I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 134


Chapter 134 The last ripple (please subscribe!!)

Wu Di in the qualifier left a deep impression on the world audience .

But that doesn't mean everyone thinks he can beat Shentu with speed in the ring.

When Wu Dafu and Jiang Xiu saw Wu Di playing, they suddenly felt some cardiac arrest.



The opening battle in each round of battle is an important task. Morale and strategic deployment of the entire team.

At this moment, there were bursts of discussions, and Wu Dafu and Jiang Xiu were annoyed!

"Hey, I guess there's no way..."

"Well, the team members are all injured, so I can't help it."

"You can only watch Let's see if Lin Yuan and Li Han can take away one or two players from Xinheiting."

The injury situation of the Tianshui team is not a secret.

Chen Tianyu, the main force of the battle, was injured like that in the last battle, and it is definitely impossible to play again.

In addition to the tragic and bloody battle in the qualifiers, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and there are really not many players to choose.


"The Eighth Battle, the first battle!"

"The New Black Empire against the Tianshui Kingdom!"

The referee was still Shi Hongwen, standing on the side of the ring looking at the two who had already played.

Shen Tu looked at Wu Di, who was slightly thinner, and licked his chapped lips.

In the cheers of the audience, Shi Hongwen gave an order!



The moment when Shi Hongwen announced the start of the game, Shentu's body swelled rapidly again, and the cracked shirt All burst!

After the previous battle with the Quanshi team, all the spectators were mentally prepared.

In an imposing manner full of killing and savagery, Shentu's original flesh and blood body suddenly turned into a ten-meter-high giant monster full of violent aura!


Shentu roared wildly, and moved towards Wu Di with his two sturdy thighs!

At this time, Wu Di had already emptied everything, and the electrical system spiritual power had all exploded.

In an instant, the golden rays of light gradually flickered above Wu Di's body.

The whole person was bathed in lightning, and his strong legs suddenly stepped on the ground and shot out!


"So fast!"

In this brief moment, Wu Di's speed completely shocked the audience of the entire martial arts field exhale.

During the qualifiers, Wu Di needs to ensure his spiritual power and physical energy consumption, and control his speed.

So it won't break out completely, but this battle is totally different!

I saw Wu Di as if turned into a golden lightning, holding a brand-new Level 5 sword in his hand.

Don't dodge, move towards Shentu rushing away!

On this arena, it is impossible to escape from pure consumption. Shentu's physical defensive power is indeed amazing, but it does not mean that Wu Di can't do any damage to him.


An extremely astonishing energy storm erupted with Shentu as the center and swept across all directions.

Shen Tu took advantage of the situation and raised his huge feet moved towards Wu Di suddenly stepped on!

The giant feet are pouring down with destructive power!

The formidable power of this foot is not weak. Under the huge pressure of this energy storm, the boiling blood in Wu Di's body and the spiritual power of the electrical system exploded wildly, and the lightning footwork was used to the extreme. !


With a loud bang, Shentu's huge feet fell, and the strong shock shocked the audience!

Wu Di was extremely fast, passing through Shen Tu's crotch at lightning speed, and jumped up.

An astonishing electric light erupted from the demon sword in his hand!

"Nine Shadows of Electric Light!!"

shua~ shua~ shua~ ——

Nine electric lights slashed out of Wu Di's demon sword. It slammed into Shentu's back!

The splendid electric light keeps bursting into flames!

From the audience, Wu Di couldn't feel how terrifying the defensive power of this monster Shentu was.

The lightning nine shadows slammed on Shentu's back, and did not cause much damage to Shentu, whose skin is rough, flesh is thick, and has amazing defensive power!

Leaving only a few traces of black!


Seeing this scene, Tianshui's supporters became anxious:

"It's still that problem."

"I can't break his defense."

After the last battle, they were frantically making suggestions for the Tianshui team.

In any case, first of all, you must have the ability to break through the monster's defense, but obviously Wu Di does not.

After the first round of the fight between the two sides, Jun Jinyu of the New Black Ting Empire narrowed her eyes slightly.

He could see that Tianshui Kingdom had unrealistic ideas!


Wu Di was not too shocked by Shentu's terrifying defense.

He was mentally prepared long before he got on the court.

It's just that he didn't expect the monster's oppression to be so strong!

Shen Tu turned around at the moment when Wu Di cut out the lightning and nine shadows.

