I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 136


Chapter 136 Undead Spell! (Please subscribe!)

"Sword Art is proficient, Sword Art is subtle, and swords are gathered."

"sword intent Small Accomplishment, natural phenomenon is manifested, and there is no trace of heart and sword."

"The sword heart is condensed, the sword is immortal, and the sword heart is immortal."

"Without me there is no sword, without sword there is no Dao, without me there is no Dao."

sword intent is the real threshold of a swordsman.

Only when you understand why the long sword in your hand exists, can you comprehend the true origin.


Seeing that the seriously injured Han Yi was carried off the ring, Shi Hongwen immediately announced loudly:

"The New Black Ting Empire will face off against each other. Tianshui Kingdom!"

"The third battle!"


Shi Hongwen's voice just fell, and Lu Xiu stepped on his feet!

As he burst out, he suddenly disappeared in the center of the ring.

On the occasion of reappeared, it has come to Li Han!

I saw Dark Qi raging, a sword slashed out, and a black sword glow like a torrential rain erupted.

"Dark World!"

Slaughter eyes flashed, dark sword intent and powerful psychic attacks are simultaneously displayed.

In the blink of an eye, Li Han felt that Heaven and Earth all around had no peripheral vision, like an abyss.

The air was gloomy, and countless Kuroshio tides moved towards him surging towards him.

si si ——

Like countless dark tentacles, drag him into the abyss!

sword intent wreaked havoc in the space, and the majestic sword chant resounded like a thousand swords whining!

Li Han stood quietly in the middle of the darkness, feeling everything around him with his heart.

The long sword in his hand was swung, and the gushing Water Element spiritual power roared, and a sword moved towards the side and rear and blasted out!


The figure of Luxiu black disappeared directly from the spot, and an afterimage shattered under Li Han's sword light!

ka ka ——

Lu Xiu's silhouette is reaching its peak, the whole body's spiritual power is bursting, and the black sword glow is prosperous!

The dark sword glow was shocking, forming a terrifying sword wave in the air, rolling with killing intent moved towards Li Han.

Li Han's perception was extremely acute, the long sword flashed in his hand, and the Sword Intent of Water gushed out like a sea of surging waves!


"sword intent! Sword Intent of Water!!"

At this moment, countless audiences stood up suddenly, Incredible looked towards the ring!

The comprehension of meaning is never about having accumulated knowledge and delivering it slowly.

In that instant.

In fact, the moment he stepped into the ring, Li Han had already touched the true meaning of sword intent!

It is precisely because of this that Lu Xiu keeps staring at Li Han.

Li Han's incessant Sword Intent of Water and Lu Xiu's dark sword intent fiercely collide together!

With an astonishing wave of spiritual power that dissipates everywhere.

The curtain of this battle has finally opened!


The tyrannical imposing manner gradually rose up in Li Han's body.

The breath is frigid, like a surging tide hitting all around, bursts of turbulent!

Collision with Lu Xiu's this time, the dark sword intent is not like Nirvana when he fought with Han Yi just now.

Instead, it's overwhelmed by an endless stream of Sword Intent of Water until it fades away.

dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~ ——

In the field of vision of the audience, the two have already started a dazzling sword technique duel.

A face-to-face, the two people staggered dozens of times.

Every time there is a collision, there will be ripples of spiritual power!

At this time, Li Han was completely immersed in this suffocating duel.

Luxiu's spirit strength is tyrannical.

Li Han's spiritual power control is equally astounding.

"Sword silk?!"

"I'm afraid only Li Han can do it."

Seeing the sword glow cut out by Li Han turned into With strands of blue sword threads, everyone can only sigh the horror of this two-sword boy!

As a swordsman, this spiritual power control ability is unheard-of.

In the border of the Sixteen Nations Alliance, countless warriors clenched their fists and watched Li Han's battle.

Li Han is a true sword technique genius!

In the piece of land of the Sixteen Nations Alliance, it may have restrained Li Han's sword technique improvement.

