I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 192


Chapter 192 Preparations for the defense of Dongdu!



Under the pursuit of Sazhen and other enemy forces, the defense energy of the psionic battleship is getting lower and lower!



Everyone responded.

As the hatch of the psionic battleship opened, warriors of the Dawning Corps fell on the ground from the psionic battleship and moved towards the stone mountain!

All the talismans left by Lin Yuan were thrown and exploded wildly around Sazhen!


According to the evacuation plan on the battleship, the seriously wounded will be evacuated first.

The remaining warriors of the Dawn Corps, who were still able to fight, retreated while blocking the enemy's pursuit.


The lush green forest is full of strange rocks.

The endless stone mountain mountain range is like a sleeping giant dragon.

A batch of warriors entered the stone mountain and launched a life-and-death pursuit.

Wang Jiayin's fat hands flickered with lightning, and with the sound of thunder mang tearing, a purple arrow with purple glow was placed on the bow!

Wang Jiayin also knows that if he doesn't play his cards here, it may be difficult to evacuate safely.


At the moment when Wang Jiayin put this purple glowing dive arrow on the bow.

The bow of thunder burst into flames, splattered in imposing manner, and suddenly locked Sazhen!

As a pigeon, how could Wang Jiayin not have the trump card of skipping grades to battle?

Peace Dove is the gathering place of the world's top genius!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——


As an arrow was fired, his face also paled a lot under the mask.

Immediately retreated backwards with extreme speed, soaring the speed to the extreme.

Feeling the surging power of asserts the senses, Sa Zhen's expression changed slightly.

The sword in his hand also slashed out a blade glow and collided with this arrow head-on!


The blast of air swept all directions, the vegetation was swept away, and the silhouette fell horizontally!

Sazhen was knocked back several steps by the violent impact.

The several warriors that collided were instantly annihilated in the aftermath of the explosion!

Taking advantage of this moment, the warriors of the Dawning Corps moved towards the secret passage of Shicheng and fled!

By this time, how could Sazhen not know how the elite troops composed of Dawn Corps and pigeons raided Stone City?

Lin Yuan's expression is still quite calm!

Lin Yuan had already made an advance deployment to the interior of the dark tunnel when he laid out the action plan and passed the stone mountain tunnel.

Numerous remote-controlled bombs were placed inside the tunnel.

As long as you enter the dark passage, you can throw off the pursuit of the enemy.

The warriors of the Dawning Corps have been tempered countless times on the battlefield, and their formations have remained quite perfect even in severe situations.

Lin Yuan did his best to support his teammates with firepower in the middle distance!

shua~ shua~ shua~ ——

One after another, the warriors of the Dawning Corps rushed into the dark passage, moved towards the direction they came from, and retreated very quickly!


Seeing that the enemy had entered the dark passage, several Level 6 powerhouses of the Sunset Empire did not hesitate and quickly chased into it!

But the moment they stepped into the dark passage, they felt something was wrong!

The remote-controlled bombs that Lin Yuan arranged in advance were not hidden.

Each bomb exudes an icy mechanical aura!

"Not good!"

"Be careful!"


bang! bang!

A continuous rumbling sound exploded in the dark channel.

It's not too scary when it comes to formidable power.

However, it quickly blew up the dark passage and cut off the continuously chasing troops behind!

After eliminating several chasing enemy troops, Lin Yuan placed the atomic cannon firmly at the back of the team, and frantically moved towards the rear passage and bombarded it!

Every time the cannon exploded, a flaming flaming cannonball swept along the passageway towards the chasing soldiers behind!

In the narrow passage, Lin Yuan's various fire cannonballs make it impossible for the enemy to avoid!

The poisonous flame spreads rapidly, even with the defensive ability of Level 5 Martial Artist, it is difficult to resist the invasion of this poisonous flame!


"Stop chasing!"

Looking at the corpses of the soldiers of the Sunset Empire in front and behind.

Said really complexion ashen, said solemnly.

In the case where the elites are all on the front line, it is not very likely to completely retain these hundreds of elite Martial Artists.

Presumably these days, the enemy army also saw the emptiness behind them.

In a few moments.

Sazhen returned to the stone city, and the psionic ammunition store was already in a mess.

Not to mention all of them were taken away, at least half of them were taken away!

When the pigeons were attacking and killing, Sazhen himself was wondering whether killing himself was of sufficient strategic significance for the Sixteen Nations Alliance, and the answer was absolutely no.

A war is difficult to end with the death of one person.

Obviously the opponent is coming with psionic ammo!

Combined with the previous Lin Yuan forcibly invaded the control system of the psionic battleship, he obtained the ability of the psionic battleship.

Sazhen is not difficult to judge the real purpose of the Dawn Corps!

"I can't drag it any longer."

"Order, move at full speed!"

"Tie Tianjin Kingdom and Tianmu Kingdom within ten days!"

"Tie Tianshui Kingdom, Heavenly Fire Kingdom within 20 days!"

"Thirty days to conquer Heaven and Earth Kingdom!"



There was an ominous omen in Sazhen's heart.

The Sixteen-Nation Southern battle dragged on longer than they thought.

If the five countries in the southern part of the alliance can be captured within a month, then the strategic purpose of the Empire of the Sunset has been achieved.

For the five southern countries, it is now a grasshopper on a rope.

Even the troops of various countries began to mix up to defend the defense.

At the current stage of the war, there is no other way between them and the Empire of the Sunset, including negotiation.

The Empire of the Sunset has already been eyeing their big fat, and even if it supports it, it has to be swallowed forcibly.

