I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 152


Chapter 152 The power of transformation!

Have a night's rest.

The next morning.

When Lin Yuan opened his eyes, his excitement was still hard to contain.

"Since the source fire fruit is so strong, it seems that we will collect more Fire Essence in the future."

"This function alone is incredible."

From the time they were in the Southwest Military Academy, the two teachers said that the source of fire was not ordinary.

However, Lin Yuan doesn't know where the exception is.

Now finally found a way to use it.

"Unfortunately, only the Origin Fire Fruit can be integrated into the Tool Spirit system, otherwise it will be a big hit."

Lin Yuan muttered.

Whether the robot has Fire of Life and self-awareness is of great significance.

Not only the strength of the robot itself will increase a lot, the most important thing is that there is no need to issue every specific command.

Why it is difficult to say that the all-round Martial Artist is difficult to appear as a mechanical Martial Artist.

Because once you use the mechanical Legion style Martial Artist, you need a strong spirit strength, not to mention, and you need to control all the machines in the battle, naturally there is no way to fight the main body, just with many summon series. Same as Martial Artist.

There are not many Martial Artists in the Machine Department in the world, and the Machine Department Martial Artists in the mechanical Legion style are even rarer. The most important reason is because of the huge and terrifying resources!

The resources consumed by the armed mecha, or the thermal combat Martial Artist, and the Machine Department Martial Artist who build the mechanical Legion are not at the same level!

For the mechanical Zhang Fei of Level 5 Martial Artist battle strength, he naturally needs the pure mechanical energy of Level 5 Metal Spirit Stone beast core.

Just building one will consume a lot of resources in the Lin Yuan space ring.

Imagine how many resources are needed for 1000 pieces!

"But you don't have to make a robot. If you want to build a mechanical Legion in the future, you can make a mechanical beast or something else."

"Resources are still resources. ”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and realized where the core of Machine Department Martial Artist is.

"Everything can be a tool, and a tool can be everything."

In the first half of the sentence, after being promoted to Level 5 Martial Artist, Machine Department Martial Artist can gradually apply During the battle, and can understand.

But the second half of the sentence only exists in theory.

"A tool can also be everything", consciousness is the transformation of the form of mechanical energy.

It means that Lin Yuan can continuously cremate the machine into a machine, so the resource problem is not a problem, but even Lao Lao and Academician don't know what level to reach this realm.


"I still have two drops of Origin Fire."

For Lin Yuan now, building a mechanical corps is a long way off.

But it's still necessary to make one or two mechanical bodyguards.

And must be more tyrannical than mechanical Zhang Fei.

Otherwise, it is not as strong as its own outbreak of battle strength, and it is not very meaningful to spend a lot of money to make it.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan moved the mysterious black boulder in the space ring to the center of the room!


"Just use this extraterrestrial meteorite."

This piece of black boulder is similar in material to meteorite, and its strength is amazing.

From the structural point of view, it doesn't look like the Spirit Stone on this planet at all. It may be something like extraterrestrial meteorite, so Lin Yuan simply called this black giant rock extraterrestrial meteorite. .

Lin Yuan's powerful sense of tool, decomposing this extraterrestrial meteorite will be extremely slow.

The lack of precision in mechanical energy control means that it cannot be used as a mechanical part of the main body.

This is why the Level 5 Machine Department Martial Artist can't use the Level 6 Mechanical Power to create the main body of the machine.

But building the main weapon and some parts of the body isn't much of a problem.

"It's up to you!"

"Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade!!"


Two months back.

North of Peace Island, within the cultivation area.

Three silhouettes collide continuously, and each collision erupts with turbulent spiritual power and great might!

The wind is blowing!

After reaching Level 5, Lin Yuan's flame mecha can finally erupt at full speed, and the full form is fully revealed!

Previously, Lin Yuan used the Machine Department magic skills of the Photon series, which is the basic series of the Machine Department.

Apart from this, there are many other Machine Department columns and Sects. Luo Lao and Academician had already planned the route for Level 5 Martial Artist with Lin Yuan before, and they chose the [Atomic] series】.

This is the most suitable series of spiritual skills for Lin Yuan's flame mechanical energy explosion.

Once the temperature rises, the flame atoms that make up the flame molecules separate and form independent flame atoms.

And such a series of Machine Department magic skills have a powerful second-stage burst.

Lin Yuan The flame mecha is burning.

At the same time as the distance is drawn, the atomic Gatling in his hand continues to burst into golden flames!

Boom boom boom --

The violent rumbling sound resounded in the cultivation venue.

The golden mechanical energy bullets moved towards Lin Yuan frantically, and the two robots opposite Lin Yuan blasted out!

The two robots, one holding a snake spear, the other holding the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade, blocked in front of them, and collided with Lin Yuan's golden bullet!

dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~ ——

With a violent collision, Lin Yuan’s figure suddenly stopped, the fiery-red atomic Gatling gun in his hand Tubes keep changing!

"Atomic Gatling, the second stage explosion!"

With the mechanical sound of ka ka ka, the temperature of the atomic Gatling itself is getting higher and higher!