But once we get to the real world genius gathering arena.

In the constant battle with other sword technique experts, Li Han's sword technique has finally begun to transform!


Luxiu's silhouette kept flashing in the darkness, and he felt uncomfortable while constantly colliding with Li Han.

He had never met such an opponent.

The swordsman of the double sword style!

The two-handed sword is as continuous as Li Han's Sword Intent of Water.

Once Li Han and Li Han enter the sword technique duel, the continuous feature of Sword Intent of Water will take the initiative in the invisible battle, and the loss of spiritual power will be less.

Two silhouettes with strong breath intertwined and flashed quickly.

It was at this moment that the killing move finally arrived!

The terrifying Death Power raged out, covering the entire arena in an instant, as if Ghost God had come!

Even the audience in the stands felt this aura and could feel a trembling from the soul.

ka ka ka ——

At this time, Lu Xiu's face was fierce, his body was covered with black energy, and his eyes were terrifying to the extreme!

This black sword glow is a sword that he comprehends himself!

Physical and spiritual double attack.

one after another strange dark Black Sword light intertwined in the air, turned into a large black net, moved towards Li Han shrouded away!

The double swords in Li Han's hands trembled, but his will never wavered.

one after another The amazing sword qi containing the water potential burst out, and it collided head-on as if it were raining all over the sky!

But the violent dark Black Sword light seemed to make the whole space boil.

In an instant, it traverses the sky and turns into a spiral hole that penetrates everything!

“really strong.”

Even in the War Zone, Lin Yuan could feel the horror of this battle.

The battle strength of the two Level 4 Peak swordsmen at this time is definitely not inferior to that of the Level 5 Martial Artist who has not unlocked the first mortal shackles!


“sword intent—”

“The river enters the sea!”

At this moment, Li Hanmeng saw The strip of cloth was finally blown away.

Li Han, who suddenly opened his eyes, rotated the two swords clockwise, and a grandiose Water Element sword intent burst out!

Even viewers who are not Martial Artists can clearly see a terrifying vortex spinning in mid-air.

The sword intent seems to have turned into a vast ocean, wanting to completely swallow the dark Black Sword intent.

The majestic Divine Sense submerged into the sea, Li Han seemed to fuse together with sword intent, and collided head-on with Lu Xiu!


The two figures staggered together, making a screeching sound of one after another long sword colliding!


Lu Xiu's eyes flickered, astonishing spirit strength poured out again, and he wanted to drag Li Han into the illusion again.

But at this time, Li Han's spiritual sea was almost seamless, and the slaughter did not succeed under the fierce collision!

In the final analysis, Suxiu is only a Level 4 Martial Artist, and has not crossed the category of mortals.

Li Han's eyes flashed, the two long swords in his hand went up and down, and cut out two spiral sword lights that revolved around each other, shattering the afterimage of Lu Xiu again!

The figures of both sides staggered across the field.

Suddenly there was a roar in the air!

Under the fierce collision, Li Han and the ninth star of Lu Xiu's Dao Palace actually loosened at the same time!


"Breakthrough in battle..."

"What monsters are these."

"I... ..."


In the audience, the members of the national teams were in disbelief and looked horrified.

The two mysterious spiritual power fluctuations spread extremely fast on the ring, and the spiritual power in the body was churning and the nine stars were connected at the same time.

In the high-intensity bloody battle, he broke through the big bottleneck of Level 4 to Level 5 at the same time!


Nine-star connection.

At this time, Li Han's body had already produced an internal circulation.

The spiritual power that spreads out of the body surface shrinks rapidly, and soon the fleshy body becomes crystal clear and near-transparent, emitting soft rays of light!

The inner cycle of spiritual power, the transformation of fleshy body, this is the mark of Level 5 Martial Artist!

After becoming a Level 5 Martial Artist, it's not just lifespans that have exploded.

And you can enter the cultivation state instead of sleep, officially entering the Shedding Mortality Realm world!


Li Han's thin body seems to be lurking a giant beast!

