I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 213


Chapter 213 Dawning Battle Armor

As a top-level leader of the Peace Dove, the white-haired old man must know a lot.

But with Lin Yuan's current Level 5 Martial Artist level, what's the use of knowing everything?

From the perspective of the white-haired old man, Lin Yuan is a young man who keeps his eyes on the ground and keeps his feet on the ground.

Lin Yuan's goal at this stage is undoubtedly to become a Level 6 Martial Artist and then go back to help Tianshui Kingdom solve the foreign troubles of the Sunset Empire.

It's even a foreign invasion of the Sixteen Nations Alliance.

In the subsequent post-war reconstruction and even the enhancement of national strength, Lin Yuan will also do his best to help the country.

The way to go is step by step.

As for the request, it seems that Lin Yuan made a very unreasonable, even excessive request.

But this request is more acceptable to the Peace Dove than some resource requirements.

Peace Doves have given them enough resources in the space ring.

If Lin Yuan asked again, he would be more or less greedy.

Know the advance and retreat, understand the gains and losses, understand the trade-offs, know the general situation, and have awe.

This is the charisma that the white-haired old man sees in Lin Yuan.

"No wonder."

The gray-haired old man muttered.

No wonder the people around Lin Yuan are convinced by his charisma and trust him completely.

Not unreasonable.


Lin Yuan was also relaxed when he returned to his residence.

No matter how peaceful, when faced with such a mysterious great character, one should always be cautious in words and deeds.

True temperament refers to a straightforward character, a kind heart, sincere treatment of others, a sense of justice, no compromise, not what you want to say.

"So many mechanical bodies!"

Lin Yuan suddenly became excited when he turned his attention to the resources in the ring again.

Although he doesn't know where these mechanical bodies come from.

However, the condensed rare metals are quite useful for the production of the Lin Yuan Mechanical Corps.

It can be crafted with the rare metal of these mechanical bodies as the main body.

In the space ring, countless mechanical bodies have been piled up into hills, Lin Yuan immediately said excitedly;

"Level 7 robot!"

Feeling a few mechanical bodies exuding an icy mechanical aura, Lin Yuan quickly classified them!

These robots are stronger than those Lin Yuan encountered on the Eastern Capital battlefield.

The rare metals in the core parts disintegrate so that Lin Yuan is brow beaded with sweat.

Because of the insufficiency of spiritual power realm, it can only be put aside for now.



“First target.”

“A thousand mechanical snipers.”

"A thousand mechanical melee troops."

"A thousand mechanical beasts."

As long as Lin Yuan completes this goal, he will be able to return to the Tianshui Army Into the counter-offensive phase!

A thousand mechanical sniper troops, meaning offensive and defensive on the frontal battlefield, providing firepower.

The core of production lies in the production of sniper firearms and energy transmission.

A thousand mechanical beasts, the significance is to charge on the frontal battlefield and reduce warrior casualties.

The core of the making is the strength of the outer body.

A thousand mechanical melee troops, meaning sneak attack, and Lin Yuan's personal battle strength.

The core of the production lies in the mechanical parts at the joints and the overall design structure.

The reason why melee troops are in sneak attack is very simple.

On a chaotic battlefield, the frontal battle strength of this thousand warriors is average.

But imagine a scene like this. With Lin Yuan's ability of a thousand-faced mask, it's not difficult to infiltrate the enemy while taking advantage of the chaos.

Then give the enemy a "surprise" at a critical moment, summon out a thousand melee mechanical warriors out of thin air!

How could the enemy imagine such a sneak attack?

"There should be no shortage of core metals now, and the production of mechanical beasts is definitely no problem."

"What is missing is some conventional metals. Go to the resource department to check the exchange price."

For mechanical beasts, Spirit Stone's requirements are relatively simple, and they can pick off the parts on these mechanical bodies.

The production requirements for robots require relatively more types of metal Spirit Stones.

It even requires the mechanical energy of the beast core as the core source of the burst.


"The second target, Level 6 Martial Artist."

"The third target is this one hundred and eight different types The kind of fire."

Lin Yuan took out the mecha blueprint designed by Lao Lao again.

The complexity is far beyond Lin Yuan's imagination. There are one hundred and eight parts and one hundred and eight kinds of fire are needed as support.

A cycle of large and small parts is formed inside the mecha.

Among them, there are five Metal Attribute Tinders.

Wood Attribute Tinder Five.

Fire Attribute Five kinds of fire.


This kind of anti-sky operation method can ensure that this set of mecha has countless modes to open.

Full-featured armor.

This is completely impossible with other Machine Department Martial Artists.

The strength of one hundred and eight fires determines the overall strength of this set of Super Battle Armor.

The strength of some specific modes depends on the strength of the core Spirit Seed during operation.

Take a simple example.

If all the core fires in the "thunder mode" in Battle Armor are Level 6.

The core fires of "Frost Mode" are all Level 4.

Then the intensity of turning on thunder mode will definitely be much higher than turning on frost mode!


Lin Yuan whispered praise while carefully studying the Battle Armor that Luo Lao named "Dawning".

So far, Lin Yuan has not been deeply involved in mecha design. After all, there is Mr. Luo.

This set of Battle Armor has a very high ceiling.

All Level 3 fires can also be turned on, but the formidable power will be greatly reduced.

The degrees of freedom are also high.

How to choose Tinder specifically depends on Lin Yuan himself.

Among the Fire Essence resources given by Peace Dove just now, there are also two Level 7 Fire Essences, called [Monster Wolf Flame] and [Purple Thunder Fire].

The rest of Fire Essence is also Level 6.

"With the resources I have now, it's not difficult to exchange all Level 5 or above fire..."

"It's the core fire..."

Lin Yuan muttered to himself, then calculated the resources he had now.

The resources in the Dove of Peace have never been supplied, but exchanged.

You can exchange unused resources to the resource department, and then get the required resources from the resource department.

It just so happens that Lin Yuan doesn't need a lot of resources.

For example, some metal disassembled from the mechanical body.

There are also some resources that were collected from the Tianshui State Treasury before, which should be able to exchange for a lot of contribution points.

As for how far it is from Lin Yuan's goal, we have to plot against it after disassembling these mechanical bodies.

"Well, let's decompose first."

If Lin Yuan's current injuries don't fight, it's not a big problem just to decompose the mechanical body.

Lin Yuan didn't even take a close look at the Machine Department's spiritual skills given by Heping Dove, and devoted himself to the process of healing and decomposing these mechanical stumps!

Healing the wounds at a fixed time every day, and spending the rest of the time in the residence to decompose the mechanical stump.

At the same time, in addition to Lin Yuan and Li Sisi, the other eight team members with minor injuries in the squad, under the leadership of Wang Jiayin, set off again to the world battlefield for support after recovering completely!

(end of this chapter)

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