is Lin Yuan, who is in the final lineup.

Compared to Li Han, Lin Yuan's explosiveness is stronger.

At the end of the battle, you can adjust the battle mode according to the number of opponents remaining.

If there is only one opponent left, Lin Yuan can burst out his cards without any scruples.

If there are two enemies left, Lin Yuan can also find a way to plan the distribution of spiritual power.

Unless the two teams are vastly different in strength.

"Lin Yuan."

"Leave it to me!"

Just when Lin Yuan was considering handing over the first battle to Li Han.

Chen Tianyu's confident voice resounded in the apartment!

Everyone turned to look.

Wu Di, who was about to ridicule just now, swallowed the words in his mouth when he saw Chen Tianyu's fighting intent.


"Leave it to me!"

Chen Tianyu said solemnly again.

Lin Yuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, looking directly into Chen Tianyu's eyes.

"You can only win."

Chen Tianyu replied:

"I won't lose!"


Approaching the start of the finals of the world martial arts tournament, all the people of Tianshui Kingdom were so excited that they could not sleep at night.

Some wealthy businessmen from their own countries flew to the Blue Star Empire with huge sums of money.

Spend a lot of money to buy a first-day ticket from the ticket dealer.

Even though it was outrageously expensive, none of them wanted to miss this historic moment.

The sixteenth War General will be divided into four days.

Two sessions a day, starting at 9am.

The first battle is [Tian Shui Kingdom] and [North Underworld Empire].

The second battle is [Spring Stone Republic] and [New Black Empire].

focal point of ten thousands.

The final stage of this world martial arts event has finally arrived.

When this day was not yet bright, the entire Blue Star Empire Nilan City was already very lively, and the streets were full of people.

There are even martial arts hobbyists who entered the "Blue Star No. 1 Martial Arts Field", which can accommodate millions of people.

Wait for the opening ceremony!

"Quick, quick! You old bald head can't get rid of such ink marks!"

Lao Lao moved towards Blue Star No. Sleepy pines Academician.

"Morning, what's the hurry..."


Cangsong Academician yawned.

Lao Luo on the side didn't sleep all night, full of energy, couldn't sleep at all!

He pulled Cangsong Academician into the martial arts field early.

On the other side, Wu Dafu and Jiang Xiu also stepped into this huge arena with excitement.

They read a thousand pre-match analyses and concluded that Wu Di is unlikely to play.

But they have another son, Lin Yuan!


The sun rises and warms the city of Neland.

A large number of spectators entered the Blue Star No. 1 Martial Arts Field one after another.

In the stadium with more than one million people, the sound of one after another discussion was like a thunderous explosion, and the atmosphere was boiling to the extreme.

"Come on! The opening ceremony is about to start!"

"Finally it's about to start! I can't wait!"

"Beijing must win! "

"get lost! Tianshui will win!"

Amid the terrifying noise at the scene, the time finally came to 8:30, and the opening ceremony finally began!

"Oh oh oh oh-"

"Oh oh oh-"

In the sky, the shimmering, red, orange, yellow, green, clear, blue and purple, The colorful and beautiful colors appear in turn, complementing each other and dazzling!

Amidst the colorful streamer, a blue-star country beauty Martial Artist with a half-covered pipa, stepped on the Spirit Beast from outside the arena and flew into the center of the arena, holding a lotus sword, dancing lightly and gracefully !

The gentleness is full of murderous intention, and there is a trace of holiness in the murderous intention.

The perfect combination of martial arts and dance attracted cheers from the audience!

Audiences from all over the world were also excitedly sitting in their seats, watching the opening ceremony of the magnificent!


In the noisy East Passage.

Lin Yuan stands in the middle of the line.

The remaining eleven team members stand on one side.

Hearing the deafening cheers in the arena, he looked more or less nervous and looked at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan shouted angrily, causing the other eleven people to be shocked.

"Everyone! Keep your heads up!"

"It's just the cry of a million people."

"In our country , at the border, hundreds of millions of compatriots are shouting for us!"

Lin Yuan looked at everyone.

"It's not that we can't lose..."

"We won't lose!"

At this moment, all the players' minds came to mind Everything that happened in the qualifiers.

And the cheering of the border warriors, the trace of fear in their hearts, disappeared.

Lin Yuan turned around and looked directly at the arena.

"Line up!"



Sixteen national teams, in the world Under the eyes, finally set foot on this extraordinary arena!

The moment when Lin Yuan led the Tianshui team to the stage.

