I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 155


Chapter 155 The pigeons are here! (Top)

Peace Island, early morning.

Lin Yuan arrived at Wang Jiayin's residence at the appointed time, and soon the team members arrived one after another.

"Sisi? Breakthrough?"

"Well, Miss Lan, I just broke through yesterday."

The center of the squad.

In the face of Jin Lan's question, a girl wearing a black suit showed a bright smile nodded and said.

The girl's figure is exquisite and tall, and the curves wrapped under the Battle Armor are perfectly extended.

Spiritual Qi fills her eyes as clear as glass.

The refreshing black shoulder-length short hair shows the female Martial Artist temperament vividly and thoroughly.

"These are two new members of the squad."

Lin Yuan slightly nods, self-introduced:

"Lin Yuan."

"Li Sisi."


Lin Yuan has heard the name Li Sisi.

There are not many talented Martial Artists who can be called "monster level" by Peace Dove.

For the pigeons, they have heard of it more or less, and Lissi is one of them.

Li Sisi grew up on Peace Island. Her parents were pigeons, but they both died when she was eight years old.

Wang Jiayin has been taking care of him since then, training Li Sisi to grow up, which is equivalent to Li Sisi's Uncle.

"We're all here."

"Come, take a look at this."

Wang Jiayin stood in the middle of the team and turned on the communication device.

With a swipe of the right hand, a video will appear in the air!

Lin Yuan heard screams just as the video started.


“da da da da——”



In a city of Moon Worship City, several large giant beasts are madly ravaging the city, and the rays of light of battle are constantly flashing in the city!

Even the ordinary person took up the heat to fight the enemy.

For the third Level 4 Martial Artist, the formidable power of the thermal bullet can't be completely ignored.

What is even more worrying in the city is that countless refugees have been blown to pieces under the rampage of giant beast.

For these ordinary people or low-level Martial Artists, even the aftermath of the battle is enough to tear them apart.

It can only be described with the words "Purgatory on Earth"!

Li Sisi watched the video quietly, frowning slightly.

Lin Yuan's heart also trembled suddenly.

War is not just for the military, for the nation.

Not to mention the super empire, even the sixteen-nation alliance can organize a defense to resist a large-scale invasion, at least the country is not affected.

But there are still many weak and barren countries, and the whole territory is in the midst of war.

Many countries are unable to save oneself, let alone others, and refugees who can be transferred to safe countries are only part of it.

Jin Lan stood beside Fatty Wang Jiayin and continued to introduce:

"This 'Black Yuan giant beast' has only appeared on the world battlefield recently."

"Most of them flow out from the territory of Penglai. The bigger the giant beast, the stronger it is, and according to the information on the data..."

"It will become stronger and stronger as it devours!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yuan's eyes re-looked towards Hei Yuan's giant beast in the video.

I saw this 100-meter-high giant beast grabbed two Martial Artists and stuffed it into his mouth.

ka-cha blood splashed!

Beside Lin Yuan, the younger brother Qi Hao cry out in surprise:


"Can you devour advanced? This is too monster!"

"Isn't that invincible?"

While Wang Jiayin shook his head, the fat kept shaking:

" I don't know."

"Among the five major battlefields at this stage, both the Black Ting battlefield and the Baijing battlefield have the Black Yuan giant beast of Level 8 battle strength!"

Qi Hao couldn't help but said:

"What kind of forces are we fighting!"

Even if they are pigeons, with their current strength, they haven't reached the level where they can reach them.

Wang Jiayin didn't answer Qi Hao, and continued:

"The primary goal this time is to kill these giant beasts."

"When the time comes four of us are responsible for killing, Li Meng supports, and the others cover."

"There must be enemies on the battlefield."

"you two Don't be stubborn, and strike harder."

Wang Jiayin looked at the two newcomers who had joined the team.

In a battlefield like that, kindness equals death.


Moon worship.

This is a country with a long history, but also a country with constant wars.

Even after the Canglan War of Independence, there was already a division within the country, which was divided into "north worshiping the moon" and "southern worshipping the moon".

Among them, the North Baiyue Regime got on this big tree of the North Hades Empire.

Under the circumstance that Nanbaiyue's backing country was too busy to take care of itself, Beibaiyue wanted to seize the country's power, and spent a lot of money through negotiation. The power of the moon country!

A formidable person emerges in troubled times, and time makes the man.

The northern moon worship regime believes that no matter how bloody it is, as long as the regime of the moon worship country is unified, their achievements will still be written in the future history books of the moon worship.

Doves of Peace do not interfere in the internal affairs of any country.

But as long as you join the ranks of the invaders, you will be the enemy of the entire Canglan Independence Army and the Peace Dove.


Southern Hemisphere, Peace Dove Flight Base.

Lin Yuan, who had just come out of the teleportation point of the Peaceful Bar on Daiyue Island, followed the team to this flying base not too far from Daiyue Island.

There is more than just a variety of transport aircraft in the airbase.

There are also countless Spirit Beasts who are good at high-altitude flight in captivity.