In the southern battlefield, the technological level of the invading army is indeed higher than that of the guard armies of the five major countries.

However, the Sixteen-Nation Alliance adheres to the belief that "there is no gun, no cannon, the enemy made it for us".

In the bloody battle, the enemy's psionic weapons were continuously captured, all gathered in the eastern capital of Tianshui Kingdom, and repaired by several Martial Artists from the Machine Department.

Academician Cangsong, who retreated from the front line, also immediately joined the process of repairing the psionic weapon.

These psionic weapons are ready for defense as soon as the ammo arrives.


After confirming that they had escaped from the pursuers of the Sunset Empire, the elite army fleeing in the dark channel immediately stopped.

Lin Yuan came to Mo Wenhan's side, looked at Mo Wenhan and said:

"Uncle Mo, how is it?"

Even if an arm is broken, There was no pain on Mo Wenhan's face, and he looked at the head and said:

"I'm fine."

Lin Yuan looked towards Mo Wenhan's broken arm with a serious face. .

The amazing blade glow is still raging and invading, and there is even a deadly aura in the blade glow.

Li Meng used all his medical skills to get rid of these dead qi and ease Mo Wenhan's pain.

It is not difficult for doctors above Level 5 to connect the broken arm.

But to regenerate the broken arm, this is not only a Level 5 Physician, but a Level 6 Physician can do it.

Just now under Sazhen's blow, Mo Wenhan's arm was shattered, leaving no slag.

So the arm does not exist.

Li Meng immediately helped Mo Wenhan to get rid of the dead energy on his arm, leaving Mo Wenhan with the possibility of rebirth from his broken arm.


"How is it?"

Lin Yuan looked at Li Meng, and Li Meng also told the truth about Mo Wenhan's situation come out.

As long as you find a Level 7 Physician, get a Body Modeling Pill above Level 7, and cooperate with some natural treasures, the broken arm can be regenerated.

Saying joy is not joy, and sorrow is not worry.

This is an acceptable result under the current circumstances.

Compared to the warrior of the Dawning Corps, Mo Wenhan seemed very calm.

He knew very well the fighting situation at that time. In the face of Sazhen's blow, only breaking one arm was the best result.

Mo Wenhan said solemnly to the young martial artists of the Dawning Corps:

"It's okay, just an arm, if it breaks, it will break. The most important thing is to defend the kingdom of Tianshui!"

In Mo Wenhan's point of view, one of his arms is nothing compared to Tianshui Kingdom.

He's past the peak age of Martial Artist.

As long as we can hold on for this month and wait until the young martial artists of the Dawning Corps grow up, the Tianshui Army will naturally be able to complete the renewal.

The young people headed by Lin Yuan and Li Han will gradually become the pillars of the country.

Once the Tianshui Kingdom was destroyed, it would be meaningless even if his arms continued.

Mo Wenhan's experience is somewhat special. To some extent, he sacrificed his martial arts future in order to defend the country.

With the potential that Mo Wenhan showed at that time, he was definitely the most dazzling genius Martial Artist in Tianshui Army!

"en. ”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, nodded, not too provocative, got up and looked at the surrounding warriors of the Dawning Corps.

Eight hundred elite warriors lost dozens of people in the fierce bloody battle.

"Go on!"




From preparation, to departure, to the final return.

Five full days.

Lin Yuan brought the Dawning Corps directly to the eastern capital of Tianshui to recuperate.

The successive battles made the entire Dawn Corps warrior fight less and less, and were in a state of extreme exhaustion.

Now the army of the Sunset Empire is raging in the kingdom of Tianjin.

We are about to enter the territory of Tianshui Kingdom.

The battle is imminent, and the Dawning Corps, as the Tianshui Elite Corps, must ensure a better fighting state!

Compared with the previous crowds, the eastern capital is being evacuated.

Now the East is full of bleak feeling.

Only part of the Tianshui Army is arranging Defensive Array lines, ready to forcibly resist the opponent's advance here!

The Ministry of Science and Technology, headed by Mr. Luo, has resumed work.

Five countries, all Artifact Refinement Masters and Machine Department Martial Artists have been arranged in the Eastern Capital to carry out restoration and research on psionic weapons.


bang bang bang ——

Lin Yuan, who had returned from Shicheng, walked quickly into the technology room.

Luo Lao, Academician are cooperating with the restoration of the psionic battleship, and it has reached the final stage.

During this period of time, the two Old Guys who had been arguing for a lifetime did not quarrel at all, racing against time to repair the psionic battleship.

"Lin Yuan!"

"Little Lin!"

Seeing Lin Yuan's safe return, both Luo Lao and Academician smiled.

Especially Academician, when even gave Lin Yuan a big hug!

"Good boy!"

The Academician patted Lin Yuan's shoulder hard.

Before Lin Yuan's return, Academician had to be said to be in a very broken stage.

Lin Yuan is missing, Luo's boss's deadline is approaching, and the country's life and death are uncertain!

But after Lin Yuan returned, these problems seemed to be solved.

Lin Yuan returns in perfect form and brings Luo Lao back to life in a way that the Academician can't understand!

When Cangsong saw the lively dragon and animated tiger again, Luo Lao, who was alive and kicking, almost thought he had ascended to heaven.

Now it's the soul that's drifting, hallucinations.

If you can hold this position again.

Then Academician believes that it will not be long before, under the leadership of Lin Yuan, the five southern countries will usher in a crazy counterattack! !

In the afternoon, the decoration next door is a bit annoying, and the basic 8k word update in a day will not be less.

There are two more updates in the evening.


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(end of this chapter)

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