The huge palm moved towards Wu Di suddenly grabbed it, and the speed was extremely fast.

Wu Di's figure accelerated in the sky in two stages, drawing a golden trajectory, quickly dodging Shentu's attack and landing on the ground.


Seeing Wu Di's extraordinary speed, the audience, who had thought that this battle would be quickly defeated, looked towards the arena one by one.

The moment he stepped on the field, Wu Di was constantly mobilizing his electrical spirit power.

The body that has rested for more than half a month is familiar with the amazing intensity of this battle.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ——

After the initial trial, Wu Di's speed finally reached Peak.

The golden light is constantly shuttled around Shentu, trying to pull Shentu into the tug-of-war of attrition!

But Wu Di's loach-like figure completely annoyed Shentu!

Shentu's eyes were scarlet, he opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, his blood energy soared into the sky, a strong blood-reeking qi permeated the entire arena, and spiritual power continued to gather!

“Be careful!”

“Be careful—”

Tianshui supporters shouted when they saw such power.

With Shentu's pride, it is absolutely not allowed to play catching cats with an ant here!

At the moment when Shentu let out a terrifying roar, the entire martial arts field began to tremble slightly.

One after another attack full of killing intent, moved towards Wu Di and blasted away indiscriminately!

"Not good..."

Wu Di's complexion changed suddenly, he inserted his demon saber on the ring, his spiritual power exploded completely, resisting this astonishing roar Power!

bang! bang!

bang! bang!

The roaring sound wave after wave, constantly hitting the surrounding shields, bursting into bursts ripple!

The deafening roar made countless audiences cover their ears, but they still felt their hearts tremble.

One can imagine how terrifying the attack on Wu Di in the center of the roar was!

The electric light roamed on Wu Di's body, but it was destroyed in front of this violent energy.

The terrifying energy completely enveloped Wu Di.

Facing the roaring torrent of sound waves, Wu Di's escape space was completely covered, so he could only forcibly resist it!

"pu ——"

Seeing Wu Di spit out a mouthful of red blood, the entire Tianshui War Zone team members looked serious.

An indescribable giant sound wave swept away, seemingly obscuring everything between Heaven and Earth.

The terrifying wind and waves followed, wanting to completely crush Wu Di!


During the two years of hell training, Wu Di's legs full of strength stepped on the ring!

Wu Di's body swayed constantly on the verge of collapse.

The whole body kept going backwards in the ring, and soon back to the edge of the ring!

"Get out!!!"

At this moment, Wu Di's eyes were bloodshot, and a heart-piercing roar resounded through the ring.

Forcibly grasped the demon sword in his hand and slashed out.

Lightning and thundering!

Two terrifying energies collided in the center of the ring!

A strange gleam flashed in Shentu's eyes, didn't expect this thin yellow-haired boy to have such an amazing will.

The New Black Empire is proud of killing, and its powerhouse is respected.

The most respectful way to face an opponent is to tear him to pieces!

Shen Tu's huge body stepped out step by step, and his fierce imposing manner almost drowned Wu enemy completely.



There are no distracting thoughts in Wu Di's mind. A combat state that has never been reached.

It is precisely because of this that the amazing potential hidden in Wu Di's body was gradually activated without his knowledge!

"His speed..."

Seeing the lightning speed in the ring, Jun Jinyu was slightly frowned.

Something unimaginable is that the Wu Di under the serious injury is faster than the Wu Di who just at the peak period!


Faster and faster!

Even the referee Shi Hongwen couldn't help but looked towards Wu Di, who had entered a special state!


"How is that possible!"

Shen Tu had the clearest perception of Wu Di's increase in speed.

The golden phantom in front of him kept flashing wildly around him.

With his perception, he gradually began to be unable to capture Wu Di's figure!


"Fuck! Come on!"


With Wu Di's violent speed continued to erupt, and the eyes of the audience at the scene gradually lit up, shouting frantically.

Almost one-sided cheering for Tianshui!


"One more roar of giants!"

Even if the roar of giants consumes a lot of spiritual power, it is the best for Shentu now s Choice.

However, when he was about to repeat his old tricks to gather spiritual power, the keen Wu Di this time would no longer give him a chance!

The demon sword flickered, and a golden phantom suddenly appeared in front of Shentu's eyes!

Look into each other's eyes.