A cold light flashed across his eyes, his two swords came out together, moved towards 愛xiu suppress and kill!

Two amazing streamers collided.

In an instant, the dull collision exploded in an instant!

Amazing air waves swept all over the place, and the hard ring ground gave the illusion of a shock and cracking.

The brand new realm in the two people's bodies has not yet stabilized. Under the amazing collision, they are tumbling with blood!

His face was flushed and his breath was completely disordered.

But even so, neither of them stagnated in the slightest, and every sword burst out with amazing will!

"Oh oh oh oh-"

"Come on!"

Millions of spectators at the scene were also infected by the will of the two.

The blood was burning and he got up and roared.


This matchup is the best matchup since the finals stage this year, and the longest matchup ever.

It's been an hour since the beginning!

Seeing the amazing collision between the two swords and swords, many viewers were worried.

"If you keep fighting like this, these two people will be seriously injured."

"Well, the realm is not stable."

On both sides of the ring, as Captain The expressions of Jun Jinyu and Lin Yuan did not change at all.

They all know that as swordsmen they are impossible at this time to back down.

You must be right with your sword and your own heart.

Luxiu is indeed the absolute main force of the New Black Ting Empire, but even without him, with the reserve of members of the New Black Ting Empire, he is still capable of fighting against the Baijing Republic!

On the other hand, the belief of Tianshui Kingdom is extremely simple.

Fight with all your might to defeat the New Black Empire! !


"Li Han lost."

Seeing the evolution of the battle situation, Lin Yuan thought to himself in the heart.

For the comprehension of sword intent, Lu Xiu is even better.

And Li Han's battle method has extremely high requirements for spiritual power control.

Once there are fluctuations, it is a deadly weak spot for Yuxiu.

As expected by Lin Yuan.

Soon after, Lu Xiu swung the black long sword in his hand and slashed it down!

This sword was completely silent, but it shattered Li Han's sword intent!

Only the sound of "锵" was heard, and Li Han's condensed sword curtain was torn apart instantly.

Countless subtle splashes of spiritual power caused Li Han to kneel suddenly while blood spurted from his mouth!



At the same time, Li Han gasped for breath, and the two handles had already cut countless gaps. The sword trembled in the ring.

A killing intent boiled, and the long sword with black glow suddenly appeared on Li Han's head.

If it's a Life and Death Battle, Lu Xiu only needs to drop the long sword to cut off Li Han's head!


"I lost."

At this moment, countless Tianshui soldiers and civilians all closed their lips, looking at Li Han who was defeated in the center of the arena.

After defeating Han Yi, Lu Xiu has another victory!

"The third battle!"

"The New Black Empire, kill and win!"

Shi Hongwen's voice resounded through the ring again.

Smash all the "unrealistic" fantasies that Tianshui Kingdom has just created!

They underestimated the New Black Empire.

Even if it is a duel on the same level, Li Han is not invincible in the whole world.


"I tried my best."

"I really tried my best."

There are many Tianshui support in the stands The person had a strong sense of powerlessness, and his heart was cold.

The audiences all over the world are very clear that Li Han and Lin Yuan are the only two people in the Tianshui team who can reach the Peak level.

Now that Li Han is down, there are only two people in the Tianshui team.

Li Han has really done his best!

Comprehend Sword Intent of Water, breakthrough Level 5 Martial Artist.

But even so, he was defeated by the sword of Yuxiu.


A few drops of sweat dripped from Lu Xiu's forehead.

Then slowly retracted the long sword hanging over Li Han's head, voluntarily gave up the next battle, moved towards the War Preparation Zone of the New Heiting Empire.

The strong duel with Li Han also benefited him a lot. He needs to digest it well after the war and stabilize the realm.

“pa pa pa pa——”

Amid the applause of millions of audiences, Li Han stood up tremblingly and limped toward the prepared War Zone.

The Tianshui team deserves the respect of the world Martial Artist.

Before the game, no one thought that the Tianshui team would be able to fight the New Black Empire to such an extent!