All the Tianshui people in the stands stood up, cheering and shouting for the Tianshui team!


The cheers of millions of people are enough to make the blood of every team member boil.

"It's coming!"

"It's finally here!"

Teams walked from sixteen different lanes to the main arena .

The maximum height of the auditorium of the Blue Star No. 1 Martial Arts Arena has reached 200 meters!

Standing in the center of the ring and looking around, there are all black heads and national flags waving everywhere.

The earth-shattering cheers lasted for more than three minutes.

The Blue Star Empire's events Chief-In-Charge and the Lord of the Empire were introduced one after another.

"The Chief-In-Charge of the event, and the chief referee of the final stage!"

"Shi Hongwen!"

"pa pa pa——"

In the center of the arena, Shi Hongwen, a plain-looking middle age person, moved towards the world to greet the audience.

This middle-aged Martial Artist world audience is too familiar with the super powerhouse of the Blue Star Aristocratic Family "Shjia".

According to the grapevine, the horror level of Level 8 has been reached!

Level 8 Martial Artist is the chief referee, and only the Blue Star Empire can do it in the whole world.

However, the existence of Shi Hongwen, the powerhouse of time, can ensure that both sides of the battle will have spare no effort, as in Secret Realm, without leaving hands, showing the most exciting duel.

"The Lord of the Blue Star Empire!"

"Yang Yun Prefecture!"

The name Yang Yun Prefecture sounds like the name of a dashing young man at first glance .

But he is actually an extremely kind old man who has been sitting in the position of the lord of the Blue Star Empire for more than 300 years.

In the special country of the Blue Star Empire, there is no younger generation competing for this position, and the country is peaceful.

Yang Yun Prefecture stood with his hands behind his back, with a peaceful smile on his face, and said:

"I declare—"

"The 3911th session World Budo tournament ——"

"Official opening!"


In the constant cheers and shouts of the scene, the opening for half an hour The ceremony and admission ceremony are all over.

In addition to the Beiming and Tianshui teams from both sides in the opening match, the other 14 teams walked off the ring one after another and went to the viewing area of the imperial delegation.

On both sides of this huge ring are the War Zones for the two participating teams.

"The top sixteen battle, the first battle!"

"Beijing Hades vs.-"

"Tian Shui Kingdom!"

"Both sides salute!"

Shi Hongwen, standing in the center of the ring, shouted in a deep voice.

The energetic voice resounded throughout the martial arts field, and millions of audience applauded.

Twenty-four people greeted each other in the center of the ring, and the fighting intent in their eyes was burning.

Beijing Hades Empire and Tianshui Kingdom are enemies with different positions.

It adds a medicinal smell to the opening game of this focal point of ten thousands!

After returning to the Prepared War Zone, everyone in the Tianshui Kingdom's squad turned their attention to Chen Tianyu.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Chen Tianyu took a deep breath and hammered his chest.

Lin Yuan showed a confident smile and said:

"Let it go."

Lin Yuan of Tianshui State is guarding the last level, they only need spare no effort, fight to the death!

Chen Tianyu nodded, after hearing the prompt of the official start of the opening game, his spirit power surged and he stepped into the arena!

"Oh oh oh oh--"

The millions of spectators at the scene were completely boiling and looked at the two players who played.


In the stands, Captain Xu Qinghuan of [Quanshi Team] who played in today's second battle against New Black Court, squinted his eyes and helped his glasses. face smiling.

The team members around him exclaimed in amazement:

"Captain! God! You can guess this!"

"Old Xu, then Who do you think will win?"

Xu Qinghuan said with a slight smile:

"It doesn't matter who wins."

"Tian Shui will win this game."

The players around them stared wide-eyed.

"No way..."

From the perspective of paper strength, Beiming wants to strengthen Tianshui by a whole grade!

For the Quanshi team, they really don't have much pressure in their second battle to face the new black court.

They also have the best record in the country's martial arts tournament.

Xu Qinghuan turned his head, squinted and looked towards the team members beside him.

"What are you betting on?"


"Lei Jiacheng."

"It was not what Lin Yuan expected."

Chen Tianyu thought to himself when he stepped into the ring and saw the first member of the Beiming Empire.

The importance of the first battle is beyond doubt.

Lei Jiacheng's strength should be second only to Space Department Martial Artist Gu Kong and Beiming Captain Bai Zixuan, plus Martial Artist of explosive speed, the fault tolerance rate is relatively high.

From the time the lottery was drawn to Tianshui Kingdom, the North Underworld Empire felt that they must have entered the top eight.