The mechanical energy bullet transformed by the golden flame seems to be disintegrated in two stages inside.

The powerful spiritual power fluctuations moved towards the surroundings and radiated out continuously, and the imposing manner has risen by a whole level!



bang bang bang bang!

The fiery machine barrel turned again, The golden bullet fired again seemed to evaporate the air.

Whether it's speed, formidable power or imposing manner, it's a whole level more terrifying than an atomic Gatling in a form!

At this time, even the two tyrannical robots in front of Lin Yuan couldn't resist head-on.

Without the resource consumption of mechanical energy bullets, Lin Yuan has truly achieved firepower coverage and killed with all his strength!

This is the first real full release of Lin Yuan! !

In Lin Yuan's eyes, the mechanical data kept flashing.

The two robots.

The one on the left is eight feet long, with a leopard's head and eyes, Yan's beard and tiger's whiskers, and the sound of thunder is like a galloping horse.

The combat value fluctuates around 48,000-50,000 points, and the peak value can reach around 55,000 points.

The one on the right is nine feet long, and his beard is two feet long.

The face is as heavy as jujube, the lips are greased, phoenix eyes, lying silkworm eyebrows, majestic appearance, majestic, the mechanical Guan Yu holding the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade.

The combat value fluctuates around 67000-72000 points, and the peak value can reach around 80000 points.


Compared to the extremely rough mechanical eyes of Level 4 Martial Artist, the current mechanical eyes of the atomic series have been able to help Lin Yuan's battle to a certain extent .

When Lin Yuan breaks through fifty thousand spirits, it will be a huge improvement to be able to make a tool spirit auxiliary system.

The kind of tool spirit auxiliary system can make analysis and evaluation of the battle in Lin Yuan's body like a second life, and help Lin Yuan to analyze the battle situation.

After a fierce battle confrontation, Lin Yuan finally stopped the cultivation with Second Brother, Third Brother.


Lin Yuan let out a sigh of relief, then walked up to Mechanic Guan Yu and Mechanic Zhang Fei, constantly repairing their wear and tear.

In the past two months, Lin Yuan has been learning the magic skills of the [Atomic Series] in the cultivation after finishing the production of the mechanical Guan Yu.

This aspect of the Machine Department's spiritual skills is not very difficult for Lin Yuan to control at this stage.

Besides, there are two natural sparring, so it is not difficult to master.

Breaking through to Level 5 Martial Artist, Lin Yuan's strength also ushered in a qualitative leap!

"The lord has made rapid progress, and he is truly a hero boy!"

"It probably won't take a few years to surpass us."

Mechanical Guan Yu accepts Lin Yuan's comments Body repair, while stroking the beard.

Mechanical Zhang Fei on the side also shouted loudly:

"Yes, my lord!"

"Wait for your development in the future, must Replace Yide with a mechanical body!"

"It can't be worse than the second brother!"

Mechanical Guan Yu glanced at Mechanic Zhang Fei, smiled and called the head, There are no words.

Lin Yuan was a little blushed with shame after hearing the exchange between the two.

At present, the strength of the mechanical Martial Artist produced can only be changed by changing the body.

Unable to promote.

Not yet.

In just two months, Lin Yuan has become accustomed to this sense of disobedience.

"Good to say..."

"Good to say..."

Even if the Fire of Life is lit, Lin Yuan can still control it with the sea of spirit.

After earnestly repairing their worn bodies to Peak state, Mechanic Guan Yu and Mechanic Zhang Fei took the initiative to extinguish the Fire of Life and entered Lin Yuan's space ring.

In this way, they only need to be summoned by Lin Yuan, and they can be thrown into the battle state at any time according to Lin Yuan's order.



Feeling the five chains lingering in the body, Lin Yuan secretly said in one's heart.

Level 5 Martial Artist calls it Shedding Mortality Realm, and these five chains are also called Mortal Chains.

You can truly transform yourself by cutting off these five chains. Every time you cut off a chain, you can raise your control over your body and your potential to a higher level!

After two months of crazy cultivation, Lin Yuan felt like he had touched the bottleneck of the first chain.

The medicine pill and some Spirit Fruit provided by the country, Lin Yuan smashed most of it like a jelly bean in order to break through Level 5 Martial Artist.

In order to make Mechanic Guan Yu and Mechanic Zhang Fei, a lot of metal Spirit Stone beast core resources were also consumed.

If you continue to practice asceticism on Peace Island, there will be problems both in terms of resources and cultivation effects.

"It's time to go."

Under the sun, Lin Yuan stretched and felt as if he was resurrected!

He may be one of the few pigeons who has not left Peace Island for so long.

A full year and eight months may not be a big deal for a closed top powerhouse, but it's true that Lin Yuan has suffered enough!

The only consolation is to get some news of the Dawning Corps through the pigeons in Tianshui, at least the brothers are also on the road to become a powerhouse.

"Let's go."

After regaining spiritual power, Lin Yuan smiled slightly, then left the cultivation area in the north and moved towards Peace Island.

(end of this chapter)

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