Wang Jiayin whistled as soon as she arrived at the flight base.

Hearing the whistle, a middle age person with a baseball cap came out of the base immediately, who was one of the management personnel of the flight base.

When he saw Wang Jiayin, he turned around and moved towards the back and shouted:

"Little Li!"

"Bring the lightning over here!"

A young man's voice came from behind immediately:


The middle age person patted Wang Jiayin's fleshy chest and said:

"Fatty Wang, it's non-stop!"

Half a month ago, Fatty Wang's team landed at the flight base in Daiyue Island District. This time the team came back to rest. Restart in less than half a month.

Wang Jiayin shook the head helplessly, "There's no way."

"That's the situation now."

"It's not that you don't know."

middle-aged man faintly sighed:

"Also, where are you going this time?"

"Saying the moon."

" That's fine."

The middle-aged man glanced at the newly added Lin Yuan and Xue Fang.

Immediately, Xiao Li pulled out an extremely large flying Spirit Beast Snow Eagle from the Spirit Beast base at the rear!

Level 5 Snow Eagles are extremely fast, human-friendly, have high IQ, and have high flexibility. They can fly freely in the sky.

The battle strength itself is not very strong.

Because of her huge size, it is more than enough to sit ten people on her back.


The Snow Eagle called out affectionately as soon as it saw Li Sisi.

Li Sisi also showed a bright smile and kept stroking the soft hair of this snow eagle with his hands.

"Stop talking nonsense with you, Sisi, let's go."

"All come up, let's go."

Wang Jiayin jumped up, It landed firmly on Xue Ying's solid back.

According to Wang Jiayin's own words.

That is "We are fat, but we are flexible fatty".

After all ten people boarded Snow Eagle, Wang Jiayin waved his hand:

"See you again."

"See you later."


Under the watchful eyes of the base personnel, Xue Ying rose into the air.

The loud eagle roar cut through the sky and led everyone away.


The wind whistling in my ears, Wang Jiayin stood in the middle of the team and said:

"According to the speed of lightning, we probably Tomorrow morning, we will be able to reach the border of Moon-Waiting Kingdom.”

The fastest speed of Spirit Beast is definitely much faster than that of a plane.

However, Spirit Beast is a beast after all, its spiritual power is limited, and its speed is always impossible.

Even though there are nine Transmission Formations around the world, there is still no way to reach the battlefield in an instant.

The plane would have enough energy, but it wouldn't be able to reach the destination directly.

And if an emergency evacuation is required, it is also a problem, which is relatively troublesome.

Lizzie's face was full of seriousness.

Spread out the map in his hand and say in the middle of the team:

"Now the main battlefield of the Moon Worship Kingdom is in Saran City and the surrounding areas."

"The north is the control area of the Northern Baiyue regime."

"Let's go around a little and go from the south."

Wang Jiayin and Jin Lan nodded and said:


"Listen to you."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

Once the pigeons appear in the sight of the Northern Baiyue regime, it will inevitably be difficult and hindered.

Even if they can get in, the lightning under the seat can't stand the indiscriminate bombardment, and there will be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to enter the Kingdom of the Moon from the north.

Now the battles in Moon Worship City are all within the border rather than the border, which is different from the defense situation of the Sixteen Nations Alliance.

One day later.

The southern border of the Moon-Waiting Kingdom.


The whistling snow eagle is flying at high speed in the sky.

The ten people standing on the snow eagle have put on the snow-white coat and white mask exclusive to the pigeon.

This mask is also a Spiritual Artifact specific to the Peace Dove.

It fits the skin extremely well, and it doesn't affect the combat and own vision in the slightest.

The most important reason why a white mask is needed is to cover up the specific identity of the pigeon.

Take the current squad as an example.

The brothers Qi Chen and Qi Hao are pigeons from neutral countries.

Neutrality does not mean that Martial Artist is also neutral.

There are even many pigeons that invaded the country, even high-level ones.

The identities of these Martial Artists also cannot be revealed.

When Xue Ying was approaching the border of the Moon Worship Country, the guards at the border of the Moon Worship Nation quickly rallied.

In the radar monitoring room, Chief-In-Charge listened to the report of the team ahead with a serious face.

"To the south, fifty kilometers from the border, it is rapidly approaching!"

"Forty kilometers! Very fast!"

"Thirty kilometers !"

Chief-In-Charge looked serious, just as he was about to speak, the frontline guards' excited words came from the communication device:


"It's a pigeon!"

"The pigeon is here!"

Chief-In-Charge immediately patted the table and picked up the communication device excitedly:


"Are you sure?"

They asked the Peace Dove three times before, but they all throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, There is no sound.

A voice soon came from the other side of the communication device:


"A team of pigeons!"

Chief -In-Charge immediately turns on the frontier full channel and starts to green light the pigeon's travel route!

With the pigeon's battle strength, not to mention the internal situation of the Moon Worshiping Kingdom can definitely be resolved, at least it can alleviate the crisis!

(end of this chapter)

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