Li Han was unable to support the moment he stepped into the Tianshui Prepared War Zone, and his whole body went limp.

I was immediately embraced by Lin Yuan's powerful arms.

From the first day of learning swordsmanship, Li Han knew that "sword dao never ends".

In this world, there will always be a stronger swordsman than yourself.

Seeing the vastness of the world, all he can do is to stick to his sword heart and constantly cut open the mountains in front of him.


Because of Li Han's defeat, the atmosphere in the martial arts field was a little depressed.

However, after Gong Ming stepped into the ring, the people from Tianshui Kingdom still waved the Tianshui national flag again, and cheered for the Tianshui delegation with hoarse voices. The momentum was amazing!

At noon, the dark clouds that had been hovering in the sky finally dissipated.

90% of the Tianshui military and civilians have given up their unrealistic fantasies.

But there are still 10% of the military and civilians, when they see the firm expressions of the entire Tianshui War Zone team members, the blood in their bodies gradually boils!

"They didn't give up!"


Lin Yuan silently looked at the arena.

At this point in the battle, all Tianshui team members fought hard.

World Martial Arts tournament, the gap between the top eight and the top four is huge.

The resources that can be won for the country are also the difference between Heaven and Earth.

These resources can help Tianshui Kingdom have more Lin Yuan and more Li Han to grow up in the future.

It can even indirectly save the lives of countless navy warriors.

"New Black Ting Empire vs. Tianshui Kingdom!"

"The Fourth Battle!"


… …

The hunched and pale Gong Ming stood in the center of the ring, biting his fingers with his teeth.


The blood kept evaporating, and Gong Ming's fingers kept drawing in the sky.

"Undead Array?"

Seeing Gong Ming's actions, Xiao Lou, the third member of the New Black Ting Empire's debut, blinked.

Dead spirits are not uncommon in the [Spirit Emperor Country] in the extreme north.

A truly powerful undead spirit skill can only be used without sacrificing one's own life force.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lou's Thunder Element spiritual power exploded.

one after another purple Lei Mang formed a pair of thunder wings behind him!

Thunderwings swayed, and the figure flickered as the speed increased sharply.

In the sky, it turned into one after another purple afterimage, moved towards Gong Ming and ran away!

Within the New Black Empire team.

"Son of God" and Jun Jinyu are the strongest.

Donghuang, followed by slaughter.

The strength gap between the remaining Level 4 Peak players is not too big.

As a speed-based Martial Artist, no matter who the remaining team members of Tianshui Kingdom are facing, Xiao Lou can have an advantage.

The Machine Department Martial Artist's firepower is no different.

It's all in vain if you can't hit the enemy.


The eyes of the New Black Empire were all on Lin Yuan.

Completely ignore this necromancer who had no performance in the qualifiers, and even had no presence.

As soon as the Gongming array was completed, a haze of deathly air rose from the concentric array, and the gray smoke filled the entire arena!

See the undead spell cast by Gong Ming.

Countless voices in the area of the Spirit Emperor country in the arena exclaimed in surprise!

"How is that possible!"


"That woman isn't dead yet?"


The undead spell cast by Gong Ming is familiar to several undead powerhouses in the Spirit Emperor country.

It's that woman's spell!

About five hundred years ago, the peaceful organization within the Spirit Emperor rebelled.

One of the undead female mages named "Yemei" became a new force in the rebellion.

But in the end, she was suppressed and killed under the internal suppression of the Spirit Emperor country, and some of her unique undead spells were lost!

However, no one would have thought that the undead spell - "the fog of death" could be seen in this arena!

Their gazes turned to the pale boy in the center of the ring who was dissipating in the fog of death!

Thanks for the reward: [RNG champion coach is warming up] 5000 starting coins! Many thanks! !

【The old man is still very healthy! ] 1500 starting coins!

【Xiao Momo】100 starting point coins

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【Yingying】1666 book coins as a reward!

(end of this chapter)

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