At this time, Wu Di's eyes filled with electric light seemed to have no emotion, and he stared at Shen Tu faintly.

A giant Ancient Monster Race phantom appeared on the demon sword in his hand.

The sound of metal knives reverberated through Heaven and Earth, and a mighty blade burst out suddenly!

“Great Perfection!”


The moment they felt this sword, countless Martial Artists were startled exhale.

Even the members of the Tianshui delegation were stunned.

Lightning blade potential, blade potential Great Perfection!

Is this Wu Di? !


When the flashing electric light appeared, Wu Di disappeared from everyone's field of vision in an instant!

It was replaced by a golden lightning bolt!

The entire arena was covered by this dazzling blade glow, the power of terrifying lightning permeated.

The golden light is huge, and the power of destruction is constantly stirring!


"How is it!"

"How is it!"

All the audience looked anxiously towards the arena .

The dazzling lightning glow dissipated from the arena, and the moment they saw the situation on the arena, everyone was shocked.

The scene was silent.

Heavy breathing is clearly audible.

The two players stood on the field with their backs facing each other, and the aftermath of spiritual power continued to spread.

"Who won?"


Under countless gazes.

Shen Tu's face suddenly split open, and a blood line blew out.

The incomparably huge body fell straight from the center of the ring!


A huge rumbling sound resounded in the middle of the ring.

"First battle!"

"Tianshui Kingdom Wu enemy..."


Seeing Shentu The huge monster's body re-turned into its original flesh and blood and fell on the ring, Shi Hongwen's loud voice spread out!

It's not just the millions of spectators at the scene, it feels like a moment of silence between Heaven and Earth.

Immediately afterwards, thunderous cheers resounded, and the entire world seemed to be shaken by it!

"Oh oh oh oh-"

"Tianshui! Tianshui!"

Countless Tianshui supporters shouted heart-rendingly.

Wu Dafu and Jiang Xiu were even more sobbing, and their voices were completely hoarse!

The first battle between Tianshui Kingdom and the New Black Ting Empire was won!



This is true for both parties.

Even Lin Yuan, Li Han and the others looked at the wobbly yellow-haired boy on the field in disbelief.

In the battle plan formulated by Tianshui Kingdom, it was simply not thought that Wu Di would be able to kill Shentu by himself.

Let Wu Di consume Shentu, and then go to Li Han to harvest Shentu!

This is the complete idea.

The members of the New Black Ting Empire were shocked and a little dignified.

It can be seen from the eyes of the Tianshui team members before the war that they want to win!


Wu Di's consciousness was extremely vague, and his entire body was on the verge of collapse.

The cheers of Heaven and Earth resounded around him, and there was only a little sound in his consciousness.


"Can't fall."

Wu Di kept calling to himself.

Even if they can persist until the next player from the New Black Empire is on the field, knowing which player from the New Black Empire will play second is a crucial advantage for the Tianshui representative team!

One step, two steps.

Wu Di's figure on the verge of collapse moved slowly and difficultly in the ring.

At this moment, the eyes of the world audience are all on this thin silhouette.

"Come on!"

"Come on, Tianshui Kingdom!"

The waves of applause and cheers at the scene are higher than waves, which is the will of the Tianshui team Constantly supporting Wu Di!

I saw Wu Di dragging his heavy body to the team member's position and standing.

Shi Hongwen's eyes turned to the New Black Empire.

In the New Black Ting Empire's War Zone, Jun Jinyu's expression did not change much, and his head was not replied:

"Kill Hugh."

The strength of Shentu is only the middle and lower reaches in the entire New Black Empire team.

Hearing Jun Jinyu's shout, a black-clothed youth with a silent expression walked out of the team and stepped onto the ring.

A simple hair tie secures long black hair.

His name is Luxiu.

The sword attendant of the "Son of God" of the New God religion.


The moment Lu Xiu stepped into the ring.

Wu Di couldn't hold it any longer and fell down on the ring.

There were bursts of exclamations, followed by deafening applause.

Shi Hongwen moved towards slightly nod under the ring.

The medical division team of Tianshui Kingdom came to the stage one after another to take Wu Di, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

In the battle with Shentu, the disadvantage of realm made Wu Di's spiritual power completely overdrawn.

The ability to help teammates know who is the second player in the New Black Ting Empire is already the last wave of Wu Di.

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(end of this chapter)

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