So the confident look on Lei Jiacheng's face really made Tianshui Kingdom supporters look a little annoyed.

"Fuck him!"

"Damn! Fuck him!"


The rules of the ring battle are concise and clear.

Until one side admits defeat, loses battle strength or falls off the ring, it will be judged as a loser!

The winner can continue to fight.

If both sides lose battle strength at the same time, they will send the next player at the same time.

Shi Hongwen looked towards both sides of the arena standing in their respective positions, Hong said:

"Top 16, the first battle between the Northern Underworld Empire and the Tianshui Kingdom!"


When Hongwen's words fell, the crowd suddenly became noisy, and the eyes of all the audience were fixed on both sides of the battle.


The flame symbol on Chen Tianyu's forehead gradually flickered.

As soon as you step on your feet, it shoots out like a cannonball!

The level 5 sword is in hand, and it is absolutely domineering!

The aura of spiritual power surged up all over the body immediately, and the battle erupted with full force as soon as the battle started, leaving no room for anything!


"Little rubbish."

Lei Jiacheng looked at Chen Tianyu who was galloping, and the dark rays of light in his eyes flashed. flashed by.

As soon as the footsteps on the ground, the whole person disappears in place with a dazzling purple light!


"So fast!"

The moment he saw Lei Jiacheng, Wu Di pupils shrank, also a speed Martial Artist , subconsciously Shouted.

You must know that Wu Di is most proud of his speed. This Lei Jiacheng's speed is not much slower than his.

And the Thunder Element is more explosive than the Electric System!

"Ancient Thunder Species."

Jiang Yining secretly said in one's heart when he saw the purple light.

This kind of ancient thunder is extremely rare, and the impact is much more tyrannical than ordinary thunder!

In the blink of an eye, Lei Jiacheng appeared above Chen Tianyu, his left foot stopped suddenly above Chen Tianyu's right shoulder at the same time, and the flashing arc of the sole of his foot suddenly fell!

Chen Tianyu's reaction was equally swift, raising the sword in his hand to confront Lei Jiacheng head-on!

In the team, Chen Tianyu's opponent is Wu Di, so he can barely adapt to the speed of this level.

However, the biggest difference between Lei Jiacheng and Wu Di is that their attack power is not at the same level!


At the moment when the two collided head-on, even Lin Yuan standing under the stage could see that Chen Tianyu's facial muscles were shaking!

There was no temptation on both sides.

Lei Jiacheng snorted lightly, and the second burst of attack caused a huge wave of air to swept away and rushed towards the audience!

However, there is a transparent spiritual power shield in front of the auditorium, so there is no danger.

As the North Underworld Empire, they only regard Lin Yuan and Li Han as real opponents!

The remaining few don't even have much research.

Lei Jiacheng's mission is to force Li Han or Lin Yuan to take action, and then kill one of them!

So facing Tianshui's first player, Chen Tianyu, Lei Jiacheng didn't try it at all, but he obviously underestimated Chen Tianyu's strength and strong will to win!

The flame symbol on Chen Tianyu's forehead was roaring, and the same explosive force sent Lei Jiacheng flying!

"Oh oh oh—"

"Oh oh oh—"

It was such a violent collision that the audience stood up and shouted !

"Lei Jiacheng suffered a loss?"

"en." There was a flash of thunder.

Lei Jiacheng did suffer a small loss in the collision just now, but this has a lot to do with the mentality and will of both sides.

As the main battle strength of the North Underworld Empire, Lei Jiacheng not only needs to complete the task of the first battle.

It is even more necessary to ensure that you are not seriously injured and challenge the New Black Empire in the quarterfinals!

But Chen Tianyu is different.

"He is desperate when he comes on the court."

In the ring, some martial artists who understand martial arts duel also said one after another.

Chen Tianyu simply doesn't think so much, he has only one task!

Win the opener! !

Thanks for the starting point reward:

[Killer Point Card] 2000 starting point coins!

[Break the Halberd and sink into the sand_] [Spaced] [Long Song Low-key] [Temporary Worker, Dragon] 1500 starting coins!

【Er fish yyyr】500 starting coins!

[The most brilliant time meets the most beautiful you] 354 starting coins!

[Big Wind and Small Heat] 200 starting coins!

[Hundred Cities] [Book Friends 20171005121350106] [Dragon Soul Crystal] [Book Friends 20200406200949730] 100 starting coins!

Thank you so much!

(end of this chapter)

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